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An unusual filamentous, gliding bacterium was found in a few hot springs in Oregon where it formed a nearly unispecific top layer of microbial mats. It contained a bacteriochlorophyll a-like pigment and an abundance of carotenoids. There were no chlorosomes or additional chlorophylls. The organism was aerotolerant and appeared to be photoheterotrophic. It was successfully co-cultured with an aerobic chemoheterotroph in a medium containing glucose and casamino acids. Although it has many characteristics in common with the genus Chloroflexus, the lack of chlorosomes and bacteriochlorophyll c and the aerobic nature of this organism indicate that it should be placed in a new genus. This conclusion is supported by 5S rRNA nucleotide sequence data.  相似文献   
The influence of nonionic surfactants on the activity of a novel thermostable lipase from Bacillus stearothermophilus MC7 was investigated with a view to its potential for synthesis of structured lipids. A large number of modifiers within a broad concentration range were applied. The activity of the enzyme was measured at a relatively high reaction temperature. Highest degree of activation was observed when PEG6000 was applied (up to 2.3-fold increase). Modification essentially changed the performance of the lyophilised preparations—they keep up to 80% of the activity of the native enzyme in the presence of a detergent against 30% in its absence. The effect of sorbitan esters (spans) and polyoxyethylene derivatives of sorbitan esters (tweens) on lipase MC7 was estimated, their HLB value varying within the interval 2.1–16.7. Tweens were strong inhibitors at higher concentrations. For all spans, excepting span 60, an increase of enzyme activity with concentration was observed. All studied additives slow down the process of thermal denaturation. Lipase preparations preserve more than 60% of their activity after 30-min incubation at 75 °C in the presence of tween 60 or PEG4000.  相似文献   
A new anaerobic thermophilic Gram-positive, nonsporeforming bacterium strain ZE-1 was isolated from a hot spring of Kamchatka (USSR). The cells are rod-shaped, (0.5–0.8 · 2.0–20 m), non-motile. The bacterium can grow between 42 and 75°C; the optimal temperature is 65°C. The growth is possible between pH values 5.0 and 8.5; optimal pH is 7.0. The cultures grow on the media containing peptone, yeast extract, or casein hydrolysate as nitrogen sources in the presence of glucose or some other sugars, mannitol or starch. The main fermentation products of glucose are ethanol, acetate, lactate, H2, CO2; byproducts are propionic, butyric and isovaleric acids. Glucose is metabolized via Embden-Meyerhoff-Parnas pathway. Molecular hydrogen does not inhibit growth. The bacterium does not reduce aceton to isopropanol, but is able to form H2S from elemental sulfur. The bacterium contains a soluble hydrogenase. This enzyme catalyzes both evolution and uptake of H2 and is active in the presence of methyl viologen. The DNA-base composition is 34.6 mol%; the genome size 2.08x109 D. The name proposed for the isolated bacterium strain ZE-1 is Thermoanaerobium lactoethylicum spec. nov.  相似文献   
Two thermophilic bacteria, which are capable of growing on starch at 60-70 degrees C under anaerobic conditions, were isolated from a sugar refinery in Uelzen and from Solar lake in Israel. On the basis of their physiological characteristics they were identified as Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum Uel 1 and C. thermohydrosulfuricum Sol 1, respectively. The product pattern of glucose polymer hydrolysis showed that both strains secreted enzymes that possess amylolytic and pullulytic activities. The major product formed was maltose. In addition, alpha-glucosidase activity could be detected in the supernatants of Uel 1 strain. Compared to most anaerobes investigated these isolates secreted extremely high concentrations of pullulanases in batch culture. Up to 85% of the total enzyme synthesized was detected in the culture fluid. Unlike the pullulanases of type I, which can only attack the alpha-1,6-glycosidic linkages, the pullulanases of both clostridial strains were also capable of hydrolyzing alpha-1,4-linkages. The enzyme system of both bacteria was found to be highly thermoactive; optimal activity was detected at pH 5.0 and 85 degrees C. Even at 95 degrees C and without the addition of metal ions still 15% to 25% of enzymatic activity was detectable.  相似文献   
Methanobacterium thermoaggregans is a new thermophilic autotrophic rod-shaped methane producing bacterium. The organism likes to form aggregates during growth and utilizes only H2 and CO2 as substrates. Growth optimum is at 65°C with a doubling time of 3.5 h. Optimal growth occurs at pH-values between 7 and 7.5. The addition of yeast extract to the mineral salt medium stimulates growth. The DNA base composition is 42 mol% G+C. The organism was isolated from mud taken from a cattle pasture. Because of its optimal growth temperature and its tendency to form aggregates the nameMethanobacterium thermoaggregans is suggested.Abbreviations G+C Guanine+cytosine  相似文献   
Thermophilic anaerobic spirochetes in New Zealand hot springs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Electron and light microscopy revealed the presence of spirochetes in New Zealand thermal springs. The spirochete population in one spring studied (Kuirau Lake) was affected by fluctuations in temperature and/or pool level. A pure culture of the strictly anaerobic bacterium revealed that it grew optimally at a temperature of 45–50°C, with no growth occurring above 60°C, and a pH of 7.0–7.5 with no growth occurring at pH 5.5 or 8.5. Growth was inhibited by chloramphenicol, penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline and neomycin but not by d -cycloserine, novobiocin or phosphomycin at 10 μg/ml. A wide range of carbohydrates were utilized but not organic acids. Acetate was the major end product of glucose fermentation with substantial amounts of ethanol and traces of lactate being produced.  相似文献   
Abstract The thermophilic facultatively phototrophic green bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus strain Ok-70-fl was shown to possess sulfide-repressed hydrogenase activity. Biosynthesis of the enzyme was severely repressed by S2− (5.7 mM) and stimulated specifically by Ni2+ and by molecular hydrogen. The hydrogenase was shown to be localized in the cytoplasmic membrane and could be solubilized from the latter by the detergent Triton X-100 in a state forming one enzymatically active band ( M r 170 × 103) in polyacrylamide gels. In the membraneous state, the hydrogenase had its maximal activity at 73°C and was active with methyl viologen, methylene blue, menadione and flavins, but not with NAD or NADP as electron acceptors. Solubilization of the enzyme with Triton X-100 resulted in a drastic increase in the FAD/FMN-linked activity.  相似文献   
The effects of eight different sodium salts on the activation of spores of Bacillus stearothermophilus NGB101 at 30°C were examined. Sodium nitrite was a potent activator spores of NGB101. Complete activation of spore populations was obtained after 6 h or less at 30°C. Activation of spores of NGB101 in solutions of sodium nitrite, like activation in distilled water, was temperature dependent, with optimal activation at 30°C. While a potent activator of spores of NGB101 at 30°C, sodium nitrite was ineffective as an initiator of germination at 65°C. Activation of spores of NGB101 produced marked increases in colony forming spores compared with nonactivated populations. Spore populations activated in solutions of sodium nitrite gave higher plate counts compared with spores activated in distilled water.  相似文献   
Thiobacillus tepidarius, isolated from the hot springs at Bath, Avon, UK, grew optimally at 43–45°C and pH 6.0–7.5 on thiosulphate or tetrathionate. In batch culture, thiosulphate was oxidized stoichiometrically to tetrathionate, with a rise in pH. The tetrathionate was then oxidized to sulphate, supporting growth and producing a fall in pH to a minimum of ph 4.8. The organism contained high levels of thiosulphate-oxidizing enzyme, rhodanese and ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase. It was obligately chemolithotrophic and autotrophic. In chemostat culture, T. tepidarius grew autotrophically with the following sole energy-substrates: sulphide, thiosulphate, trithionate, tetrathionate, hexathionate or heptathionate. Thiocyanate, dithionate and sulphite were not used as sole substrates, although sulphite enhanced growth yields in the presence of thiosulphate. Maximum specific growth rate on tetrathionate was 0.44 h-1. True growth yields (Y max) and maintenance coefficients (m) were calculated for sulphide, thiosulphate, trithionate and tetrathionate and observed yields at a single fixed dilution rate compared with those on hexathionate and heptathionate. Mean values for Y max, determined from measurements of absorbance, dry wt, total organic carbon and cell protein, were similar for sulphide, thiosulphate and trithionate (10.9 g dry wt/mol substrate) as expected from their equivalent oxygen consumption for oxidation. Y max for tetrathionate (20.5) and the relative Y o values (as g dry wt/g atom oxygen consumed) for thiosulphate and all four polythionates indicated that substrate level phosphorylation did not contribute significantly to energy conservation. These Y max values were 40–70% higher than any of those previously reported for obligately aerobic thiobacilli. Mean values for m were 6.7 mmol substrate oxidized/g dry wt·h for sulphide, thiosulphate and trithionate, and 2.6 for tetrathionate.Abbreviation PIPES Piperazine-N,N-bis(ethane sulphonic acid)  相似文献   
Spectrally pure reaction center preparations from Chloroflexus aurantiacus have been obtained in a stable form; however, the product contained several contaminating polypeptides. The reaction center pigment molecules (probably three bacteriochlorophyll a and three bacteriopheophytin a molecules) are associated with two polypeptides (Mr = 30000 and 28000) in a reaction center complex of Mr = 52000. No carotenoid is present in the complex. These data together with previous spectral data suggest that the Chloroflexus reaction center represents a more primitive evolutionary form of the purple bacterial reaction center, and that it has little if any relationship to the green bacterial component. A reaction center preparation from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R26 was fully denatured at 50°C while the Chloroflexus reaction center required higher temperatures (70–75°C) for complete denaturation. Thus, an intrinsic membrane protein of a photosynthetic thermophile has been demonstrated to have greater thermal stability than the equivalent component of a mesophile.  相似文献   
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