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不结球白菜离体培养与植株再生体系研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
以4个不结球白菜品种为试材,对外植体、苗龄、激素的组配、培养基中琼脂和AgNO3浓度等再生因素进行了筛选优化,并探讨了抗坏血酸(AsA)对不结球白菜不定芽分化的影响。结果显示:以4~7d苗龄的带柄子叶为外植体诱导不定芽效果较好;MN培养基中4mg/L6-BA与0.5mg/LNAA的搭配有利于不定芽形成;琼脂的浓度变化对不定芽分化影响较大,以9g/L琼脂为宜;培养基中添加5~7.5mg/L的AgNO3、0.1~0.5mmol/L的AsA可显著提高不定芽的发生频率和质量。通过不定芽继代培养、生根培养和驯化移栽建立了能够获得较高再生频率的不结球白菜离体再生体系。  相似文献   
Histological events during adventitious shoot formation in cultured shoot apex of 10–12-day-old seedlings and adventitious root formation in the elongated shoot of Taiwania floudana Gaussen were examined. Ceils of the peripheral subsurface layers of the shoot apex responded to cytokinin and divided into meristematic cells from which the shoot primordia were proliferated. A few bud primordia also originated from the epidermis and hypodermis of the adaxial surface of the cotyledon. The parenchyma of leaf gap of the shoots cultured in rooting medium dedifferentiated to regain the capacity of division and form adventitious root. Besides, cells that had relatively low potential of differentiation, such as the cortex parenchyma, pith ray, phloem parenchyma and cambium zone, albeit initiated to divide, but seldom formed root primordium. The origin of the adventitious roots in the leaf gap facilitated the establishment of the vascular connection between the shoot and root.  相似文献   
色彩对茶园昆虫的引诱力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为评估色板用于监测和诱捕茶园害虫的可能性,于10月份茶园昆虫盛发期在绍兴和杭州分别选有机、无公害茶园,同时使用10种粘性色板大面积诱捕茶园昆虫和蜘蛛.每种色彩重复10次.结果表明:(1)在两片供试茶园捕获的目、科和种类基本相同.蜘蛛很少.24 h后,绍兴茶园中10种色板共捕获9目53科10200个昆虫和蜘蛛;72 h 后杭州茶园中捕获10目63科21526个昆虫和蜘蛛.(2)同翅目为优势类群.绍兴茶园中,纯白色板诱捕的同翅目种数占该色板捕获的总物种数的15.2%、同翅目个体数占该色板捕获的总个体数的34.1%;其它9种色板诱捕同翅目种数占各自捕获总种数的21.2%~31.0%、同翅目个体数占各自捕获总个体数的45.8%~75.4%.杭州茶园中,纯白、湖蓝和天蓝色板诱捕同翅目种数小于各自捕获的总种数的20%、同翅目个体数小于各自捕获的总个体数的51%;其它7种色板诱捕同翅目种数大于各自捕获的总种数的22.7%,果绿和墨绿诱捕的同翅目个体数占各自诱捕的总个体数的48.6%和49.8%,桃红、素馨黄、土黄、芽绿和桔黄诱捕的同翅目个体数占各自诱捕的总个体数的55.5%~78.1%.绍兴茶园中,素馨黄和芽绿诱捕的粉虱、假眼小绿叶蝉和广翅蜡蝉分别占两种色板诱捕的总个体数的67.7%和50.1%;杭州茶园中,素馨黄和芽绿诱捕的这几种害虫总数分别占二者诱捕的总个体数的70.7% 和59.2%.(3) 捕获的主要是害虫,绍兴茶园中诱捕的害虫数是天敌的1.63倍,杭州茶园中诱捕的害虫数是天敌的2.23倍.(4)色板之间引诱的种数和个体数差异显著.素馨黄和芽绿诱捕的种数和个体数最多、被捕昆虫的群落多样性指数很小,对叶蝉、粉虱和蜡蝉的引诱力最强;土黄和桔黄诱捕的种数和个体数较多、多样性指数较小,对同翅目昆虫的引诱力较强;纯白色诱捕的种数和个体数居中、多样性指数最大,即诱捕的各种昆虫的个体数差别小;果绿、桃红、墨绿和湖蓝诱捕的种数和个体数明显较少、多样性指数也较小;天蓝色诱捕的种数和个体数最少.(5) 寄生蝇类偏嗜蓝色,缨小蜂类、茧蜂类和小蜂类偏嗜芽绿色.建议将素馨黄和芽绿色板与信息素组合,分别用于监测和诱捕叶蝉和粉虱.  相似文献   
美国黄松成熟胚的离体培养与不定芽的形成   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
以美国黄松成熟胚为外植体进行离体培养诱导不定芽。正交试验和统计分析结果表明基本培养基的种类对外植体不定芽的诱导起主要作用。在GD培养基上附加0.5mg/L的6-BA,外植体不定芽的诱导率达55%,平均增值率为6,最大增值率达10。NAA不利于外植体不定芽的诱导,培养基中加入适量的添生炭有利于不定芽的形成和生长。  相似文献   
The biology of Kampimodromus aberrans (Oudemans), a predator of the big bud mite, Phytoptus avellanae Nalepa, was studied under laboratory conditions. All experiments were conducted on hazelnut leaf discs in an incubator at 25 ± 1 °C, with 16:8 h L:D, at an average daily relative air humidity of 76%. Observations were made twice daily for the immature stages and daily for the adults to determine developmental time, survival and fecundity. The mean developmental time for females was 6.90 days and for males was 7.10 days, and mean adult longevity for females was 11.67 days. The mean total and daily egg production were 12.67 and 1.85 eggs, respectively. The net reproduction rate (R0) was 7.09 females/female, intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was 0.153 female/female/day and mean generation time (T0) was 12.80 days. The mortality rate of immature stages was 0.66% and the sex ratio was 0.51 female.  相似文献   
用环剥摘叶法和石蜡切片法对紫花芒花芽生长发育规律进行研究,结果表明:紫花芒花芽生理分化期开始于末次梢停长后1 ~6周(11月初) ,到11月23日为止,75 %以上的芽完成了生理分化。形态分化始期为末次梢停长后3 ~4周(11月中旬) ,到第二年1月中下旬止,持续时间为60 ~75 d。从10月30日到11月6日为花芽未分化期或是处于叶芽期,11月16日至次年1月4日为花芽分化前期,11月16日至次年1月8日为花序分化期,12月21日至次年1月8日为花序第一分枝分化期,12月21日至次年1月14日为花序第二分枝分化期,1月8日至1月26日,开始花序基部的小花花器官的分化,先是花萼、花瓣的分化,接着为雄蕊、雌蕊、蜜盘的形成,此为花器官分化期。  相似文献   
球毛壳(Chaetomium globosum Kze.)系 Kunze 于1817年报道见于丹麦石竹(Dianthus carthusianorum L.)茎上的毛壳菌属(Chaetomium)的第一个种(模式种)。Cooke and Ellis 在1878年描述了见于飞蓬属(Erigeron L.)腐茎上的橄榄色毛壳(C.oliaceum C.et E.)。在 Chivers(1915)、Skolko and Groves(1953)、Udagawa(1960)、Ames(1963)和 Seth(1972)关于毛壳菌属的专著都曾指出很难划分这两个种的界限。Skolk and Groves(1953)区分此两个种时以橄榄色毛壳具有较大的子囊壳、较宽的顶附属丝和较大的子囊孢子,而 Chivers(1915)则认为橄榄色毛壳是球毛壳的异名,Udagawa(1960)区分此两个种仅根据子囊孢子的长度和宽度,他认为橄榄色毛壳的子囊孢子大于球毛壳的子囊孢子。Seth(1972)在他的专著中虽保留此两个种作为独立种,但他指出限于他镜检过的标本材料及根据 Chivers 专著中的球毛壳的特征辑要概括了橄榄色毛壳的特征,对这两个种的区分界限确实是很难划分的。最近我们在北京采集和分离了来源于不同的植物和动物材料上的毛壳菌种类,以期进行北京地区毛壳菌种类调查研究。我们分离获得许多球毛壳——橄榄色毛壳类的毛壳菌菌株。参考了不同作者对这两个种的子囊壳、顶附属丝、侧附属丝、子囊及子囊孢子的特征记载,对北京的这一类型菌株进行了细致研究,认为球毛壳与橄榄色毛壳确有形态学特征区别,表现在橄榄色毛壳的子囊壳、顶附属丝和子囊孢子较球毛壳的更为粗壮,兼之球毛壳的顶附属丝较橄榄色毛壳的为窄且有分隔和微粗糙,球毛壳的子囊孢子呈浅橄榄褐色至暗橄榄褐色,含两个折光性油滴而橄榄色毛壳的子囊孢子呈暗橄榄褐色,量度亦较大,凭依经验即可鉴别此两个不同种。  相似文献   
伊贝母体细胞无性系的建立及其胚状体的发生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了伊贝母体细胞无性系的建立及其胚状体的发生。已继代培养三年零六个月共30多代的鳞芽愈伤组织,目前仍有分化能力。通过愈伤组织形态细胞学的观察,发现伊贝母体细胞无性系形成小鳞茎的途径有二:一是由特化了的愈伤组织表皮细胞。经多次分裂发育成不定芽而形成小鳞茎;二是由愈伤组织表层或内层特化了的胚性细胞,经多次分裂发育成胚状体而形成小鳞茎。不定芽和胚状体的形态发生是有区别的。  相似文献   
Apical flower buds of Cymbidium goeringli Reichenbach fil. (ca 2 mm long) exeised from infloreseences (ca 5 cm long) were explanted on modified Murashige & Skoog medium (=MS medium) supplemented with N6-benzyladenine (BA) and -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Within 107 days of culture, swelling growth, chlorophyll synthesis, and subsequent rhizome differentiation were observed. MS medium containing 0.1 mg l-1 BA and 10 mg l-1 NAA was found to be optimal for initiating rhizome development and subsequent plantlet regeneration.Explants cultured on MS medium supplemented with 1 mg l-1 NAA alone formed a mass of rhizome branches. Multiple shoots of rhizome branches were induced from apical segments when rhizomes were transferred to MS medium containing 0.1 mg l-1 BA and 10 mg l-1 NAA.Abbreviations NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - BA N6-benzyladenine  相似文献   
Summary The mobile genetic element Tn4430, originating from the gram-positive bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis, and previously described as the Th-sequence, is the first transposon isolated from the genus Bacillus. In the present work a gene (APH-III) conferring resistance to kanamycin was inserted into this 4.2 kb transposon. Transposition experiments showed that Tn4430APH-III could transpose in the gram-negative host Escherichia coli when its insertion functions were supplied by an intact copy of Tn4430. By transposing Tn4430APH-III directly onto pBR322, it was possible to determine the nucleotide sequence of the terminal inverted repeats of Tn4430 and of the target DNA site. Identical 38 bp in inverted orientation are situated at each end of the transposon and there is a direct duplication of 5 bp at the insertion site. Thus, it is clear that Tn4430 is closely related to the transposons belonging to the Tn3 family (class II elements).  相似文献   
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