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利用纤维素酶降解人参(Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer)悬浮细胞的细胞壁制备了内源激发子(CDW).CDW体外诱导了游离人参细胞质膜NADPH氧化酶的活性,激发了活体人参悬浮细胞产生H2O2.CDW还可以诱导提高苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性,促进人参鲨烯环氧酶基因(sqe)的转录与人参皂甙的积累.NADPH氧化酶的抑制剂不仅可以抑制CDW体外诱导的质膜NADPH活性而且还可以抑制CDW诱导人参细胞产生H2O2.进而,这些抑制剂还可以抑制CDW诱导PAL活性的提高,以及sqe的转录与人参皂甙的合成.过氧化氢酶与H2O2的粹灭剂也可以抑制CDW激发产生的这些诱导效应.上述结果表明CDW激发质膜NADPH氧化酶的活化与H2O2的产生在介导CDW诱导人参细胞抗性反应中,包括PAL活性的提高与人参皂甙的积累,起了重要的信号转导作用.  相似文献   
三七叶、人参叶和西洋参叶其皂苷类成分相近,但专属性成分各异,皂苷类成分的分布比例也各不相同。本文建立了HPLC-UV法测定上述皂苷成分的方法,经过方法学考察,各种皂苷成分精密度好、加样回收率高,方法可靠。11种皂苷成分总含量顺序为:西洋参叶>人参叶>三七叶;二醇组皂苷成分含量:西洋参叶>三七叶>人参叶;三醇组皂苷成分含量:人参叶>西洋参叶>三七叶。西洋参叶中二醇组皂苷和人参叶中三醇组皂苷含量明显高于其他。西洋参叶中人参皂苷Rb3和Rd的含量之和占11种皂苷成分的60%以上。鉴于其中人参皂苷的高含量,三七叶、人参叶和西洋参叶应该作为皂苷来源得到充分利用;不同的皂苷成分有不同的药理活性,应基于它们的皂苷组成和比例选择性进行研究和开发。  相似文献   
人参植物皂苷生物合成相关新基因的筛选与鉴定   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
人参植物根进行的特定发育过程在药用次生物———人参皂苷生物合成和累积中发挥重要作用。为从人参根中分离出人参皂苷生物合成相关基因 ,采用抑制差减杂交技术 ,构建四年和一年生人参根组织mRNA群体间正向差减cDNA文库。对从差减文库中筛选的 4 0个阳性cDNA克隆进行酶切、PCR与逆向Northern斑点杂交鉴定、DNA测序以及核苷酸序列同源性比较。结果表明 ,获得的 6个差减克隆在GenBank/DDBJ/BMBL无对应的同源基因 ,代表新基因序列。与此同时 ,使用Northern印迹杂交验证及半定量RT PCR进一步确认 ,6个转录本为根发育阶段差异性表达基因。因而提示 ,它们可能在人参皂苷生物合成中发挥了重要作用。此外 ,在人参茎、叶与种子中亦能检测到上述基因转录本的表达。目前 ,6个新基因已被命名 ,在GenBank注册并获登录号 ,为克隆上述新基因cDNA全长序列及深入鉴定其在人参皂苷生物合成中的功能提供了重要实验依据。  相似文献   
目的:探讨芪蛭三七汤治疗治疗冠心病稳定型心绞痛气虚血瘀证的疗效及对患者凝血功能和心功能的影响。方法:选取2016年8月到2018年4月在贵阳中医学院第一附属医院接受治疗的稳定型心绞痛患者80例,随机分为对照组和观察组。对照组采用常规西药进行治疗,观察组在对照组的基础上联用芪蛭三七汤进行治疗。治疗1个月后,比较两组患者的心电图有效率和临床有效率,以及两组患者治疗前后的中医症状积分、凝血功能和心功能。结果:观察组的心电图有效率、临床有效率均高于对照组(P0.05);治疗后两组患者的中医症候评分低于治疗前,且观察组低于对照组(P0.05);与治疗前相比,治疗后两组患者的室间隔后壁厚度(IVSd)、舒张末期左心室内径(LVDd)以及观察组的纤维蛋白原(FIB)明显降低,活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)、凝血酶原时间(PT)、左室射血分数(LVEF)、早期与晚期峰值流速比值(E/A)明显升高(P0.05),且治疗后观察组的PT、LVEF、E/A水平高于对照组(P0.05)。结论:芪蛭三七汤联合常规西药治疗冠心病稳定型心绞痛气虚血瘀证患者具有较好的临床疗效,且可显著改善患者的凝血功能和心功能。  相似文献   
利用纤维素酶降解人参(Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer)悬浮细胞的细胞壁制备了内源激发子(CDW)。CDW体外诱导了游离人参细胞质膜NADPH氧化酶的活性,激发了活体人参悬浮细胞产生H2O2。CDW还可以诱导提高苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性,促进人参鲨烯环氧酶基因(sqe)的转录与人参皂甙的积累。NADPH氧化酶的抑制剂不仅可以抑制CDW体外诱导的质膜NADPH活性而且还可以抑制CDW诱导人参细胞产生H2O2。进而,这些抑制剂还可以抑制CDW诱导PAL活性的提高,以及sqe的转录与人参皂甙的合成。过氧化氢酶与H2O2的粹灭剂也可以抑制CDW激发产生的这些诱导效应。上述结果表明CDW激发质膜NADPH氧化酶的活化与H2O2的产生在介导CDW诱导人参细胞抗性反应中,包括PAL活性的提高与人参皂甙的积累,起了重要的信号转导作用。  相似文献   
A single-chained ribonuclease was isolated from the aqueous extract of sanchi ginseng (Panax pseudoginseng) flowers. It exhibited a molecular mass of 23 kDa, an N-terminal sequence with some similarity to other enzymes involved in RNA metabolism but different from known ribonucleases, and considerably higher activity toward poly U than poly C and only slight activity toward poly A and poly G. The purification protocol entailed ion exchange chromatography on diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-cellulose, affinity chromatography on Affi-gel blue gel, ion exchange chromatography on carboxymethyl (CM)-cellulose, and gel filtration on Superdex 75. The ribonuclease was unadsorbed on DEAE-cellulose and adsorbed on Affi-gel blue gel and CM-cellulose. Maximal activity of the ribonuclease was attained at pH 7. On either side of this pH the enzyme activity underwent a drastic decline. The enzyme activity was at its highest at 50 degrees C and dropped to about 20% of the maximal activity when the temperature was decreased to 20 degrees C or elevated to 80 degrees C. The characteristics of sanchi ginseng flower ribonuclease were different from those of the ribonucleases previously purified from sanchi ginseng and Chinese ginseng roots including ribonuclease from Chinese ginseng flowers which are morphologically very similar to sanchi ginseng flowers.  相似文献   
Genome variability of 23 ginseng plants (Panax ginseng) grown in culture in Primorskii Krai was studied by RAPD method. Eleven arbitrary chosen primers were used to analyze 138 loci of DNA samples, 17 of which appeared to be polymorphic. The OPD-11-1000 fragment was found to be a RAPD marker allowing plants to be differentiated according to their morphotype. Using five primers, it was demonstrated that the genetic polymorphism of the cultivated plants is lower than that in nature (7.6% and 10.6%, respectively). Dendrograms of genetic relatedness are in accord with genetic differences between individuals of plantedP. ginseng belonging to different morphotypes, and demonstrate close relatedness of one of the morphotypes to wild plants. This morphotype could be recommended for reintroduction into natural habitats.  相似文献   
The impacts of cryoprotectants (CP) and cell status during the growth cycle on Panax ginseng cell viability during cryopreservation were investigated. The ginseng cells used had a 5–7 times proliferation rate (compared with inoculum) in 2–3 weeks and were subcultured at 2- and 4-week intervals in liquid and on solid media, respectively. After testing various CP solutions of glycerol, dimethylsulphoxide, ethylene glycol and sucrose, a combination of 10% (v/v) glycerol and 4% (w/v) sucrose was selected for its least cytotoxicity and highest cell viability after thawing. With this CP solution, cells throughout the growth cycle exhibited a ‘U’-shaped fluctuation of post-thaw cell viability. The highest viability (86.5%) occurred during the lag phase from cells already maintained in suspension culture and then in the late exponential phase (61.7%); the lowest level of 15.4% was in the mid-exponential phase. Callus freshly transferred to liquid medium showed a less obvious fluctuation pattern. The recovered cells were brown-to-reddish at first and gradually returned to a light yellow colour after several subcultures. Received: 1 October 1998 / Revision received: 6 January 2000 / Accepted: 11 January 2000  相似文献   
We collected basic data on the physiological characteristics ofPanax ginseng in order to identify the forest stands that provide the best growth environment. Our research sites included oak, pine, and mixed-forest stands, in which ginseng seed had been sown several years earlier. Heights and dry weights of forest ginseng were better under oak trees than in the pine or mixed stands. In addition, photosynthetic rates for ginseng were highest in the oak forest, particularly at a light intensity of 200 μmol m-2 sec-1.  相似文献   
野生人参种子的超低温保存   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人参(PanaxginsengC.A.Mey.)是珍贵的药用植物,由于长期过度采挖,资源枯竭,现存于我国东北地区的野生人参已处于濒临绝灭的边缘,被列为国家一级重点保护植物[1,2]。所以在加强其就地保护的同时,人参种质资源的迁地保存也是非常必要的。按...  相似文献   
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