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目的:掌握北京市某区南水北调通水前后农村地区自备井水中硝酸盐等主要指标含量及合格率的变化。方法:在某区农村地区5个乡镇设置29个自备井监测点,于2014年-2015年每年枯丰水期对出厂水和末梢水进行监测,监测指标为硝酸盐、氨氮、总硬度、溶解性总固体、耗氧量、pH值、硫酸盐、氯化物、氟化物。以2014年饮水监测结果作为南水北调前自备井水水质的基础数值,将南水北调后自备井水监测结果(2015年)与南水北调通水前(2014年)监测结果进行比较,分析南水北调通水对农村自备井水硝酸盐等指标含量及变化原因。结果:自备井水硝酸盐含量由2014年的39.2 mg/L降低至2015年的35.9 mg/L,同时总硬度含量由621 mg/L降低至581 mg/L,pH由2014年的7.17升高至2015年的7.36,差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05),其他指标含量无明显变化。硝酸盐合格率由2014年的19.7%上升至2015年的33.6%(P0.05),其他指标合格率无明显变化。结论:2015年某区自备井水硝酸盐、总硬度含量下降,地下水水质呈优化现象,与南水北调有一定关联性,长期水质变化及健康影响需继续研究。  相似文献   
BackgroundImplementation of standardised cancer patient pathways (CPPs) has provided faster diagnosis of cancer. Cancer survival has improved during the same time period. Concern has been raised that the faster diagnosis may have introduced lead-time bias by elongating the period from diagnosis to death.AimWe aimed to analyse the possible effect of lead time on survival due to expedited cancer diagnosis after the implementation of national CPPs among incident cancer patients diagnosed through Danish primary care.Material and methodsWe used actual observed differences in diagnostic intervals to estimate the lead-time effect. We used data from sub-cohorts from the Danish Cancer in Primary Care (CaP) cohort of first-time cancer patients: before and after CPP implementation. To calculate differences in absolute survival, we estimated the survival function after advancing the date of diagnosis in the before cohort to an earlier point in time and hereby adjusting for lead time for nine cancer types and all combined by using Kaplan-Meier analysis.ResultsAdvancing the date of diagnosis implied that the absolute one-year survival increased from 68.5% to 69.4%. This accounted for 13% of the observed differences in absolute one-year survival from before to after CPPs.ConclusionThe lead time caused by shorter diagnostic intervals after implementation of Cancer Patient Pathways seems to explain less than 15% of the observed changes in the one-year survival estimates for cancer patients in Denmark.  相似文献   
The role of insecticidal application and host plant resistance in managing Spodoptera exigua has been well documented, but the effect of different host plants, on which the pest cycles its population in the field, has seldom been investigated. Therefore, we have studied the vulnerability of S. exigua against commonly used insecticides (cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos, lufenuron, and emamectin benzoate) with different mode of actions when it switches its generations from natal to auxiliary hosts and vice versa. Different field populations being established on different host plants including castor, cauliflower, cotton, okra, and spinach were collected and reared in the laboratory before insecticidal bioassays. The role of larval diet and host plant switching on their response to tolerate applied insecticides was studied using leaf‐dip bioassay methods. Host switching demonstrated a significant role in altering the vulnerability of S. exigua populations to tested insecticides. Spodoptera exigua sourced from castor, when switched host to okra and spinach, exhibited 50% higher mortality when treated with emamectin benzoate. This trend in mortality was consistent upon complete host switch cycle (natal—auxiliary—natal host). However, the highest increase (92%) in vulnerability was recorded when the larvae were shifted to spinach from cotton. In general, chlorpyrifos and lufenuron had highest efficacies in terms of larval mortality. The findings of present studies provide insights to a better understanding the behavior of polyphagous pests and the role of different host plants in altering the susceptibility of these pests against applied insecticides. Ultimately the results warrant that due consideration should be given to cropping patterns and time of host switching by pest population during planning and executing chemical control.  相似文献   
为调查转基因棉花种植地区边际水体中的Cry1Ab/c蛋白残留情况, 在华东地区的山东、江苏、安徽三省棉田设置采样点, 连续3年在棉花的花铃期和收获季节, 对棉区地块内部及周围边际水体随机采样, 进行去杂及纯化处理后, 利用ELISA (酶联免疫吸附测定)方法检测水样中的Cry1Ab/c蛋白含量。结果表明: (1)在花铃期和收获季前后两周, 分别在5个布控点边际水体中检出Cry1Ab/c蛋白, 其中1个布控点阳性蛋白残留浓度最高达到0.4 ppb, 另外4个布控点检测出的阳性蛋白量均在0.04 ppb以下; (2)距离棉田越近, 蛋白检出阳性率越高, 其中棉田内水渠阳性率为13.3%; (3)连续种植时间超过7年的田地周围水体中蛋白阳性率为12.4%。在所有取样时间点中, 与花铃期相比, 收获季更容易检测到阳性结果。这表明在转基因棉花产区, 应在收获季进行适当的指导和监控, 以预防和降低转基因棉花中Cry1Ab/c蛋白对边际水体的潜在影响。  相似文献   
Although aquatic plants are discussed as a unified biological group, they are phylogenetically well dispersed across the angiosperms. In this study, we annotated the aquatic taxa on the tree of vascular plants, and extracted the topology of these aquatic lineages to construct the tree of aquatic angiosperms. We also reconstructed the ancestral areas of aquatic families. We found that aquatic angiosperms could be divided into two different categories: the four aquatic orders and the aquatic taxa in terrestrial orders. Aquatic lineages evolved early in the radiation of angiosperms, both in the orders Nymphaeales and Ceratophyllales and among basal monocots (Acorales and Alismatales). These aquatic orders do not have any extant terrestrial relatives. They originated from aquatic habitats during the Early Cretaceous. Asia would have been one of the centers for early diversification of aquatic angiosperms. The aquatic families within terrestrial orders may originate from other areas besides Asia, such as America or Australia. The lineages leading to extant angiosperms diversified early in underexploited freshwater habitats. The four extant aquatic orders were relicts of an early radiation of angiosperm in aquatic environments. Their extinct ancestors might be aquatic early angiosperms.  相似文献   
繁殖是动物权衡不同自然选择压力和自身生理限制的结果。蝙蝠的繁殖受气候(温度、光周期和降雨量)和食物资源等非生物因素影响。本文通过野外调查犬蝠食物资源、设网捕捉和标志重捕的方法研究西双版纳地区降雨、食物资源可获得程度对犬蝠分娩时机的影响。研究发现,随着3 - 8 月降雨量逐渐增加(19.82 -41.13 kg/ m2 ),犬蝠取食的植物种类呈明显的增加趋势(4 - 9 种)。幼蝠捕捉量与植物资源可获得程度呈显著正相关关系(r = 0. 94,P = 0.01)。西双版纳犬蝠虽然具有一年两次动情和分娩的能力,但是绝大多数个体一年只分娩一次,且集中于3 -5 月。犬蝠分娩时机的选择使得幼蝠飞行学习和捕食时间与食物资源可获得程度高峰期相吻合,有利于提高幼体的生存适合度。  相似文献   
盐胁迫下棉花基因组基于毛细管电泳的MSAP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以棉花杂交种中棉所29为材料,用甲基化敏感扩增多态性(methylation sensitive amplification polymorphism,MSAP) 分析法结合毛细管电泳检测技术进行甲基化鉴定,以初步探讨棉花耐盐的分子机理.应用24个引物组合,中棉所29在0.4%盐水胁迫及清水对照下,平均每引物组合检测甲基化位点数分别为69.2和56.7,差异达显著水平.盐胁迫下的DNA甲基化水平与清水对照下相比,52.6%位点表现出甲基化水平提高,即发生了超甲基化;19.7%位点甲基化水平降低,即表现为次甲基化;二者差异达极显著水平.研究结果表明,中棉所29盐胁迫后发生了广泛的DNA甲基化变化,包括超甲基化和次甲基化,以及其它甲基化类型的转变|发生超甲基化位点极显著地多于发生次甲基化位点.盐胁迫下的中棉所29与对照相比,DNA总体甲基化水平显著提高,暗示中棉所29有提高基因组甲基化水平以应对盐胁迫的潜在机制,棉花基因组整体甲基化水平的提高可能与棉花对盐胁迫的耐受性起重要作用.本研究中,甲基化序列的初步克隆及比对分析表明,盐胁迫前后多个ATP合成相关基因甲基化程度维持在同一水平,其表达不受甲基化影响,这也可能是中棉所29耐盐性较强,在一定时间盐处理后能维持正常生长的原因之一.  相似文献   
In general, it requires five or more generations to develop a stable line by the traditional breeding method of cultivar hybrids in self-pollinated crops, such as wheat, barley, and rice. No doubt, the breeding period will be shortened and thus the breeding effi-ciency will be improved if the hybrids can stabilize in early generation. The method of haploid breeding, that is, obtaining stable pure lines (DH lines) of cultivar hybrids with the aid of anther culture and then chro-mosome doubling,…  相似文献   
四个栽培棉种间的杂种F1细胞遗传学与亲缘关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以棉属四个栽培棉种进行种间杂交,产生(亚洲棉×草棉)和(陆地棉×海岛棉)2个二元杂种F1及其[(亚洲棉×草棉)×(陆地棉×海岛棉)]四元杂种F1,观察和测定4个栽培棉种及其2个二元杂种F1和四元杂种F1的花粉母细胞(PMC)减数分裂的染色体行为及其花粉生活力,以研究4个栽培棉种间的亲缘关系和进化关系。结果表明,二元杂种(亚洲棉×草棉)F1的PMC减数分裂中期Ⅰ出现一个四体环,其余为二价体,染色体构型为2n=26=11Ⅱ 1Ⅳ;花粉生活力的测定表明,(亚洲棉×草棉)F1可育型花粉为50.71%,表现为典型的配子半不育特性,说明两个二倍体棉种间发生一次染色体易位。(陆地棉×海岛棉)F1以26个二价体细胞为主,但有少量的单价体、三价体以及四价体,染色体构型为2n=52=0.78Ⅰ 22.24Ⅱ 0.94Ⅲ 0.98Ⅳ。花粉生活力的测定表明,(陆地棉×海岛棉)F1可育型花粉为54.84%,可见2个四倍体棉种间亲缘关系较近,二者之间仅发生了染色体的易位或倒位。而由4个栽培种合成的四元杂种F1,其减数分裂异常,染色体丢失现象普遍,部分染色体不能联会配对,以单价体的形式存在,并出现三价体、四价体、五价体等多价体,染色体构型为2n=52=5.45Ⅰ 14.41Ⅱ 2.44Ⅲ 1.59Ⅳ 0.63Ⅴ 0.15Ⅵ,其可育花粉为6.87%。研究结果表明了4种栽培棉种之间的亲缘关系相对较近,可以通过遗传重组产生综合有4个栽培棉种性状的新种质。  相似文献   
水稻早世代稳定相关的SSR标记   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以具有早世代稳定特性的9个水稻品系和7个栽培稻进行杂交得到130个杂交组合。发现在同一个组合的F2群体中除出现孟德尔式分离株系外还出现性状整齐一致的稳定株系,在F2群体中出现了32个不同农艺性状的稳定株系。SSR标记结果表明:稳定株系F2与其F1单株的标记一致,都是纯合的,且双亲的标记在后代都有出现,双亲的标记位点在后代的染色体上同时出现,说明稳定株系为真杂种;分离株系F2与其F1单株SSR标记均为杂合;大部分稳定株系在RM276、RM258、RM248、RM1这4个标记位点都较高频率地出现非父母带型。推测出现变异的配子激活杂种合子体细胞减数分裂,合子经过减数分裂后,4个单倍体细胞经过胚胎发育选择,其中一个细胞染色体加倍而发育为纯合的二倍体植株。  相似文献   
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