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Climate and forest structure are considered major drivers of forest demography and productivity. However, recent evidence suggests that the relationships between climate and tree growth are generally non‐stationary (i.e. non‐time stable), and it remains uncertain whether the relationships between climate, forest structure, demography and productivity are stationary or are being altered by recent climatic and structural changes. Here we analysed three surveys from the Spanish Forest Inventory covering c. 30 years of information and we applied mixed and structural equation models to assess temporal trends in forest structure (stand density, basal area, tree size and tree size inequality), forest demography (ingrowth, growth and mortality) and above‐ground forest productivity. We also quantified whether the interactive effects of climate and forest structure on forest demography and above‐ground forest productivity were stationary over two consecutive time periods. Since the 1980s, density, basal area and tree size increased in Iberian forests, and tree size inequality decreased. In addition, we observed reductions in ingrowth and growth, and increases in mortality. Initial forest structure and water availability mainly modulated the temporal trends in forest structure and demography. The magnitude and direction of the interactive effects of climate and forest structure on forest demography changed over the two time periods analysed indicating non‐stationary relationships between climate, forest structure and demography. Above‐ground forest productivity increased due to a positive balance between ingrowth, growth and mortality. Despite increasing productivity over time, we observed an aggravation of the negative effects of climate change and increased competition on forest demography, reducing ingrowth and growth, and increasing mortality. Interestingly, our results suggest that the negative effects of climate change on forest demography could be ameliorated through forest management, which has profound implications for forest adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   
为获取能够代表浙江天童山的森林植被典型群丛类型, 同时也为植被分类中如何发现过渡类型和确定典型类型提供参考, 该研究利用天童20 hm 2森林大样地资料, 运用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)与除趋势对应分析(DCA), 剔除过渡群落, 进行群丛划分。结果表明, 去除过渡地段后更利于研究区域典型群丛类型的确定。大样地的植被类型可划分为宜昌荚蒾-厚皮香/港柯+云山青冈群丛(Viburnum erosum-Ternstroemia gymnanthera/Lithocarpus harlandii + Cyclobalanopsis sessilifolia Ass.); 虎皮楠-柯/木荷+米槠群丛(Daphniphyllum oldhami-Lithocarpus glaber/Schima superba + Castanopsis carlesii Ass.); 红毒茴-紫楠/南酸枣+薄叶润楠群丛(Illicium lanceolatum-Phoebe sheareri/Choerospondias axillaries + Machilus leptophylla Ass.)。DCA排序同时能反映各群丛类型分布与环境的相关关系, 结果显示, 海拔和凹凸度对群丛分布有较大影响, 坡度和坡向对群丛分布影响较小。  相似文献   
自2015年至2018年对云南金平分水岭国家级自然保护区的苔藓植物进行野外考察、标本采集及鉴定,统计该地区苔类植物34科60属203种(含种下分类单元)。对自然保护区苔类植物物种进行多样性分析,结果显示,细鳞苔科(57种)和羽苔科(34种)所包含物种数量最为丰富;平铺型是本调查区的优势生活型类型;从物种的区系组成来看,广义的热带成分比重最大,达40.4%。  相似文献   
We provide the first direct evidence that Steller sea lions will prey on harbor seals. Direct observations of predation on marine mammals at sea are rare, but when observed rates of predation are extrapolated, predation mortality may be found to be significant. From 1992 to 2002, harbor seals in Glacier Bay declined steeply, from 6,200 to 2,500 (∼65%). After documenting that Steller sea lions were preying on seals in Glacier Bay, we investigated increased predation by sea lions as a potential explanation for the large decline. In five independent data sets spanning 21–25 yr and including 14,308 d of observations, 13 predation events were recorded. We conducted a fine-scale analysis for an intensively studied haul-out (Spider Island) and a broader analysis of all of Glacier Bay. At Spider Island, estimated predation by sea lions increased and could account for the entirety of annual pup production in 5 of 8 yr since 1995. The predation rate, however, was not proportional to the number of predators. Predation by Steller sea lions is a new source of mortality that contributed to the seal declines; however, life history modeling indicates that it is unlikely that sea lion predation is the sole factor responsible for the large declines.  相似文献   
This paper explores the temporal stability of growth/climate relationships in ring-width chronologies of Norway spruce [ Picea abies (L.) Karst] and silver fir ( Abies alba Mill) in the Lower Bavarian Forest region in southern Germany. These chronologies were compiled, using both historic and living tree-ring data, with the main aim of developing a dendroclimatic reconstruction for the region covering the last 500 years. Moving window correlation analysis shows that prior to the twentieth century, both species co-vary in a similar way (1480–1899 mean r =0.66). There is no significant correlation between the species chronologies since ca. 1930, which partly reflects anomalous growth trends in the fir chronology since ca. 1960. Multiple regression analysis was utilised to assess the ability of both species chronologies to model March–August precipitation. The precipitation signal of the spruce data was found to be both stronger than the fir data (1872–1930 calibration: r 2=0.45 vs 0.25) and more time stable. After ca. 1930, the fir chronology loses it ability to model March–August precipitation until there is no climate signal at all in the fir data in recent decades. The spruce data also express a later weakening in their climate signal in the mid 1970s. We present compelling evidence indicating that the anomalous trends observed in the fir data, since the mid 1960s, appear to be predominantly related to local SO2 emissions from power plants and refineries. It is also likely that this local anthropogenic forcing is the cause of the weakening of the climate signal in the spruce data since the mid 1970s. The conclusions from this study are: (1) The fir tree-ring data cannot be used for traditional dendroclimatic calibration, although prior to the twentieth century the decadal variability in the fir data is very similar to spruce and so these data could be used to extend potential reconstructions in the future; (2) The recent decline and recovery event in the fir data appears to be unique to the twentieth century and is not part of a natural episodic phenomenon; (3) Traditional dendroclimatic calibration of March–August precipitation will be made using solely the spruce ring-width data. However, due to SO2 forcing in recent decades, the calibration period will be shortened to the 1871–1978 period.  相似文献   
随着生物多样性信息学的迅速发展,越来越多开放的生物数据可供科研人员使用。以一个公开数据平台为例分析我国生物多样性领域的研究热点与发展趋势,有助于生物多样性工作者和决策者及时了解我国生物研究的现状及动向,为生物多样性建设提供决策支持。该文以“国家标本资源共享平台(NSII)”及相关词为检索对象,对中国知网和谷歌学术上2013—2023年间的文献进行全文检索,共检索出1 070篇NSII支撑的文献,包括期刊论文(822篇)、学位论文(233篇)、科普文章(5篇)、会议文章(6篇)和报道(4篇)。基于NSII支撑的822篇期刊论文,通过文献计量学的手段和方法,从发文情况、研究主题与热点、研究机构等方面探究NSII支撑的生物多样性研究现状、热点与态势。关键词共现网络图谱分析结果显示,基于数据平台的生物多样性研究热点集中在物种分布分析和建模、气候变化、分类学、生物多样性研究、研究平台建设五个方面。当前我国生物多样性信息学领域发展较快,未来仍需从数据源建设、资源整合、共享能力、业务能力和国际合作等方面努力提升,持续推动生物多样性科学研究的发展。  相似文献   
为了解西藏色季拉山暗针叶林苔藓多样性及林窗干扰的影响,在过去工作积累的基础上研究了色季拉山西坡5块样地内不同林内环境(林窗、林缘和林下)地面、腐木和树附生苔藓生物量特征。结果表明, 地面生单位面积苔藓植物生物量储量最高,平均910.10 g/m2,其次为腐木生(221.90 g/m2),树附生的最低(53.59 g/m2)。林窗地面生苔藓单位面积生物量最高,均值为360.47 g/m2,其次为林下(305.51 g/m2),最小为林缘(244.11 g/m2);林窗、林缘和林下间的地面生苔藓单位面积生物量差异显著(P<0.05)。沿海拔梯度,林窗苔藓单位面积生物量表现出先增加后减少的趋势。因此,在西藏色季拉山暗针叶林内,林窗对地面生苔藓单位面积生物量有显著影响。  相似文献   
正2013年9月13日,在湖南壶瓶山国家级自然保护区(以下简称壶瓶山保护区)壶瓶山主峰(30°06'53.2″N,110°47'14.7″E,海拔2 099 m),观察到2只白喉针尾雨燕(Hirundapus caudacutus)。2013年9月23日、24日,先后又在顶坪瞭望塔上(30°02'57.6″N,110°31'22.6″E,海拔1832 m)、神景洞碑垭(30°03'34.9″N,110°31'22.6″E,海拔1711 m)共观察到8只白喉针尾雨燕。白喉针尾雨燕在中国主要分布于黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、河北、青海、西藏、四川、贵州、云南以及台湾(赵  相似文献   
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