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Crimp, a distinguishing feature of sheep fibres, significantly affects wool value, processing and final fabric attributes. Several explanations for fibre bending have been proposed. Most concentrate on relative differences in the physicochemical properties of the cortical cells, which comprise the bulk of the fibre. However, the associations between cortical properties and fibre crimp are not consistent and may not reflect the underlying causation of fibre curvature (FC). We have formulated a mechanistic model in which fibre shape is dictated primarily by the degree of asymmetry in cell supply from the follicle bulb, and the point at which keratinisation is completed within the follicle. If this hypothesis is correct, one would anticipate that most variations in fibre crimp would be accounted for by quantitative differences in both the degree of mitotic asymmetry in follicle bulbs and the distance from the bulb to the point at which keratinisation is completed. To test this hypothesis, we took skin biopsies from Merino sheep from sites producing wool differing widely in fibre crimp frequency and FC. Mitotic asymmetry in follicle bulbs was measured using a DNA-labelling technique and the site of final keratinisation was defined by picric acid staining of the fibre. The proportion of para- to ortho-cortical cell area was determined in the cross-sections of fibres within biopsy samples. Mitotic asymmetry in the follicle bulb accounted for 0.64 (P < 0.0001) of the total variance in objectively measured FC, while the point of final keratinisation of the fibre accounted for an additional 0.05 (P < 0.05) of the variance. There was no association between ortho- to para-cortical cell ratio and FC. FC was positively associated with a subjective follicle curvature score (P < 0.01). We conclude that fibre crimp is caused predominantly by asymmetric cell division in follicles that are highly curved. Differential pressures exerted by the subsequent asymmetric cell supply and cell hardening in the lower follicle cause fibre bending. The extent of bending is then modulated by the point at which keratinisation is completed; later hardening means the fibre remains pliable for longer, thereby reducing the pressure differential and reducing fibre bending. This means that even highly asymmetric follicles may produce a straight fibre if keratinisation is sufficiently delayed, as is the case in deficiencies of zinc and copper, or when keratinisation is perturbed by transgenesis. The model presented here can account for the many variations in fibre shape found in mammals.  相似文献   
Animal tissues and organs are comprised of several types of cells, which are often arranged in a well-ordered pattern. The posterior part of the Drosophila wing margin is covered with a double row of long hairs, which are equally and alternately derived from the dorsal and ventral sides of the wing, exhibiting a zigzag pattern in the lateral view. How this geometrically regular pattern is formed has not been fully understood. In this study, we show that this zigzag pattern is created by rearrangement of wing margin cells along the dorsoventral boundary flanked by the double row of hair cells during metamorphosis. This cell rearrangement is induced by selective apoptosis of wing margin cells that are spatially separated from hair cells. As a result of apoptosis, the remaining wing margin cells are rearranged in a well-ordered manner, which shapes corrugated lateral sides of both dorsal and ventral edges to interlock them for zigzag patterning. We further show that the corrugated topology of the wing edges is achieved by cell-type specific expression and localization of four kinds of NEPH1/nephrin family proteins through heterophilic adhesion between wing margin cells and hair cells. Homophilic E-cadherin adhesion is also required for attachment of the corrugated dorsoventral edges. Taken together, our results demonstrate that sequential coordination of apoptosis and epithelial architecture with selective adhesion creates the zigzag hair alignment. This may be a common mechanism for geometrically ordered repetitive packing of several types of cells in similarly patterned developmental fields such as the mammalian organ of Corti.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Strongly coherent sandsheaths that envelop perennial roots of many monocotyledonous species of arid environments have been described for over a century. This study, for the first time, details the roles played by the structural development of the subtending roots in the formation and persistence of the sheaths.


The structural development of root tissues associated with persistent sandsheaths was studied in Lyginia barbata, native to the Western Australian sand plains. Cryo-scanning electron microscopy CSEM, optical microscopy and specific staining methods were applied to fresh, field material. The role of root hairs was clarified by monitoring sheath development in roots separated from the sand profile by fine mesh.

Key Results and Conclusions

The formation of the sheaths depends entirely on the numerous living root hairs which extend into the sand and track closely around individual grains enmeshing, by approx. 12 cm from the root tip, a volume of sand more than 14 times that of the subtending root. The longevity of the perennial sheaths depends on the subsequent development of the root hairs and of the epidermis and cortex. Before dying, the root hairs develop cellulosic walls approx. 3 µm thick, incrusted with ferulic acid and lignin, which persist for the life of the sheath. The dead hairs remain in place fused to a persistent platform of sclerified epidermis and outer cortex. The mature cortex comprises this platform, a wide, sclerified inner rim and a lysigenous central region – all dead tissue. We propose that the sandsheath/root hair/epidermis/cortex complex is a structural unit facilitating water and nutrient uptake while the tissues are alive, recycling scarce phosphorus during senescence, and forming, when dead, a persistent essential structure for maintenance of a functional stele in the perennial Lyginia roots.  相似文献   
We developed an integrated system for photographing a wolverine's (Gulo gulo) ventral pattern while concurrently collecting hair for microsatellite DNA genotyping. Our objectives were to 1) test the system on a wild population of wolverines using an array of camera and hair-snag (C&H) stations in forested habitat where wolverines were known to occur, 2) validate our ability to determine identity (ID) and sex from photographs by comparing photographic data with that from DNA, and 3) encourage researchers and managers to test the system in different wolverine populations and habitats and improve the system design. Of the 18 individuals (10 M, 8 F) for which we obtained genotypes over the 2 years of our study, there was a 100% match between photographs and DNA for both ID and sex. The integrated system made it possible to reduce cost of DNA analysis by >74%. Integrating motion-detection cameras and hair snags provides a cost-effective technique for wildlife managers to monitor wolverine populations in remote habitats and obtain information on important population parameters such as density, survival, productivity, and effective population size. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Two types of mechanosensitive proprioceptor organ are present on the stinging apparatus of the honeybee: campaniform sensilla and mechanosensory hairplates. The campaniform sensilla are located on the surface of the tapering sting-shaft, which comprises an unpaired stylet and paired lancets. Each sensillum on the lancet differs from that on the stylet in terms of their topography and external morphology. The sensory afferents of the campaniform sensilla display slow-adapted firing responses to deformation of the cuticle that would be caused by the action of inserting the sting into a substrate, and their afferent signals induce and/or prolong the stinging response. By contrast, the mechanosensory hairplates are located at basal cuticular plates and on the posterior surface of the lancet valves. Two fields of hairplates on the second ramus at the ventral edge of the groove and on the antero-lateral edge of the oblong plate respond synchronously to protraction of the lancet. During the stinging response, these hairplates are likely to detect any sliding movement of the lancet and its position relative to the stylet. Afferent signals produced by them are likely to provide important information to the neuronal circuit for the generation and modulation of the stinging motor pattern.  相似文献   
Negative frequency-dependent sexual selection maintains striking polymorphisms in secondary sexual traits in several animal species. Here, we test whether frequency of beardedness modulates perceived attractiveness of men''s facial hair, a secondary sexual trait subject to considerable cultural variation. We first showed participants a suite of faces, within which we manipulated the frequency of beard thicknesses and then measured preferences for four standard levels of beardedness. Women and men judged heavy stubble and full beards more attractive when presented in treatments where beards were rare than when they were common, with intermediate preferences when intermediate frequencies of beardedness were presented. Likewise, clean-shaven faces were least attractive when clean-shaven faces were most common and more attractive when rare. This pattern in preferences is consistent with negative frequency-dependent selection.  相似文献   
The complex interplay of genetic and epigenetic factors linking sun exposure to melanoma in the red hair phenotype hinges on the peculiar physical and chemical properties of pheomelanins and the underlying biosynthetic pathway, which is switched on by the effects of inactivating polymorphisms in the melanocortin 1 receptor gene. In addition to the long recognized UV‐dependent pathways of toxicity and cell damage, a UV‐independent pro‐oxidant state induced by pheomelanin within the genetically determined background of the red hair phenotype has recently been disclosed. This review provides a detailed discussion of the possible UV‐dependent and UV‐independent chemical mechanisms underlying pheomelanin‐mediated oxidative stress, with special reference to the oxygen‐dependent depletion of glutathione and other cell antioxidants. The new concept of pheomelanin as a ‘living’ polymer and biocatalyst that may grow by exposure to monomer building blocks and may trigger autooxidative processes is also discussed. As a corollary, treatment of inflammatory skin diseases in RHP patients is briefly commented. Finally, possible concerted strategies for melanoma prevention in the red hair phenotype are proposed.  相似文献   
The TET (transient electro-thermal) technique is an effective approach developed to measure the thermal diffusivity of solid materials, including conductive, semi-conductive or nonconductive one-dimensional structures. This technique broadens the measurement scope of materials (conductive and nonconductive) and improves the accuracy and stability. If the sample (especially biomaterials, such as human head hair, spider silk, and silkworm silk) is not conductive, it will be coated with a gold layer to make it electronically conductive. The effect of parasitic conduction and radiative losses on the thermal diffusivity can be subtracted during data processing. Then the real thermal conductivity can be calculated with the given value of volume-based specific heat (ρcp), which can be obtained from calibration, noncontact photo-thermal technique or measuring the density and specific heat separately. In this work, human head hair samples are used to show how to set up the experiment, process the experimental data, and subtract the effect of parasitic conduction and radiative losses.  相似文献   
The stress hormone cortisol (CORT) is slowly incorporated into the growing hair shaft of humans, nonhuman primates, and other mammals. We developed and validated a method for CORT extraction and analysis from rhesus monkey hair and subsequently adapted this method for use with human scalp hair. In contrast to CORT "point samples" obtained from plasma or saliva, hair CORT provides an integrated measure of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) system activity, and thus physiological stress, during the period of hormone incorporation. Because human scalp hair grows at an average rate of 1 cm/month, CORT levels obtained from hair segments several cm in length can potentially serve as a biomarker of stress experienced over a number of months.In our method, each hair sample is first washed twice in isopropanol to remove any CORT from the outside of the hair shaft that has been deposited from sweat or sebum. After drying, the sample is ground to a fine powder to break up the hair''s protein matrix and increase the surface area for extraction. CORT from the interior of the hair shaft is extracted into methanol, the methanol is evaporated, and the extract is reconstituted in assay buffer. Extracted CORT, along with standards and quality controls, is then analyzed by means of a sensitive and specific commercially available enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kit. Readout from the EIA is converted to pg CORT per mg powdered hair weight. This method has been used in our laboratory to analyze hair CORT in humans, several species of macaque monkeys, marmosets, dogs, and polar bears. Many studies both from our lab and from other research groups have demonstrated the broad applicability of hair CORT for assessing chronic stress exposure in natural as well as laboratory settings.  相似文献   
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