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Taxon cycling, i.e. sequential phases of expansions and contractions in species' distributions associated with ecological or morphological shifts, are postulated to characterize dynamic biogeographic histories in various island faunas. The Caribbean freshwater shrimp assemblage is mostly widespread and sympatric throughout the region, although one species (Atyidae: Atya lanipes) is geographically restricted and ecologically and morphologically differentiated from other Atya species. Using patterns of nucleotide variation at the COI mtDNA gene in five species of freshwater shrimp (A. lanipes, A. scabra, A. innocuous; Xiphocarididae: Xiphocaris elongata; Palaemonidae: Macrobrachium faustinum) from Puerto Rico, we expected to detect a signature of sequential colonization in these shrimp, consistent with the concept of taxon cycling, and expected that A. lanipes would be at a different taxon stage (i.e. an early stage species) to all other species. We also examined patterns of genetic population structure in each species expected with poor, intermediate and well-developed abilities for among-river dispersal. Population expansions were detected in all species, although the relative timing of the expansions varied among them. Assuming that population expansions followed colonization of Puerto Rico by freshwater shrimp, results bear the hallmarks of sequential colonization and taxon cycling in this fauna. A. lanipes had a star phylogeny, low mean pairwise nucleotide differences and recent (Holocene) estimates for an in situ population expansion in Puerto Rico, and it was inferred as an early stage species in the taxon cycle undergoing a secondary phase of expansion. All other species were inferred as late stage species undergoing regional population expansions, as their mean pairwise nucleotide differences were relatively high and phylogenetic patterns were more complex than A. lanipes. High rates of gene flow without isolation by distance among rivers were detected in all species, although results should be treated cautiously as some populations are unlikely to be in mutation-drift equilibrium. Nested clade analysis produced inconsistent results among species that all have high rates of gene flow and expanding populations.  相似文献   
Dendroctonus mexicanus is polyphagous within the Pinus genus and has a wide geographical distribution in Mexico and Guatemala. We examined the pattern of genetic variation across the range of this species to explore its demographic history and its phylogeographic pattern. Analysis of the mtDNA sequences of 173 individuals from 25 Mexican populations allowed to us identify 53 geographically structured haplotypes. High haplotype and low nucleotide diversities and Tajima’s D indicate that D. mexicanus experienced rapid population expansion during its dispersal across mountain systems within its current range. The nested clade phylogeographic analysis indicates that the phylogeographic pattern of D. mexicanus is explained by continuous dispersion among lineages from the Sierra Madre Occidental, the Sierra Madre Oriental and the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. However, we also observed isolation events among haplotypes from the Cofre de Perote/Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt/Sierra Madre Oriental and the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt/Sierra Madre del Sur, which is consistent with the present conformation of mountain systems in Mexico and the emergence of geographical barriers during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA divergence among populations of the Japanese spinous loach Cobitis shikokuensis, endemic to Shikoku Island, was investigated by restricted fragment length polymorphism analysis. A total of 68 restriction sites on DNA fragments from the cytochrome b to D-loop regions and from the 12S rRNA to 16S rRNA regions, amplified by PCR, were analyzed. A total of 12 haplotypes (plus 6 in outgroups) were detected in 268 specimens collected from 19 localities in seven rivers (and 41 specimens from four localities in three rivers in outgroups). Three of the seven river populations of C. shikokuensis were shown to have unique haplotypes, and four of the seven river populations were monomorphic. The nested structure of the haplotype network for populations of C. shikokuensis exhibited two large clades corresponding to (1) populations from the Shimanto River and its neighbors and (2) two genetically divergent populations in the Shigenobu and Iwamatsu Rivers. The population from the Shimanto River, the largest river inhabited by C. shikokuensis, maintains great haplotype diversity as well as the allozyme diversity previously reported. On the other hand, populations from the Hiji River, the second largest river, which exhibited the highest allozyme diversity, were monomorphic in their mtDNA. The nested clade analysis (NCA) revealed that past fragmentation between the above two clades could occur in the initial distribution process of C. shikokuensis. The large genetic divergence of two river populations from the Shigenobu and Iwamatsu Rivers was inferred to be caused by a process of long distance colonization and fragmentation. MtDNA introgression into the Hiji River population from southern river populations was suggested. Taking genetic divergence into consideration, each river population of C. shikokuensis should be conserved separately as like a distinct species, and conservation programs for the small populations showing less genetic variability should be invoked as soon as possible.  相似文献   
Aims Species assembly is shaped by the interactions among ecological and evolutionary processes. By integrating the niche conservatism and evolutionary history, the tropical niche conservatism hypothesis (TCH) has clarified species latitudinal diversity gradient at large scales. One of the TCH’s central predictions, though lacking empirical evidence, implies that positive relationship between clade age and temperature along the altitudinal gradient should also be observed. Thus, we aim to test this prediction using a data set derived from forest communities of Mt. Taibai, central China.  相似文献   
Studies of the role of flight in vertebrate evolution often have focused on the propatagial muscle complex because this structure forms the wing's leading edge. However, historical narratives about the evolution of flight anatomy are compromised because traditional higher-level taxonomies typically are based in part on the propatagium itself. To avoid this circularity, I used a consensus molecular phylogeny to examine propatagial evolution in the highly aerial sister groups, hummingbirds and swifts (Apodiformes). Mapping of anatomy on molecular-based phylogeny indicates that structural variation in M .  tensor propatagialis pars brevis (TPB) is congruent with the major subclades of both hummingbirds and swifts. However, the humeral tendon and broad attachment of the fleshy belly of TPB with M .  extensor metacarpi radialis (EMR) most likely underwent parallel change in hummingbirds and swifts, while the distal tendon present only in hummingbirds changed from a thin sheet to a strong tendon. The combination of divergent (within hummingbirds or swifts) and parallel (between hummingbirds and swifts) evolutionary patterns implies that the taxonomic value of the propatagial complex in apodiformes depends on anatomical component and level of divergence. The congruence of anatomy with molecular phylogeny provides independent criteria for designating relatively ancestral versus derived clades of apodiformes. Based on these polarities, living hummingbirds and swifts express additional parallel trends from arboreal to more aerial foraging styles, and from depauperate to species-rich clades. Within apodiformes, the link of flight anatomy with taxonomic and ecologic diversity suggests that elaboration of locomotor modes was important for apodiform diversification, echoing a similar pattern for birds relative to their reptilian ancestors.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 211–219.  相似文献   
Willdenowia clade of Restionaceae was studied to understand patterns of reduction of floral elements and sample evidence for discussing the relationships of the group. All species studied are characterized by a concordant reductive trend involving the retardation/reduction of the perianth, the loss of the anterior carpel and the displacement of the remaining carpels, linked with a strongly compressed spikelet. Different modes of carpel reduction, such as a progressive or immediate loss, or fusion of two neighboring carpels, are presented and discussed. The most parsimonious event of gynoecium evolution for the Willdenowia clade is either the sterilization of two carpels in an originally trimerous gynoecium, followed by the loss of the anterior carpel, or the sudden loss of the anterior carpel, preceeding the sterilization of one lateral carpel. The concordant development of the taxa of the Willdenowia clade supports a one-time loss of a carpel and the homogeneity of the clade. Received 12 March 2001/ Accepted in revised form 29 May 2001  相似文献   
《Fungal biology》2023,127(3):938-948
In Northwestern Patagonia (Chile), three species of Morchella from undisturbed environments have been identified to date: Morchella tridentina, Morchella andinensis and Morchella aysenina, all belonging to the Elata clade and associated mainly with Nothofagus forests. In this study, the search for Morchella specimens was extended to disturbed environments in Central-Southern Chile, to further explore Morchella species diversity in the country, which is still very limited. The Morchella specimens were identified through multilocus sequences analysis, and the mycelial cultures were characterized, establishing comparisons with specimens from undisturbed environments. To the best of our knowledge, these results reveal for the first time in Chile the presence of the species Morchella eximia and Morchella importuna, and in the case of the last one also the first record in South America. These species were found associated almost exclusively with harvested or burned coniferous plantations. The in vitro mycelial characterization revealed certain inter- and intra-specific patterns of the morphology, such as pigmentation, mycelium type, and development and formation of sclerotia, which varied according to growth media and incubation temperature. The growth rates (mm/day) and mycelial biomass (mg) were significantly influenced by the temperature (p < 0.05), with maximum rates (>10 mm/day) and biomass (approx. 20 mg) between 20 and 24 °C, while a significant growth reduction (70–90%) was observed at 28 °C, mainly in the species from undisturbed environments. Potato-dextrose (PDA) medium stimulated the greatest mycelial density and sclerotia formation in most of the isolates, mainly in M. eximia (UDEC-LAF 236 isolate) which recorded the best mycelial growth performance. Among isolates, UDEC-LAF 236 also showed the best performance in sclerotia production (>350 sclerotia/dish) in 10 days of growth. This study contributes to the knowledge of the diversity of Morchella species in Chile by broadening the species range to those from disturbed environments. It also provides molecular and morphological characterization of the in vitro cultures of different Morchella species. The report on M. eximia and M. importuna, species known as cultivable, adapted to local climatic and edaphic conditions could represent the first step to developing artificial Morchella cultivation methods in Chile.  相似文献   
Genetic variation in the atpBrbcL intergenic spacer region of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) was investigated in Hygrophila pogonocalyx Hayata (Acanthaceae), an endangered and endemic species in Taiwan. In this aquatic species, seed dispersal from capsules via elasticity is constrained by gravity and is thereby confined within populations, resulting in limited gene flow between populations. In this study, a total of 849 bp of the cpDNA atpBrbcL spacer were sequenced from eight populations of H. pogonocalyx. Nucleotide diversity in the cpDNA is low (=0.00343±0.00041). The distribution of genetic variation among populations agrees with an isolation-by-distance model. Two geographically correlated groups, the western and eastern regions, were identified in a neighbor-joining tree and a minimum-spanning network. Phylogeographical analyses based on the cpDNA network suggest that the present-day differentiation between western and eastern groups of H. pogonocalyx resulted from past fragmentation. The differentiation between eastern and western populations may be ascribed to isolation since the formation of the Central Mountain Range about 5 million years ago, which is consistent with the rate estimates based on a molecular clock of cpDNA.Huang JC and Wang WK equally contributed to this work.  相似文献   
In most male birds that exhibit paternal care, extending the spring testosterone (T) peak throughout the breeding season reduces nestling provisioning. However, in some species, this trade-off between high T and expression of paternal care is absent. For example, during some or all of the nestling period, T did not affect paternal behavior in Male Lapland longspurs (Calcarius lapponicus), chestnut-collared longspurs (Calcarius ornatus), and great tits (Parus major). Two ecological constraints have been hypothesized to drive insensitivity to T after eggs hatch: (1) a short breeding season that limits breeding opportunities, and (2) a need for paternal care to ensure reproductive success. However, because two of the three species that exhibit T insensitivity are closely related, potential phylogenetic confounds limit determination of which, if either, factor constrains some males to T insensitivity. We examined the effects of supplementary T on paternal behavior in the Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis), a member of the monophyletic Calcarius/Plectrophenax clade. Male Snow Buntings are constrained to a short breeding season, but paternal care is not essential for survival of nestlings. We administered exogenous T during the parental phase to mimic the early spring T peak. T treatment increased song rates and interfered with paternal behavior such that nestlings of T-implanted males grew more slowly than controls. Our data suggest that T insensitivity in this clade is related to relatively recent constraints of the breeding environment (i.e., not simply common ancestry) and that the necessity of paternal care in some species may be a strong selective factor driving behavioral insensitivity to T during the parental phase.  相似文献   
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