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Formin was originally isolated as the gene affected by the murine limb deformity (ld) mutations, which disrupt the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions regulating patterning of the vertebrate limb autopod. More recently, a rapidly growing number of genes with similarity to formin have been isolated from many different species including fungi and plants. Genetic and biochemical analysis shows that formin family members function in cellular processes regulating either cytokinesis and/or cell polarisation. Another common feature among formin family members is their requirement in morphogenetic processes such as budding and conjugation of yeast, establishment of Drosophila oocyte polarity and vertebrate limb pattern formation. Vertebrate formins are predominantly nuclear proteins which control polarising activity in limb buds through establishment of the SHH/FGF-4 feedback loop. Formin acts in the limb bud mesenchyme to induce apical ectodermal ridge (AER) differentiation and FGF-4 expression in the posterior AER compartment. Finally, disruption of the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions controlling induction of metanephric kidneys in ld mutant embryos indicates that formin might function more generally in transduction of morphogenetic signals during embryonic pattern formation. Received: 24 September 1998 / Accepted: 30 September 1998  相似文献   
Signal transduction pathways in eukaryotic cells integrate diverse extracellular signals, and regulate complex biological responses such as growth, differentiation and death. One group of proline-directed Ser/Thr protein kinases, the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), plays a central role in these signalling pathways. Much attention has focused in recent years on three subfamilies of MAPKs, the extracellular signal regulated kinases (ERKs), c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) and the p38 MAPKs. However, the ERK family is broader than the ERK1 and ERK2 proteins that have been the subject of most studies in this area. Here we overview the work on ERKs 3 to 8, emphasising where possible their biological activities as well as distinctive biochemical properties. It is clear from these studies that these additional ERKs show similarities to ERK1 and ERK2, but with some interesting differences that challenge the paradigm of the archetypical ERK1/2 MAPK pathway.  相似文献   
In the accompanying paper, we found, using molecular dynamics calculations, four domains of the ras-specific SOS guanine nucleotide exchange protein (residues 589-601, 654-675, 746-761, and 980-989) that differ markedly in conformation when SOS is complexed with either oncogenic (Val 12-) ras-p21 or wild-type ras-p21. Three of these domains contain three crystallographically undefined loops that we modeled in these calculations, and one is a newly identified non-loop domain containing SOS residues 980-989. We have now synthesized peptides corresponding to these four domains and find that all of them block Val 12-ras-p21-induced oocyte maturation. All of them also block insulin-induced oocyte maturation, but two of these peptides, corresponding to SOS residues 589-601 and 980-989, block oncogenic ras to a significantly greater extent. These results suggest that SOS contains domains, including the three loop domains, that are important for ras signaling and that several of these domains can activate different pathways specific to oncogenic or wild-type ras-p21.  相似文献   
Heteronuclear NMR methods have been used to probe the conformation of four complexes of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) in solution. (1)H(N), (15)N, and (13)C(alpha) resonance assignments have been made for the ternary complex with folate and oxidized NADP(+) cofactor and the ternary complex with folate and a reduced cofactor analog, 5,6-dihydroNADPH. The backbone chemical shifts have been compared with those of the binary complex of DHFR with the substrate analog folate and the binary complex with NADPH (the holoenzyme). Analysis of (1)H(N) and (15)N chemical shifts has led to the identification of marker resonances that report on the active site conformation of the enzyme. Other backbone amide resonances report on the presence of ligands in the pterin binding pocket and in the adenosine and nicotinamide-ribose binding sites of the NADPH cofactor. The chemical shift data indicate that the enzyme populates two dominant structural states in solution, with the active site loops in either the closed or occluded conformations defined by X-ray crystallography; there is no evidence that the open conformation observed in some X-ray structures of E. coli DHFR are populated in solution.  相似文献   
The Strait of Gibraltar has been proposed to be the divide between two marine biogeographical regions, the Mediterranean Sea and the Northeast Atlantic. Intraspecific studies have shown, for several of the examined species, a reduction of gene flow between the two basins. The present study examines genetic variation at nuclear and mitochondrial loci in five marine teleost species belonging to the family Sparidae. Four samples for each species were analysed spanning the Northeast Atlantic and the Mediterranean. For all individuals 17 allozyme loci were scored and a combined single strand conformation polymorphism-sequencing approach was used to survey approximately 190 bp of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop region. All five species share similar biological features. For three species, namely Lithognathus mormyrus, Spondyliosoma cantharus, and Dentex dentex, large mtDNA divergence was observed between Atlantic and Mediterranean samples. Little or no mtDNA differentiation was found in the other two species, Pagrus pagrus and Pagellus bogaraveo. Allozyme data revealed strong differentiation when comparing Atlantic and Mediterranean samples of L. mormyrus and D. dentex, moderate for P. pagrus, and no differentiation for P. bogaraveo and S. cantharus. These results provide evidence for a sharp phylogeographical break (sensu Avise) between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean for two (or possibly three) sparid species of the five investigated. At the same time, the obtained results for the other two species raise the question on which ecological/historical factors might have caused the observed discrepancy in the geographical distribution of genetic variation among otherwise biologically similar species.  相似文献   
A structure has been obtained for the loop E region of the 5S rRNA from Spinacia oleracia chloroplast ribosomes using residual dipolar coupling data as well as NOE, J coupling and chemical shift information. Even though the loop E sequence of this chloroplast 5S rRNA differs from that of Escherichia coli loop E at approximately 40% of its positions, its conformation is remarkably similar to that of E.coli loop E. Consistent with this conclusion, ribosomal protein L25 from E.coli, which binds to the loop E region of both intact E.coli 5S rRNA and to oligonucleotides containing that sequence, also binds to the chloroplast-derived oligonucleotide discussed here.  相似文献   
It is thought that Na+ and K+ homeostasis is crucial for salt-tolerance in plants. To better understand the Na+ and K+ homeostasis in important crop rice (Oryza sativa L.), a cDNA homologous to the wheat HKT1 encoding K+-Na+ symporter was isolated from japonica rice, cv Nipponbare (Ni-OsHKT1). We also isolated two cDNAs homologous to Ni-OsHKT1 from salt-tolerant indica rice, cv Pokkali (Po-OsHKT1, Po-OsHKT2). The predicted amino acid sequence of Ni-OsHKT1 shares 100% identity with Po-OsHKT1 and 91% identity with Po-OsHKT2, and they are 66-67% identical to wheat HKT1. Low-K+ conditions (less than 3 mM) induced the expression of all three OsHKT genes in roots, but mRNA accumulation was inhibited by the presence of 30 mM Na+. We further characterized the ion-transport properties of OsHKT1 and OsHKT2 using an expression system in the heterologous cells, yeast and Xenopus oocytes. OsHKT2 was capable of completely rescuing a K+-uptake deficiency mutation in yeast, whereas OsHKT1 was not under K+-limiting conditions. When OsHKTs were expressed in Na+-sensitive yeast, OsHKT1 rendered the cells more Na+-sensitive than did OsHKT2 in high NaCl conditions. The electrophysiological experiments for OsHKT1 expressed in Xenopus oocytes revealed that external Na+, but not K+, shifted the reversal potential toward depolarization. In contrast, for OsHKT2 either Na+ or K+ in the external solution shifted the reversal potential toward depolarization under the mixed Na+ and K+ containing solutions. These results suggest that two isoforms of HKT transporters, a Na+ transporter (OsHKT1) and a Na+- and K+-coupled transporter (OsHKT2), may act harmoniously in the salt tolerant indica rice.  相似文献   
Protein engineering experiments and Phi(F)-value analysis of SH3 domains reveal that their transition state ensemble (TSE) is conformationally restricted, i.e. the fluctuations in the transition state (TS) structures are small. In the TS of src SH3 and alpha-spectrin SH3 the distal loop and the associated hairpin are fully structured, while the rest of the protein is relatively disordered. If native structure predominantly determines the folding mechanism, the findings for SH3 folds raise the question: What are the features of the native topology that determine the nature of the TSE? We propose that the presence of stiff loops in the native state that connect local structural elements (such as the distal hairpin in SH3 domains) conformationally restricts TSE. We validate this hypothesis using the simulations of a "control" system (16 residue beta-hairpin forming C-terminal fragment of the GBl protein) and its variants. In these fragments the role of bending rigidity in determining the nature of the TSE can be directly examined without complications arising from interactions with the rest of the protein. The TSE structures in the beta-hairpins are determined computationally using cluster analysis and limited Phi(F)-value analysis. Both techniques prove that the conformational heterogeneity decreases as the bending rigidity of the loop increases. To extend this finding to SH3 domains a measure of bending rigidity based on loop curvature, which utilizes native structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), is introduced. Using this measure we show that, with few exceptions, the ordering of stiffness of the distal, n-src, and RT loops in the 29 PDB structures of SH3 domains is conserved. Combining the simulation results for beta-hairpins and the analysis of PDB structures for SH3 domains, we propose that the stiff distal loop restricts the conformational fluctuations in the TSE. We also predict that constraining the distal loop to be preformed in the denatured ensemble should not alter the nature of TSE. On the other hand, if the amino and carboxy terminals are cross-linked to form a circular polypeptide chain, the pathways and TSs are altered. These contrasting scenarios are illustrated using simulations of cross-linked WT beta-hairpin fragments. Computations of bending rigidities for immunoglobulin-like domain proteins reveal no clear separation in the stiffness of their loops. In the beta-sandwich proteins, which have large fractions of non-local native contacts, the nature of the TSE cannot be apparently determined using purely local structural characteristics. Nevertheless, the measure of loop stiffness still provides qualitative predictions of the ordered regions in the TSE of Ig27 and TenFn3.  相似文献   
[NiFe]-hydrogenases require a set of complementary and regulatory proteins for correct folding and maturation processes. One of the essential regulatory proteins, HypF (82kDa) contains a N-terminal acylphosphatase (ACT)-like domain, a sequence motif shared with enzymes catalyzing O-carbamoylation, and two zinc finger motifs similar to those found in the DnaJ chaperone. The HypF acylphosphatase domain is thought to support the conversion of carbamoylphosphate into CO and CN(-), promoting coordination of these ligands to the hydrogenase metal cluster. It has been shown recently that the HypF N-terminal domain can aggregate in vitro to yield fibrils matching those formed by proteins linked to amyloid diseases. The 1.27A resolution HypF acylphosphatase domain crystal structure (residues 1-91; R-factor 13.1%) shows a domain fold of betaalphabetabetaalphabeta topology, as observed in mammalian acylphosphatases specifically catalyzing the hydrolysis of the carboxyl-phosphate bonds in acylphosphates. The HypF N-terminal domain can be assigned to the ferredoxin structural superfamily, to which RNA-binding domains of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins and some metallochaperone proteins belong. Additionally, the HypF N-terminal domain displays an intriguing structural relationship to the recently discovered ACT domains. The structures of different HypF acylphosphatase domain complexes show a phosphate binding cradle comparable to the P-loop observed in unrelated phosphatase families. On the basis of the catalytic mechanism proposed for acylphosphatases, whereby residues Arg23 and Asn41 would support substrate orientation and the nucleophilic attack of a water molecule on the phosphate group, fine structural features of the HypF N-terminal domain putative active site region may account for the lack of acylphosphatase activity observed for the expressed domain. The crystallographic analyses here reported were undertaken to shed light on the molecular bases of inactivity, folding, misfolding and aggregation of the HypF N-terminal acylphosphatase domain.  相似文献   
The majority of fast inhibitory neurotransmission in the CNS is mediated by the GABA type-A (GABAA) receptor, a ligand-gated chloride channel. Of the approximately 20 different subunits composing the hetero-pentameric GABAA receptor, the gamma2 subunit in particular seems to be important in several aspects of GABAA receptor function, including clustering of the receptor at synapses. In this study, we report that the intracellular loop of the gamma2 subunit interacts with itself as well as with gamma1, gamma3 and beta1-3 subunits, but not with the alpha subunits. We further show that gamma2 subunits interact with photolabeled pentameric GABAA receptors composed of alpha1, beta2/3 and gamma2 subunits, and calculate the dissociation constant to be in the micromolar range. By using deletion constructs of the gamma2 subunit in a yeast two-hybrid assay, we identified a 23-amino acid motif that mediates self-association, residues 389-411. We confirmed this interaction motif by inhibiting the interaction in a glutathione-S-transferase pull-down assay by adding a corresponding gamma2-derived peptide. Using similar approaches, we identified the interaction motif in the gamma2 subunit mediating interaction with the beta2 subunit as a 47-amino acid motif that includes the gamma2 self-interacting motif. The identified gamma2 self-association motif is identical to the interaction motif reported between GABAA receptor and GABAA receptor-associated protein (GABARAP). We propose a model for GABAA receptor clustering based on GABARAP and GABAA receptor subunit-subunit interaction.  相似文献   
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