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Phytoplankton abundance and composition in the hypertrophic man-made Lake Arancio was analyzed, based on a programme of weekly sampling from May 1990 to November 1991 and supported by measurements of limnological parameters. The highest value of phytoplankton biomass (78 mg l–1) was observed in October 1990, during a bloom of the desmid Closterium limneticum var. fallax, while the lowest (0.15 mg l–1) was measured in April 1991. During spring, autumn and winter 1990, species of the genus Closterium dominated the community, in the sequence: C. aciculare, C. limneticum var. fallax, C. limneticum. The summer community was more diverse with the predominance of organisms belonging to Chlorophyceae (Chlamydomonas, Eudorina, Coelastrum) and Cyanophyceae (Microcystis, Anabaena). In spring 1991, there was a long clear-water phase during which small green algae (Ankyra, Oocystis) and cryptomonads dominated. Subsequently, the summer season was characterized by a clear sequence of dominants, drawn, in turns, from species belonging to: Bacillariophyceae, Dinophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae. The physics of the reservoir and its depth, owing to filling/draining constraints in a summer-arid climate, appeared to play a key role in the dynamics of phytoplankton community.  相似文献   
Novel methods for identifying a new type of DNA latent periodicity, called latent profile periodicity or latent profility, are used to search for periodic structures in genes. These methods reveal two distinct levels of organization of genetic information encoding. It is shown that latent profility in genes may correlate with specific structural features of their encoded proteins.  相似文献   
Under a “summer” light-temperature regime (LD 16:8, 20°C), the polychaete Typosyllis prolifera shows a spontaneous 30-day cycle of reproduction (stolonization). Previous experiments suggested cyclic reproduction to be controlled by corresponding changes in the inhibitory endocrine activity of the proventriculus. The evidence in this paper, however, indicates that the prostomium rather than the proventriculus is the primary source of control of reproductive periodicity. The prostomium of a “summer” male undergoes a spontaneous lunar cycle of hormonal activity. Hormone secretion occurs around day 13 after previous stolon release each time. The hormone probably operates a triggering mechanism that shifts worms from the postreproductive regeneration phase to the next stolonization phase. However, the action on peripheral targets may be indirectly via the proventricular system, the inhibitory activity of which probably becomes inactivated periodically under endocrine influence of the prostomium. Considering all the information available, a model of the cooperation of environmental factors and endocrine factors (prostomial and proventricular hormone) in the timing of the reproductive cycle in male T. prolifera is presented.  相似文献   
观察了南岭黄檀(Dalbergia balansae Prain)主干、思茅黄檀(D.szem aoensisPrain)枝条形成层活动的周期,次生韧皮部的季节变化和筛管寿命。结果表明:1.形成层均为叠生型。2. 南岭黄檀形成层于4 月末开始分裂,11月初停止活动。韧皮部于11 月初完成分化,木质部到12月才完成分化。思茅黄檀形成层于4 月中旬到10 月下旬活动,11 月下旬韧皮部和木质部都已完成分化。3. 具功能韧皮部区在秋季最宽,达400—600 μm ;2—4 月最窄,仅为200—370μm ,此时筛管分子仍具P-蛋白质,筛板孔开放。4. 南岭黄檀、思茅黄檀的筛管寿命分别为8—12 个月和9—11 个月。5. 形成层休眠时韧皮薄壁组织细胞中有淀粉与草酸钙结晶积累,形成层活动时量渐减少,夏季很少或无  相似文献   
Bordetella pertussis infection remains an important public health problem worldwide despite decades of routine vaccination. A key indicator of the impact of vaccination programmes is the inter-epidemic period, which is expected to increase with vaccine uptake if there is significant herd immunity. Based on empirical data from 64 countries across the five continents over the past 30–70 years, we document the observed relationship between the average inter-epidemic period, birth rate and vaccine coverage. We then use a mathematical model to explore the range of scenarios for duration of immunity and transmission resulting from repeat infections that are consistent with empirical evidence. Estimates of pertussis periodicity ranged between 2 and 4.6 years, with a strong association with susceptible recruitment rate, defined as birth rate × (1 − vaccine coverage). Periodicity increased by 1.27 years on average after the introduction of national vaccination programmes (95% CI: 1.13, 1.41 years), indicative of increased herd immunity. Mathematical models suggest that the observed patterns of pertussis periodicity are equally consistent with loss of immunity that is not as rapid as currently thought, or with negligible transmission generated by repeat infections. We conclude that both vaccine coverage and birth rate drive pertussis periodicity globally and that vaccination induces strong herd immunity effects. A better understanding of the role of repeat infections in pertussis transmission is critical to refine existing control strategies.  相似文献   
Tilapiine fish have become one of the mostcommercially important groups of cultured freshwaterfish with in excess of 850 000 tonnes producedannually in a range of countries (e.g. Thailand,Taiwan, China, Philippines, Belgium and the USA).However, poor broodstock productivity, owing to lowfecundity and asynchronous spawning cycles, remainsone of the most significant outstanding constraintsupon commercial tilapia production and its futureexpansion. This paper reviews current understanding ofthe reproductive physiology of tilapia with particularemphasis upon those factors deemed critical tosuccessful broodstock management. Special emphasis isplaced upon factors such as fecundity, egg size,spawning periodicity, ovarian development and theexogenous and endogenous regulatory mechanismsinvolved in their control. Mouthbrooding speciesexhibit higher levels of parental care but fecundityis lower and egg size larger than insubstrate-spawning species. Fecundity, the number ofeggs oviposited per spawning act, can be < 350 inmouthbrooders such as Oreochromis mossambicus(Peters) but can exceed 12 000 in substrate-spawnerssuch as Tilapia zillii (Gervais). Eggs producedby mouthbrooders normally exceed 2 mm in diameterwhilst those of substrate spawners average only 1.5 mm.Interspawning intervals of mouthbrooders generallyaverage 30–50 days whether the fish are held in natural orartificial conditions, although substrate-spawningspecies such as Tilapia zillii can re-spawnafter only 6 or 7 days. The dynamics of theasynchronous pattern of ovarian development adopted bytilapiines are complex and result in the ovary beingdominated by late-vitellogenic/maturing oocytes asearly as 8–10 days after spawning. Advancement ofour understanding of these key areas will be essentialif the present constraints on tilapia culture are tobe overcome.  相似文献   
The amino acid sequences of some fiber proteins possibly have a periodic structure. This periodicity can be analyzed using the Fourier transform of the mathematical image of the symbol sequence of amino acid residues in proteins. One of several possible methods of Fourier transform has been chosen as optimal for the given study. This optimal Fourier transform has been used to analyze the periodic structures in several fiber proteins of bacteriophage T4. Amino acids from some groups form sequences of alternating elements with a relatively small period (T=15); those from other groups form sequences with other small periods (T=10 and T=8). Relatively large periods of amino acid arrangement, with the entire amino acid sequence of the protein being divided between them into four or six equal parts, is a new finding. The data on protein structural periodicity make it possible to align the amino acid sequences according to the periodic structures of both type. The results obtained agree with the results of previous crystallographic and electron microscopic studies.__________Translated from Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2005, pp. 321–329.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Simakova, Simakov.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. The diurnal periodicity of flight of delphacids and cicadellids associated with rice was assessed by suction trapping.
2. All the delphacids examined and most cicadellids showed a bimodal, crepuscular pattern of flight, the major peak occurring in the evening.
3. Some cicadellids showed a unimodal crepuscular pattern of flight activity with the peak occurring in the evening, whereas flight activity of Cofana spectra and Cunimaculata continued throughout the night.
4. Changes in the periodicity of flight activity of Nilaparvata lugens, Sogatella furcifera, Recilia dorsalis and Macrosteles striifrons were observed in relation to phases of the moon and the nature of the habitat.
5. Periodicity of take-off for N.lugens, Sfurcifera and R.dorsalis assessed by canopy net traps also showed a bimodal, crepuscular pattern with the major peak occurring in the evening.
6. The significance of diurnal periodicity is discussed in relation to the flight behaviour of the insects studied.  相似文献   

The distribution of four species of Chaoboras over selected parts of Zimbabwe is given. The effect of temperature on the duration of the larval life cycle is discussed in relation to the generation time and the lunar periodicity of the adult emergence period. There were apparently two generations of larvae present in the habitat at any one time, although these generations were not distinct due to the variations in the time taken by the larvae to complete development at any temperature. The emergence was synchronized to the lunar cycle, but the actual moon phase at which emergence occurred was variable, as the two populations under observation both changed from new moon emergences to full moon emergences during the study. Some observations on the behaviour of adult Chaoboras edulis are given.  相似文献   
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