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Seventy-three taxa of silica-scaled chrysophytes were found with LM and TEM in 264 samples from 141 Finnish water bodies, including the genera Mallomonas (40 taxa), Synura (9), Chrysosphaerella (3), Spiniferomonas (8) and Paraphysomonas (13). More than half of the taxa are recorded for the first time from Finland and five (Mallomonas actinoloma v. actinoloma, M. favosa, M. mangofera f. gracilis, M. scrobiculata and Spiniferomonas serrata) are new to Europe. Most taxa are illustrated with TEM micrographs and the taxonomy of some interesting species is discussed in detail. The seasonal occurrence of the commonest species is described.  相似文献   
The autophagic system is involved in both bulk degradation of primarily long-lived cytoplasmic proteins as well as in selective degradation of cytoplasmic organelles. Autophagic flux is often defined as a measure of autophagic degradation activity, and a number of methods are currently utilized to assess autophagic flux. However, despite major advances in measuring various molecular aspects of the autophagic machinery, we remain less able to express autophagic flux in a highly sensitive, robust, and well-quantifiable manner. Here, we describe a conceptual framework for defining and measuring autophagosome flux at the single-cell level. The concept discussed here is based on the theoretical framework of metabolic control analysis, which distinguishes between the pathway along which there is a flow of material and the quantitative measure of this flow. By treating the autophagic system as a multistep pathway with each step characterized by a particular rate, we are able to provide a single-cell fluorescence live-cell imaging-based approach that describes the accurate assessment of the complete autophagosome pool size, the autophagosome flux, and the transition time required to turn over the intracellular autophagosome pool. In doing so, this perspective provides clarity on whether the system is at steady state or in a transient state moving towards a new steady state. It is hoped that this theoretical account of quantitatively measuring autophagosome flux may contribute towards a new direction in the field of autophagy, a standardized approach that allows the establishment of systematic flux databases of clinically relevant cell and tissue types that serve as important model systems for human pathologies.  相似文献   

Codakia orbicularis is a tropical lucinid harboring gill endosymbionts which are environmentally transmitted from a free living-symbiont form to the new host generation after metamorphosis. Structural changes occurring in the cellular organization from incomplete gill filaments in young aposymbiotic juveniles to full differentiated gill filaments containing bacterial endosymbionts in reared symbiotic juveniles, were analyzed for juveniles from 250 μm to 2 μm shell-length. Aposymbiotic juveniles possess differentiated gill filaments with ciliated, intermediary, and lateral zones similar to those described in wild juveniles, except for the bacteriocytes which are lacking. Granule cells, which progressively differentiate during the morphogenesis of the gill filament, do not appear as a consequence of symbiosis. Experimental colonization of aposymbiotic juveniles by the free-living symbiont form has been obtained through the addition of unsterilized sand collected from the natural habitat of C. orbicularis. Two days after exposure to crude sand, symbiosis-competent bacteria enter by endocytosis at the apical pole of undifferentiated cells which progressively differentiate into classical bacteriocytes similar to those found in the adult gill filaments. Undifferentiated cells of aposymbiotic gill filaments remain receptive to bacteria several months after metamorphosis, and become bacteriocytes when aposymbiotic juveniles get contact with the symbiont free-living form. Therefore, the environmental transmission of symbionts does not appear to be restrained to a defined period of time during post-larval development in C. orbicularis.  相似文献   
After environmental contamination, U accumulates in the kidneys and in bones, where it causes visible damage. Recent in vitro data prove that the occurrence of citrate increases U bioavailability without changing its speciation. Two hypotheses can explain the role of citrate: it either modifies the U intracellular metabolization pathway, or it acts on the transport of U through cell membrane. To understand which mechanisms lead to increased bioavailability, we studied the speciation of U after accumulation in NRK-52E kidney cells. U speciation was first identified in various exposure media, containing citrate or not, in which U was supplied as U carbonate. The influence of serum proteins was analyzed in order to detect the formation of macromolecular complexes of U. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was employed to follow the evolution of the U species distribution among precipitated and soluble forms. Finally, extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) enabled the precipitates observed to be identified as U-phosphate. It also demonstrated that the intracellular soluble form of U is U carbonate. These results suggest that citrate does not change U metabolization but rather plays a role in the intracellular accumulation pathway. U speciation inside cells was directly and clearly identified for the first time. These results elucidate the role of U speciation in terms of its bioavailability and consequent health effects.  相似文献   
The marine microalga Isochrysisgalbana was cultivated and entrapped inalginate beads for long-term storage. Theentrapped cells were alive and maintainedtheir physiological activities after oneyear of storage in absolute darkness at4 °C without a liquid medium. Thenumber of cells in the beads increased morethan 32 times when they were subsequentlyre-cultured in an aqueous medium for fiveweeks, showing that they had remained aliveduring storage. TEM observations showedthat the entrapped cells reduced their cellcovering and pyrenoid size compared withthe normal free-living cells afterlong-term storage. The algal beads werealso applied to feed and water qualitycontrol in clam cultures' leading to amarked decrease in ammonium concentrations.Algal cells escaped from the beads provideda food source for the clams. This mightreduce the cost of clam culture compared totraditional culture methods. Therefore,immobilized I. galbana can be usedfor long-term preservation of algal stockin the laboratory and applied practicallyto clam cultures.  相似文献   
Several biophysical techniques have been used to determine differences in the aggregation profile (i.e., the secondary structure, aggregation propensity, dynamics, and morphology of amyloid structures) and the effects on cell viability of three variants of the amyloid β peptide involved in Alzheimer's disease. We focused our study on the Glu22 residue, comparing the effects of freshly prepared samples and samples aged for at least 20 days. In the aged samples, a high propensity for aggregation and β-sheet secondary structure appears when residue 22 is capable of establishing polar (Glu22 in wild-type) or hydrophobic (Val22 in E22V) interactions. The Arctic variant (E22G) presents a mixture of mostly disordered and α-helix structures (with low β-sheet contribution). Analysis of transmission electron micrographs and atomic force microscopy images of the peptide variants after aging showed significant quantitative and qualitative differences in the morphology of the formed aggregates. The effect on human neuroblastoma cells of these Aβ12-28 variants does not correlate with the amount of β-sheet of the aggregates. In samples allowed to age, the native sequence was found to have an insignificant effect on cell viability, whereas the Arctic variant (E22G), the E22V variant, and the slightly-aggregating control (F19G-F20G) had more prominent effects.  相似文献   
Well-preserved organic-walled microfossils referred to as acritarchs occur abundantly in Ediacaran deposits in the Officer Basin in Australia. The assemblages are taxonomically diverse, change over short stratigraphical intervals and are largely facies independent across marine basins. Affinities of this informal group of fossils to modern biota are poorly recognized or unknown, with the exception of only a few taxa. Morphological studies by use of transmitted light microscopy, geochemical analyses and other lines of evidence, suggest that some Precambrian acritarchs are related to algae (including prasinophytes, chlorophytes, and perhaps also dinoflagellates). Limitations in magnification and resolution using transmitted light microscopy may be relevant when assessing relationships to modern taxa. Scanning electron microscopy reveals details of morphology, microstructure and wall surface microelements, whereas transmission electron microscopy provides high-resolution images of the cell wall ultrastructure. In the light of previous ultrastructural studies it can be concluded that the division of acritarchs into leiospheres (unornamented) and acanthomorphs (ornamented) is entirely artificial and has no phylogenetic meaning. Examination of Gyalosphaeridium pulchrum using transmission electron microscopy reveals a vesicle wall with four distinct layers. This multilayered wall ultrastructure is broadly shared by a range of morphologically diverse acritarchs as well as some extant microalgae. The chemically resistant biopolymers forming the comparatively thick cell, together with the overall morphology support the interpretation of the microfossil as being in the resting stage in the life cycle. The set of features, morphological and ultrastructural, suggests closer relationship to green algae than dinoflagellates.  相似文献   
The floc-forming ability of flocculent strains of Kloeckera apiculata, isolated from musts, was tested for susceptibility to proteinase and sugar treatments. Three different flocculation phenotypes were discriminated by protease digestion, whereas the inhibition of flocculation by sugars distinguished two definite patterns: one mechanism of flocculation involved a galactose-specific protein and the other a broad-specificity lectin. SEM and TEM observation of the cell surface of two different Kloeckera strains revealed fine fibrils and a diffuse structure at the point of contact in one strain, and thick masses of mucus on the cell wall of the other strain.  相似文献   
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