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The effect of seed aggregation and distance from conspecific trees on seed predation was experimentally examined for two neotropical tree species, Macoubea guianensis (Apocynaceae) and Pouteria sp. (Sapotaceae) in a lowland tropical rain forest in northeastern Peru. Results of these experiments are discussed in the context of the Janzen-Connell model (Janzen 1970; Connell 1971), which predicts decreased seed survival near parent trees due to either density-or distance-responsive mortality, and Howe's model (Howe 1989) which predicts that trees with seeds dispersed in clumps (aggregated) will not suffer density-dependent predation, and will have higher survival of seeds near the parent tree than other trees. We also examined whether predation on seeds of these species was affected by seed placement in or near 30-m-wide strips regenerating after clear-cutting. Both species appeared to be mammal-dispersed but differed in how frugivores handled seeds, seed size, overall fruit crop size, and gemination time. Neither of the two species studied appeared to suffer seed predation in a manner predicted by the Janzen-Connell model, and patterns of seed predation for only one of the species was similar to predictions of Howe's model. For neither species did seed predation along the edge of, or in the center of, regenerating clear cuts differ from predation 15 m into the primary forest. For Pouteria, seed predation in and near regnerating strips was significantly greater than around forest trees, but the opposite pattern held for Macoubea. Overall, seed predation was much greater on Macoubea. The difference in seed predation for these two species was most likely a result of differences in the types of seed predators that attacked these two species.  相似文献   
Forest density expressing the stocking status constitutes the major stand physiognomic parameter of Indian forest. Density and age are often taken as surrogate to structural and compositional changes that occur with the forest succession. Satellite remote sensing spectral response is reported to provide information on structure and composition of forest stands. The various vegetation indices are also correlated with forest canopy closure. The paper presents a three way crown density model utilizing the vegetation indices viz., advanced vegetation index, bare soil index and canopy shadow index for classification of forest crown density. The crop and water classes which could not be delineated by the model were finally masked from normalized difference vegetation index and TM band 7 respectively. The rule based approach has been implemented for land use and forest density classification. The broad land cover classification accuracy has been found to be 91.5%. In the higher forest density classes the classification accuracy ranged between 93 and 95%, whereas in the lower density classes it was found to be between 82 and 85%.  相似文献   
双滴虫类是迄今所知的现存最原始的真核生物类群。以蓝氏贾第虫作为双滴虫类的代表,对其细胞核进行了电镜观察。除了未见有核仁外,还发现其核被膜的横切面上存在有缺口。在缺口的边缘处,核内膜与校外膜是相互连接着的,表明并非切片时所造成的假象。核被膜缺口处常有一核纤层样的薄层分隔核质与细胞质。用高锰酸钾固定细胞以求只保存膜结构时,核被膜缺口仍然可见,上述的薄层即未见到。核被膜缺口的发现证实了李靖炎(1979)的核被膜起源假说所作出的推断。  相似文献   
We studied the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment (280, 420 and 560 l CO2 l–1) and increased N deposition (0,30 and 90 kg ha–1 year–1) on the spruce-forest understory species Oxalis acetosella, Homogyne alpina and Rubus hirtus. Clones of these species formed the ground cover in nine 0.7 m2 model ecosystems with 5-year-old Picea abies trees (leaf area index of approx 2.2). Communities grew on natural forest soil in a simulated montane climate. Independently of N deposition, the rate of light-saturated net photosynthesis of leaves grown and measured at 420 l CO2 l–1 was higher in Oxalis and in Homogyne, but was not significantly different in Rubus compared to leaves grown and measured at the pre-industrial CO2 concentration of 280 l l–1. Remarkably, further CO2 enrichment to 560 l l–1 caused no additional increase of CO2 uptake. With increasing CO2 supply concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates in leaves increased and N concentrations decreased in all species, whereas N deposition had no significant effect on these traits. Above-ground biomass and leaf area production were not significantly affected by elevated CO2 in the more vigorously growing species O. acetosella and R. hirtus, but the slow growing H. alpina produced almost twice as much biomass and 50% more leaf area per plant under 420 l CO2 l–1 compared to 280 l l–1 (again no further stimulation at 560 l l–1). In contrast, increased N addition stimulated growth in Oxalis and Rubus but had no effect on Homogyne. In Oxalis (only) biomass per plant was positively correlated with microhabitat quantum flux density at low CO2, but not at high CO2 indicating carbon saturation. On the other hand, the less shade-tolerant Homogyne profited from CO2 enrichment at all understory light levels facilitating its spread into more shady micro-habitats under elevated CO2. These species-specific responses to CO2 and N deposition will affect community structure. The non-linear responses to elevated CO2 of several of the traits studied here suggest that the largest responses to rising atmospheric CO2 are under way now or have already occurred and possible future responses to further increases in CO2 concentration are likely to be much smaller in these understory species.  相似文献   
This study examined the temporal patterns of establishment, suppression, and release of major tree species in two old-growth Ohio forest remnants as a means to determine the past disturbance history of these forests. Increment cores were taken from a total of 154 trees from two well-drained, upland plots and two poorly-drained, bottomland plots in each of the two forested areas. Acer saccharum and Fagus grandifolia exhibited multiple episodes of suppression and release prior to becoming canopy trees, and could tolerate suppressions as long as 84 years. In contrast, Quercus macrocarpa, Q. muehlenbergii, Prunus serotina, and Acer saccharinum rerely exhibited any tolerance to suppression and appeared to have entered the canopy after single disturbances had opened large areas of canopy. There was clear synchrony in the temporal pattern of establishment and final release from suppression among trees from bottomland plots scattered throughout the stands, indicating that relatively large disturbances were important in these poorly-drained areas. In contrast, there was little synchrony among trees from well-drained upland plots, except in a single instance where selective cutting of Quercus trees opened the canopy. Thus, the canopy of upland site was likely subjected only to small disturbances resulting from the death of one or a few trees. At the whole of forest level, there was evidence of episodic recruitment of canopy trees in both forests. Establishment of Fraxinus spp. and Quercus spp. were particularly episodic, and few Fraxinus or Quercus trees alive today established during the last century. These data suggest that large disturbances have affected canopy dynamics of both upland and bottomland areas prior to 1900 and in bottomland forests through this century. In contrast, disturbances in upland areas during this century have been restricted to small, treefall-generated canopy gaps.  相似文献   
拉萨郊区藏族跖纹主线走向分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文用茚三酮-味精法采集跖纹,体视显微镜下追踪跖纹主线走向,分析了250(男女各125人)拉萨效区藏族健康人的跖纹样本。结果显示:A线主要走向1区,其次是7区;B线亦多止于1区和7区;C线主要止于和9区;D线止于1区 频率最高;E线主要走向13区;P三叉缺失较多。Pz^d线止共位置较高(13区和11区),而P^f线止区较低(7区)。在民族和人种间进行了比较,提示藏族践纹主线走向有自己的特点,又呈现  相似文献   
A simple mathematical model of mono-species forest with two age classes which takes into account seed production and dispersal is presented in the paper. This reaction — diffusion type model is then reduced by means of an asymptotic procedure to a lower dimensional reaction — cross-diffusion model. The existence of standing and travelling wave front solutions corresponding to the forest boundary is shown for the later model. On the basis of the analysis, possible changes in forest boundary dynamics caused by antropogenic impacts are discussed.  相似文献   
武陵山地区鱼类寄生杆咽属线虫两新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道在武陵山地区的白甲鱼[(Varicorkinus(Onychostoma)simus(SauvageetDabry)]和沪溪直口峻(RectorisluxiensisWuetYao)中发现的两种杆咽属(Rhabdochona)线虫新种,定名为白甲鱼杆咽线虫,新种(RhabdOchonaonyrkostomisp.nov.)和短咽杆咽线虫,新种(RhabdOchonabrevichonasp.nov.),并对两新种进行了测量和详细的描述。  相似文献   
长江三峡库区种子植物的中国特有分布   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
报道了分布于长江三峡库区的中国种子植物特有属及特有植物在库区的水平与垂直分布概况,对库区的特有分布的特点也进行了简要的分析和探讨。  相似文献   
The formation of gaseous compounds from decomposing fruibodies of three common macrofungi was qualitatively analysed. It was shown that significant production of ammonia took place. When the fruitbodies were decomposing on the surface of a podzolic forest floor more than 90% of the ammonia produced was absorbed by the soil, causing soil pH to increase.  相似文献   
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