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1. Within a lake district of relatively homogeneous geomorphology, the responses of lakes to climate are influenced by the complexity of the hydrogeologic setting, position in the landscape, and lake‐specific biological and physical features. We examined lake chemical responses to drought in surface water‐ and groundwater‐dominated districts to address two general questions. (1) Are spatial patterns in chemical dynamics among lakes uniform and synchronous within a lake district, suggesting broad geomorphic controls; variable in a spatially explicit pattern, with synchrony related to landscape position, suggesting hydrologic flowpath controls; or spatially unstructured and asynchronous, suggesting overriding control by lake‐specific factors? (2) Are lake responses to drought a simple function of precipitation quantity or are they dictated by more complex interactions among climate, unique lake features, and hydrologic setting? 2. Annual open‐water means for epilimnetic concentrations of chloride, calcium, sulfate, ANC, DOC, total nitrogen, silica, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll a measured between 1982 and 1995 were assembled for lakes in the Red Lake and ELA districts of north‐western Ontario, the Muskoka – Dorset district in south‐central Ontario, and the Northern Highland district of Wisconsin. Within each district, we compared responses of lakes classified by landscape position into highland or lowland, depending on relative location within the local to regional hydrologic flow system. Synchrony, defined as a measure of the similarity in inter‐annual dynamics among lakes within a district, was quantified as the Pearson product‐moment correlation (r) between two lakes with observations paired by year. To determine if solute concentrations were directly related to interannual variations in precipitation quantity, we used regression analysis to fit district‐wide slopes describing the relationship between each chemical variable and annual (June to May) and October to May (Oct–May) precipitation. 3. Among lakes in each of the three Ontario districts, the pattern of chemical response to interannual shifts in precipitation was spatially uniform. In these surface water‐ dominated districts, solute concentrations were generally a simple function of precipitation. Conservative solutes, like calcium and chloride, tended to be more synchronous and were negatively related to precipitation. Solutes such as silica, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll a, which are influenced by in‐lake processes, were less synchronous and relationships with precipitation tended to be positive or absent. 4. In the groundwater‐dominated Northern Highland lakes of Wisconsin, we observed spatial structure in drought response, with lowland lakes more synchronous than highland lakes. However, there was no evidence for a direct relationship between any solute and precipitation. Instead, increases in the concentration of the conservative ion calcium during drought were not followed by a symmetrical return to pre‐drought conditions when precipitation returned to normal or above‐average values. 5. For calcium, time lags in recovery from drought appeared related to hydrologic features in a complex way. In the highland Crystal Lake, calcium concentrations tracked lake stage inversely, with a return to pre‐drought concentrations and lake stage five years after the drought. This pattern suggests strong evaporative controls. In contrast, after five years of normal precipitation, calcium in the lowland Sparkling Lake had not returned to pre‐drought conditions despite a rebound in lake stage. This result suggests that calcium concentrations in lowland lakes were controlled more by regional groundwater flowpaths, which track climatic signals more slowly. 6. Temporal dynamics driven by climate were most similar among lakes in districts that have a relatively simple hydrology, such as ELA. Where hydrologic setting was more complex, as in the groundwater‐dominated Northern Highland of Wisconsin, the expression of climate signals in lakes showed lags and spatial patterns related to landscape position. In general, we expect that landscape and lake‐specific factors become increasingly important in lake districts with more heterogeneous hydrogeology, topography or land use. These strong chemical responses to climate need to be considered when interpreting the responses of lakes to other regional disturbances.  相似文献   
Neurons are an extremely diverse group of excitable cells with a wide variety of morphologies including complex dendritic trees and very long axons. The electrical properties of neurons depend not only on the types of ion channels and receptors expressed, but also on where these channels are located in the cell. Two extreme examples that illustrate the subcellular polarized nature of neurons and the tight regulation of ion channel localization can be seen at the axon initial segment and the node of Ranvier. The axon initial segment is important for initiation of action potentials in the axon, whereas the node of Ranvier is required for the rapid, faithful and efficient propagation of action potentials along the axon. Given the similarity of their functions it is not surprising that nearly every protein component of the axon initial segment is also found at the node. However, there is one very important difference between these two sites: nodes require extrinsic, glial-derived factors in order to form, whereas the axon initial segment is intrinsically determined by the neuron. This mini-review discusses recent results that have begun to clarify the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms underlying formation of nodes and axon initial segments, and poses several important unanswered questions regarding their unique mechanisms of formation.  相似文献   
心肌细胞的兴奋 收缩偶联 (ECC)本质上是胞膜上的电压门控L 型钙通道 (LCCs)和胞内ryanodine受体 (RyRs)之间通过钙诱导钙释放 (CICR)机制进行沟通进而引发肌细胞收缩的过程。最近的研究进一步揭示了微观水平上LCCs和RyRs之间的信息联系。在钙偶联位点 (couplons)上 ,LCCs因膜去极化而随机开放 ,在局部产生高强度的钙脉冲 (即钙小星 ,Ca2 sparklet) ,作用于邻近肌质网终末池上的RyRs。钙偶联位点通过由钙小星随机激活的RyRs(即钙释放通道 )以钙火花 (Ca2 spark)的形式释放钙。这些钙在全细胞水平上总和即形成钙瞬变 (Ca2 transient)。因此 ,钙小星触发钙火花就构成了ECC中的基本事件。本文重点阐述LCCs和RyRs分子间的信号转导机制 ,也即从微观水平上探讨CICR及ECC的形成机制。  相似文献   
Mouse egg activation, which includes release from meiotic metaphase II arrest, results from fertilization-induced increase in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i). However, during egg activation caused by exposure to the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, [Ca2+]i did not change. Although eggs fertilized in the presence of microtubule inhibitors remain arrested at metaphase, eggs treated for 32 hr with cycloheximide and the microtubule inhibitor, colcemid, formed nuclei. In untreated eggs aged in culture for 24 hr, the microtubule spindles became deformed. These eggs formed nuclei after exposure to cycloheximide, but not the calcium ionophore A23187. Our results indicate that eggs in which protein synthesis is inhibited are released from metaphase without an increase in [Ca2+]i, and despite disruption of the Spindle. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨入院时血清钙水平与高血压性脑出血血肿体积、神经功能及预后的关系。方法:选择2018年9月-2020年4月我院收治的高血压性脑出血患者102例,根据患者入院时血清钙水平将其分为低血钙组(血清钙<2.1 mmol/L, n=34)、正常血钙组(2.1 mol/L≤血清钙≤2.7 mmol/L, n=39)和高血钙组(血清钙>2.7 mmol/L, n=29),比较各组性别、血肿体积、入院美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表(NIHSS)评分等临床资料。所有患者随访1年,观察患者格拉斯哥预后量表(GOS)评分,根据患者预后情况将患者分为预后良好组(n=84)和预后不良组(n=18),比较两组血清钙、血肿体积、入院NIHSS评分、GOS评分。应用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析血清钙水平对患者预后的预测价值。结果:三组血肿体积、入院NIHSS评分、GOS评分、1年病死率、1年再出血率、总预后不良率比较有统计学差异(P<0.05)。预后不良组血清钙水平、GOS评分显著低于预后良好组,血肿体积、入院NIHSS评分显著高于预后良好组(P<0.05)。Pearson相关性分析显示:高血压性脑出血患者入院时血清钙水平与脑出血血肿体积、入院NIHSS评分呈负相关,与GOS评分呈正相关(P<0.05)。ROC曲线分析显示入院时血清钙预测高血压脑出血不良预后的曲线下面积为0.129(95%CI:0.073~0.179)。结论:高血压性脑出血患者入院时血清钙水平与血肿体积、神经功能及预后存在一定关联,且入院时血清钙对高血压性脑出血不良预后具有一定预测价值。  相似文献   
《Free radical research》2013,47(5):422-431

Homocysteine (Hcy) at elevated levels is a putative risk factor for many cardiovascular disorders including atherosclerosis. In the present study, we investigated the effect of Hcy on the expression of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 in murine macrophages and the mechanisms involved. Hcy increased the expression of COX-2 mRNA and protein in dose- and time-dependent manners, but did not affect COX-1 expression. Hcy-induced COX-2 expression was attenuated not only by the calcium chelators, EGTA and BAPTA-AM, but also by an antioxidant, N-acetylcysteine. Calcium chelators also attenuated Hcy-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in macrophages, indicating that Hcy-induced COX-2 expression might be mediated through ROS generated by calcium-dependent signaling pathways. In another series of experiments, Hcy increased the intracellular concentration of calcium in a dose-dependent manner, which was attenuated by MK-801, an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor inhibitor, but not by bicuculline, a gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor inhibitor. Molecular inhibition of NMDA receptor using small interfering RNA also attenuated Hcy-induced increases in intracellular calcium. Furthermore, both ROS production and Hcy-induced COX-2 expression were also inhibited by MK-801 as well as by molecular inhibition of NMDA receptor. Taken together, these findings suggest that Hcy enhances COX-2 expression in murine macrophages by ROS generated via NMDA receptor-mediated calcium signaling pathways.  相似文献   
Changes in protein and fatty acid compositions of flounder sarcoplasmic reticulum during NADH plus ascorbate-dependent lipid peroxidationin vitro were related to the ability of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to sequester Ca+2. Progressive accumulation of high-molecular-weight protein components occurred concomitantly with loss of Ca+2-sequestering activity. Part of this polymerized protein may be the dimer or trimer of Ca+2, Mg+2-ATPase. Loss in Ca+2, Mg+2-ATPase protein could account for over 60% of the polymerized protein. Rate of loss of polyunsaturated fatty acids was C22:6>C20:4>C20:5>C22:5. Loss of polyunsaturated fatty acids and accumulation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances occurred concomitantly with protein polymerization.  相似文献   
Effect of salinity on phosphate accumulation and injury in soybean   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Many soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] genotypes that are grown in solution cultures are highly sensitive to the combination of both salinity and inorganic phosphate (Pi) in the substrate. This effect has been observed on numerous occasions on plants grown in a saline medium that contained a substantial amount of Ca (i.e., CaCl2/NaCl=0.5 on a molar basis). Because Ca is important in regulating ion transport and membrane permeability, solution culture experiments were designed to examine the effects of various concentrations of Pi and ratios of CaCl2/NaCl (0 to 0.5 on a molar basis) at a constant osmotic potential (−0.34 MPa) on this adverse interaction. Four soybean cultivars (‘Lee’, ‘Lee 74’ ‘Clark’ and ‘Clark 63’) were tested. No adverse salinity x Pi interaction was found on Lee at any ratio and leaf P and Cl were maintained below 300 and 200 mmol kg−1 dry wt, respectively. Clark, Clark 63 and Lee 74 soybean plants, on the other hand, were severely injured by solution salinity (−0.34 MPa osmotic potential) when substrate Pi was ≥0.12 mM. Reduced substrate Ca did not intensify the salinity x Pi interaction. On the contrary, the onset of injury was hastened and more severe with increased CaCl2/NaCl ratios in isotonic solutions. Shoot and root growth rates decreased as injury increased. Leaf P concentrations from these cultivars grown in saline solutions with 0.12 mM Pi were excessive (>600 mmol kg−1 dry wt) compared with concentrations commonly found in soybean leaf tissue yet they were independent of the severity of injury. Since leaf Cl increased wiht increased CaCl2/NaCl ratio, we suspect that the severity of foliar injury was related to the combined effects of excessive P and Cl within the tissue. Lee 74, the only injured cultivar examined that excluded Cl from its leaves, was less sensitive than either Clark cultivar and its injury was characteristically different. Other ion interactions were reported that may have played a role in injury susceptibility.  相似文献   
It is well known that morphological and functional changes during neural differentiation sometimes accompany the expression of various voltage-gated ion channels. In this work, we investigated whether the enhancement of sodium current in differentiated neuroblastoma × glioma NG108-15 cells treated with dibutyryl cAMP is related to the expression of voltage-gated sodium channels. The results were as follows. (1) Sodium current density on peak voltage in differentiated cells was significantly enhanced compared with that in undifferentiated cells, as detected by the whole-cell patch clamp method. The steady-state inactivation curve in differentiated cells was similar to that for undifferentiated cells, but a hyperpolarized shift in the activation curve for differentiated cells was observed. The sodium currents of differentiated and undifferentiated cells were completely inhibited by 10−7 M tetrodotoxin (TTX). (2) The only NaV mRNA with an increased expression level during neuronal differentiation was that for NaV1.7, as observed by real-time PCR analysis. (3) The increase in the level of NaV1.7 α subunit expression during neuronal differentiation was also observed by immunocytochemistry; in particular, the localization of NaV1.7 α subunits on the soma, varicosities and growth cone was significant. These results suggest that the enhancement of TTX-sensitive sodium current density in differentiated NG108-15 cells is mainly due to the increase in the expression of the TTX-sensitive voltage-gated Na+ channel, NaV1.7.  相似文献   
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