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A general method for the transfer of cloned genes to plant cells   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary We have investigated the relative role of auxin and of Agrobacterium rhizogenes T-DNA in the induction of hairy roots. By infecting carrot discs with suitably constructed bacterial strains containing different T-DNA complements, we have shown that both auxin and the presence of T-DNA in the carrot cells are required for root growth on the discs. Auxin added alone or in combination with cytokinin is not sufficient to induce rooting on uninfected discs. Also cells transformed by T-DNA containing only auxin synthetic genes very rarely differentiate into roots. On the other hand auxin is necessary for hairy root induction since A. rhizogenes devoid of T-DNA-borne auxin genes is not capable of eliciting symptoms in the absence of hormone. Auxin is not required for either T-DNA transfer or T-DNA expression in the transformed host. Cells infected in the absence of auxin, which do not respond by rooting, do contain T-DNA whose expression is shown by the synthesis of hairy root opines; subsequent addition of auxin to these quiescent transformed cells results in root development. A model for hairy root induction where the action of T-DNA is envisaged as conferring auxin responsiveness to the transformed cells is discussed.  相似文献   
Agrobacterium rhizogenes transfers a segment of its plasmid to the plant genome. The transferred DNA contains genes which are involved in the synthesis of plant hormones. These genes express in the plant cell and give rise to rooty-tumors at the infection site. Transgenic plants can be readily regenerated from the rooty-tumors and the transferred DNA is transmitted to progeny plants. High regeneration potential and sustained maintenance of transferred DNA makes the bacterium a suitable vector for plant genetic engineering. DNA sequences homologous to the transferred DNA ofAgrobacterium rhizogenes were detected in some untransformed plant species suggesting a past infection byAgrobacterium rhizogenes during evolution of some genera, notably Nicotiana.  相似文献   
Summary T-DNA circularization is one of the molecular events specifically induced in agrobacterial cells upon their infection of dicotyledonous plant cells. We developed a seedling co-cultivation procedure to determine whether or not monocotyledonous plants have the ability to induce T-DNA circularization and vir gene expression. Co-cultivation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens with seedlings of dicotyledonous plants showed that the circularization event takes place efficiently. The exudates and extracts of the seedlings also effectively induced T-DNA circularization and vir gene expression, indicating that dicotyledonous seedlings contain diffusible factors capable of inducing these molecular events. In contrast, neither T-DNA circularization nor vir gene expression was detectable when Agrobacterium was incubated with seedlings of monocotyledonous plants. Supplementing with acetosyringone, a known inducer of vir gene expression and T-DNA circularization, resulted in the induction of circularization during co-cultivation with monocotyledonous seedlings. These results indicate that the seedlings of monocotyledonous plants have no detectable amounts of diffusible inducers, unlike dicotyledonous seedlings. Therefore, it is unlikely that the vir genes are expressed in Agrobacterium inoculated in monocotyledonous plants. This may be one of the blocks in tumorigenesis of monocotyledonous plants by Agrobacterium.  相似文献   
【目的】利用农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)T-DNA系统,建立转化黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)分生孢子的方法,构建T-DNA插入突变子文库,为黑曲霉基因组功能注释研究打下基础。【方法】采用携带二元质粒载体pCAMBIA1301的农杆菌EHA105,诱导转化黑曲霉分生孢子,筛选具有潮霉素抗性的突变子。分析抗性稳定突变子菌株的表型,采用反向PCR方法分析T-DNA插入位点相邻位置的序列,并推测突变基因可能具有的功能。【结果】实验获得具有稳定潮霉素抗性转化子193株,转化率为5.6×102转化子/108分生孢子。部分转化子表型出现较为明显改变,其中一株不能产孢,对其T-DNA插入位点序列分析比对结果显示,突变基因属于超级转运家族(major facilitator superfamily,MFS)。【结论】本研究建立的农杆菌转化黑曲霉分生孢子平台,结合T-DNA插入突变位点分析,可以为黑曲霉基因组功能注释研究提供一种简便有效的途径。  相似文献   
根癌农杆菌Ti质粒的T区DNA上带有致瘤基因,其基因4编码细胞分裂素合成酶。以pGV 354(pBR 322质粒中插有Ti质粒C 58 T区DNA的HindⅢ15-HindⅢ22大片段)重组质粒出发,我们分离了基因4,并通过基因载体pGV 3850引入了高等植物。结果证明基因4能促使烟草、向日葵,石刁柏等转化组织分化长芽。DNA分子杂交表明,转化的烟草中有正常植物所没有的基因4同源片段存在。  相似文献   
In planta Agrobacterium-mediated transformation combined with a soil-based herbicide selection for transgenic plants was used to recover large numbers of transgenic Arabidopsis plants for functional genomic studies. A tissue-culture-free system for generating transgenic plants was achieved by infiltrating Arabidopsis plants with Agrobacterium tumefaciens harboring a binary T-DNA vector containing the phosphinothricin acetyltransferase gene from Streptomyces hygroscopicus, and by selecting transgenic Arabidopsis growing in soil by foliar application of the herbicide Finale (phosphinothricin). Analysis of herbicide-resistant plants indicated that all were transgenic and that the T-DNA transformation process occurred late during flower development, resulting in a preponderance of independently derived T-DNA insertions. T-DNA insertions were usually integrated in a concatenated, rearranged form, and using linkage analysis, we estimated that T1 plants carried between one and five T-DNA loci. Using pooling strategies, both DNA and seed pools were generated from about 38,000 Arabidopsis plants representing over 115,000 independent T-DNA insertions. We show the utility of these transgenic lines for identifying insertion mutations using gene sequence and PCR-based screening. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Transformants of Arabidopsis thaliana can be generated without using tissue culture techniques by cutting primary and secondary inflorescence shoots at their bases and inoculating the wound sites with Agrobacterium tumefaciens suspensions. After three successive inoculations, treated plants are grown to maturity, harvested and the progeny screened for transformants on a selective medium. We have investigated the reproducibility and the overall efficiency of this simple in planta transformation procedure. In addition, we determined the T-DNA copy number and inheritance in the transformants and examined whether transformed progeny recovered from the same Agrobacterium-treated plant represent one or several independent transformation events. Our results indicate that in planta transformation is very reproducible and yields stably transformed seeds in 7–8 weeks. Since it does not employ tissue culture, the in planta procedure may be particularly valuable for transformation of A. thaliana ecotypes and mutants recalcitrant to in vitro regeneration. The transformation frequency was variable and was not affected by lower growth temperature, shorter photoperiod or transformation vector. The majority of treated plants gave rise to only one transformant, but up to nine siblings were obtained from a single parental plant. Molecular analysis suggested that some of the siblings originated from a single transformed cell, while others were descended from multiple, independently transformed germ-line cells. More than 90% of the transformed progeny exhibited Mendelian segregation patterns of NPTII and GUS reporter genes. Of those, 60% contained one functional insert, 16% had two T-DNA inserts and 15% segregated for T-DNA inserts at more than two unlinked loci. The remaining transformants displayed non-Mendelian segregation ratios with a very high proportion of sensitive plants among the progeny. The small numbers of transformants recovered from individual T1 plants and the fact that none of the T2 progeny were homozygous for a specific T-DNA insert suggest that transformation occurs late in floral development.National Research Council of Canada Publication No. 38003  相似文献   
非寄主抗病性是一种普遍的自然现象, 该文通过建立拟南芥-大豆疫霉菌(Arabidopsis thaliana-Phytophthora sojae)非寄主互作系统, 筛选对大豆疫霉菌感病的拟南芥突变体, 为研究植物对卵菌的非寄主抗病性遗传机制奠定基础。以大豆疫霉菌游动孢子接种拟南芥T-DNA插入突变体离体叶片, 从代表12 000个独立转化株系的40 000株T3T-DNA插入拟南芥突变体中获得一系列对大豆疫霉菌感病的突变体。其中突变体581-51感病性状表现稳定, 离体叶片接菌后3天内出现明显的水渍状病斑, 4–5天后产生大量卵孢子和/或孢子囊。细胞学观察发现有典型的吸器形成。Southern杂交和遗传分析结果表明, 581-51突变体含有4个T-DNA插入事件, 其感病性状可能由隐性单基因控制。  相似文献   
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