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Mitogen- and isoproterenol-induced changes of [Ca2+]i in T cells attached to a glass substrate were examined. Murine (C57BL/6) splenic T cells were attached to coverslips or 35-mm dishes (MatTek) precoated with Cell Tak® (3.5 µg/cm2). The cells were then loaded with fluorescent dye (2 µg/ml of fura2-AM or fluo3-AM) and changes in [Ca2+]i in a population of cells (using a spectrofluorometer) or in single cells (using a confocal microscope) were measured during continuous superfusion. Population measurements of [Ca2+]i demonstrated that concanavalin A (Con A, 2 or 5 µg/ml) caused an increase in [Ca2+]i that rose to a peak and then declined to a steady state. The concentration-response relationship (0.05–5 µg/ml) had an EC50 of 0.3 µg/ml. Isoproterenol decreased the Con A-induced elevation of steady state [Ca2+]i. In single cell studies, the increase in [Ca2+]i in response to Con A typically occurred in about 50% of the cells in a microscope field, and the delay before activation varied among cells. Taken together, these data demonstrate that Cell Tak® can be used to attach T cells to glass coverslips and will be useful for the study of signaling mechanisms in T cells.  相似文献   
We describe a new immunoassay which combines an immunosorbent assay, Immunogold silver staining and epipolarization microscopy. Our new assay procedure features multiple samples on a single microscope slide, and high sensitivity of epipolarization microscope for detection of silver-enhanced colloidal gold as a final immunoassay product. We call the new immunoassay “on slide immunogold assay” (OSIGA). This new method uses biotinylated antibody and streptavidin-gold reaction with silver enhancement technique. With OSIGA it is possible to investigate 30 samples on a single microscopic slide. Our preliminary studies used 10-20 μ1 samples and detected nanogram quantities of a standardized protein solution. Unlike enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which has a limited time for reading the final color products, the OSIGA specimens can be dried or resin mounted for longer storage and future reference.  相似文献   
Abstract Legionella pneumophila strains isolated from different sources were tested for their host range in the protists Acanthamoeba castellanii, Hartmannella vermiformis and Entamoeba histolytica . It has been shown that A. castellanii and H. vermiformis but not E. histolytica support the intracellular replication of L. pneumophila . Furthermore it could be demonstrated that in vivo virulence in the guinea pig and the intracellular growth in U937 cells coincides with the capability to replicate intracellularly in A. castellanii at 37°C. The infectivity of L. pneumophila that had sustained a 48 hours nutrient deprivation was not significantly different from that of legionellae grown to log-phase on BCYE plates. In contrast the nutrient limitation on A. castellanii increased the amount of intracellular legionellae at the beginning of infection. An initial opsonin independent attachement stage of legionellae to U937 cells was demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy. In contrast, L. pneumophila's capability of stable or long term attachmennt to A. castellanii was shown to be inefficient.  相似文献   
Summary— The intra-cellular distribution of eight halogen glucocorticoids was investigated by ion microscopy in two cellular varieties of cultured non-cancer cells (fibroblast 3T3) and cancer cells (human breast tumor cells MCF-7). Two types of ion microscopy helped to determine this distribution, a direct imaging ion microscope (SMI 300) with low spatial resolution, and a scanning ion microscope (IMS4F), featuring high resolution, serving to obtain maps representing the intra-cellular distribution of the fluorine elements and drugs present in these monolayer cultured cells. The fluorine images representative of the drugs containing fluorine showed that these drugs are essentially concentrated in the cell nuclei. In these nuclei, the distribution of these drugs is different from that of heterochromatin and of the nucleolus.  相似文献   
Cultured steroidogenic cells derived from the adrenal glands of duck embryos were used to study changes in the distribution of actin associated with the corticotropic responsiveness. Actin-containing components were identified by rhodamine-phalloidin staining. The actin in most of the unstimulated cells occurred as stress fibers that either ran parallel throughout the cell or were present as domains of parallel fibers at angles to one another. When incubated in Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing 1–24 ACTH, the cells released approximately equal amounts of corticosterone and aldosterone. Incubation of the cells in buffer containing cytochalasin D caused the cells to lose their stress fibers, and the actin became distributed at the periphery in what appeared to be fragments of stress fibers and clumps of fibrous material in the central cytoplasm. Although cytochalasin D did not affect the basal output of corticosterone and aldosterone, the 1–24 ACTH-induced rates of both hormones were suppressed significantly. After the cells had been washed in unadulterated buffer, the normal distribution of actin stress fibers was restored and the cells responded normally when incubated in buffer containing 1–24 ACTH. These results suggest that the actin components of the cytoskeleton are important determinants of corticotropin-induced steroidogenic responsiveness.  相似文献   
The surface coat, ciliary process, and microvilli of the lamprey neuromast were examined with electron microscopy after tannic acid prefixation and lectin histochemistry. The neuromast was found to exist in the form of a dermal mound with a furrow in the middle. On the bottom of the furrow, the hair cell was characterized by a kinocilium and 15–20 stereocilia, arranged along the longitudinal axis of the furrow. Spanning structures were demonstrated between the kinocilium and stereocilia as well as between stereocilia. The surface coat, enhanced by tannic acid prefixation, was particularly rich over the surface of the supporting cell; by contrast, it was thin over the hair cell. Some lectins (PNA, GS-I, SBA, WGA) showed affinity to the surface coat of the supporting cell as well as the hair cell, and the others (RCA-I, MPA, ConA) showed affinity only to the supporting cell. These differences in the structure and affinities of the surface coat suggest an extracellular milieu highly specialized for the hair cell in this particular form of the mechanoreceptor.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of astrocytes in an organotypic slice culture of the rat visual cortex was investigated using ultrathin sections and freeze-fracture replicas. After a culture period of 9–15 days, a glial scaffold formed that separated the bulk of the slice neuropil from the medium and the underlying plasma clot. However, the glial cells and processes did not build a dense barrier but allowed the outgrowth of neurites. A basal lamina covering the medium-oriented surface of the astrocytes was not found. In freeze-fracture replicas, orthogonal arrays of particles (OAP) were characteristic components of astrocytic membranes. The OAP density in membranes bordering the medium was 35±13 OAP/m2, corresponding to 2.5% of this membrane area; the OAP density in membranes within the slice neuropil was 22±12 OAP/2, corresponding to 1.4% of this membrane area. Although the difference was significant, it was greatly reduced when comparing OAP densities in endfoot and non-endfoot membranes in vivo. Another mode of polarity was recognized in astrocytes of the organotypic slice culture. In membranes of astrocytes bordering upon the medium, the density of non-OAP intramembranous particles (IMP) was clearly higher (1130±136 IMP/ m2) than in membranes of astrocytes in the center of the slice (700±172 IMP/m2). This pronounced IMP-related polarity was observed neither in vivo nor in cultured astrocytes. The present study suggests, together with data from the literature, that the distribution of astrocytic OAP across the cell surface is influenced by the existence of a basal lamina and neuronal activity, and that astrocytes possess a more remarkable plasticity of membrane structure than previously suspected.  相似文献   
The peripolar cell is a glomerular epithelial cell situated within Bowman's capsule at its vascular pole. It is believed to be a secretory cell which forms part of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Scanning electron microscopy was used to perform a comparative study of the morphology and number of peripolar cells in twelve mammalian species. The number of renin-secreting cells in kidney sections stained by renin antibodies and immunocytochemistry was counted. There was a marked inter-species variation in the number, size and appearance of peripolar cells. They were largest and most abundant in sheep and goat and fewest in dog, cow and human. There was no correlation between the numbers of peripolar cells and renin-secreting cells. This does not support the view that the peripolar cell is part of the juxtaglomerular apparatus.  相似文献   
本文根据日本血吸虫尾蚴发育分期,除胚细胞(SI)已有报道(胡敏等,1991)外,对胚球期(S2)、尾蚴雏体期(S3)、成熟前期(S4)及成熟期(S5)在透射电镜对体被及其要素(tegumental elements)进行剖析。结果原(始)体被最早出现于S2,表性分布。随后(S3—S5)消失而为真正体被所取代。体被皱褶亦随高隆。基膜及体棘为各期基本结构。感觉乳突于S3、S4出现。到了S5渐趋复杂而完善并对其结构作了较精细的描述。糖膜直至成熟期(S5)才出现,为尾期成熟的标志。近期对糖膜组份有较深入的研究并对其生理功能进行讨论。  相似文献   
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