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Introgressive hybridization of Senecio hercynicus and S. ovatus (Compositae, Senecioneae) was studied in a hybrid zone on the southern slopes of Mt Brocken (Harz Mountains, Germany). A total of 415 plants representing 10 stands along an altitudinal gradient were investigated using multivariate statistical analyses of morphological characters and molecular markers (random amplified polymorphic DNA[RAPD]). Both types of traits detected pure S. hercynicus stands on the summit plateau, pure S. ovatus stands at the lowest elevations, and hybrid swarms at intermediate elevations. While morphological and molecular patterns coincided, some individuals in hybrid stands combined morphological patterns typical of S. ovatus with RAPD patterns typical of S. hercynicus, and vice versa. In general, introgression was symmetrical within stands, though one stand combined S. ovatus characters with the glandular hair typical for S. hercynicus, and two stands combined a S. hercynicus typical RAPD genotype with morphological characters shifted towards S. ovatus. Because pure stands of S. hercynicus occurred only on the summit plateau of Mt Brocken, and markers typical for S. ovatus were detectable in stands up to 1040 m a.s.l., future fusion or assimilation of the rare form, S. hercynicus, by the more widespread S. ovatus appears possible at Mt Brocken.  相似文献   
The Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot is known for microendemism and exceptional population genetic structure. The region's landscape heterogeneity is thought to limit gene flow between fragmented populations and create opportunities for regional adaptation, but the processes involved are poorly understood. Using a combination of phylogeographic analyses and circuit theory, I investigate how characteristics of landscape heterogeneity including regional distributions of slope, rivers and streams, habitat and hydrological basins (drainages) impact genetic distance among populations of the endemic spotted reed frog (Hyperolius substriatus), identifying corridors of connectivity as well as barriers to dispersal. Results show that genetic distance among populations is most strongly correlated to regional and local hydrologic structure and the distribution of suitable habitat corridors, not isolation by distance. Contrary to expectations, phylogeographic structure is not coincident with the two montane systems, but instead corresponds to the split between the region's two major hydrological basins (Zambezi and East Central Coastal). This results in a paraphyletic relationship for the Malawian Highlands populations with respect to the Eastern Arc Mountains and implies that the northern Malawian Highlands are the diversity centre for H. substriatus. Although the Malawian Highlands collectively hold the greatest genetic diversity, individual populations have lower diversity than their Eastern Arc counterparts, with an overall pattern of decreasing population diversity from north to south. Through the study of intraspecific differentiation across a mosaic of ecosystem and geographic heterogeneity, we gain insight into the processes of diversification and a broader understanding of the role of landscape in evolution.  相似文献   
太行山猕猴的食性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
猕猴 (Macacamulatta)是世界上地理和生态地位分布最广泛的非人灵长类。我国是唯一的地跨热带、亚热带、暖温带均有猕猴分布的国家。直到1987年 ,亚洲最北部的猴群在河北兴隆绝灭以后[12 ] ,自然分布于河南省与山西省交界处的太行山及中条山南段的猕猴就成为亚洲猕猴分布的最北界 ,位于N35°11'~ 35°17',E112°0 3'~ 112°33',地处暖温带。经 1981年以来的调查研究发现 ,太行山猕猴在形态、生理、生态等方面与其它地区的猕猴不同 ,是最具研究意义的种群[5] 。猕猴同其它动物一样 ,通过食物与其它动物 ,周围环境及人类物质…  相似文献   
The moose (Alces alces cameloides) population in northeastern China is on the southernmost edge of its distribution in Asia. A survey was conducted to determine moose resource selection and the effects of human disturbance on moose in a study area of 20,661 ha located on the northwestern slope of the Lesser Khingan Mountains, located in northeastern China. Predictive models of resource selection were developed using logistic and autologistic regression. All models considered resource variable selection at two spatial scales, patch and landscape. At the patch scale, moose preferred larger birch (Betula platyphylla) patches, but avoided larger tamarack (Larix gmelinii) patches. At the landscape scale, moose preferred higher densities of tamarack patches, i.e., heterogeneity of tamarack stands, selected areas with more abundant annual shoots, terrain conducive to better concealment, higher altitudes and areas saturated with soil moisture. Roads and forest harvest intervals were identified as important human disturbance factors. This is the first time that moose have been reported to avoid roads, and the avoidance distance was nearly 3 km. We believe that in this region moose under the influence of roads are behaviorally plastic, compared with the indifference of moose to the presence of roads in other regions. Moose avoided forest areas logged more than 3 years previously and preferred areas logged 1–2 years previously. In addition, it may be necessary to monitor the effect of the dynamic of density of roe deer on the spatial distribution of the moose population.  相似文献   
The Pleistocene climatic oscillations had profound effects on the demographic history and genetic diversification of plants in arid north-west China where some glacial refugia have been recognized. The genus Ixiolirion comprises three species, of which two, I. tataricum and I. songaricum (endemic), occur in China. In some locations they are sympatric. We investigated their population structure and population history in response to past climatic change using a sample of 619 individuals in 34 populations with nITS and ptDNA sequences. A significant genetic divergence between the two species was supported by a high level of pairwise genetic differentiation, very low gene flow, and phylogenetic analysis showing that I. songaricum haplotypes were monophyletic, whereas those of I. tataricum were polyphyletic. We found significant differentiation and phylogeographic structure in both species. The split of the two species was dated to the late Miocene (~7?Ma), but deep divergence occurred in the mid-late Quaternary. A similar haplotype distribution pattern was found in both species: one to two dominant haplotypes across most populations, with unique haplotypes in a few populations or a geographic group. The genetic diversity, haplotype number, and haplotype diversity decreased from the Yili Valley to the central Tianshan and Barluk Mountains. Additionally, ptDNA analysis showed that I. tataricum diversified in the eastern Tianshan and Barluk Mountains, which might be due to physical barriers to long distance seed dispersal such as desert. In conclusion, our results indicated that the Yili Valley was likely a glacial refuge for Ixiolirion in China, with postglacial dispersal from the Yili Valley eastward to the eastern Tianshan Mountains, and northward to the Barluk Mountains. The climatic changes in the Miocene and Pleistocene and geographic barriers are important factors driving species divergence and differentiation of Ixiolirion and other taxa.  相似文献   
千山油松年轮宽度年表的建立及其与气候的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以千山油松为样本,建立了年轮宽度标准化年表、差值年表和自回归年表.结果表明,油松年轮宽度与5—7和9—11月温度指标的相关性较高,且与低温呈正相关,其中与7月的极端最低温、9月的平均最低温显著相关.3种年表与上年12月和当年1月的极端最低温、1月的平均最低温呈显著相关,且其与全年、上年12月、当年5月的降水量显著相关,与4月的降水量极显著相关.油松与水汽压、相对湿度的月和年指标均有较强的相关性.蒸发的年指标和绝大部分月指标对油松生长具有负效应,其中4—7月最明显.油松年表的窄化突变佐证了1800年以来的30次主要的旱灾年历史记录.千山油松的生长受全球或半球尺度气候变化的影响.年表与太阳活动存在显著的11、23和50年左右的公共周期,与地磁指标在10、20和45年左右存在共同的周期变化.  相似文献   
The heteromorph ammonites of the family Bochianitidae from the Lower Cretaceous of the Crimean Mountains are revised. The validity of the genus Janenschites, separated from the genus Bochianites is confirmed. The species Bochianites neocomiensis (d’Orbigny), B. goubechensis Mandov, B. levis sp. nov. and B. crymensis sp. nov. are described from the Berriasian and the species Janenschites oosteri (Sarasin et Schöndelmayer) and J. incisus sp. nov. are described from the Lower Barremian. The family Bochianitidae first appeared at the beginning of the Berriasian in the southern regions (Africa and the Crimea), and spread to the northern regions of western Europe in the Valanginian-Hauterivian.  相似文献   
Shi Z J  Wang Y H  Yu P T  Xu L H  Xiong W  Guo H 《农业工程》2008,28(12):6090-6098
The water-retaining capacity, percolation and evaporation of stony soil in Liupan Mountains, China, were measured in order to understand the effect of rock fragments on soil hydrological processes. The results indicated that the effective water-retaining capacity of soil is positively related with the volumetric content of rock fragments, but there is no relation between saturated water-retaining capacity and rock fragment content. For the soil layers within 0–40 cm, the steady infiltration rate increases with increasing volumetric content of rock fragments until it reaches the range of 15%–20%, and then it decreases when the rock fragment content further increases. For the soil layers below 40 cm, the steady infiltration rate always increases with increasing rock fragment content. The soil evaporation rate decreases with increasing volumetric content of rock fragments when it varies in the range of 0–20%, while the soil evaporation rate keeps basically stable when the rock fragment content is higher than 20%. The soil evaporation rate shows a rising tendency with increasing size of rock fragments.  相似文献   
贺兰山岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)夏季取食和卧息生境选择   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用直接观察法和痕迹检验法对贺兰山岩羊夏季取食和卧息生境选择进行研究.结果表明,夏季岩羊偏好的取食地位于海拔高度1 600~2 000 m的山地疏林草原带,地形为平滑起伏的坡、明显断裂的坡和悬崖,以灰榆和山杨为优势乔木或无树,乔木矮小稀疏且距离远,接近低矮但密度较大的灌木,食物较多,位于<30°和>35°半阴半阳坡的下坡位,接近水源,人为干扰距离500~1 000 m,距裸岩2~5 m,隐蔽级25%~75%;夏季岩羊偏好的卧息地具有位于海拔高度1 600~2 000 m和>3 000 m的山地疏林草原带及亚高山灌丛和草甸带,地形为明显断裂的坡和悬崖,以灰榆和山杨为优势乔木或无树,乔木和灌木均矮小稀疏且距离较远,食物较少,位于>35°阴坡的上坡位,接近水源,人为干扰距离远,接近裸岩,隐蔽程度低.岩羊的取食和卧息生境在乔木高度和距水源距离上差异不显著(P > 0.05),而其余生态因子均有显著差异(P < 0.05).与取食生境相比,岩羊选择的卧息生境具有乔木稀疏且距离较远、灌木较少、低矮且距离较远、食物丰富度低、坡度大、远离人为干扰、接近裸岩和隐蔽程度低的特征.逐步判别分析表明,食物丰富度、灌木高度、距水源距离、隐蔽级、灌木密度、灌木距离、乔木高度和乔木距离8个生态因子可以区分取食样方与任意样方,正确判别率为85.8%;而区分卧息样方与任意样方时,距水源距离、灌木高度、距裸岩距离、人为干扰距离、食物丰富度、灌木密度和灌木距离共7个生态因子发挥作用,正确判别率为89.1%.  相似文献   
祁连山典型林区生态服务功能间接价值估算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用常规和替代市场评估技术,对祁连山北坡东段哈溪林区有机质生产、水源涵养、水土保持、固定CO2和净化空气5种生态系统服务功能间接价值进行了估算,并对3种不同植被类型的生态服务功能价值进行了比较。结果表明,哈溪林区5种服务功能总价值为52061.00万元,其中森林、灌丛和草地分别为19510.34万元、25200.01万元和7350.65万元。按有林地面积推算,祁连山森林生态系统提供的服务功能间接经济价值是天祝县国民生产总值的3~5倍,森林生态系统所提供的生态服务功能价值远远超过了当地社会创造的经济价值。就水源涵养和水土保持服务功能而言,灌丛提供的总价值最大。  相似文献   
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