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广州市海岸带生态环境现状及保护   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
广州市海岸带位于珠江入海口,为淤泥质冲积平原,滩涂面积广阔,湿地类型多样,野生动植物资源丰富.调查分析显示,近20年以来,海岸带的生态环境发生了深刻的变化.突出表现为天然湿地丧失或转化为受控湿地、淡水水体和海水水质恶化、生物资源衰退、外来生物入侵、洪涝灾害加剧等问题,形成人为活动干扰十分强烈的生态脆弱带.这些问题的产生与海涂围垦等海岸带开发活动密切相关.随着广州市“南拓”空间发展战略的提出,海岸带资源开发力度将进一步加强,尽管市政府在海洋保护、红树林湿地恢复重建和保护区建设等方面开展了大量工作,但海岸带的生态环境保护依然不容忽视.  相似文献   
三峡水库干流和库湾消落区植被物种动态分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对三峡水库干流和库湾消落区的植被物种分布进行了本底调查,结果显示,目前水库消落区维管植物共有61科169属231种,以草本植物居多,其中一年生草本105种,多年生草本75种。与2001年三峡工程建成前的自然消落区维管植物(83科240属405种)相比,科减少了26.51%,属减少了29.58%,种减少了42.96%。从植被物种分布上来看,川江段和峡江段差异明显,人类活动对消落区植被物种分布存在较大影响,微地形的复杂程度和实验基地的设立能够对本土植被保护起到一定作用。  相似文献   
Pérez  Francisco L. 《Plant Ecology》2001,157(2):215-233
The geoecological effects of organic matter addition to soil byHawaiian silverswords (Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC.,Asteraceae) in Haleakala's crater (Maui) are examined. Sets of 12 surfacesoil samples were gathered in three positions: bare soils; under the crowncanopy of adjacent live plants; and below dead, withered rosettes. Silverswordstanding litter and live foliage were also collected. Several physical andchemical properties were investigated. Bare soils were coarse and exceptionallylow in chemical nutrients and water-holding capacity. Litter addition belowsilverswords altered all properties except particle-size distribution; soilsunder dead rosettes became modified more strongly than those below live plants.While rosettes grow, standing litter is tightly preserved, thus only smallamounts of organic matter are added to soil. When plants die, a substantialinflux of litter is released in a short period (7 to 9 years average); thisraises the C and N content, C/N ratios, exchangeable nutrient levels (Ca, Mg,K, P) and cation exchange capacity of soil. Physical properties, such as color,bulk density and porosity are also greatly affected; as a result, soilwater-retention at field capacity nearly doubles under withering plants. Soiltemperatures (5 cm depth) at noon were 18.1°C lower beneath silversword canopies(18.5°C mean) than in contiguous bare soils(36.6°C). This cooling may result in lower evaporationand further conservation of soil moisture, thus increased seedgermination. Nutrient-retention strategies may have evolved in the semelparousArgyroxiphium to help it cope with the harsh,drought-prone soils and unpredictable climate of Haleakala. Silverswordflowering results in a tremendous seed output, but the plant needs to ensurethat some seeds – which have limited dispersal capability – willgerminate, and thus provides a nutrient-rich, water-retaining substrate moresuitable for seedling establishment than bare soils. Through itsself-regulating influence on underlying soils,Argyroxiphium affects both soil formation and its ownregeneration in Haleakala.  相似文献   
Rhytismataceous fungi (Ascomycota) exhibit ligninolytic activities during the initial stages of litter decomposition. We quantitatively investigated the geographical distributions of rhytismataceous fungi on Camellia japonica leaf litter across Japan. We found three rhytismataceous species (Coccomyces sp., Lophodermium jiangnanense, and a Rhytismataceae sp.) on bleached leaves of C. japonica. The Coccomyces sp. was distributed at all 40 sites investigated. On the other hand, L. jiangnanense was restricted to the southwestern region, and the Rhytismataceae sp. was localized to part of the warm-temperate zone. L. jiangnanense and the Rhytismataceae sp. were more common at sites with higher annual temperatures and greater precipitation. The relative abundance of rhytismataceous fungi revealed that either Coccomyces sp. or L. jiangnanense predominated at all sites, with a distribution related to annual precipitation. These results suggest that the geographical distributions and abundances of rhytismataceous fungi are influenced by climatic conditions.  相似文献   
A 14C-dated high-resolution palaeoenvironmental record from a mire in southern Chile is used to reconstruct the Late-glacial and Holocene vegetation history of the Magellanic rain forest. The Late-glacial environment after around 15400–13500 cal b.p. was dominated by Gunnera magellanica, Nothofagus species (dombeyi type) and Gramineae (Poaceae) indicating an open parkland with cool and damp climatic conditions. At the end of the Late-glacial there was an increase in G. magellanica and a decline in Nothofagus dombeyi type. This ecological signal is interpreted as a result of a re-advance of the Gran Campo Nevado icefield, caused by either Younger Dryas cooling or a latitudinal shift of the southern Westerlies. After around 11250–10750 cal b.p. Nothofagus species, Drimys winteri and Embothrium coccineum expanded, indicating development of the Magellanic rain forest. At 4254±120 cal b.p. a tephra layer was deposited by the eruption of the Mt. Burney volcano leading to a long-term decline of the Nothofagus forest. A primary succession was then initiated, lasting for over 800 years before pre-eruption vegetation patterns redeveloped. In summary, our results indicate the extreme sensitivity of the Magellanic rain forest to climatic or volcanic impacts and the slow recovery of a mature forest after environmental changes.  相似文献   
Middle/late Devonian and early Carboniferous metasedimentary sequences in the northernmost region (Porto-Espinho-Tomar) of the Ossa-Morena Zone (Portuguese Iberian Variscan Massif) contain black shales of very low to low-grade metamorphism. These metasedimentary rocks form a discrete NNW-SSE structure within a major shear zone (Porto-Tomar-Ferreira do Alentejo) and remain subparallel to the observed regional major structures (folding, thrusts or overthrusts). These black shales are overhanged and then imbricated in an upper Proterozoic metamorphic substratum. A multi-disciplinary study of these metasedimentary rocks from the Espinho-Tomar region has tectonostratigraphy, palynology, organic petrology and clay mineralogy combined methods. This approach provides new insights into the tectonic evolution and geological framework of Palaeozoic basement of the Iberian Variscides. Palaeoenvironmental and tectonostratigraphic implications on the Iberian geodynamic framework are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper describes the study of the application of a Hirst-type impact volumetric sampler (IVS) in the sampling of volcanic ash continuously emitted by Mt. Etna. This methodology is commonly used for measuring the atmospheric concentration of airborne pollen grains and fungal spores. This study was undertaken between April 2003 and January 2005, when a series of ash emissions occurred; moreover, during this period, namely on 7 September 2004, there was an eruption from various fractures located in the higher eastern flank of the volcano. The airborne volcanic ashes involving the lower south-eastern flank of Mt. Etna were monitored by means of an IVS stationed in the town of Acireale. In some people volcanic ash can trigger predisposing factors linked with allergens, and an allergic response may occur. After exposure, immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies are produced and released into the bloodstream and they can, therefore, be identified by haematological analysis. In this study we compared the number of ash events recorded by our IVS and the number of total immunoglobulin E (IgE) values found in the population living on or near this volcano sector. A correlation was established between air pollution from volcanic ash and IgE values over a period of 22 months.  相似文献   
We undertook a panbiogeographic analysis of the broad‐nosed weevils of the genera Naupactus Dejean, 1821, Pantomorus Schönherr, 1840 and Phacepholis Horn, 1876 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from North and Central America to propose a biogeographic scenario to explain their biotic diversification. Based on individual tracks of 30 species, we obtained six generalized tracks: Mesoamerican, Chiapas, Sierra Madre del Sur, Mexican Pacific Coast, Southern Great Plains and Northern Great Plains tracks. The Sierra Madre del Sur generalized track is the best supported, based on 10 species of the three genera. We found two nodes, one at the intersection of the Mesoamerican and Chiapas tracks, and another at the intersection of the Chiapas and Sierra Madre del Sur tracks. Species of Naupactus are primarily distributed in lowlands, associated mostly with dry forests and xeric environments. Species of Pantomorus and Phacepholis would have diversified from South American Naupactus‐like ancestors, mainly in montane habitats and lowlands of North and Central America, between sea level to about 2500 m of altitude.  相似文献   
Wu B  Isobe K  Ishii R 《Mycorrhiza》2004,14(6):391-395
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization was observed on four plant species in primary successional volcanic deserts on the Southeast slope of Mount Fuji. The AM colonization of the dominant species, Polygonum cuspidatum, contradicts the conclusion that Polygonaceae are often regarded as being non-mycorrhizal species. The secondary dominant species, Polygonum weyrichii var. alpinum, formed no mycorrhizas. The roots of Cirsium purpuratum, Clematis stans and Campanula punctata ssp. hondoensis, showed a higher percentage of AM colonization than P. cuspidatum. AM colonization and spore density in the rhizosphere soil of P. cuspidatum significantly decreased as elevation increased. AM colonization in roots of Cirsium purpuratum and Clematis stans also tended to decrease with increased altitudes. Cirsium purpuratum and Campanula punctata ssp. hondoensis formed single structural types of Arum- and Paris-type, respectively, whereas P. cuspidatum and Clematis stans formed both Arum- and Paris-type morphologies.  相似文献   
To investigate the aggregative nature of the larvae of Pieris rapae crucivora, each 50 individuals of the 4th and 5th instar larvae collected from cabbage farms and reared under crowded and solitary conditions were released on an experimental arena and their dispersive behaviour was observed with the lapse of time. Both the 4th and 5th instar larvae showed the trend to approach toward random distribution when they were released under clumped condition, and they maintained random distribution when they were released at random. Therefore, it may be concluded that the larvae have not any aggregative nature caused by the mutual attraction among individuals. However, as the larvae reared in crowds sometimes showed the slight aggregative behaviour, it seems that the larval dispersal is different between densely and sparsely populated plants in field.  相似文献   
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