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These experiments examined the effect of hypoxia and hyperoxia on ventilation, lactate concentration and electromyographic activity during an incremental exercise test in order to determine if coincident chances in ventilation and electromyographic activity occur during an incremental exercise test, despite an enhancement or reduction of peripheral chemoreceptor activity. In addition, these experiments were completed to determine if electromyographic activity and ventilation are enhanced or reduced in response to the inspiration of oxygen-depleted and oxygen-enriched air, respectively. Seven subjects performed three incremental exercise tests, until volitional exhaustion was achieved, while inspiring air with a fractional concentration of oxygen of either 66%, 21% or 17%. In addition, another single subject completed two tests while inspiring air with a fractional concentration of either 17% or 21%. During the tests, ventilation, mixed expired oxygen and carbon dioxide, arterialized venous blood and the electromyographic activity from the vastus lateralis were sampled. From these values ventilation, electromyographic and lactate thresholds were detected during normoxia, hypoxia and hyperoxia. The results showed that although ventilation and lactate concentration were significantly less during hyperoxia as compared to normoxia or hypoxia, the carbon dioxide production values were not significantly different between the normoxic, hypoxic and hyperoxic conditions. For a particular condition, the time, carbon dioxide production and oxygen consumption values that corresponded to the ventilation and electromyographic thresholds were not significantly different, but the values corresponding to the lactate threshold were significantly less than those for the electromyographic and ventilation thresholds. Comparisons between the three conditions showed that the time, carbon dioxide production and oxyen consumption values corresponding to each of these thresholds were not significantly different. These findings have led us to conclude that the changes in lactate concentration observed during exercise may not be directly related to the fractional concentration of inspired oxygen, and that the peripheral chemoreceptors may not be the sole mediators of the first ventilatory threshold. It is suggested that this threshold may be mediated by an increase in neural activity originating from higher motor centers or the exercising limbs, induced in response to the need to progressively recruit fast twitch muscle fibers as exercise power output is increased and as individual muscle fibers begin to fatigue.  相似文献   
Abstract: The phosphorylation of surface proteins by ectoprotein kinase has been proposed to play a role in mechanisms underlying neuronal differentiation and their responsiveness to nerve growth factor (NGF). PC 12 clones represent an optimal model for investigating the mode of action of NGF in a homogeneous cell population. In the present study we obtained evidence that PC12 cells possess ectoprotein kinase and characterized the endogenous phosphorylation of its surface protein substrates. PC12 cells maintained in a chemically defined medium exhibited phosphorylation of proteins by [γ-32P]ATP added to the medium at time points preceding the intracellular phosphorylation of proteins in cells labeled with 32Pi. This activity was abolished by adding apyrase or trypsin to the medium but was not sensitive to addition of an excess of unlabeled Pi. As also expected from ecto-protein kinase activity, PC12 cells catalyzed the phosphorylation of an exogenous protein substrate added to the medium, dephospho-α-casein, and this activity competed with the endogenous phosphorylation for extracellular ATP. Based on these criteria, three protein components migrating in sodium dodecyl sulfate gels with apparent molecular weights of 105K, 39K, and 20K were identified as exclusive substrates of ecto-protein kinase in PC12 cells. Of the phosphate incorporated into these proteins from extracellular ATP, 75–87% was found in phosphothreonine. The phosphorylation of the 39K protein by ecto-protein kinase did not require Mg2+, implicating this activity in the previously demonstrated regulation of Ca2+-dependent, high-affinity norepinephrine uptake in PC12 cells by extracellular ATP. The protein kinase inhibitor K-252a inhibited both intra- and extracellular protein phosphorylation in intact PC12 cells. Its hydrophilic analogue K-252b, had only minimal effects on intracellular protein phosphorylation but readily inhibited the phosphorylation of specific substrates of ecto-protein kinase in PC12 cells incubated with extracellular ATP, suggesting the involvement of ecto-protein kinase in the reported inhibition of NGF-induced neurite extension by K-252b. Preincubation of PC12 cells with 50 ng/ml of NGF for 5 min stimulated the activity of ecto-protein kinase toward all its endogenous substrates. Exposure of PC12 cells to the same NGF concentration for 3 days revealed another substrate of ecto-protein kinase, a 53K protein, whose surface phosphorylation is expressed only after NGF-induced neuronal differentiation. In the concentration range (10–100 μM) at which 6-thioguanine blocked NGF-promoted neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells, 6-thioguanine effectively inhibited the phosphorylation of specific proteins by ecto-protein kinase. This study provides the basis for continued investigation of the involvement of ecto-protein kinase and its surface protein substrates in neuronal differentiation, neuritogenesis, and synaptogenesis.  相似文献   
The interaction of chlorpromazine (CPZ) with artificial membranes (egg-yolk phosphatidylcholine liposomes) has been studied. Measurements of the surface electric potential, which is modified in the presence of the ionized form of the drug, were obtained by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) using a positively charged amphiphilic spin-probe. This probe partitions between the aqueous and lipidic phases depending on the surface potential and on the structural state of the membrane. The surface potential was measured as a function of drug concentration in the range where the spectral line-shapes are not affected by the incorporation of the drug. From these experimental results and through an appropriate formalism we obtain information on the binding of the drug to the lipid bilayer and on the ionization of the drug in the lipidic phase. Correspondence to: C. Anteneodo  相似文献   
The isolation of related genes with evolutionary conserved motifs by the application ofpolymerase chain reaction-based molecular biology techniques, or from database searchingstrategies, has facilitated the identification of new members of protein families. Many of theseprotein molecules will be involved in protein–protein interactions (e.g. growth factors,receptors, adhesion molecules), since such interactions are intrinsic to virtually every cellularprocess. However, the precise biological function and specific binding partners of these novelproteins are frequently unknown, hence they are known as orphan molecules.Complementary technologies are required for the identification of the specific ligands orreceptors for these and other orphan proteins (e.g., antibodies raised against crude biologicalextracts or whole cells). We describe herein several alternative strategies for the identification,purification and characterisation of orphan peptide and protein molecules, specifically thesynergistic use of micropreparative HPLC and biosensor techniques.  相似文献   
Multivariate analysis provides an effective context for the examination of some significant aspects of biodiversity and conservation. The framework is a multidimensional space that integrates sample sites, taxa and environments. This approach enables terms such as representativeness, complementarity and irreplaceability to be integrated within an intuitive and practical framework for reserve design. Cluster analysis is proposed to determine what is there by defining a set of complementary clusters. These clusters are sampled in a representative manner; from the core outward. The degree of irreplaceability of a site is defined as the multivariate distance of each potential reserve site to its nearest neighbour.  相似文献   
For the quantitative estimation of surface potential change in intact cells a method was devised with the use of fluorescent probes, 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate (ANS) and N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine (NPN). Estimated values in liposomes were compared with changes in the zeta potential determined from electrophoresis. Both values agreed within the experimental variation, showing the usefulness of the method. The method was also applied to Tetrahymena pyriformis, which exhibits chemotaxis to various chemical stimuli. The surface potential change was observed when the cell was stimulated not only by inorganic salts but also by electrically neutral, hydrophobic compounds. The surface potential started to change in accordance with the depolarization of the membrane potential, except for the case of K+. Changes in the surface potential of T. pyriformis in response to Ca2+ and K+ were compared with those in the membrane potential. The quantitative contribution of the surface potential to cell depolarization associated with chemoreception is discussed.  相似文献   
The model membrane approach was used to investigate the surface charge effect on the ion-antibiotic complexation process. Mixed monolayers of valinomycin and lipids were spread on subphases containing K+ or Na+. The surface charge density was modified by spreading ionizable valinomycin analogs on aqueous subphases of different pH or by changing the nature of the lipid (neutral, negatively charged) in the mixed film. Surface pressure and surface potential measurements demonstrated that a neutral lipid (phosphatidylcholine) or positively charged valinomycin analogs didn't enhance the antibiotic complexing capacity. However, a maximal complexation is reached for a critical lipid concentration in the valinomycin-phosphatidylserine mixed film. The role of the surface charge on the valinomycin complexing properties was examined in terms of the Gouy-Chapman theory. As a consequence of the negative charge of the lipid monolayer, the K+ concentration near the surface is larger than the bulk concentration, by a Boltzmann factor. A good agreement was observed between the experimental results and the theoretical predictions. Conductance measurements of asymmetric bilayers containing a neutral lipid (egg lecithin) on one side and a negatively charged lipid (phosphatidylserine) on the other, confirm the role of the surface charge. Indeed, addition of K+ to the neutral side of the bilayer containing valinomycin had no effect on the conductance whereas addition of K+ to the charged side of the bilayer caused a 80-fold conductance increase.  相似文献   
Lipid organization and lipid transport processes occurring at the air-water interface of a liposome (lipid vesicle) solution are studied by conventional surface pressure-area measurements and interpreted by an adequate theory. At the interface of a dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine vesicle solution, used for demonstration, a well defined two layer structure selfassembles: vesicles disintegrate at the interface forming a surface-adsorbed lipid monolayer, which prevents further disintegration beyond about 1 dyne/cm surface pressure. A layer of vesicles now assembles in close association with the monolayer. This layer is in vesicle diffusion exchange with the solution and in lipid exchange with the monolayer. The lipid exchange occurs exclusively between the monolayer and the outer lipid layer of the vesicles; it is absent between outer and inner vesicle layers. Equilibration of the lipid density in the monolayer with that in the vesicle outer layer provides a coherent and quantitative explanation of the observed hysteresis effects and equilibrium states. The correspondence between monolayer and vesicle outer layer is traced down to equilibrium constants and rate constants and their dependences on surface pressure, vesicle size and concentration. p] Other alternate realizations of surface structure and exchange, including induced lipid flip-flop within vesicles or vesicle monolayer adhesion or fusion are potential applications of the proposed analysis.  相似文献   
Intact human blood platelets were radioactively labelled at the surface by techniques specific for proteins or glycoproteins. Labelled platelet samples were analyzed by a high-resolution two-dimensional separation system involving isoelectric focusing in the first dimension and discontinuous sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the second. The major platelet membrane glycoprotein (GP) bands (Ib, IIb, IIIa and IIIb) were found to be highly heterogeneous even after removal of terminal sialic acid residues. Lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination of platelets showed that the major labelled proteins (Ib, IIb, IIIa and IIIb) had altered isoelectric points (pI) and molecular weights after neuraminidase treatment. A number of membrane glycoproteins previously undetected by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis were demonstrated and good evidence provided that the major platelet surface proteins are glycosylated.  相似文献   
Summary Rough microsomes were subfractionated on the basis of different properties in order to investigate the nature and extent of the enzyme heterogeneity of these vesicles. A discontinuous gradient, containing monovalent cations allowed the separation of a ribosome-poor membrane fraction which was enriched in electron transport enzymes and relatively poor in phosphatases. Zonal centrifugation on a stabilizing gradient separated 3 fractions characterized by enrichment of electron transport enzymes, glucose-6-phosphatase and adenosinetriphosphatase, respectively. An essentially similar pattern was seen when ribosomes were removed with EDTA and the denuded vesicles subfractionated on a sucrose gradient. Rough microsomes from phenobarbitaltreated rats exhibited the same pattern both qualitatively and quantitatively. It appears that electron transport enzymes and two types of phosphatases are heterogeneously distributed among rough microsomal vesicles.This work has been supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council. The authors wish to thank Mrs. Ulla-Britta Torndal for her valuable technical assistance  相似文献   
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