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在等级森严的非人灵长类群体中,睾酮对雄性顺位维持有着重要作用,且影响着体内寄生虫种类和荷虫量。本研究以栖息于安徽黄山的雄性短尾猴为研究对象,通过计算成年雄性的等级顺位,测定其粪便中睾酮含量以及寄生虫的荷虫量,探讨雄性等级顺位、睾酮水平与健康间的平衡关系。结果表明:共检测出10种肠道寄生虫,包括4种蠕虫、5种原虫和1种螨虫;其中雄性短尾猴个体间睾酮水平(1.00±0.42) ng/g和肠道寄生虫荷虫量(112.44±83.62)EPG均存在显著差异(Kruskal-Wallis H,P<0.05);等级顺位与睾酮水平呈正相关(Spearman, N=8,ρ= 0.326, P<0.05),与肠道原虫类的荷虫量呈负相关(Spearman, N=8,ρ= - 0.345, P<0.05),与肠道蠕虫类的荷虫量无相关性(Spearman, N=8,ρ= 0.065, P>0.05);睾酮水平与肠道原虫类寄生虫的荷虫量呈负相关(Spearman, N=8,ρ= -0.546, P<0.05),与肠道蠕虫类的荷虫量无相关性(Spearman, N=8,ρ= -0.013, P>0.05)。本研究表明高顺位雄性拥有更高的睾酮水平,这不仅对其顺位的维持具有重要作用,对原虫类寄生虫也具有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   
As practitioners promote passive restoration as a complementary approach to technical reclamation, it is imperative to know its drivers. Although the consequences of endozoochory can be crucial to passive restoration success, few experimental studies assess the use of heavily disturbed sites by seed dispersers such as carnivores and how the seeds they bring in emerge and survive. Using an indoor sowing experiment conducted in a quarry located within a natural park in Portugal, we examined for the first time how carnivore endozoochorous seeds collected in the quarry potentially influence its passive restoration, through effects on plant emergence and survival. Also, we tested whether sowing date and water soaking, relevant factors when sowings are to be carried out, would affect seedling emergence and mortality rates when compared with the effect of endozoochory. Our target species were included in the revegetation plan of the quarry, of which endozoochorous seeds of Carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) were collected in sufficient number for analysis. Irrespective of the carnivore species, endozoochorous carob seeds performed similarly to untreated seeds regarding emergence rates. Endozoochorous carob seedlings showed greater mortality rates but the net result for the plant can still be the colonization of recently vacant habitats by a large proportion of viable seeds. Concerning sowing date, the later carob seeds were sown over the fruit‐ripening season the faster seedlings emerged. Water soaking increased emergence rate by 6.5 times. Broadly, sowings with previous soaking and carnivore‐mediated seed dispersal of this dry‐fruited tree can jointly enhance quarry restoration.  相似文献   
赵雪雁  董霞  王飞  戴其文 《应用生态学报》2009,20(11):2730-2735
生态补偿标准的确定是生态补偿机制建立的难点和重点.根据1987-2007年甘南州气象站和2007年甘南藏族自治州的社会调查资料,采用最小数据方法、社会调查法、降水储水量法对草地生态系统服务的供给曲线进行模拟.结果表明:2007年,甘南藏族自治州年实施生态补偿的机会成本为503.6 yuan·hm-2,草地生态系统提供的单位水源涵养量为1110.7 m3·hm-2,补偿标准为788.6 yuan·hm-2,草地生态系统提供的总水源涵养量为2.56×10.9 m3.  相似文献   
临时配偶关系指多雌多雄灵长类群体中的一只成年雄性连续跟随一只成年发情期/性接受期的雌性形成的异性关系,在季节性繁殖物种的交配季节表现的尤为明显,是雄性个体提高交配成功的策略之一。为了探讨能量消耗对这种行为的约束,本研究于2017年8月至2018年1月,以栖息于安徽黄山的短尾猴鱼鳞坑A1群(YA1群)的8~10只成年雄性为研究对象,采用目标动物取样法、行为取样法以及全事件记录法采集成年雄性自然发生的行为数据。通过分析移动时间、觅食时间和交配频次等行为指标,同时测定作为个体能量状态生理指标的尿液C-肽浓度(Urinary C-peptide , UCP),从行为和生理两个方面研究雄性短尾猴维持临时配偶关系的适应性特征。研究期间,在临时配偶期内,雄性的移动时间无显著变化,但觅食时间和交配频率显著增加;在临时配偶期内,当存在雄性竞争者时,雄性的觅食时间显著减少;临时配偶关系对雄性的UCP水平无显著影响。结果表明,雄性短尾猴在临时配偶期内可能会根据能量消耗的情况以及守护雌性周围的社会环境对自身行为进行调整,以减少其在临时配偶期内的能量投资,提高自身维持临时配偶关系的行为适应性。  相似文献   
Periodic climatic oscillations and species dispersal during the postglacial period are two important causes of plant assemblage and distribution on the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau (QTP). To improve our understanding of the bio‐geological histories of shrub communities on the QTP, we tested two hypotheses. First, the intensity of climatic oscillations played a filtering role during community structuring. Second, species dispersal during the postglacial period contributed to the recovery of species and phylogenetic diversity and the emergence of phylogenetic overdispersion. To test these hypotheses, we investigated and compared the shrub communities in the alpine and desert habitats of the northeastern QTP. Notably, we observed higher levels of species and phylogenetic diversity in the alpine habitat than in the desert habitat, leading to phylogenetic overdispersion in the alpine shrub communities versus phylogenetic clustering in the desert shrub communities. This phylogenetic overdispersion increased with greater climate anomalies. These results suggest that (a) although climate anomalies strongly affect shrub communities, these phenomena do not act as a filter for shrub community structuring, and (b) species dispersal increases phylogenetic diversity and overdispersion in a community. Moreover, our investigation of the phylogenetic community composition revealed a larger number of plant clades in the alpine shrub communities than in the desert shrub communities, which provided insights into plant clade‐level differences in the phylogenetic structures of alpine and desert shrub communities in the northeastern QTP.  相似文献   
Predation on native vertebrates and livestock by the European Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) remains a significant problem in many parts of Australia. Coordinated approaches to fox control are most effective in protecting these assets and involve placement of baits across the landscape by private and public land managers. However, participation in such programmes varies seasonally and the spatial coverage of baiting is often difficult to determine. Here, we describe a geographic information systems‐based system that assists land managers to collect and use spatial information, minimizing gaps in bait coverage and maximizing bait encounters by foxes to increase the effectiveness of pest control. The coordination of data collection and reporting between land managers should facilitate more effective adaptive management by allowing better strategic planning and increasing landholder involvement, which should, in turn, improve the programme's efficacy, provided other critical conditions and resources are met.  相似文献   
Nancy Pallin has been involved in bush regeneration practice for over 25 years as well as being involved in conservation advocacy. Her main work, helping to establish the Ku‐ring‐gai Flying‐Fox Reserve and coordinating its ecological restoration, draws on an ability to interpret nature to others and inspire collective action  相似文献   
藏鹀(Emberiza koslowi)是我国青藏高原东部的特有珍稀鸟种,目前关于它的资料非常匮乏.为了解藏鹀的分布、数量和基本生活史特征,促进对于该物种的有效保护,自2005年起以青海省果洛州久治县白玉乡为中心对藏鹀进行了持续6年的观察,并针对其面临的威胁采取了相应的保护措施.结果显示,藏鹀主要分布在青海的玉树、果洛和四川的阿坝一带海拔3 500~4 700 m范围内的适宜栖息地,该分布区比原有认知更靠东北,更为狭小且海拔更高.用样线法开展的藏鹀数量监测,在7.4 km2的调查范围内记录到一个18 ~33只的稳定种群.此外,还对藏鹀的筑巢、育雏和争斗等行为进行了详细描述.食肉动物的捕食、冬季食物缺乏和牲畜踩踏鸟卵是藏鹀面临的最直接威胁.通过持续监测、与当地牧民协商、建立保护小区并开展有针对性的保护,藏鹀种群趋于稳定.  相似文献   
Grazing and fencing are two important factors that influence productivity and biomass allocation in alpine grasslands. The relationship between root (R) and shoot (S) biomass and the root:shoot ratio (R/S) are critical parameters for estimating the terrestrial carbon stocks and biomass allocation mechanism responses to human activities. Previous studies have often used the belowground:aboveground biomass ratio (Mb/Ma) to replace the R/S in alpine ecosystems. However, these studies may have neglected the leaf meristem biomass, which belongs to the shoot but occurs below the soil surface, leading to a significant overestimation of the R/S ratio. We conducted a comparative study to explore the differences between the R/S and Mb/Ma at both the species (Stipa purpurea, Carex moorcroftii, and Artemisia nanschanica) and community levels on a Tibetan alpine grassland with grazing and fencing management blocks. The results revealed that the use of the Mb/Ma to express the R/S appeared to overestimate the actual value of the R/S, both at species and community levels. For S. purpurea, the Mb/Ma was three times higher than the R/S. The Mb/Ma was approximately two times higher than the R/S for the species of C. moorcroftii and A. nanschanica and at the community level. The relationships between the R‐S and MbMa exhibited different slopes for the alpine plants across all the management practices. Compared to the fenced grasslands, the plants in the grazing blocks not only allocated more biomass to the roots but also to the leaf meristems. The present study highlights the contribution of leaf meristems to the accurate assessment of shoot and belowground biomasses. The R/S and Mb/Ma should be cautiously used in combination in the future research. The understanding of the distinction between the R‐S and MbMa may help to improve the biomass allocation mechanism response to human disturbances in an alpine area.  相似文献   
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