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A genetic approach to the molecular cloning of frameshift suppressor genes from yeast is described. These suppressors act by suppressing +1 G:C base-pair insertion mutations in glycine or proline codons. The cloning regimen involves an indirect screen for yeast transformants which harbor a functional suppressor gene inserted into the autonomously replicating “shuttle” vector YEp13, followed by transfer of the hybrid plasmid from yeast into Escherichia coli. Using this procedure a 10.7-kb DNA fragment carrying the SUF2 frameshift suppressor gene has been isolated. This suppressor acts specifically on +1 G:C insertions in proline codons. When inserted into an integrative vehicle and reintroduced into yeast by transformation, this fragment integrates by homologous recombination in the region of the SUF2 locus on chromosome III. A large proportion of the fragment overlaps with another cloned DNA segment which carries the closely linked CDC10 gene. The SUF2 fragment carries at least two tRNA genes. The SUF2 gene and one of the tRNA genes are located on a 0.85-kb restriction fragment within the 10.7-kb segment. A method is also described for the isolation of DNA fragments carrying alternative alleles of the SUF2 locus. Using this procedure, the wild-type suf2+ allele has been cloned.  相似文献   
Cuckoo wasps are a morphologically diverse group of Hymenoptera with parasitoid or cleptoparasitic life histories. In the present paper, we explore the phylogenetic signal in fragments of the mitochondrial genes LSU rRNA and COI to resolve the group's phylogeny. We analyzed sequence data of 33 species representing the taxa Cleptinae, Elampini, Parnopini, and Chrysidini. Most of the currently recognized relationships of major cuckoo wasp lineages are supported by the molecular data. A key difference concerns the phylogenetic position of the Euchroeus (=Brugmoia) group within the tribe Chrysidini. It seems likely that an erroneous interpretation of morphological characters has led to inappropriate rooting of that tribe. We suggest that species of the Euchroeus group be interpreted as forming the stem group of the Chrysidini and that the remaining genera of that tribe be united in a subordinated taxon. Our results imply that the evolution of anal dentition, of significance for breaking into sealed host nests otherwise not accessible to cuckoo wasps, already happened at the base of the Chrysidini and that an even number of anal teeth arose prior to an odd number.  相似文献   
This study aimed to clarify the effects of single and repeated administration of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) on the activities or expression of some metabolic enzymes of retinoids and the influence of supplemental vitamin A on changed vitamin A homeostasis by TCDD. In Experiment I, the mice were given a single oral dose of 40 mug TCDD/kg body weight, with or without continuous administration of 2,500 IU vitamin A/kg body weight/day, and were killed on day 1, 3, 7, 14, and 28. In Experiment II, the mice were daily given 0.1 microg TCDD/kg body weight, with or without supplemental 2,000 IU vitamin A/kg body weight, and were killed on day 14, 28, and 42. In both experiments, TCDD significantly decreased the hepatic all-trans-retinol level and increased the hepatic all-trans-retinoic acid (RA) content, increased the mRNA and enzymatic activities of retinal oxidase. In TCDD + vitamin A mice, the all-trans retinol content was significantly higher, and the retinal oxidase mRNA was significantly lower on day 3 or 7 in Experiment I and on day 14 in Experiment II, compared to TCDD-treated mice. The induction of the retinal oxidase may contribute to the decrease in hepatic all-trans-retinol level and the increase in hepatic all-trans-RA caused by TCDD. Supplemental vitamin A might decelerate the effect of TCDD on retinal oxidase mRNA.  相似文献   
Bacteriophage T4 α-glucosyl transferase mRNA is made as a polycistronic 21S molecule that is processed during normal infection to the commonly found 14.5S species. By using antibiotic inhibitors of protein synthesis, it is possible to distinguish two steps involved in the processing of the 21S polycistronic α-gt mRNA in T4-infected Escherichia coli. There is an initial cleavage to an 18S molecule that does not require protein synthesis. However, the next step, the conversion of the 18S into the 14.5S molecule, requires simultaneous protein synthesis.  相似文献   
Excessive vascular and colon epithelial reactive oxygen species production by NADPH oxidase isoform 1 (Nox1) has been implicated in a number of disease states, including hypertension, atherosclerosis, and neoplasia. A peptide that mimics a putative activation domain of the Nox1 activator subunit NOXA1 (NOXA1 docking sequence, also known as NoxA1ds) potently inhibited Nox1-derived superoxide anion (O2) production in a reconstituted Nox1 cell-free system, with no effect on Nox2-, Nox4-, Nox5-, or xanthine oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species production as measured by cytochrome c reduction, Amplex Red fluorescence, and electron paramagnetic resonance. The ability of NoxA1ds to cross the plasma membrane was tested by confocal microscopy in a human colon cancer cell line exclusively expressing Nox1 (HT-29) using FITC-labeled NoxA1ds. NoxA1ds significantly inhibited whole HT-29 carcinoma cell-derived O2 generation. ELISA and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments indicate that NoxA1ds, but not its scrambled control, binds Nox1. FRET experiments conducted using Nox1-YFP and NOXA1-CFP illustrate that NoxA1ds disrupts the binding interaction between Nox1 and NOXA1, whereas a control peptide did not. Moreover, hypoxia-induced human pulmonary artery endothelial cell O2 production was completely inhibited by NoxA1ds. Human pulmonary artery endothelial cell migration under hypoxic conditions was also reduced by pretreatment with NoxA1ds. Our data indicate that a peptide recapitulating a putative activation subdomain of NOXA1 (NoxA1ds) is a highly efficacious and selective inhibitor of Nox1 activity and establishes a critical interaction site for Nox1-NOXA1 binding required for enzyme activation.  相似文献   
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS; endotoxin) is an essential component of the outer monolayer of nearly all Gram-negative bacteria. LPS is composed of a hydrophobic anchor, known as lipid A, an inner core oligosaccharide, and a repeating O-antigen polysaccharide. In nearly all species, the first sugar bridging the hydrophobic lipid A and the polysaccharide domain is 3-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonic acid (Kdo), and thus it is critically important for LPS biosynthesis. Modifications to lipid A have been shown to be important for resistance to antimicrobial peptides as well as modulating recognition by the mammalian innate immune system. Therefore, lipid A derivatives have been used for development of vaccine strains and vaccine adjuvants. One derivative that has yet to be studied is 8-amino-3,8-dideoxy-d-manno-octulosonic acid (Kdo8N), which is found exclusively in marine bacteria of the genus Shewanella. Using bioinformatics, a candidate gene cluster for Kdo8N biosynthesis was identified in Shewanella oneidensis. Expression of these genes recombinantly in Escherichia coli resulted in lipid A containing Kdo8N, and in vitro assays confirmed their proposed enzymatic function. Both the in vivo and in vitro data were consistent with direct conversion of Kdo to Kdo8N prior to its incorporation into the Kdo8N-lipid A domain of LPS by a metal-dependent oxidase followed by a glutamate-dependent aminotransferase. To our knowledge, this oxidase is the first enzyme shown to oxidize an alcohol using a metal and molecular oxygen, not NAD(P)+. Creation of an S. oneidensis in-frame deletion strain showed increased sensitivity to the cationic antimicrobial peptide polymyxin as well as bile salts, suggesting a role in outer membrane integrity.  相似文献   
DNA methylation regulates gene expression throughout development and in a wide range of pathologies such as cancer and neurological disorders. Pathways controlling the dynamic levels and targets of methylation are known to be disrupted by chemicals and are therefore of great interest in both prevention and clinical contexts. Benzene and its metabolite hydroquinone have been shown to lead to decreased levels of DNA methylation, although the mechanism is not known. This study employs a cell culture model to investigate the mechanism of hydroquinone-mediated changes in DNA methylation. Exposures that do not affect HEK293 cell viability led to genomic and methylated reporter DNA demethylation. Hydroquinone caused reactivation of a methylated reporter plasmid that was prevented by the addition of N-acetylcysteine. Hydroquinone also caused an increase in Ten Eleven Translocation 1 activity and global levels of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine. 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine was found enriched at LINE-1 prior to a decrease in both 5-hydroxymethylcytosine and 5-methylcytosine. Ten Eleven Translocation-1 knockdown decreased 5-hydroxymethylcytosine formation following hydroquinone exposure as well as the induction of glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit and 14-3-3σ. Finally, Ten Eleven Translocation 1 knockdown decreased the percentage of cells accumulating in G2+M following hydroquinone exposure, indicating that it may have a role in cell cycle changes in response to toxicants. This work demonstrates that hydroquinone exposure leads to active and functional DNA demethylation in HEK293 cells in a mechanism involving reactive oxygen species and Ten Eleven Translocation 1 5-methylcytosine dioxygenase.  相似文献   
The bacterial GatCAB operon for tRNA-dependent amidotransferase (AdT) catalyzes the transamidation of mischarged glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) to glutaminyl-tRNA(Gln). Here we describe the phenotype of temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of GTF1, a gene proposed to code for subunit F of mitochondrial AdT in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The ts gtf1 mutants accumulate an electrophoretic variant of the mitochondrially encoded Cox2p subunit of cytochrome oxidase and an unstable form of the Atp8p subunit of the F(1)-F(0) ATP synthase that is degraded, thereby preventing assembly of the F(0) sector. Allotopic expression of recoded ATP8 and COX2 did not significantly improve growth of gtf1 mutants on respiratory substrates. However, ts gft1 mutants are partially rescued by overexpression of PET112 and HER2 that code for the yeast homologues of the catalytic subunits of bacterial AdT. Additionally, B66, a her2 point mutant has a phenotype similar to that of gtf1 mutants. These results provide genetic support for the essentiality, in vivo, of the GatF subunit of the heterotrimeric AdT that catalyzes formation of glutaminyl-tRNA(Gln) (Frechin, M., Senger, B., Brayé, M., Kern, D., Martin, R. P., and Becker, H. D. (2009) Genes Dev. 23, 1119-1130).  相似文献   
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