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长白山区阔叶红松林经营历史与研究历程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长白山区位于中国东北东部的山地森林区,地带性植被是阔叶红松林,是我国珍贵木材生产和东北森林带的重要载体,孕育着丰富的物种资源.短短120年来,长白山区广袤的原始森林几乎消失殆尽,被次生林、过伐林和人工林等替代.建国以来,东北的阔叶红松林经营理论与技术在红松更新规律、皆伐与择伐的争论中,在人们对阔叶红松林结构和功能认识不断深入的过程中逐渐完善.但目前红松更新问题依然存在,森林经营依然十分粗放.本文梳理了过去70年来阔叶红松林的经营历史及研究历程,分析当前森林资源类型和经营制度的形成过程,以期为该区天然林可持续经营和质量的精准提升等提供借鉴.  相似文献   
Various hypotheses have been put forward to explain the presence of sclerophyllous plant disjuncts between western North America and the Mediterranean region. The Madrean–Tethyan hypothesis postulates that the two regions were floristically connected in the Early to Middle Tertiary by way of a low-latitude migration route. Others deny the possibility of such a route, and instead postulate convergence to xerophytic conditions from more widespread mesophytic ancestors, or suggest long-distance dispersal scenarios. One example of a “Madrean–Tethyan link” between the two regions is composed of four species within the genus Styrax: S. officinalis subsp. officinalis from the Mediterranean region, S. officinalis subsp. redivivus and subsp. fulvescens from California, and three closely related species in Texas and northeastern Mexico (S. texanus, S. platanifolius, and S. youngiae). This group was examined with isozymes to assess whether patterns of genetic variation are consistent with those predicted by the Madrean–Tethyan hypothesis. Ten populations from California, six from the Mediterranean region, and three from Texas were sampled. Pairwise comparisons revealed mean genetic identity (I) estimates of 0.581 between Mediterranean and California populations, 0.470 between Mediterranean and Texas populations, and 0.640 between California and Texas populations. Two populations of a species thought by many to be the closest relative of S. officinalis on morphological grounds (S. jaliscanus) exhibited low I (0.299–0.321) relative to all other group comparisons. Intercontinentally disjunct populations of S. officinalis possessed an I value that warrants species status for the Californian and Mediterranean groups. Divergence time estimates between Madrean and Tethyan Styrax range from 5.0 to 13.8 Mya, too recent to be consistent with the Madrean–Tethyan hypothesis. However, alternative explanations for this disjunction are suboptimal in that they require the invocation of either long-distance dispersal, which appears unlikely in this group, or extinction. Nonetheless, the evidence presented here and in other recent studies casts substantial doubt on the Madrean–Tethyan hypothesis as a general explanation for the presence of Madrean and Tethyan taxa similar in overall appearance. More plants with Madrean–Tethyan distributions must be sampled before definitive conclusions regarding this aspect of Madrean and Tethyan vegetation can be reached.  相似文献   
三江源地区生态系统服务功能与价值评估   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用谢高地分类系统和评估方法分析了三江源地区生态系统结构和服务功能,并对其价值进行了评估.结果表明:三江源地区生态系统服务功能总价值为3 377.1×108yuan·a-1.从生态系统类型来看,湿地、草地、森林、水体、荒漠和农田占其总价值的比例分别为52.91%、21.97%、15.23%、9.17%、0.67%和0.06%.从服务功能类型来看,主要是废物处理、水源涵养、气候调节、土壤形成与保护、生物多样性、娱乐文化、气体调节、原材料和食物生产.,分别占其总价值的23.9%、21.9%、19.1%、10.1%、8.7%、6.6%、6.4%、2.0%和1.3%.说明三江源地区生态系统具有多种服务功能,保护其生态系统结构和功能对中国江河中下游地区生态环境安全和区域可持续发展都具有重要意义.  相似文献   
随着社会经济的快速发展,中国城市规模和数量不断扩大,城市土地利用系统内部变化错综复杂.本研究以珠江三角洲地区城市群为例,研究了在自然环境条件和社会经济条件共同作用下城市化进程中城市用地动态变化的驱动机制,并设计了规划情景和RCPs气候情景,运用决策树元胞自动机模型对这几种情景下珠江三角洲地区城市用地的动态变化进行预测模拟.结果表明: 非农业人口和社会经济的增长对城市化过程起着决定性的推动作用,交通干线在整个城市化进程中始终起着重要的基础性作用,高程较高和坡度较大的区域制约了该地区的城市化进程.随着时间的推移,无论哪种情景,城市用地扩张的态势不变,但扩张速度到一定时间节点将会减缓,不同情景下减缓的时间点不同;规划情景、MESSAGE模式和AIM模式下的城市用地发展速度依次增加,但MESSAGE气候模式下的城镇发展较符合当前的城镇发展态势;城市用地扩张的区域主要集中在广州、东莞、佛山、珠海、深圳、湛江和潮汕等城市化相对较高的区域.
桂林漓江沿岸植物区系特点及其与景观的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
韦毅刚 《广西植物》2004,24(6):508-514
桂林漓江沿岸原生植被受破坏严重 ,植物区系为次生性质 ,其特点 :( 1 )种类丰富 ,共有野生维管束植物 80 8种 ,隶属于 1 5 6科、483属 ;( 2 )植物区系的地理成份复杂 ,可将 45 4个种子植物属归为 1 4个类型 ,以热带、亚热带类型为主 ,温带类型次之 ,中国特有属 6个 ;( 3 )植物区系岩溶特性明显 ,属于东亚植物区、中国—日本森林植物亚区、岭南山地地区的一个小区。植物景观是桂林漓江沿岸风景的重要组成部分 ,具体表现在各类植物群落的外貌和一些重要植物种类的花、果和叶色的季节性变化上。现存的主要植物群落以次生藤刺灌丛为主 ;少见尚存的喀斯特常绿、落叶阔叶混交林 ;独有的喀斯特硬叶常绿阔叶林 :以乌冈栎为建群种的山顶矮林 ,是我国东部湿润亚热带地区罕见的残遗植被类型 ,在构成景观和科研上均有特殊意义。沿河岸分布的植物是最吸引游人注意的重要景观 ,形状各异的灌丛、杂木林、竹林和农田植被等都是风景的重要组成部分  相似文献   
Aim We examined the influences of regional climate and land‐use variables on mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), blue‐winged teal (Anas discors), ruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis) and pied‐billed grebe (Podilymbus podiceps) abundances to inform conservation planning in the Prairie Pothole Region of the United States. Location The US portion of Bird Conservation Region 11 (US‐BCR11, the Prairie Potholes), which encompasses six states within the United States: Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota and Iowa. Methods We used data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey (NABBS), the National Land Cover Data Set, and the National Climatic Data Center to model the effects of environmental variables on waterbird abundance. We evaluated land‐use covariates at three logarithmically related spatial scales (1000, 10,000 and 100,000 ha), and constructed hierarchical spatial count models a priori using information from published habitat associations. Model fitting was performed using a hierarchical modelling approach within a Bayesian framework. Results Models with the same variables expressed at different scales were often in the best model subset, indicating that the influence of spatial scale was small. Both land‐use and climate variables contributed strongly to predicting waterbird abundance in US‐BCR11. The strongest positive influences on waterbird abundance were the percentage of wetland area across all three spatial scales, herbaceous vegetation and precipitation variables. Other variables that we included in our models did not appear to influence waterbirds in this study. Main conclusions Understanding the relationships of waterbird abundance to climate and land use may allow us to make predictions of future distribution and abundance as environmental factors change. Additionally, results from this study can suggest locations where conservation and management efforts should be focused.  相似文献   
We describe a case of an acquired subglottic cyst presented with persistent stridor and voice hoarsening in a baby diagnosed with Williams–Beuren syndrome that was born premature and required intubation during neonatal period. We also comment on whether this is a coincidence or there can be an association between impaired elastogenesis, a feature of patients with the syndrome and the formation of a subglottic cyst.  相似文献   
A case-control study on the morbidity of Chagas heart disease was carried out in the municipality of Barcelos in the microregion of the Rio Negro, state of Amazonas. One hundred and six individuals, who were serologically positive for Trypanosoma cruzi infection, as confirmed by at least two techniques with different principles, were matched according to age and sex with an equal number of seronegative individuals. The cases and controls were evaluated using an epidemiological questionnaire and clinical, electrocardiograph and echocardiograph examinations. In the seroepidemiological evaluation, 62% of the interviewees recognised triatomines and most of them confirmed that they had seen these insects in the piassava plantations of the riverside communities of the Negro River tributaries. Of the seropositive patients, 25.8% affirmed that they had been stung by the triatomines and 11.7% denied having been stung. The principal clinical manifestations of the seropositive individuals were palpitations, chest pain and dyspnoea upon effort. Cardiac auscultation revealed extrasystoles, bradycardia and systolic murmurs. The electrocardiographic alterations were ventricular extrasystoles, left and right bundle branch block, atrioventricular block and primary T wave alterations. The echocardiogram was altered in 22.6% of the seropositive individuals and in 8.5% of the seronegative individuals.  相似文献   
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