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Migratory movements of the endangered stag beetles Lucanus cervus (18 males, 38 females) were monitored radio-telemetrically for three reproductive periods (2003–2005). The aim of the study was to estimate the migratory range of free-ranging individuals as a measure of connectivity among neighbouring populations for future conservation measures. Miniature transmitters of c . 350 mg (battery life: 10–15 days) were attached externally to the pronotum. Transmitter/beetle mass ratio was 12.8% on average (7.1–28.0%). Male dispersal behaviour consisted of frequent flights directed to sites with reproductive females and rarely of on-ground movement. Total displacement distance recorded was up to 2065 m, the maximum distance of a single flight being 1720 m. Flights always began at elevated structures such as trees and shrubs and took place in an air temperature range of 11–27°C. Within this range, temperature did not influence flight distance. Female dispersal behaviour consisted mostly of a single flight, followed by mating and consequent ground movements towards oviposition sites. Total displacement distance recorded was up to 762.6 m, the maximum distance of a single flight being 701 m. Climatic constraints of flights were the same as in males. Modelling the dispersal behaviour suggests that about 1% of males are capable of maintaining gene flux among nest sites within a radius of about 3 km. However, the colonization of new nest sites depends on the dispersal ability of females and amounts to less than 1 km. Thus, isolated populations (distance to the next population greater than 3 km) have an increased probability of local extinction.  相似文献   
Rearing larvae of Ips calligraphus (Germar) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in bolts of typical slash pine, Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii, with thin (TN; 0.5–1.5 mm) phloem (inner bark) relative to adult beetle body width significantly reduced body weight and lipid content of emerging adults compared with thick (TK; 2.5–3.5 mm) phloem-reared adults. Unmated (pre-nuptial) TK beetles averaged 2-fold longer daily and life-time flight duration than TN beetles. Daily flights were highly variable, averaging <20 min (longest daily flight=173 min). TK and TN beetles initiated flight, and the greatest number flew, on the first or second day after emergence form their rearing bolt; % of beetles flying and survival gradually declined to zero by day 9. Males (both TK and TN) averaged 2.5 days of flight, ca. 1 day longer than females. Fliers lived ca. 2-fold longer than non-fliers. Among TK and TN fliers, significant but weak positive correlations occurred between body weight and lifetime flight duration. Poor correlation between lifetime flight duration and longevity suggests little physiological cost to flight, but effects on fecundity were not assessed. Flight by mated, egg-laying (post-nuptial) beetles was substantially delayed (peaking on day 6), suggesting degeneration and subsequent regeneration of flight muscles.
Résumé Le comportement de vol d'Ips calligraphus GERMAR (Scolytidae) a été examiné au laboratoire par une technique de vol captif. La génération parentale avait été artificiellement introduite, suivant la taille des adultes (1,6 à 2,1 mm) dans des morceaux de Pinus elliottii Engelm. variété elliottii au phloeme épais (TK=2,5 à 3,5 mm) ou fin (TN=0,5 à 1,5 mm) les larves se sont développées dans ces morceaux de pin. Le poids et la teneur en lipide des adultes obtenus à partir de TN étaient significativement inférieure à ceux de TK. Le poids des mâles les plus gros a été plus réduit que celui des femelles; les mâles les plus petits semblaient être moins efficaces dans l'initiation des attaques sur les arbres, et les femelles les plus petites ont eu une fécondité réduite.Les durées de vol quotidiennes pendant la vie des mâles TK vierges étaient en moyenne deux fois plus longues que celles des mâles TN. Les durées de vol quotidiennes étaient très variables: en moyenne moins de 20 minutes, mais la plus longue a été de 173 mn. En moyennes les adultes TN et TK ont commencé à voler, et volaient en plus grand nombre, le premier et le second jour après l'émergence. Ensuite la fréquence d'adultes volants et le pourcentage de surviveants, ont graduellement diminué jusqu'à tomber à zéro le neuvième jour. Les mâles TN et TK avaient des vols quotidiens plus longs et volaient environ 1 jour de plus que les femelles. L'activité de vol accrue des mâles reflète leur besoin de trouver dans la nature des arbres convenables; les vols des femelles peuvent généralement être plus brefs, étant plus directement orientés comme une réponse aux phéromones mâles.Les voiliers ont vécu environ 2 fois plus longtemps que les non-voiliers. Parmi les voiliers TK et TN il y avait une corrélation positive étroite entre le poids du corps et la durée totale des vols. Il n'y en a qu'une faible corrélation entre cette durée totale des vols et la longévité, suggérant un faible coût physiologique du vol. L'influence de cette durée des vols et du prélèvement consécutif de lipides sur la fécondité n'a pas été examinée. L'initiation au vol chez les individus fécondés a été sérieusement retardée (maximum le sixième jour) par rapport aux vierges, ce qui suggère un dégénérescence des muscles du vol associée à la reproduction, suivie d'une régénération importante, comme cela a été signalé chez d'autres Scolytes.Ces résultats contribuent à notre compréhension des facteurs conditionnant le comportement de vol et d'autres aspects fondamentaux de la biologie des insectes des pins. Une telle connaissance est nécessaire au développement d'une politique efficace de protection.
AaCtx is the first chlorotoxin-like peptide isolated from Androctonus australis scorpion venom. Its amino acid sequence shares 70% similarity with chlorotoxin from Leiurus quinquestriatus scorpion venom, from which it differs by twelve amino acids. Due to its very low concentration in venom (0.05%), AaCtx was chemically synthesized. Both native and synthetic AaCtx were active on invasion and migration of human glioma cells. However, their activity was found to be lower than that of chlorotoxin. The molecular model of AaCtx shows that most of amino acids differing between AaCtx and chlorotoxin are localized on the N-terminal loop and the α-helix. Based on known compounds that block chloride channels, we suggest that the absence of negative charged amino acids on AaCtx structure may be responsible for its weak activity on glioma cells migration and invasion. This finding serves as a starting point for structure-function relationship studies leading to design high specific anti-glioma drugs.  相似文献   
Time‐of‐flight secondary‐ion mass spectrometry (TOF‐SIMS), a powerful analytical technique sensitive to all components of perovskite solar cell (PSC) materials, can differentiate between the various organic species within a PSC absorber or a complete device stack. The ability to probe chemical gradients through the depth of a device (both organic and inorganic), with down to 100 nm lateral resolution, can lead to unique insights into the relationships between chemistry in the absorber bulk, at grain boundaries, and at interfaces as well as how they relate to changes in performance and/or stability. In this review, the technique is described; then, from the literature, several examples of how TOF‐SIMS have been used to provide unique insight into PSC absorbers and devices are covered. Finally, the common artifacts that can be introduced if the data are improperly collected, as well as methods to mitigate these artifacts are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary After retrograde filling of axons terminating in the glandular lobe of the corpus cardiacum (CC) of Locusta migratoria with cobalt chloride, a paired group of about 15 cobalt containing cells was demonstrated in the lateral area of the protocerebrum. The axons of these cells run via the NCC II into the glandular lobe of the CC. These small neurons have the characteristics of secretory cells; they contain secretory granules of about 1000 Å in diameter. The axon terminals in the glandular lobe, making synaptic contacts with the glandular cells, contain secretory granules of the same size. It is therefore concluded that the cell groups in the protocerebrum control the activity of the glandular cells which produce an adipokinetic hormone. Arborizations of fibers of the lateral secretomotor cells are present in the dorsal neuropile of the protocerebrum, ventral of the mushroom bodies and along the tracts of the NCC I within the brain. It is proposed that these arborizations are sites of synaptic input. It is discussed that the axons of these cells might receive additional synaptic input in the storage lobe of the CC.The localization of cell bodies, the axons of which enter the storage part of the CC is described. The course of the axon tracts of the various cell groups in the protocerebrum and their connections with the NCC I and NCC II are demonstrated.Supported by the Foundation for Fundamental Biological Research (BION) which is subsidized by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO). The electron microscopical investigations were performed at the EM-unit of the Faculty of Biology, State University of Utrecht (Director: Prof. Dr. J.C. van de Kamer)The author is greatly indebted to Dr. A.M.Th. Beenakkers and Dr. H.H. Boer for their active interest and helpful advise. Thanks are also due to Mr. H. van Kooten and his staff for making the macro- and microphotographs, to Mr. L.W. van Veenendaal for preparing the electron micrographs and final assistance in the preparation of the photo pages and to Mr. D. Smit, who made the drawings  相似文献   
Benner, Knecht, and Engel have replied to my critique of their interpretation of a Carboniferous trace fossil produced by an insect at the edge of water. Here I respond by pointing out that their reiterated scenario still requires mutually exclusive paths of motion and I show that their assertions of methodological shortcomings are tangential and lack merit. Overall, this discussion provides an opportunity to examine in greater detail competing hypothesis about behaviors and taxonomic identity of the trace maker, and relevance thereof to competing theories regarding early events in the evolution of pterygote insects.  相似文献   
Summary Data from 22Acromyrmex heyeri and 39A. striatus colonies showed that most were male-biased, while some were female-biased and a few had a sex ratio of 11. The time and pattern of swarming were different in both species and could be seen as strategies to avoid inbreeding.  相似文献   
Abstract The fatty acid (FA) compositions for total lipids from fat body, hemolymph and flight muscle of the armyworm moths, Mythirnna separata, at rest and after tethered flight for 1 h were determined by GC and GC-MS. The composition in these tissues comprises myristic acid (1%-2%), palmitic acid (more than 35%1, palmitoleic acid (9%-11%), stearic acid (less than 1%), oleic acid (about 32%), linoleic acid (12%-17%) and linolenic acid (3%-6%). After flight, FA level in the fat body, compared to that at rest, shows a significant decline at about 20 μg/mg tissue.h-1; the concentration of FAs in hemolymph rises evidently, but change of FA content in flight muscle appears to be small. From the changes of proportional composition of FAs in fat body, hemolymph and flight muscle, it is found that the FAs selectively utilized for flight in flight muscle are predominantly the palmitic acid and oleic acid.  相似文献   
Proper regulation of physiological activities is crucial for homeostasis in animals. Autonomic regulation of these activities is most developed in mammals, in which a part of peripheral nervous system, termed the autonomic nervous system plays the dominant role. Circulatory activity and digestive activity in vertebrates change in opposite phases to each other. The stage where circulatory activity is high and digestive activity is low is termed the "fight or flight stage" while the stage where circulatory activity is low and digestive activity is high is termed the "rest and digest stage". It has been thought that the autonomic nervous system originated in early vertebrate phyla and developed to its greatest extent in mammals. In this study, we compared the pattern of change of circulatory and digestive activities in several invertebrates and found that the two stages seen in mammals are also present in a wide variety of animals, including evolutionarily early-diverging invertebrate taxa. From this and other arguments we propose a novel possibility that the basic properties of the autonomic nervous system were established very early in metazoan evolution.  相似文献   
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