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Summary Observations of putative drinking behaviour at soil surfaces by major workers ofMacrotermes subhyalinus andM. bellicosus suggested that unidirectionally arranged trichomes on the anterior hypopharynx exert capillarity on water in soil pores. To test this hypothesis thirsty major workers were placed on soil of relatively low water content. From the soil types tested we determined soil-moisture retention curves which represent graphically the water content of the soil and its corresponding capillary potential. The termites were able to obtain water from different types of clay soil against potentials in the range – 1.6 to – 1.9 bar. On sandy soil the capillary potential was found to be much higher (– 0.18 bar), i.e. closer to zero. Sandy soil has a very unfavourable water retention capacity, i.e. its water content is very low at low capillary potential, whereas clay soil retains much more water at low capillary potential. The ability of the termites to gain water from soils with relatively low water content is an important adaptive feature for survival in semi-arid areas.  相似文献   
The growth and demography ofCubitermes speciosus mounds were studied in an equatorial forest ecosystem near Kisangani, Zaïre. The mounds were censused and measured on eight occasions from June 1985 to January 1993 on 25 plots of 100 m2.Mounds were found to grow in two ways: either they were enlarged sporadically, leading to a correlation between age and size; or they were no longer enlarged after a 2-year period of initial growth, which means that both large and small mounds can be old.The number of living mounds was fairly constant: it varied between 112 and 152 ha–1 with an average of 139 ha–1, and about a quarter of them were renewed each year. However, a clear tendency was observed over our 7.5-year observation period: the average size of the mounds increased regularly and was 2.7 times larger in 1993 than in 1985.Monthly birth and death rates were estimated using a model of continuous growth. Life expectancy at the age of 3 months was estimated from a survivorship curve at 3.5 years.  相似文献   
Summary Production in mature termite nests consists of a seasonal brood of reproductives and a continuous turnover of steriles. The sterile population of the nest remained fairly constant, with no regular seasonal fluctuations. Growth rates of steriles were estimated by interrupting the input and following the missing cohort.Estimated mean values of standing crop biomass and annual production in a mature nest were used to calculate a production-to-biomass ratio. In conjunction with data on the density of nests in the field, the biomass and production per hectare were estimated.  相似文献   
Differences in feeding and trophallaxis among castes of the fungus‐cultivating higher subterranean termite Odontotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Termitidae) were determined using rubidium (Rb) as a tracer. In the feeding study, workers and third instars fed directly on Rb‐treated filter paper and acquired the highest levels of Rb content. Although fifth and sixth instars obtained the Rb content over the marked level, the feeding ability of the caste was very poor. However, soldiers did not feed on Rb‐treated filter paper. In the trophallaxis study, worker, soldier, and fifth‐ and sixth‐instar recipients paired with Rb‐fed worker donors had a significantly higher Rb content than those paired with control donors. Results indicate that soldiers are completely dependent on workers for nutrition. Workers and fifth and sixth instars may obtain nutritional material from foraging workers. When third‐instar recipients were paired with Rb‐fed worker donors, they did not have a significantly higher Rb content than when they were paired with control donors, suggesting that the frequency of worker/third instar trophallaxis was very low. Transfer efficiency from the four trophallactic combinations ranged from 1.2 (worker donors to third‐instar recipients) to 12.9% (worker donors to soldier recipients). Accordingly, nutritional material from foraging workers could be transferred to non‐foraging workers, soldiers, and fifth and sixth instars by trophallaxis; however, third instars rarely obtain nutritional material from foraging workers, because they are capable of feeding within the nest.  相似文献   
In female alates of Macrotermes annandalei, two types of abdominal glands are involved in the secretion of sex pheromone. Tergal glands are found at the anterior margin of tergites 6-10 and posterior sternal glands (PSGs) are located at the anterior margin of sternites 6-7. The cytological features of both types of glands are quite similar. The fine structural organization of PSGs is studied more precisely and described for the first time. The glandular cuticle is pitted with narrow apertures corresponding to the openings of numerous subcuticular pouches. Several Class 3 glandular units open in each pouch. One canal cell and one secretory cell make an individual glandular unit. The canal cell is enlarged apically and is connected with the other canal cells to form a common pouch. Based on the structural features found in these glands, we propose a common secretory process for PSGs and tergal glands. During the physiological maturation of alates inside the nest, secretory vesicles amass in the cytoplasm of secretory cells, while large intercellular spaces collapse the cuticular pouches. At the time of dispersal flight, pouches are filled with the content of secretory vesicles while intercellular spaces are sharply reduced. After calling behavior, no secretion remains in the glands and pouches collapse again, while secretory cells are drastically reduced in size. The structure and the secretory processes of PSGs and tergal glands are compared to those of abdominal sexual glands known in termites.  相似文献   
The chemical defense secretions of major and minor soldiers of 46 colonies of the free-ranging termite Longipeditermes longipes (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) were isolated and analyzed by chromatography and spectroscopy. The colonies, collected from rainforest sites in Malaysia, showed monoterpene patterns rich in pinenes and limonene but with few qualitative differences among colonies. In marked contrast, the diterpene chemistry is highly variable that includes bicyclic (secotrinervitane), tricyclic (trinervitane), tetracyclic (rippertane), and a spirotetracyclic (longipane) skeleton. This paper presents the compositional and structural diversity, and calculates genetic distances among sympatric and allopatric colonies from a single species.  相似文献   
1. Soil‐feeding termites are abundant and diversified in neotropical forests, where they are among the major decomposers of the soil macrofauna. While niche specialisation along the humification gradient may reduce inter‐specific competition, some species are represented by numerous colonies likely to be involved in intra‐specific competition, but the subterranean nesting habits of most species of soil‐feeding termites make direct observations difficult. 2. The soldierless species Anoplotermes banksi Emerson was studied, which, unlike other Anoplotermes‐group species, builds arboreal nests that can be easily detected. To infer the biological processes driving the spatial distribution of this species, we conducted a 3‐year survey of the dynamics of colonisation of a 1‐ha plot by A. banksi. Ripley's L‐function, detecting aggregation or dispersion at various spatial scales, was used to investigate the distribution pattern of A. banksi nests, as well as the distribution of new and established nests. 3. Only one‐fourth of the nests recorded the first year were still alive after 3 years, highlighting a rapid turnover of the A. banksi nest population. Age classes were differentially affected by mortality, which was higher in young nests than in large, established nests. 4. Established nests were overdispersed at a short range, whereas young nests had a random or clumped distribution. Young nests tended to be overdispersed from established ones and were more abundant in areas with recently dead nests. Dead nests predominantly occurred where A. banksi nests were particularly abundant. Altogether, the present results indicate a negative interaction between neighbouring colonies suggesting intra‐specific competition.  相似文献   
Chroniodiplogaster formosiana sp. n. (Rhabditida: Diplogastridae) is described from a population of Odontotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Termitidae) collected from dead (unidentified) wood at Dinghu Park, China. Characters of C. formosiana which separate it from C. aerivora (Cobb) are a longer tail, the presence of four micropapillae (quadriform condition), and the adjacent position of the second and third macropapillae on the male tail. The diplogasterid Pristionchus uniformis Fedorko & Stanuszek, which is transferred to Chroniodiplogaster, can be distinguished from both C. formosiana and C. aerivora by the position of its excretory pore. Variable results in experimental infection trials suggest that some still unknown factor or factors are important in the infection process. Further studies are necessary to better define these factors before C. formosiana can be considered as a biological control agent of the Formosan termite.  相似文献   
Nineteen monoterpenes and 13 diterpenes were distinguished in soldier defensive secretions of four species of Nasutitermes. Samples of N. columbicus, N. corniger, N. ephratae and N. nigriceps were collected in Costa Rica and Panama. Interspecifically, these species can be differentiated by monoterpenes, which exhibit a complex pattern. Intraspecifically, there is detectable variation in monoterpenes and diterpenes, each of which allows discrimination of four populations of N. corniger. Similarity between two Pacific populations of N. corniger from different environments, a tropical dry forest and a rainforest, suggests there is no climatic influence on chemical compositions of defensive secretions. In addition, results from Costa Rica provide evidence that the Atlantic population of N. corniger is derived from Pacific populations.  相似文献   
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