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A significant circadian rhythm of acute toxicity was demonstrated in mice with intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of sodium valproate (VPA). The role of pharmacokinetics on the rhythms of the toxicity and electroshock seizure (ES) threshold was investigated. ICR male mice, housed under a light-dark (12 :12) cycle, were injected intraperitoneally 1200 mg/kg for the acute toxicity study and 300 mg/kg for the anticonvulsant effect study. In the acute toxicity, the highest mortality was found when VPA was injected at 1700 and the lowest at 0900 or 0100. The time course of mean plasma and brain VPA concentrations after an injection of VPA was not different between mice injected at 1700 and mice injected at 0100. In the anticonvulsant effect, no significant circadian rhythm was demonstrated for both the ES threshold and the plasma VPA concentrations after i.p. Injection, although a significant rhythm has been reported for them after oral administration. The results suggest that the circadian rhythm in the mortality after an i.p. Injection of VPA may be due to the rhythm in the sensitivity of the central nervous system to the drug and that the mechanism underlying the rhythm of VPA acute toxicity is different from that of the anticonvulsant action of VPA. The route and the time of drug administration are essentially important to study the anticonvulsant effect and acute toxicity of VPA in mice.  相似文献   

1. 1.|The mitochondrial population in hypothalamic and hypophysial brain tissue from warm (30°C) and cold (5°C) acclimated goldfish (Carassius auralus L.) was analyzed using sterological techniques.

2. 2.|It was revealed that there is a significantly larger volume density (Vv) in the cold acclimated tissue, with no significant difference in either of the surface densities (Svext and Svint) from either of the brain areas.

3. 3.|The hypothalamic brain tissue has a significantly lower specific surface (S/V) in the cold acclimated tissue but there is not a significant difference in this parameter for the hypophysial brain tissue.

4. 4.|The values for these three parameters (Vv, Svext and SVint, and S/V) indicate that mitochondria from acclimated brain tissue undergo shape changes in response to thermal stress.

5. 5.|We suggest that the shape changes may be related to the change in the phospholipid composition of the inner mitochondrial membrane with acclimation temperature.

Author Keywords: Temperature acclimation; mitochondria; quantitative; stereology; goldfish; hypothalamus; hypophysis; brain  相似文献   

Cortical microtubules (MTs) in protoplasts prepared from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) BY-2 cells were found to be sensitive to cold. However, as the protoplasts regenerated cell walls they became resistant to cold, indicating that the cell wall stabilizes cortical MTs against the effects of cold. Since poly-l-lysine was found to stabilize MTs in protoplasts, we examined extensin, an important polycationic component of the cell wall, and found it also to be effective in stabilizing the MTs of protoplasts. Both extensin isolated from culture filtrates of tobacco BY-2 cells and extensin isolated in a similar way from cultures of tobacco XD-6S cells rendered the cortical MTs in protoplasts resistant to cold. Extensin at 0.1 mg·ml−1 was as effective as the cell wall in this respect. It is probable that extensin in the cell wall plays an important role in stabilizing cortical MTs in tobacco BY-2 cells.  相似文献   
Summary Yellow-bellied marmots characteristically live in montane-mesic environments, but in several areas in western North America, this species extended its range into lowland-xeric habitats. Body mass was significantly smaller in the lowland-xeric population from eastern Washington at 393 m than in the montane-mesic population from western Colorado at 2900 m. Oxygen consumption of marmots from montane-mesic and lowland-xeric environments was signiflcantly affected by ambient temperature (TA) water regimen, population, and a population x water regimen x temperature interaction. Lowland-xeric animals had a higher metabolic rate at low TAs, but a lower metabolic rate at higher TAs than the montane-mesic aminals. Oxygen consumption was lower on a restricted-water regimen than on ad libitum water in both populations. Coefficients relating oxygen consumption to body mass were affected by TA, water regimen, and population. These intraspecific coefficients are larger than the interspecific coefficients for all mammals. Body temperature (TB) was affected significantly by TA, water regimen, and population. TA body mass, and a population x water regimen interaction significantly affected conductance. Conductance generally was higher in the lowland-xeric than in the montane-mesic marmots. Both populations increased conductance at high TA, but the lowland-xeric population dissipated a much higher proportion of the heat by evaporative water loss (EWL) than did the montane-mesic population. Metabolic water production exceeded or equaled EWL at 5–20°C. Smaller body size, reduced metabolism at high TA, and increased EWL at high TA characterized the lowland-xeric population.Metabolic rates of yellow-bellied marmots were higher than predicted from body size during the reproductive season but decreased to 67% of that predicted from the Kleiber curve by late summer. Marmots minimize thermoregulatory costs by concentrating activity at times when the microclimate is favorable, by tolerating hyperthermia at high TA in the field, and by having a conductance lower than that predicted from body size.Abbreviations DHC dry-heat conductance - EHL evaporative heat loss - EWL evaporative water loss - HP heat produced - T A ambient temperature - T n body temperature - M body mass  相似文献   
Summary Pulses of some Ca2+ channel blockers (dantrolene, Co2+, nifedipine) and calmodulin inhibitors (chlorpromazine) lead to medium (maximally 5–9 h) phase shifts of the circadian conidiation rhythm ofNeurospora crassa. Pulses of high Ca2+, or of low Ca2+, a Ca2+ ionophore (A23187) together with Ca2+, and other Ca2+ channel blockers (La3+, diltiazem), however, caused only minor phase shifts. The effect of these substances (A 23187) and of different temperatures on the Ca2+ release from isolated vacuoles was analyzed by using the fluorescent dye Fura-2. A 23187 and higher temperatures increased the release drastically, whereas dantrolene decreased the permeation of Ca2+ (Cornelius et al., 1989).Pulses of 8-PCTP-cAMP, IBMX and of the cAMP antagonist RP-cAMPS, also caused medium (maximally 6–9 h) phase shifts of the conidiation rhythm. The phase response curve of the agonist was almost 180° out of phase with the antagonist PRC. In spite of some variability in the PRCs of these series of experiments all showed maximal shifts during ct 0–12. The variability of the response may be due to circadian changes in the activity of phosphodiesterases: After adding cAMP to mycelial extracts HPLC analysis of cAMP metabolites showed significant differences during a circadian period with a maximum at ct 0.Protein phosphorylation was tested mainly in an in vitro phosphorylation system (with35S-thio -ATP). The results showed circadian rhythmic changes predominantly in proteins of 47/48 kDa. Substances and treatments causing phase-shifts of the conidiation rhythm also caused changes in the phosphorylation of these proteins: an increase was observed when Ca2+ or cAMP were added, whereas a decrease occurred upon addition of a calmodulin inhibitor (TFP) or pretreatment of the mycelia with higher (42° C) temperatures.Altogether, the results indicate that Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent and cAMP-dependent processes play an important, but perhaps not essential, role in the clock mechanism ofNeurospora. Ca2+ calmodulin and the phosphorylation state of the 47/48-kDa proteins may have controlling or essential functions for this mechanism.  相似文献   
Analysis of the time of onset of chest pain in 2254 patients with a myocardial infarction admitted to a coronary care unit in Leicester during a 10-year period shows an association with temperature and humidity. During both the most cold and humid times of the year, the relationship is a strong one. A generalized linear model with a log link was used to fit the data and the backward elimination selection procedure suggested a humid, cold day might help to trigger the occurrence of myocardial infarction. In addition, cold weather was found to have a stronger effect on the male population while those men aged between 50 and 70 years were more sensitive to the effect of high humidity.  相似文献   
The ability of pheromone receptor cells of male Antheraea polyphemus (Saturniidae) to resolve stimulus pulses was determined at different temperatures (8°, 18°, 28°C). The cells were stimulated by repeated 20-ms puffs of the pheromone components (E, Z)-6, 11-hexadecadienyl acetate and (E, Z)-6,11-hexadecadienal. At higher temperatures, higher frequencies of stimulus pulses were resolved by the nerve-impulse response: about 1.25 pulses per second at 8°C, 2.5 pulses/s at 18°C and 5 pulses/s at 28°C. The decreased ability of receptor cells to resolve stimulus pulses at low temperatures may reduce the male moth's chance of reaching the pheromone source. The peak nerve-impulse frequency increased whereas the duration of nerve-impulse responses to single stimulus pulses decreased at higher temperatures. At a given temperature and stimulus intensity the peak nerveimpulse frequency decreased with shorter intervals between the stimulus pulses, but the duration of the responses remained almost constant. The time needed for recovery from adaptation caused by a single stimulus pulse was longer at lower temperatures. The aldehyde receptor cell recovered more quickly than the acetate cell. At low stimulus concentration, the resolution ability of the acetate cell was strongly decreased, whereas in the aldehyde cell it was only slightly impaired.  相似文献   
Summary 1. Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is thought to be involved in the regulation of the diurnal activity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and to act as a neurotransmitter in the brain. To date it is unknown whether the binding sites of the central CRF system are subject to diurnal variations. 2. We measured the number of CRF binding sites over the course of a complete 24-hr light-dark cycle in the pituitary, amygdala, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), cingulate cortex, visceral cortex, paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, hippocampus, and locus ceruleus of rats byin vitro receptor autoradiography with iodinated ovine CRF. A 24-hr time course was also established for plasma CRF and corticosterone. 3. The diurnal pattern of plasma CRF does not correlate with the pattern of plasma corticosterone. Within the brain, CRF binding in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala showed a U-shaped curve with maximum levels in the morning and a wide hallow between 1500 and 0100. A biphasic profile with a small depression in the afternoon and a more pronounced depression in the second half of the activity period is characteristic for the other brain areas and the pituitary. The profile for the pituitary correlates with those for the BNST and the area of the locus ceruleus. Furthermore, the diurnal pattern of CRF binding sites in the BNST correlates with that of the hippocampus, and the daytime pattern of the visceral cortex is similar to that of both the hippocampus and the BNST. 4. Since the CRF-binding profiles in the brain and the pituitary clearly differ from the profiles of both plasma CRF and corticosterone, one may assume that the diurnal pattern of central CRF binding sites is not directly coupled to the activity of the HPA axis.  相似文献   
Leaves of Kalanchoë daigremontiana Hamet et Perr. at a photon flux density (PFD) above 220 mol·m–2s–1 (400–700 nm) or at leaf temperatures above 27.0 °C showed a rapid loss of rhythmicity, and a more or less pronounced damping-out of the endogenous circadian rhythm of CO2 exchange under continuous illumination. This rhythm was reinitiated after reduction of the PFD by 90–120 mol·m–2·s–1 or reduction of leaf temperature by 3.5–11.0 °C under otherwise unchanged external conditions. The reduction in the magnitude of the external control parameter of the Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) rhythm (i.e. PFD or leaf temperature) set the phase of the new rhythm. The maxima of CO2 uptake occurred about 5, 28, 51, 75 h after the reduction. Simulations with a CAM model under comparable conditions showed a similar behaviour. The influence of temperature on the endogenous CAM rhythm observed in K. daigremontiana in vivo could be simulated by incorporating into the model temperature-dependent switch modes for passive efflux of malate from the vacuole to the cytoplasm. Thus, the model indicates that tonoplast function plays an important role in regulation of the endogenous CAM rhythm in K. daigremontiana.Abbreviations CAM Crassulacean acid metabolism - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - PFD photon flux density This work was supported by a grant to F.B. and U.L. from Teilprojekt B5 in the Sonderforschungsbereich 199 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Bonn, Germany) and by a grant to T. E. E. G. from the Sudienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (Bonn, Germany). Erika Ball is thanked for processing of time-course data for the analysis of Fourier spectra.  相似文献   
Estimates of daily energy expenditure are important for many areas of research in human ecology and adaptability. The most common technique for estimating human energy expenditure under field conditions, the factorial method, generally relies on activity-specific energy costs derived from published sources, based largely on North American and European subjects. There is concern that such data may not be appropriate for non-Western populations because of differences in metabolic costs. The present study addresses this concern by comparing measured vs. predicted energy costs at rest and during sub-maximal exercise in 83 subjects (52 males, 31 females) from three subsistence-level populations (Siberian herders and high-land and coastal Ecuadorian farmers). Energy costs at rest (i.e., lying, sitting and standing) and while performing a standard stepping exercise did not significantly differ among the three groups. However, resting energy costs were significantly elevated over predicted levels (+16% in men, +11% in women), whereas exercising costs were comparable to predicted values (?6% in men, +3% in women). Elevations in resting energy needs appear to reflect responses to thermal stress. These results indicate that temperature adjustments of resting energy costs are critical for accurately predicting daily energy needs among traditionally living populations. o 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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