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Our review recognizes 15 species of the integripennis species group of Geocharidius from Nuclear Central America, include three species previously described (Geocharidius gimlii Erwin, Geocharidius integripennis (Bates) and Geocharidius zullinii Vigna Taglianti) and 12 described here as new. They are: Geocharidius andersoni sp. n. (type locality: Chiapas, Chiapas Highlands, Cerro Huitepec) and Geocharidius vignatagliantii sp. n. (type locality: Chiapas, Motozintla, Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Benito Juárez) from Mexico; Geocharidius antigua sp. n. (type locality: Sacatepéquez, 5 km SE of Antigua), Geocharidius balini sp. n. (type locality: Suchitepéquez, 4 km S of Volcan Atitlán), Geocharidius erwini sp. n. (type locality: Quiché Department, 7 km NE of Los Encuentros), Geocharidius jalapensis sp. n. (type locality: Jalapa Department, 4 km E of Mataquescuintla), Geocharidius longinoi, sp. n. (type locality: El Progreso Department, Cerro Pinalón), and Geocharidius minimus sp. n. (type locality: Sacatepéquez Department, 5 km SE of Antigua) from Guatemala; and Geocharidius celaquensis sp. n. (type locality: Lempira Department, Celaque National Park), Geocharidius comayaguanus sp. n. (type locality: Comayagua Department, 18 km ENE of Comayagua), Geocharidius disjunctus sp. n. (type locality: Francisco Morazán, La Tigra National Park), and Geocharidius lencanus sp. n. (type locality: Lempira Department, Celaque National Park) from Honduras. For all members of the group, adult structural characters, including male and female genitalia, are described, and a taxonomic key for all members of the integripennis species group is presented based on these characters. Behavioral and biogeographical aspects of speciation in the group are discussed, based on the morphological analysis. In all cases of sympatry, pairs of closely related species show greater differences in sizes than pairs of more remotely related species. Integripennis group species occupy six different montane areas at elevations above 1300m, with no species shared among them. Major faunal barriers in the region limiting present species distributions include the Motagua Fault Zone and a gap between the Guatemalan Cordillera volcanic chain and the Honduran Interior Highlands no higher than 900m in elevation. Highest species diversity is in the Guatematan Cordillera (six species), second highest in the Honduran Interior Highlands area (four species).  相似文献   
A method is described for on-line enrichment/zone sharpening of a sample of negatively charged proteins (an analogous method for cationic proteins can be designed). The sample is applied on the top of a 5-mm thick layer of a neutral polyacrylamide gel which rests on another 5-mm thick, large-pore polyacrylamide gel which contains positively charged groups. The latter gel layer is attached to the neutral gel column, used for the electrophoretic separation of the proteins. When a voltage is applied the proteins start migrating and become electrostatically adsorbed at the top of the charged, large-pore gel layer (pH 5.4). With the upper electrode vessel filled with a buffer of a pH higher (pH 7.7) than that employed in the enrichment step and with a voltage between the electrodes, these enriched proteins are released (because the enrichment gel is non-charged at pH 7.7) with zone sharpening and migrate into the 5-cm long column (i.d. 5 mm) of a neutral, large-pore polyacrylamide gel for electrophoretic analysis. Upon the electrophoretic migration from the enrichment gel into the separation gel a second zone sharpening may occur, if the increase in pH from 5.4 to 7.7 in the separation gel is not close to momentary. By employing colored test proteins the efficiency of the enrichment step is visually illustrated by a picture. The principle of the concentration method described has been employed also in chromatographic experiments and can with appropriate modifications also be used in other electrophoretic methods, such as capillary electrophoresis.  相似文献   
用免疫不育疫苗控制有害动物的数量成为动物种群数量控制的一个有效措施,对于大多数动物来说.口服饵料发送系统是最好的选择。但是口服疫苗容易产生耐受,且生物利用度低,利用多聚物包裹口服疫苗是一种打破口服耐受.提高其生物利用度的新途径。本文以纳米乳剂作为草原兔尾鼠卵透明带3(Lugurus zone pellucida 3,LZP3)DNA疫苗的发送载体,探讨通过口服途径增强小鼠的免疫效果和抗生育率。用纳米乳剂包裹lzp3 DNA疫苗后,采用强阴离子交换色谱法测定纳米乳剂的包封率.将制备好的质粒纳米乳剂lzp3 DNA疫苗通过口服饵料免疫小鼠,检测到免疫后小鼠的体内产生了特异性的抗LZP3的IgG和IgA。对免疫后小鼠进行抗生育实验,分析生育后免疫小鼠的卵巢病理切片。研究结果表明,用质粒纳米乳剂如p3DNA疫苗通过口服途径免疫.在小鼠的血清和粘液中检测到了特异性的抗LZP3的IgG和IgA,同时也产生了相应的抗生育作用.表明纳米乳剂作为口服不育疫苗的发送载体是可行的,为草原兔尾鼠鼠害的防治提供了理论基础.  相似文献   
西地中海地区早白垩世阿普特期"costata亚带"(O’Dogherty,1994)的带化石"Turbocapsula costata( Wu)",源自藏南赛诺曼期冲堆组的Tricapsula costata Wu。2002年,Matsuoka等把藏南下鲁硅岩层位最高的放射虫带与"costata亚带"对比,称为"Turbocapsulacostata"带,并认为冲堆组时代也应为阿普特期。但西地中海区的"Turbocapsula costata( Wu)"和冲堆组的Tricapsula costata Wu,虽然壳体外形相似,但壳体结构却有重要差别,不是相同属种。前者种名和相应的化石带名都需重新命名。下鲁硅岩的"Turbocapsula costata(Wu)",据图版所示特征,应为Tricapsula costata。下鲁硅岩顶部的时代为晚白垩世赛诺曼期。  相似文献   
基于物元模型的鄱阳湖生态经济区土地生态安全评价   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
Yu D  Chen WB 《应用生态学报》2011,22(10):2681-2685
基于2001-2007年的相关数据,借助物元模型对鄱阳湖生态经济区的土地生态安全状况进行研究.结果表明:2001年鄱阳湖生态经济区土地生态安全状况为较安全状态,2002—2004年处于临界安全状态,2005年下降为不安全状态,2006年后土地生态安全状况有所好转,处于临界安全状态.表明利用物元模型进行区域土地生态安全评价是可行的,具有计算简便、意义明确、评价精度高等优点,为土地生态安全评价提供了另一种途径.  相似文献   
Perhaps the most important recent advance in species delimitation has been the development of model‐based approaches to objectively diagnose species diversity from genetic data. Additionally, the growing accessibility of next‐generation sequence data sets provides powerful insights into genome‐wide patterns of divergence during speciation. However, applying complex models to large data sets is time‐consuming and computationally costly, requiring careful consideration of the influence of both individual and population sampling, as well as the number and informativeness of loci on species delimitation conclusions. Here, we investigated how locus number and information content affect species delimitation results for an endangered Mexican salamander species, Ambystoma ordinarium. We compared results for an eight‐locus, 137‐individual data set and an 89‐locus, seven‐individual data set. For both data sets, we used species discovery methods to define delimitation models and species validation methods to rigorously test these hypotheses. We also used integrated demographic model selection tools to choose among delimitation models, while accounting for gene flow. Our results indicate that while cryptic lineages may be delimited with relatively few loci, sampling larger numbers of loci may be required to ensure that enough informative loci are available to accurately identify and validate shallow‐scale divergences. These analyses highlight the importance of striking a balance between dense sampling of loci and individuals, particularly in shallowly diverged lineages. They also suggest the presence of a currently unrecognized, endangered species in the western part of A. ordinarium's range.  相似文献   
The habitat and movements of a Pacific bluefin tuna were investigated by reanalyzing archival tag data with sea surface temperature data. During its trans-Pacific migration to the eastern Pacific, the fish took a direct path and primarily utilized waters, in the Subarctic Frontal Zone (SFZ). Mean ambient temperature during the trans-Pacific migration was 14.5 ± 2.9 (°C ± SD), which is significantly colder than the waters typically inhabited by bluefin tuna in their primary feeding grounds in the western and eastern Pacific (17.6 ± 2.1). The fish moved rapidly through the colder water, and the heat produced during swimming and the thermoconservation ability of bluefin tuna likely enabled it to migrate through the cold waters of the SFZ.  相似文献   
F/F牙形刺灭绝事件以后,牙形刺很快进入复苏期(王成源、Ziegler,2004)。有关法门期牙形刺的辐射,在国内外的文献中还没有详细的论述或论证。本文基于以前对广西桂林垌村和龙门剖面的牙形刺集群灭绝与复苏的研究,2003年又在垌村剖面加密采样,重点是研究F/F事件后,牙形刺由复苏到辐射阶段的特征,探索牙形刺何时和如何由复苏期进化到辐射期。本文的材料主要是依据华南的资料,特别是本文作者研究多年的垌村剖面的资料。牙形刺的灭绝与复苏是以法门期最主要的属Palmatolepis为主线,在种一级的水平上确定的。法门期牙形刺的辐射同样是以Palmatolepis属内种一级的水平上讨论的。同时也涉及到其它属。本文首次明确提出:牙形刺在晚triangularis带就进入辐射期,因为正是从晚triangularis带,Palmatolepis的minuta,werneri,sandbergi,perlobata,cf.regularis,subperlobata,tenupunctata7个重要种群开始出现,并在法门期中期达到辐射期的高峰。  相似文献   
Synopsis Distribution of leptocephali ofConger in the Western North Atlantic Ocean was studied using specimens from our collections, specimens from other collections, and various existing collection records. The presence of leptocephali ofConger oceanicus andConger triporiceps < 30 mm long over deep water in the southwestern Sargasso Sea in autumn and winter implies a protracted spawning period there. The subtropical convergence zone, meandering east-west across the Sargasso Sea, is probably the northern limit of spawning of both species. Spawning may also occur close to the Bahamas and Antilles.C. triporiceps may spawn also in the Caribbean Sea judging by the capture of small leptocephali in the western Caribbean and of the more southerly continental distribution of its juveniles. The claim of Johannes Schmidt in 1931 that the EuropeanC. conger spawns across the North Atlantic into the western Sargasso Sea is probably incorrect, because leptocephali ofConger are rare in the eastern Sargasso Sea and becauseC. triporiceps, with myomere numbers overlapping those ofC. conger, was recently described in the western North Atlantic. With increasing size, leptocephali ofC. oceanicus and a portion ofC. triporiceps spread westward and northward in the Florida Current and Gulf Stream, but larger leptocephali especially ofC. triporiceps are found also in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. Spawning ofC. oceanicus in the Sargasso Sea indicates that adults cross the Florida Current-Gulf Stream, and successful leptocephali cross the current in the opposite direction to colonize juvenile habitat on the continental shelf, a migratory pattern similar to that of the American eelAnguilla rostrata (Anguillidae).  相似文献   
Soon after the 1977–78 eruptions of the volcano Usu, there were created many gullies in which former topsoil, i.e., well-developed soil accumulated before the eruptions, was eroded in the crater basin, whereas the outside of the gully was covered with thick volcanic deposits. The short-dispersal-seed plants were the most abundant in the inside of gully where the former topsoil was exposed, however, they have not immigrated from external environments. The germination tests of the seeds extracted from the former topsoil demonstrated that viable seeds were buried at 1683.3/m2 for 9 years after the eruptions. At least, 12 herbaceous species, e.g.,Rumex obtusifolius, Geum macrophyllum var.sachalinense andPoa annua, were derived from the buried seeds in the former topsoil. Their contribution to revegetation was estimated to be 40.0% in the inside of gully where the former topsoil was exposed in 1983, suggesting that buried seeds are one of the most important seed source for revegetation even in the case of a volcano which produced pumice and ash by eruption.  相似文献   
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