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Although cell elongation is a basic function of plant morphogenesis, many of the molecular events involved in this process are still unknown. In this work an extremely dwarf mutant, originally named bul, was used to study one of the main processes of plant development, cell elongation. Genetic analyses revealed that the BUL locus was linked to the nga172 marker on chromosome 3. Recently, after mapping the new dwf7 mutation of Arabidopsis, which is allelic to ste1, it was reported that dwf7 is also linked to the same marker. Sterol analyses of the bul1-1 mutant indicated that bul1-1 is defective in the Δ7-sterol-C5-desaturation step leading to brassinosteroid biosynthesis. Considering these findings, we designated our bul mutant as bul1-1/dwf7-3/ste1-4. The bul1-1 mutant was characterized by a very dwarf phenotype, with delayed development and reduced fertility. The mutant leaves had a dark-green colour, which was probably due to continuous stomatal closure. The bul1-1 mutant showed a partially de-etiolated phenotype in the dark. Cellular characterization and rescue experiments with brassinosteroids demonstrated the involvement of the BUL1-1 protein in brassinosteroid-dependent plant growth processes. Received: 28 April 2000 / Accepted: 6 October 2000  相似文献   
An insertion-sequence of prokaryotic origin was detected in a genomic clone obtained from a Phaseolus vulgaris bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library. This BAC clone, characterized as part of a contig constructed near a virus resistance gene, exhibited restriction fragment length polymorphism with an overlapping clone of the contig. Restriction analysis of DNA obtained from individual colonies of the stock culture indicated the presence of a mixed population of wild-type and insertional mutants. Sequence analysis of both members of the population revealed the presence of IS10R, an insertion-sequence from Escherichia coli. A BLAST search for IS10-like sequences detected unexpected homologies with a large number of eukaryotic sequences from Homo sapiens, Arabidopsis thaliana, Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans. Southern analysis of a random sample of BAC clones failed to detect IS10 in the BAC DNA. However, prolonged sub-culturing of a set of 15 clones resulted in transposition into the BAC DNA. Eventually, all cultures acquired a 2.3-kb fragment that hybridized strongly with IS10. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of a preferred site for transposition in the BAC vector. These results indicate that a large number, if not all, of the BAC libraries from different organisms are contaminated with IS10R. The source of this element has been identified as the DH10B strain of E. coli used as the host for BAC libraries. Received: 5 December 2000 / Accepted: 25 April 2001  相似文献   
Increasing the oleic to linoleic acid ratio (O/L) in peanut has positiveeffects on peanut quality and its nutritional value. 12-Fattyacid desaturases (12-Fad) have been targeted as logicalcandidates controlling the high oleate trait. A previous study using genomicDNA identified an insertion and a polymorphism resulting in an amino acid changeassociated with the high oleate trait in Spanish-type peanut cultivars. Theobjectives of this research were to use RT-PCR to confirm that the SingleNucleotide Polymorphims (SNPs) identified by analysis of genomic DNA wereexpressed, and to determine if expression patterns for 12-Fadwere the same in both seeds and leaves. A polymorphic region of the12-Fad containing a series of nucleotide changes wasamplified, cloned, and sequenced from mRNA of 155 clones of two parental linesand their independent derived backcross lines (IDBLs). The latter differed intheir oleic to linoleic ratio. Data indicated that the Ainsertion and the amino acid change were expressed in both leaf and seed tissue of thehigh and low-intermediate O/L genotypes. It is postulated that several copiesof the 12-Fad are present in the genome. It is reasonable toconclude that total activity, and ultimately the O/L ratio, is dependent on thenumber of functional copies. The results provide the basis for an assay toscreen for the high O/L ratio at the molecular level. We also report thepresence of another isozyme of 12-Fad with high homology tosoybean isozyme 2 that was expressed in seeds. These authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   
The V3 loop from HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 is involved in viral entry and determines the cellular tropism and HIV-1-induced cell–cell fusion. Earlier we have shown that V3 loop peptides representing the sequences of syncytia-inducing HIV strains have high membranotropic activity. These peptides caused the lysis of liposomes of various lipid compositions, could fuse negatively charged liposomes and induced hemolysis of erythrocytes. In contrast, peptides mimicking the sequences of non-syncytia-inducing viruses showed no lytic or fusion activities at the same concentrations. Now we have found that the V3 loop synthetic peptides containing the conserved GPGR region, derived from T-lymphotropic strains (BRU and MN), as opposed to peptides containing the GPGQ region, are able to cause a pronounced membrane permeabilization (dissipation of the pH and the of human peripheral blood lymphocytes, erythrocytes and plasma membrane vesicles at micromolar concentrations with a dose-dependent kinetics. Analysis of the secondary structures of the peptides by circular dichroism revealed conformational changes in V3 loop peptides depending on solvent hydrophobicity: from random coil in water to an -helix/-sheet conformation in trifluoroethanol. Such structural changes of the V3 loop together with the membrane insertion of the gp41 N-terminal fusion peptide may promote the formation of the fusion pore during virus–cell fusion.  相似文献   
Summary The V3 loop from HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 is involved in viral entry and determines the cellular tropism and HIV-1-induced cell-cell fusion. Earlier we have shown that V3 loop peptides representing the sequences of syncytia-inducing HIV strains have high membranotropic activity. These peptides caused the lysis of liposomes of various lipid compositions, could fuse negatively charged liposomes and induced hemolysis of erythrocytes. In contrast, peptides mimicking the sequences of non-syncytia-inducing viruses showed no lytic or fusion activities at the same concentrations. Now we have found that the V3 loop synthetic peptides containing the conserved GPGR region, derived from T-lymphotropic strains (BRU and MN), as opposed to peptides containing the GPGQ region, are able to cause a pronounced membrane permeabilization (dissipation of the ΔpH and the Δψ) of human peripheral blood lymphocytes, erythrocytes and plasma membrane vesicles at micromolar concentrations with a dose-dependent kinetics. Analysis of the secondary structures of the peptides by circular dichroism revealed conformational changes in V3 loop peptides depending on solvent hydrophobicity: from random coil in water to an α-helix/β-sheet conformation in trifluoroethanol. Such structural changes of the V3 loop together with the membrane insertion of the gp41 N-terminal fusion peptide may promote the formation of the fusion pore during virus-cell fusion.  相似文献   
Abstract The rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis Walker is one of the most important insect pests on rice in Asia, north Africa and southern Europe. Transgenic Bt rice has been developed in the laboratory with good resistance to this pest and other Lepidopteran insects, which will provide a possible alternative tool for this pest control. The full-length cDNAs encoding an aminopeptidase N (CsAPN) and a cadherin (CsCad) were cloned from C. suppressalis. CsAPN showed common features of, and high identities to, other insect APNs in its deduced amino acid sequence. Although a full-length cDNA encoding cadherin-like protein has been reported in GenBank, the newly isolated cadherin here (CsCad) showed some differences in its amino acid sequence, especially at the 7th cadherin repeat region (CR7), which indicated the newly isolated CsCad might be another allele. CsAPN and CsCad were successfully expressed in insect Tn cells, and the blot analysis showed these two proteins could bind Bt toxin Cry1Ab. The results will provide valuable information for the studies of toxin mode of action and the possible toxin resistance mechanisms in this pest.  相似文献   
Tn5 was introduced into Alcaligenes eutrophus strain H1 by a suicide vector pSUP1011. Physical characterization of mutants obtained after Tn5 mutagenesis revealed a relatively high frequency of plasmid curing, or deletion of a 50 kb plasmid DNA segment. Results of Southern hybridization and chromosomal walking indicate that the same continuous stretch of plasmid DNA (designated as D region of plasmid) is deleted in four independent isolates. Moreover, the same deletion of plasmid DNA is also observed in a mitomycin C-generated mutant strain H1-4.Journal Paper No. J-12095 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 2607, supported in part by a grant from the Iowa High Technology Council  相似文献   
To study the regulation of cardiac muscle contraction by the myosin essential light chain (ELC) and the physiological significance of its N-terminal extension, we generated transgenic (Tg) mice by partially replacing the endogenous mouse ventricular ELC with either the human ventricular ELC wild type (Tg-WT) or its 43-amino-acid N-terminal truncation mutant (Tg-Δ43) in the murine hearts. The mutant protein is similar in sequence to the short ELC variant present in skeletal muscle, and the ELC protein distribution in Tg-Δ43 ventricles resembles that of fast skeletal muscle. Cardiac muscle preparations from Tg-Δ43 mice demonstrate reduced force per cross-sectional area of muscle, which is likely caused by a reduced number of force-generating myosin cross-bridges and/or by decreased force per cross-bridge. As the mice grow older, the contractile force per cross-sectional area further decreases in Tg-Δ43 mice and the mutant hearts develop a phenotype of nonpathologic hypertrophy while still maintaining normal cardiac performance. The myocardium of older Tg-Δ43 mice also exhibits reduced myosin content. Our results suggest that the role of the N-terminal ELC extension is to maintain the integrity of myosin and to modulate force generation by decreasing myosin neck region compliance and promoting strong cross-bridge formation and/or by enhancing myosin attachment to actin.  相似文献   
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