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Amyloid A protein (AA), the major fibril protein in AA-amyloidosis, is an N-terminal cleavage product of the precursor protein, serum amyloid A (SAA). Using mass spectrometry and amino-acid sequencing, we identified and characterized two novel AA protein subsets co-deposited as amyloid fibrils in an patient having AA-amyloidosis associated with rheumatoid arthritis. One of the AA proteins corresponded to positions 2–76 (or 75) of SAA2α and the other corresponded to positions 2–76 (or 75) of known SAA1 subsets, except for position 52 or 57, where SAA1α has valine and alanine and SAA1β has alanine and valine in position 52 and 57, respectively, whereas the AA protein had alanine at the both positions. Our findings (1), demonstrate that not only one but two SAA subsets could be deposited together as an AA-amyloid in a single individual and (2), support the existence of a novel SAA1 allotype, i.e., SAA152,57Ala.  相似文献   
The serum of the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) was examined for heme- and hemoglobin-binding proteins. Electrophoretic mobility retardation assays failed to detect a hemoglobin-binding material similar to mammalian haptoglobin; however, a heme-binding component (not previously described) was identified in catfish seru. The heme-binding component was purified by gel filtration chromatography; electrophoretic analyses suggested it to be composed of two polypeptide subunits of molecular masses about 115 and 98 kDa. This composition is inconsistent with hemopexin, the known heme-binding serum protein of mammals. Although it was not fully saturated with heme, the catfish component contained detectable heme in normal sera. When complexed by the binding material, heme was used as an iron source by isolates of the bacterial Gram-negative genusAeromonas; the capacity of other bacteria to use the complex was not tested. The physiological function of the catfish heme-binding serum protein is presently not clear.  相似文献   
The technique of Perturbed Angular Correlations of -rays has been used to study the rotational correlation times in aqueous solution of the peptides: oxytocin, glycyltryptophan, cholecystokinin and the glycopeptide ristocetin. These peptides were labelled with excited 111mCd through the covalent coupling of the metal chelator diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) to the primary amines-of the peptides. The experimental correlation times are in good accordance with calculations based on the molecular weight. This indicates that the 111mCd-DTPA is rigidly bound to the molecules. In the case of ristocetin, the correlation time was measured at 2°C, 25°C and 38°C. These experiments show the expected linear dependence on the viscosity divided by temperature. The feasibility of determining rotational correlation times for peptides without lysines and with correlation times in the ns region is thus demonstrated. Also, the correlation time of 111mCd-DTPA coupled to the lysines of bovine serum albumin was determined. The measured correlation time is about 5 times less than the calculated correlation time. This effect is assigned to local motion. In spite of this, experiments show that 111mCd-DTPA-bovine-serum-albumin is significantly immobilised by aggregation with immunoglobulins. The nuclear quadrupole interactions, necessary for determining the correlations times, were determined for 111mCd-DTPA-ristocetin and 111mCd-DTPA-bovine-serum-albumin by adding sucrose to a concentration of 63% and cooling to 2°C. This showed a small but significant difference between the two molecules. We interpret this as due to different conformations, possibly different coordination numbers. Offprint requests to: E. Danielsen  相似文献   
Using the developing chick embryo as a model and a very sensitive micromethod for amino acid analysis, a complete analysis is presented of the developmental changes in free amino acid concentration in the blood, in the CSF, and in two different brain regions (optic lobe and frontal lobe) of the chick embryo (from day 4 of incubation, until day 5 post hatching). The developmental profile of Lys is the only one that is almost identical in all three compartments. The developmental profiles of the serum and of the brain are very similar for Arg and Phe, less so for Leu and Gly, and towards the end of the embryonic period, similar also for Val, Ile, Trp, and Met. The amino acid concentrations in the CSF are either much lower than in serum and brain already at the earliest stages, or they progressively decline to levels lower than those in brain and serum, most rapidly between day 6 and 8 of embryonic life. The concentrations of neuroactive amino acids (Gln, Glu, Asp, GABA, Tau, and Gly) in both brain regions begin to increase very early, and continue to rise, except Tau, which goes through a maximum at day 8. Comparative analysis of the developmental profiles of each amino acid in serum, brain, and CSF reveals that the blood supply and the cellular uptake, retention, and metabolism by neural cells are the major determinants of the free amino acid pool of the developing brain.  相似文献   
By mixing chlorophyll (Chl) a or b with a dense bovine serum albumin solution, the water-soluble Chl-bovine serum albumin complexes were prepared. These complexes, eluted near the void volume on a gel filtration, were separated well from unreacted bovine serum albumin, indicating an aggregation of such molecules in the complexes. Preparation of chlorophyllide (Chlide) a- or Chlide b-bovine serum albumin complex was unsuccessful, while the phytol-, and β-carotene-bovine serum albumin complexes could be obtained. Chls in the Chl-bovine serum albumin complexes had the following characteristics. (i) Main absorption peak of Chl a or b in the red region occurred at 675 nm or 652 nm, respectively. The Chl a-bovine serum albumin complex having absorption peak at 740 nm was also prepared. As compared with the stabilities of Chl a and b in Triton X-100. (ii) Both Chls in the bovine serum albumin-complexes were stable against oxidative stresses, such as photobleaching, Fenton reagent, peroxidase-H2O2 system. But (iii) they were easily hydrolyzed by chlorophyllase. These properties of Chls in the bovine serum albumin-complexes were similar to those of Chls in the isolated light-harvesting Chl a/b protein complex. A possible localization of Chls within the bovine serum albumin complexes was suggested that the porphyrin moiety of Chl was buried in bovine serum albumin; however, the hydrophilic edge of porphyrin ring, adjacent to the phytol group, occurred in the hydrophilic region of a bovine serum albumin molecule.  相似文献   
To elucidate a possible role of sialic acid moiety in the electrical heterogeneity of rat pituitary lutropin, seven components separated were individually treated with neuraminidase. Some intermediates with isoelectric points corresponding to the native components were concomitantly seen at the serial stages of the enzyme treatment. All the treated components showed an isoelectric point of about 10.0 which was the same to the isoelectric point of one of the seven components. Desialylation of the components with less biological activity caused enhancement of the in vitro cyclic AMP producing- and testosterone producing-activities as well as the binding activity to the receptor. It is concluded that the number of sialic acid moiety in lutropin is responsible for the charge heterogeneity and the biological potency of the hormone.  相似文献   
The clone DiTat 1.1 of Trypanosoma brucei brucei was injected into four bovids, and clones obtained from successive waves of parasitemia were used to study the expressed variant-specific surface glycoprotein repertoire. Twenty-four clones were obtained which could be classified into 12 different variable antigen types, in addition to the clone injected, using agglutination or immunofluorescence with monospecific antisera. The variable surface glycoproteins of the 25 clones were extracted using the detergent octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside in the presence of the protease inhibitor, N-cbz-L-phenylalaninechloromethylketone. The molecular weights varied from 52,000 to 69,000 and the pI from 5.0 to 8.8. The virulence of 14 clones representing 13 variable antigen types was ascertained in mice. The mean survival time ranged from 20.5 to 43.0 days. Clones isolated from early peaks of parasitemia in the bovid were the most virulent while clones derived from later peaks were less virulent. It seems that organisms of diminishing virulence appear in bovids, leading to self-cure of the disease. All clones were sensitive to human serum in a blood infectivity inhibition test. Antibody against all virulent clones appeared in 20 cattle (10 Zebus, 10 Baoulés) which had been injected with T. brucei DiTat 1.1. There was no evidence for parasites of high or low virulence being preferentially expressed in resistant or sensitive hosts.  相似文献   
Experience with cloning pseudorabies virus (PRV) DNA in the lambda gt11 phage vector has shown that there are special requirements for the antisera used in screening the libraries, in addition to the requirement that the antisera recognize proteins on a Western blot. Initial screening of a lambda gt11 library of sheared PRV DNA fragments in Escherichia coli for expression of PRV antigens using PRV hyperimmune antisera was unsuccessful. It was only after screening the library with antisera raised against PRV proteins eluted from sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide (PA) gels that positive results were obtained. These "gel-slice" antisera (GSA) were equivalent in potency to hyperimmune antisera in standard immunoassays (including ELISA, immunoprecipitation, Western blots, and neutralization of virus), but only the GSA could recognize PRV fusion proteins expressed by recombinant lambda gt11 phage. This difference was seen despite the fact that hyperimmune antisera performed satisfactorily on Western blots of denatured PRV-infected cell extracts. These results show that the efficiency of screening expression libraries in E. coli can be improved if antibodies are raised against denatured proteins.  相似文献   
Summary We have previously reported the transformation by Rous sarcoma virus of a cloned epithelial cell line (BRL) established from Buffalo rat liver by H. Coon. The nontransformed (BRL) and transformed (RSV-BRL) cells grew at comparable rates in culture, whereas only the transformed cells were tumorigenic in vivo. We report here on the existence in rat and mouse sera of a growth inhibitor for the nontransformed BRL cells. The transformed BRL cells (RSV-BRL) were insensitive to this inhibitor. The inhibitory activity was not prominent in sera from other species of animals tested except for rabbit; this serum inhibited the growth of RSV-BRL cells more strongly than that of BRL cells. The growth inhibitor was partially purified from rat serum. It is a protein free of lipid and has a molecular weight of about 220 000. The inhibitor could be separated into three components of pI 4.6, 5.2 (major) and 5.6 by isoelectric electrophoresis. EDITOR'S STATEMENT Although compelling theoretical arguments sometimes can be made for the likely existence of growth-inhibitory substances of physical relevance in the control of cell proliferation, experiments aimed at identifying and studying such factors often are difficult to design and interpret, and little strong data exists to suggest that growth-inhibitory substances are important regulatorsin vivo. The information presented in this paper represents a start toward developing a useful system for studying growth-inhibitory factor. David W. Barnes  相似文献   
Summary Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUV-EC) grew rapidly in vitro in medium supplemented with epidermal growth factor, fetal bovine serum (FBS) and human diploid fibroblast-conditioned medium. The effect of FBS could be replaced partially by bovine serum albumin, cholesterol, and vitamin E, and completely by further addition of serum dialysate or refeeding every other day. Among these components, fibroblast-conditioned medium is essential for HUV-EC growth. The HUV-EC were cultured serially for over 50 population doublings in the 10% FBS containing fibroblast-conditioned medium and for over 40 population doublings in the serum-free medium. Mitogenic factor(s) present in the medium conditioned by fibroblasts may be related to endothelial cell growth factor and play an important role angiogenesis and regeneration of vascular endothelium in vitro.  相似文献   
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