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基于生态网络分析的南京主城区重要生态斑块识别   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在城市化程度较高,用地极为紧张的大都市,识别重要的生态斑块对其进行保留和修复不仅对控制大城市的城市过度扩张、提升城市品质、优化人居环境具有重要意义,也具有较强可操作性。以南京市主城区为例,在GIS技术的支撑下,(1)将景观阻力分析和网络分析相结合,定量表征研究区的潜在生态廊道,构建生态网络,寻找生态节点;(2)对城市中生态斑块的特殊服务功能进行分析,筛选出具备河流生态防护、隔离工业污染和居民休闲功能的生态斑块;(3)对生态斑块的规模进行分析,提取面积较大的斑块。综合分析后识别出7个重要的节点斑块,建议对其进行立法保护和修复,划定为永久绿地或永久生态空间,并对其建设方向提出意见。  相似文献   
在中国新型城镇化转型发展背景下,科学认识城市绿地建设水平的影响机理是提升人居环境质量、实现城市绿色发展的重要前提。选取陆桥通道样带为研究区域,采用地理探测器方法,探究 1996—2016 年沿线样带 139 个建制市建成区绿地率区域差异的影响机理。研究表明: 1)沿线样带市域建成区绿地率逐年提升,但存在明显时空分异,呈东西部两头高、中部低的“U”型格局; 2)地理探测显示样带市域建成区绿地率差异是自然、经济和政策等因素非线性或双因子作用的结果,年均温为核心主导因子,园林城市政策、海拔高程是次要解释力; 3)自然地理本底是奠定差异的重要基础,政策引领是关键,经济水平是直接推动因素,产业结构、土地供给和基础设施为外部主导动力。研究定量化呈现了自然因素对城市绿地建设水平区域差异的大尺度、长期性影响;探测“自然—经济—政策”多维因素的综合作用,更精准地对城市绿地建设分类施治,是典型区域和典型方法在学科领域的一次尝试。  相似文献   
目的:调查与分析遂宁地区良性前列腺增生术后下尿路症状(Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms,LUTS)发生的相关危险因素。方法:2014年9月到2019年10月选择在遂宁市中心医院诊治的遂宁地区良性前列腺增生症患者172例,所有患者都给予手术治疗,记录术后LUTS发生情况,调查患者的临床资料并进行影响因素分析。结果:在172例患者中,术后平均国际前列腺症状评分量表(International prostate symptom scores,IPSS)评分为5.67±0.13分,其中储尿期症状评分3.01±0.11分,排尿期症状评分为1.76±0.22分,排尿后症状评分0.89±0.14分,发生LUTS 18例(LUTS组),发生率为10.5%。LUTS组的生活质量评分高于非LUTS组(P<0.05);LUTS组的年龄、体重指数、低密度脂蛋白、总胆固醇、前列腺体积与非LUTS组对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);Pearson分析显示年龄、体重指数、低密度脂蛋白、总胆固醇、前列腺体积都与LUTS存在相关性(P<0.05);二元Logistic回归分析显示年龄、体重指数、低密度脂蛋白、总胆固醇、前列腺体积都为导致LUTS发生的主要因素(P<0.05)。结论:遂宁地区良性前列腺增生术后LUTS的发生比较常见,可严重影响患者的生活质量,年龄、体重指数、低密度脂蛋白、总胆固醇、前列腺体积都为导致LUTS发生的主要因素。  相似文献   

Field surveys were conducted in 2014 and 2015 to determine the distribution and association of wilt incidence with biophysical factors. Spatio-temporal analysis of wilt epidemics in the farms revealed a wide distribution of the disease. Cropping year, district, cultivar, crop density, planting date, weeding, sucker and bud management, source of moisture and planting materials, presence/absence of wilt in neighboring farms, disease management practices, farmers awareness towards wilt diseases, planting date and cropping system were significantly associated with disease incidence in a multiple-variable model. A wilt incidence of ≤30% had high probability of association to good weed, sucker and male bud management practices, high level of farmers awareness towards wilt, low population density, disease-free suckers, rainfed production, absence of wilt in neighboring farms and good disease management schemes. Findings of this study showed Fusarium wilt is a major constraint and need for on-farm trainings to concerned bodies about wilt management schemes.  相似文献   
空气负离子具有杀菌、降尘、清洁空气和对人体多种疾病具有抑制、缓解和辅助治疗作用,是重要的生态旅游资源。采用美国Alphalab公司生产的AIC1000型空气离子测量仪,对各旅游景区的空气离子含量进行调查测定表明,山岳型旅游区的瀑布下、溪流河谷地带以及海滨、湖滨旅游区空气负离子浓度高,空气质量特优,是建设品氧谷,开展生态旅游的最佳场所。在溶洞洞穴内和高海拔旅游区,空气负离子浓度也高。旅游区空气负离子浓度夏秋季节高,冬春季节低,同时与天气变化也有关系。为了在生态旅游中更好地利用空气负离子资源,在旅游区游道设计,生态休闲度假地选址和生态品氧谷建设等方面,要充分开发空气负离子资源。在城市或大型旅游接待中心,喷泉则能显著提高周围环境中空气负离子浓度,改善空气质量。  相似文献   
从植物形态结构—功能—植物功能群的角度,采用PCA分析、RDA排序和聚类分析法分析了植物叶片形态特征与持水能力的关系,划分了叶片持水功能群。结果表明:决定植物叶片持水能力的主要形态指标为叶片大小、叶片宽窄、叶片粗糙度,据此,评价了贵州茅台水源功能区植物群落中31个主要树种的叶片持水能力,并划分为6个叶片持水功能群:大叶窄叶中粗糙度高持水功能群(PFGsⅠ)、中叶窄叶高粗糙度高持水功能群(PFGsⅡ)、中叶宽叶高粗糙度中持水功能群(PFGsⅢ)、小叶窄叶低粗糙度中持水功能群(PFGsⅣ)、中叶宽叶低粗糙度中持水功能群(PFGsⅤ)、中叶常叶低粗糙度低持水功能群(PFGsⅥ),并描述了各叶片持水功能群的基本特征。  相似文献   
广州市从化地区风水林药用植物资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实地考察及文献查证,广州市从化地区风水林药用植物共353种,隶属于109科233属,包括蕨类植物26种,裸子植物4种,单子叶植物24种,双子叶植物299种。对药用植物物种组成、生活类型、优势科、药用功效、药用部位进行分析,结果表明,药用植物药用功效以清热解毒、疏风解表为主,种类占29.10%;药用部位以根入药的居多,占30.45%。此外,文中列出风水林药用植物资源中珍稀濒危植物生境及其功效。  相似文献   
常州地区蝶类资源及区系组成   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在1991~2002年间,笔者对江苏常州地区蠊类资源进行了调查,共采集到蠊类64种(或亚种),隶属于8科46属。其中古北种14种,东洋种10种,古北—东洋共有种37种,广布种3种,分别占总数的21.9%、15.6%、57.8%和4.7%,表明该地区蝴蝶以古北、东洋混生种类为主要成份,并且有由古北区向东洋区过渡的特征。同时还记述了各种蝴蝶的学名和寄主。调查还发现江苏省新记录1属10种.  相似文献   
The persistence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) is a risk factor for the development of steatosis-associated tumors in chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, yet little is known about the metabolic link with this factor. We correlated HBV-related pathogenesis in genetically engineered mice and human carriers with metabolic proteomics and lipogenic gene expression profiles. The immunohistochemistry showed that the promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML, a tumor suppressor involved in genome maintenance and fatty acid oxidation), being inversely influenced by the dynamic HBsAg levels from acute phase to seroclearance, appeared as a lipo-metabolic switch linking HBsAg-induced steatosis (lipogenesis) to HBsAg-lost fat-burning hepatocarcinogenesis (lipolysis). Knockdown of PML in HBsAg-transgenic mice predisposed to obesity and drove early steatosis-specific liver tumorigenesis. Proteome analysis revealed that the signaling pathways corresponding to energy metabolism and its regulators were frequently altered by suppression or depletion of PML in the HBsAg-transgenic mice, mainly including oxidative phosphorylation and fatty acid metabolism. Expression profiling further identified upregulation of stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (Scd1) and epigenetic methylation of NDUFA13 in the mitochondrial respiratory chain and the cell cycle inhibitor CDKN1c in concordance to the increased severity of lipodystrophy and neoplasia in the livers of HBsAg-transgenic mice with PML insufficiency. The defect in lipolysis in PML-deficient HBsAg-transgenic mice made the HBsAg-induced adipose-like liver tumors vulnerable to synthetic lethality from toxic saturated fat accumulation with a Scd1 inhibitor. Our findings provide mechanistic insights into the evolution of steatosis-associated hepatic tumors driven by reciprocal interactions of HBsAg and PML, and a potential utility of lipid metabolic reprogramming as a treatment target.  相似文献   
The coastal marine sediments near Santa Rosalía on the eastern coast of the Baja California Peninsula (Mexico) are heavily polluted by metals due to copper mining and smelting over the past century (up to 1984). The present study compares the accumulation of metals in the brown seaweed Padina durvillaei from the central segment of the coast of Santa Rosalía (polluted by Co, Cu, Mn and Zn) and from two segments north and south of the known “hot spot”. The seaweed samples were collected in May and August 2004 and June 2005 at 13 stations located along the Santa Rosalía mining region. Heavy metal concentrations were measured by instrumental neutron activation analysis (Co and Fe) directly in dried homogenized subsamples or by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) after complete strong acid digestion of sub-samples. The means and standard deviations of the concentrations in dry tissues of Padina durvillaei specimens for all the studied metals and stations lie in the following sequence: Cd (3.6 ± 1.6 mg kg−1) < Co (6.5 ± 6.1 mg kg−1) < Pb (7.8 ± 6.2) < Ni (9.96 ± 5.28 mg kg−1) < Cu (53 ± 38 mg kg−1) < Zn (63 ± 43 mg kg−1) < Mn (295 ± 269 mg kg−1) < Fe (2243 ± 2325 mg kg−1). This increase of the average concentrations was statistically significant. Principal Component Analysis showed that Factor 1 (36.46%) displays high positive loadings for Co, Cu, Mn and Zn, reflecting the influence of local anthropogenic pollution on the seaweed composition, while Factor 2 (26.91%) is important for Co, Fe and Ni and probably corresponds to the adsorption or accumulation of terrigenous elements of the regional origin, while Factor 3, with a high positive loading for Pb and a high negative loading for Cd, is probably controlled by local and regional anthropogenic input of Pb and episodic supply of Cd by local upwellings. The results of ANOVA for each element do not show any significant differences between the average concentrations for Cd, Fe, Ni and Pb in the seaweed of the three segments, or between the central and southern segments for Cu, Mn and Zn. Cobalt contents in the seaweed from the northern and central segments are, however, significantly different from the southern segment. This indicates that element concentrations in Padina durvillaei generally do not follow the drastic increases and gradients of Cu, Co, Mn and Zn contents detected in surface sediments. The apparent contradiction could be explained by a low geochemical mobility of these metals in the polluted sediments, composed mainly of stable residues of smelter wastes, with very low content of organic matter usually driving diagenetic mobilization of some metals into interstitial waters and then to the overlying water.  相似文献   
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