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Mast seeding, or masting, is the variable production of flowers, seeds, or fruit across years more or less synchronously by individuals within a population. A critical issue is the extent to which temporal variation in seed production over a collection of individuals can be viewed as arising from a combination of individual variation and synchrony among individuals. Studies of masting typically quantify such variation in terms of the coefficient of variation (CV). In this paper we examine mathematically how the population CV relates to the mean individual CV and synchrony, concluding that the relationship is a complex one which cannot isolate an overall measure of synchrony, and involves additional factors, principally the number of plants sampled and the mean productivity per plant. Our development suggests some simple approximate relationships of population CV to individual variability, synchrony and the number of individuals. These were found to fit quite well when applied to data from 59 studies which included seed production at the individual level.  相似文献   
We consider establishment success (and extinction risk of small populations) in fluctuating environments, by means of an inhomogeneous branching process model. In this model it is assumed that individuals reproduce asexually during discrete reproduction periods. Within each period individuals reproduce independently and have random numbers of offspring. Expected numbers of offspring vary over reproduction periods due to random environmental changes. Previous simulation results indicated that there is a positive autocorrelation between the establishment probabilities of invaders in successive reproduction periods when environmental states are independently distributed. This result was never formally proved. In this paper we prove that this is indeed true, regardless of the form of the distribution of environmental states or the offspring distribution (under a monotonicity condition, which holds for biologically realistic models). Furthermore, we prove that it is also true for positively autocorrelated environmental states. We show by a counterexample that in environments with a strong negative autocorrelation establishment probabilities can be negatively autocorrelated. This was further examined through simulations. Our results imply that in independent, positively autocorrelated and weakly negatively autocorrelated environments the probability of success of invasion in different independently varying sites is the highest, followed by sequential invasion. For environments with a strong negative autocorrelation, sequential invasion has the highest probability of success. Effects of autocorrelation were further examined with simulations. From the results it appears that the expected length of 'runs of bad luck' is the most crucial factor for establishment success.  相似文献   
Using different techniques of molecular biology we investigated the bacterial diversity of the chemocline of the meromictic Lake Cadagno. Cloning of a total community 16S rDNA PCR product and subsequent screening with a combination of amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis and temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE) analysis revealed that 30 of 47 randomly selected clones were unique. Partial sequencing and comparative analysis indicated a high bacterial diversity dominated by the gamma-Proteobacteria (33.3%). Most of these rDNA clone sequences were not closely related to any 16S rDNA sequence in the database. In a second approach, the TTGE pattern from an environmental sample was compared with the migration of the cloned 16S rDNA fragments. Four clone types were identified on the environmental pattern by excising and sequencing comigrating bands, three of which were well represented in the library: two Chromatiaceae species and one sequence affiliated with the Desulfobulbus assemblage. Using the fluorescent in situ hybridization technique we essentially confirmed the results of the cloning experiments and the TTGE analysis.  相似文献   
Experiments in visual cortex have shown that the firing rate of a neuron in response to the simultaneous presentation of a preferred and non-preferred stimulus within the receptive field is intermediate between that for the two stimuli alone (stimulus competition). Attention directed to one of the stimuli drives the response towards the response induced by the attended stimulus alone (selective attention). This study shows that a simple feedforward model with fixed synaptic conductance values can reproduce these two phenomena using synchronization in the gamma-frequency range to increase the effective synaptic gain for the responses to the attended stimulus. The performance of the model is robust to changes in the parameter values. The model predicts that the phase locking between presynaptic input and output spikes increases with attention.  相似文献   
Because of their mediating role in the stress response and potential effects on fitness, glucocorticoid (GC) hormones are increasingly used to assess the physiological costs of environmental and behavioral variation among wild vertebrates. Identifying the proximate causes of GC variation, however, is complicated by simultaneous exposure to multiple potentially stressful stimuli. Here, we use data from a partially provisioned social group of Sykes' monkeys to evaluate the effects of potential psychological and metabolic stressors on temporal and individual variation in fecal GC (fGC) excretion among 11 adult females. Despite high rates of agonism over provisioned foods fGCs declined during periods of high provisioning frequency when fruit availability was dominated by neem (Azadirachta indica), an item requiring great feeding effort. Provisioned foods did not prevent fGC increases when availability of the most preferred main fruit item, tamarind (Tamarindus indica), declined drastically. Although rank-related differences in access to provisioned foods and rates of agonism did not lead to an overall effect of rank on fGCs, low-ranking females excreted more fGCs than high-ranking females during a period of high provisioning intensity and low fruit availability. The emergence of this rank effect was associated with elevated feeding effort in all females, a greater access to provisioned items by high-ranking females, and a higher proportion of time spent moving in low-ranking females. Our findings suggest that metabolic stressors were the primary determinants of both temporal and individual variation in fGCs, indicating potential fitness benefits for high-ranking females when food availability is limited.  相似文献   
The E1 (epileptic) mouse is considered a model for complex partial seizures in humans. Seizures in E1 mice begin around 7-8 weeks of age and persist throughout life. To determine if astrocytic gliosis was present in adult seizing E1 mice, the distribution of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was studied in the hippocampus using an antibody to GFAP. The mean number of GFAP-positive cells per square millimeter of hippocampus was approximately 15- to 40-fold higher in adult E1 mice than in nonseizing control C57BL/6J (B6) mice or in young nonseizing E1 mice. Relative GFAP concentration (expressed per milligram of total tissue protein) in hippocampus and cerebellum was estimated by densitometric scanning of peroxidase-stained western blots. GFAP concentration was 2.7-fold greater in hippocampus of adult seizing E1 mice than in the control B6 mice. No differences in GFAP content were detected between the strains in the cerebellum. Because gangliosides can serve as cell surface markers for changes in neuronal cytoarchitecture, they were analyzed to determine if the gliotic response in E1 mice was associated with changes in neural composition. Although the total ganglioside concentration of hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and cerebellum was similar in adult E1 and control B6 mice, a synaptic membrane enriched ganglioside, GD1a, was elevated in the adult E1 cerebral cortex and hippocampus. The findings indicate that E1 mice express a type of gliosis that is not accompanied by obvious neuronal loss.  相似文献   
Background, aim, and scope  Traditional life cycle impact assessment methodologies have used aggregated characterization factors, neglecting spatial and temporal variations in regional impacts like photochemical oxidant formation. This increases the uncertainty of the LCA results and diminishes the ease of decision-making. This study compares four common impact assessment methods, CML2001, Eco-indicator 99, TRACI, and EDIP2003, on their underlying models, spatial and temporal resolution, and the level at which photochemical oxidant impacts are calculated. A new characterization model is proposed that incorporates spatial and temporal differentiation. Materials and methods  A photochemical air quality modeling system (CAMx-MM5-SMOKE) is used to simulate the process of formation, transformation, transport, and removal of photochemical pollutants. Monthly characterization factors for individual US states are calculated at three levels along the cause–effect chain, namely, fate level, human and ecosystem exposure level, and human effect level. Results and discussion  The results indicate that a spatial variability of one order of magnitude and a temporal variability of two orders of magnitude exist in both the fate level and human exposure and effect level characterization factors for NOx. The summer time characterization factors for NOx are higher than the winter time factors. However, for anthropogenic VOC, the summer time factors are lower than the winter time in almost half of the states. This is due to the higher emission rates of biogenic VOCs in the summer. The ecosystem exposure factors for NOx and VOC do not follow a regular pattern and show a spatial variation of about three orders of magnitude. They do not show strong correlation with the human exposure factors. Sensitivity analysis has shown that the effect of meteorology and emission inputs is limited to a factor of three, which is several times smaller than the variation seen in the factors. Conclusions  Uncertainties are introduced in the characterization of photochemical precursors due to a failure to consider the spatial and temporal variations. Seasonal variations in photochemical activity influence the characterization factors more than the location of emissions. The human and ecosystem exposures occur through different mechanisms, and impacts calculated at the fate level based only on ozone concentration are not a good indicator for ecosystem impacts. Recommendations and perspectives  Spatial and temporal differentiation account for fate and transport of the pollutant, and the exposure of and effect on the sensitive human population or ecosystem. Adequate resolution for seasonal and regional processes, like photochemical oxidant formation, is important to reduce the uncertainty in impact assessment and improve decision-making power. An emphasis on incorporating some form of spatial and temporal information within standard LCI databases and using adequately resolved characterization factors will greatly increase the fidelity of a standard LCA. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
For long-lived iteroparous vertebrates that annually produce few young, life history theory predicts that reproductive output (R) and juvenile survival should influence temporal variation in population growth rate (λ) more than adult survival does. We examined this general prediction using 15 years of mark–recapture data from a population of California spotted owls (Strix occidentalis occidentalis). We found that survival of individuals ≥1 year old (ϕ) exhibited much less temporal variability , where CV is coefficient of variation, than R and that R was strongly influenced by environmental stochasticity. Although λ was most sensitive ( ; log-transformed sensitivity) to ϕ and much less sensitive to either R or juvenile survival (survival rate of owls from fledging to 1 year old; ), we estimated that R contributed as much as ϕ to the observed annual variability in λ. The contribution of juvenile survival to variability in λ was proportional to its These results are consistent with the hypothesis that natural selection may have favored the evolution of longevity in spotted owls as a strategy to increase the probability of experiencing favorable years for reproduction. Our finding that annual weather patterns that most affected R (temperature and precipitation during incubation) and ϕ (conditions during winter related to the Southern Oscillation Index) were equally good at explaining temporal variability in λ supports the conclusion that R and ϕ were equally responsible for variability in λ. Although currently accepted conservation measures for spotted owl populations attempt to enhance survival, our results indicated that conservation measures that target R may be as successful, as long as actions do not reduce ϕ.  相似文献   
Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are an outstanding model for elucidating the molecular mechanisms of cellular differentiation. They are especially useful for investigating the development of early hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs). Gene expression in ESCs can be manipulated by several techniques that allow the role for individual molecules in development to be determined. One difficulty is that expression of specific genes often has different phenotypic effects dependent on their temporal expression. This problem can be circumvented by the generation of ESCs that inducibly express a gene of interest using technology such as the doxycycline-inducible transgene system. However, generation of these inducible cell lines is costly and time consuming. Described here is a method for disaggregating ESC-derived embryoid bodies (EBs) into single cell suspensions, retrovirally infecting the cell suspensions, and then reforming the EBs by hanging drop. Downstream differentiation is then evaluated by flow cytometry. Using this protocol, it was demonstrated that exogenous expression of a microRNA gene at the beginning of ESC differentiation blocks HPC generation. However, when expressed in EB derived cells after nascent mesoderm is produced, the microRNA gene enhances hematopoietic differentiation. This method is useful for investigating the role of genes after specific germ layer tissue is derived.  相似文献   
Vespertilionid FM-bats (four Eptesicus fuscus and one Vespertilio murinus) were trained in an electronic phantom target simulator to detect synthetic echoes consisting of either one or two clicks. The threshold sound pressure for single clicks was around 47 dB peSPL for all five bats corresponding to a threshold energy of -95 dB re 1 Pa2 * s. By varying the interclick interval, T, for double clicks it was shown that the threshold intensity was around — 3 dB relative to the threshold for single clicks at T up to 2.4 ms, indicating perfect power summation of both clicks. A threshold shift of -13.5 dB for a 1 ms train of 20 clicks (0.05 ms interclick interval) confirmed that the bats integrated the power of the stimuli. At T longer than around 2.5 ms the threshold for double clicks was the same as for single clicks. Thus, the bats performed like perfect energy detectors with an integration time of approximately 2.4 ms. This integration time is an order of magnitude shorter than that reported for bats listening passively for pure tones. In our setup the bats emitted sonar signals with durations of 2–3 ms. Hence, the results may indicate that while echolocating the bats integration time is adapted to the duration of the sonar emissions.Abbreviations AGC automatic gain control - FM frequency modulated - peSPL peak equivalent sound pressure level - rms root mean square - SD standard deviation - SE standard error of mean - T interclick interval  相似文献   
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