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用触角电位法研究了大豆蚜、棉蚜和桃蚜对39种挥发性次生化合物的反应,结果如下:1)绿叶气味化合物及其异构体的去极化电压远强于萜烯类;具有6个碳原子的醇类和醛类是最有活性的化合物.2)大豆蚜和棉蚜对醛类和脂类的反应要比对相应的醇类强,这与桃蚜的实验结果刚好相反.3)蚜虫嗅觉系统所显示的活性与刺激化合物的结构有关,醇类和醛类刺激所引起的EAG饱和的要比不饱和的强.4)大豆春迁蚜对萜烯衍生物(醇、醛、脂)的触角电位反应高于棉蚜,而对萜烃化合物的反应刚好相反.5)各种化合物引起的EAG峰形不同;牛儿醇、癸醇和香茅醇刺激所引起的波形回复最慢,而在直链饱和醇中随着碳原子数的增加而回复速度减慢.  相似文献   
A simple behavioral model is used to investigate whether differences in the specific-mate-recognition system (SMRS), occur within species of the Drosophila genus. This model takes into account, and overcomes, the distorting effect of vigor differences on experimental results. Analysis shows significant deviations from the expected values under the assumption of identical SMRSs in around one fifth of the multiple-choice experiments performed with natural strains of twelve different Drosophila species. Different selection procedures raise the number of significant assortative mating results between strains of D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura from 3.0% to 32.8%. Finally, sub- or semispecific taxa show variations in their SMRS even more frequently (74.5%). Differences in male vigor and female receptivity are also found. These results show that a classification of Drosophila species based on SMRS stability, as proposed by the “Recognition concept of species”, is virtually impossible.  相似文献   
Homing to a more or less permanent scar after each foragingexcursion is a common movement pattern among intertidal gastropodsand chitons; however, details of the timing and spacing of foragingactivity have been investigated only in a few species. The presentstudy analyzes the short-term behavior of the limpet Patellarustica along the Tyrrhenian coast, Italy, using a motographictechnique to assess the fine organization of its foraging duringfavorable periods of sea roughness. P. rustica becomes activeonce the upper midlittoral is well splashed. It alternates foragingexcursions and resting at home with a periodicity slightly longerthan 12 h, suggesting a tidal-diel pattern. However, periodogramanalysis of the sea level oscillations during the study periodsrevealed no such rhythmicity because tidal oscillations werehidden by irregular variations caused by waves. As a resultof this time partitioning, limpets move, on average, less than50% of their potential activity time. Time partitioning maybe highly adaptive in reducing potential risks. Nevertheless,in the absence of clear external driving cues, the significanceof a very regular and apparently tidal pattern, fairly synchronousamong the different specimens, remains to be explained. Theactivity of P. rustica during each excursion is organized intothree parts: the outgoing journey during which grazing activityprogressively increases, a central part characterized by intensegrazing, and the return characterized by fast displacement anda more or less consistent trail following. Limpets head forrandom directions to reach foraging grounds in successive excursions,showing only a slight avoidance of the direction taken duringthe previous outward journey. This pattern produces a spatialscattering of grazing activity, allowing efficient exploitationof grazing areas distributed radially around home during subsequentexcursions.  相似文献   
Mating activity was observed during four breeding seasons in two groups of black and white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata variegata) living in lowland rain forest on Nosy Mangabe island, Madagascar. The onset of the May-July breeding season was signalled by behavioral changes in adult males. Males made forays outside their usual home ranges, were more aggressive to other males, and performed appetitive and other sex-specific behaviors more frequently. Females showed receptive and proceptive behaviors during a 1-2 day behavioral estrus. Ruffed lemurs mated monogamously, polyandrously, and polygynously. These observations do not support previous assertions that they live only in monogamous families. Limited evidence suggests females exercised mate choice and may have preferred familiar males. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
笼养间蜂猴的繁殖   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1989年至今,对15只(10,5)成年间蜂猴在人工饲养条件下的繁殖进行观察,结果为:1.间蜂猴的繁殖有明显的季节性;2.发情周期为49.67d(SD=1.25),在此期间,雌性外生殖器红肿,变大;雄性阴囊胀大;3.交配以背腹相贴为主;4.怀孕期为188d;5.哺乳期为108d(SD=4.12);6.均为一胎二仔。  相似文献   
Several scientific studies have suggested a link between increased exposure to pollutants and a rise in the number of neurodegenerative disorders of unknown origin. Notably, triclosan (an antimicrobial agent) is used in concentrations ranging from 0.3% to 1% in various consumer products. Recent studies have also highlighted triclosan as an emerging toxic pollutant due to its increasing global use. However, a definitive link is missing to associate the rising use of triclosan and the growing number of neurodegenerative disorders or neurotoxicity. In this article, we present systematic scientific evidence which are otherwise scattered to suggest that triclosan can indeed induce neurotoxic effects, especially in vertebrate organisms including humans. Mechanistically, triclosan affected important developmental and differentiation genes, structural genes, genes for signaling receptors and genes for neurotransmitter controlling enzymes. Triclosan-induced oxidative stress impacting cellular proteins and homeostasis which triggers apoptosis. Though the scientific evidence collated in this article unequivocally indicates that triclosan can cause neurotoxicity, further epidemiological studies may be needed to confirm the effects on humans.  相似文献   
The snare web is used as a medium for communication betweenindividuals within colonies of social spiders and has thereforebeen suggested as necessary for the evolution of sociality inthe Araneae. The social spider Diaea socialis (Thomisidae) isan exception because it does not build a snare web. Experimentsdemonstrate that silk attracts all spiders and that a chemicaldeposited onto the silk attracts adult female spiders, suggestingthat the group living of this species is mediated by a pheromone.The pheromone attracts spiders differentially: females are notattracted to juvenile silk, and it repels gravid females. Thepheromone appears to be stable but volatile, is ether-soluble,and retains its viability after dissolution. Molecular-ionicmasses for 7-8 different compounds were found in the range 220–281atomic units; the pheromone may be one or a combination of severalof these.  相似文献   
Earwigs (Insecta, Dermaptera) are characterized by uniquelyelaborated cerci, commonly called forceps, the function of whichremains unclear. We studied intrasexual and intersexual interactionsin the laboratory to examine the context and pattern of forcepsuse in the toothed earwig. Vostox apictdenlatus (Caudell). Interactionsbetween pairs of earwigs were recorded in four social situations:(1) two males, (2) two males plus a virgin female, (3) two females,and (4) one male and one female. Forceps were used as both weaponsand display structures by males and females in all of thesesocial contexts. During pairwise male-male interactions, onemale clearly dominated the other male. Dominant males were moreactive and more likely to use their forceps in intrasexual interactionsthan were subordinate males. In interactions where there weretwo males and one female present, the male that dominated male-maleinteractions was able to maintain exclusive access to the female.There was no indication of active female choice during or aftercourtship. During intersexual interactions, only males usedtheir forceps during courtship. The behavioral repertoire involvingforceps was greater for males than for females, especially inintrasexual contests. There was no clear outcome of intrasexualinteractions among females. These results suggest that forcepsfunction mainly as weapons in male-male interactions and mayhave evolved, at least in part, as a result of sexual selection.Further research is required to test for female mate choiceand to separate the various mechanisms of sexual selection ifmate choice exists. Comparative studies are needed to determineif sexual selection was the original evolutionary mechanismleading to the development of these unusual structures or ifsexual selection is relegated to a secondary effect, leadingto the elaboration and sexualdimorphism of these structuresin selected groups of earwigs.  相似文献   
Leptocephalus eel larvae will feed in aquaria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synopsis Premetamorphosing larvae of Muraenesox cinereus (Muraenesocidae) and Conger myriaster (Congridae), caught and kept alive in aquaria, repeatedly bit pieces out of a lump of squid paste. By coloring the paste with Brilliant Red, ingestion and defecation were clearly seen through the transparent gut. The paste is not their natural food, but nevertheless a possible food item for rearing eels from eggs; most previous efforts have failed inasmuch as the larvae have starved.  相似文献   
Collective behavior operates without central control, using local interactions among participants to adjust to changing conditions. Many natural systems operate collectively, and by specifying what objectives are met by the system, the idea of agency helps to describe how collective behavior is embedded in the conditions it deals with. Ant colonies function collectively, and the enormous diversity of more than 15K species of ants, in different habitats, provides opportunities to look for general ecological patterns in how collective behavior operates. The foraging behavior of harvester ants in the desert regulates activity to manage water loss, while the trail networks of turtle ants in the canopy tropical forest respond to rapidly changing resources and vegetation. These examples illustrate some broad correspondences in natural systems between the dynamics of collective behavior and the dynamics of the surroundings. To outline how interactions among participants, acting in relation with changing surroundings, achieve collective outcomes, I focus on three aspects of collective behavior: the rate at which interactions adjust to conditions, the feedback regime that stimulates and inhibits activity, and the modularity of the network of interactions. To characterize the dynamics of the surroundings, I consider gradients in stability, energy flow, and the distribution of resources and demands. I then propose some hypotheses that link how collective behavior operates with changing environments.  相似文献   
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