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It has long been recognized that the bipedal posture reduces the surface area of the body exposed to the sun. In recent years, a theory has been developed by Wheeler that bipedalism evolved in the ancestor of the Hominidae in order to help relieve thermal stress on the animals in open equatorial environments. Bipedalism was said to afford a distinct adaptive advantage over quadrupedalism by permitting hominids to remain active in the open throughout the day. The heat load of the hypothetical hominid comprises the external environment as modelled by Wheeler and the animal's internal environment (i.e., the internal heat generated by its metabolic and locomotor activities, and its evaporative and respirative cooling capacities). When these factors are integrated in the calculation of the animal's thermal budget, the putative advantage of the bipedal over the quadrupedal posture is considerably reduced. The simulations conducted in this study suggest that the increased time afforded to early hominids in the open by bipedalism was relatively short and, therefore, of little or no adaptive significance. These results suggest that thermoregulatory considerations cannot be implicated as a first cause in the evolution of bipedalism in the hominid ancestor.  相似文献   
A radular mechanosensory neuron, RM, was identified in the buccal ganglia of Incilaria fruhstorferi. Fine neurites ramified bilaterally in the buccal ganglia, and main neurites entered the subradular epithelium via buccal nerve 3 (n3). When the radula was distorted by bending, RM produced an afferent spike which was preceded by an axonic spike recorded at n3. The response of RM to radular distortion was observed even in the absence of Ca2+, which drastically suppressed chemical synaptic interactions. Therefore, RM was concluded to be a primary radular mechanoreceptor.During rhythmic buccal motor activity induced by food or electrical stimulation of the cerebrobuccal connective, RM received excitatory input during the radular retraction phase. In the isolated buccal ganglia connected to the radula via n3s, the afferent spike, which had been evoked by electrical stimulation of the subradular epithelium, was broadened with the phasic excitatory input. Since the afferent spike was also broadened by current injection into the soma, depolarization due to the phasic input may have produced the spike broadening.Spike broadening was also observed during repetitive firing evoked by current injection. The amplitude of the excitatory postsynaptic potential in a follower neuron increased depending on the spike broadening of RM.Abbreviations CBC cerebrobuccal connective - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - n1,n3 buccal nerves 1 and 3 - RBMA rhythmic buccal motor activity - RM radular mechanosensory neuron - SMT supramedian radular tensor neuron  相似文献   
Function and biological role of morphological specialization in desmognathine salamanders are analysed in the light of studies of feeding in Leurognatthus marmoratus. Nine morphological features uniquely characterize the Desmognathinae as compared to its sister group, the Plethodontinae, and other salamanders: (1) heavily ossified and strongly articulated skull and mandible; (2) flat, wedgelike head profile; (3) stalked occipital condyles; (4) modified atlas; (5) modified anterior trunk vertebrae; (6) atlanto-mandibular ligaments; (7) enlarged dorsal spinal muscles; (8) enlarged quadrato-pectoralis muscles; and (9) hind limbs relatively larger than forelimbs. Dorsoventral head mobility is increased at the atlanto-occipital joint by the stalked occipital condyles which simultaneously increase the mechanical advantage of the hypertrophied axial muscles that cross the joint. During head depression the atlanto-mandibular ligaments are placed in tension. Force generated by the quadrato-pectoralis muscles is transmitted directly to the mandible, creating a powerful bite with the jaws in full occlusion. Desmognathines use an efficient static pressure system for subduing and/or killing prey items held in the jaws, not a kinetic-inertial mechanism, as previously suggested. Leurognathus exhibits a behaviour ('head-tucking') unique to desmognathines that is consistent with the static-pressure hypothesis. Several desmognathine features (1, 2, 5, 7, 9) are not explicable as adaptations for feeding; these function as locomotory specializations for burrowing, especially for wedging under rocks within and alongside streams. Desmognathines use head-tucking during such wedging and burrowing movements, thus locomotory specializations act in concert with the feeding specializations. We suggest that origin of the atlanto-mandibular ligaments can be considered a 'key innovation' in that it allowed the secondary invasion of stream habitats by adults of ancestral desmognathines.  相似文献   
During postembryonic development, the DD motoneurons in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans completely reorganize their pattern of synapses. Ablation of a pair of embryonic precursors results in the absence of this entire class of motoneurons. In their absence animals exhibit two developmentally distinct locomotory defects. The transition period from one defect to the other is correlated with the synaptic reorganization of the DD mns. Mutations in a gene (unc-123) have been isolated that exhibit locomotory defects similar to those of the ablated adult animals. Genetic and cellular analyses of one of these alleles suggest that the unc-123 gene product may be involved in the reestablishment of functional synapses in these neurons. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Quantitative and qualitative analyses of filming studies reveal that fundamental differences exist between the gaits of the New Zealand fur seal (Arctocephalus forsteri) and the Hooker's sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri). Terrestrial locomotion of the latter species is similar to that of terrestrial vertebrates in which the limbs are moved in sequence, alternately and independently. In contrast, the gait of the New Zealand fur seal does not conform to this sequence, the hind limbs being moved in unison. The gaits of both species are defined and illustrated. The limbs of otariids are structurally adapted for a semi-aquatic lifestyle and consequently large oscillations of the centre of gravity are necessary to enable the limbs to be lifted and protracted during terrestrial locomotion. Phocarctos hookeri achieves this by transferring weight in the transverse plane while in A.forsteri it is in the sagittal plane. Hind limb movements are distinctly different; P. hookeri moves each hind limb individually by the combined action of limb protraction and rotation of the pelvis while A. forsteri moves its hind limbs together, predominantly by flexion of the posterior axial skeleton. While terrestrial locomotion in these species is achieved by fundamentally different gaits, post cranial elements of A. forsteri and P. hookeri are barely distinguishable; selection for the behavioural control of terrestrial locomotion has apparently preceded structural modifications. The gaits are considered to be ecological specializations which are adaptations to the mechanical problems imposed by different habitats. Gaits of these species appear typical or representative of members of their inferred subfamilies (Arctocephalinae and Otariinae). The gaits of A. forsteri and P. hookeri are however paradoxical in light of their inferred evolutionary history since the gait of the Hooker's sea lion resembles more closely that of the putative ancestors of otariids (arctoid fissiped carnivores) than does the gait of the supposedly more primitive New Zealand fur seal.  相似文献   
I describe the positional behavior of four species of Malagasy lemur (Propithecus diadema, Eulemur fulvus rufus, Eulemur rubriventer,and Varecia variegata)at two times of year at Ranomafana National Park,Madagascar. There were significant seasonal differences in locomotor behavior in all species except P. diademaAmong the lemurids, leaping was more frequent and quadrupedism less frequent in the dry season. Only E. rubriventerexhibited seasonal differences in posture, and there were few seasonal differences in support use. The observed differences in positional behavior were not the result of differences in activity budget or in microhabitat use attributable to seasonal variation in resource use.  相似文献   
Rhythmic movements of crayfish swimmerets are coordinated by a neural circuit that links their four abdominal ganglia. Each swimmeret is driven by its own small local circuit, or pattern-generating module. We modeled this networkas a chain of four oscillators, bidirectionally coupled to their nearest neighbors, and tested the models ability to reproduce experimentally observed changes in intersegmental phases and in period caused by differential excitation of selected abdominal ganglia. The choices needed to match the experimental data lead to the followingpredictions: coupling between ganglia is asymmetric; the ascending and descending coupling have approximately equal strengths; intersegmental coupling does not significantly affect the frequency of the system; and excitation affects the intrinsic frequencies of the oscillators and might also change properties ofintersegmental coupling.  相似文献   
Despite the large and growing number of Miocene fossil catarrhine taxa, suitable common ancestors of great apes and humans have yet to be agreed upon. Considering a) the conservative and primitive nature of the hominoid molar cusp pattern, and b) the variability of secondary dental features, it is difficult to discern whether a hominoid dentition is primitive, secondarily simplified to the primitive condition or too far derived to be ancestral to any of the living forms. Nonetheless, the inability to recognize a common ancestor is primarly due to the absence of a model of hominoid differentiation that provides a basis for its recognition. Vertical climbing as the limiting component of cautious climbing, explains all of the locomotor anatomy shared by living hominoids. Comparison of the shared derived characters of hominoids to those of forms which have converged on hominoidsi.e colobines, atelines, lorisines, paleopropithecines and sloths suggest that early hominoids were probably folivores. In arboreal forms there is a strong link between a large body size, folivory and cautious climbing. Comparison of craniodental characters of committed folivores to committed frugivores from among each of the compared groups with the exception of lorisines, indicates that many of the distinguishing craniodental characters of humans and great apes are adaptations to folivory. Many of these characters, however, are also present in Jolly's seed eating complex. As such folivory may be the heritage factor which Jolly hypothesized to account for differential reduction of canines in fossilTheropithecus and hominids.  相似文献   
The paths of Colorado beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say)in a featureless environment are circular. This behavior is explained by an internal asymmetry. To stabilize the path, the fixation reaction or the optomotor response must work against this asymmetry. The turning behavior was examined in stationary patterns of vertical stripes different at spatial wavelengths (). The internal asymmetry was tested in a horizontally striped pattern. A stable fixation reaction was found only for 120 °. The results suggest that larger intrinsic turning tendencies shifts the stable point of the fixation reaction. The same vertically striped patterns were rotated to examine the following reaction of the beetle. It is concluded that the fixation component of the response of these insects, in particular, does not differ in the two situations.  相似文献   
Chicks and chick embryos provide a useful model system for the study of related to the development of motor behaviors. EMG and kinematic analyses of leg movements have been used to provide new data on the organization of embryonic motility. These data suggest that the circuitry needed to produce a basic, coordinated motor pattern is available early in development. This circuitry then appears to be retained throughout life. Evidence from analysis of EMG patterns and leg deafferentation studies suggest that the output of this basic circuit can be modulated by sensory input to produce the motor patterns of later behaviors, such as hatching and walking. If the same circuitry is present throughout life, then mechanisms for initiation and termination of particular behaviors must be available to ensure that specific behaviors are turned on and off at appropriate times. For example, hatching can be turned on by a specific sensory signal: proprioceptive signals from the bent neck. In addition to reviewing current research on the development of chick motor behaviors, methodological considerations and suggestions for future research are presented. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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