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Summary The ovarian surface and associated germ cells have been studied in human fetuses from 12 weeks of age until near term, using light, TEM and SEM techniques. The surface epithelium and related cords proliferate extensively, especially at midterm. The cords in the ovarian cortex appear to be linked with ingrowths from the surface epithelium, and both structures have a common basal lamina. Germ cells are always interspersed among the somatic cells of the surface epithelium and associated cords. These results indicate that both the proliferating cords and surface epithelium may contribute to the formation of early follicles. Furthermore, the occurrence, of elements having some of the features of primitive steroidogenic cells in the regions of cordsurface epithelium continuity, suggests that both structures (surface epithelium and cords) contribute somatic cells, which in addition to becoming granulosa cells, might also contribute to the provision of primitive interstitial cells.Gonocytes tend to migrate through the developing ovarian tissue towards the surface where they become extruded into the peritoneal cavity. This phenomenon might contribute to the reduction in the number of germ cells at birth and parallels the atretic processes within the ovary.  相似文献   
(1) Three analogs of merocyanine dyes added to suspensions of chromatophore vesicles showed absorbance changes responding to the change in surface potential induced by salt addition and to the change in membrane potential induced by illumination. (2) The extent of the light-induced absorbance changes of the dyes was linearly related, in the presence and absence of uncouplers, to that of carotenoid spectral shift which is an intrinsic probe of the intramembrane electric field. (3) Comparison of the merocyanine absorbance changes induced by salt addition with those induced by illumination indicated that the surface potential change in the outer surface of chromatophore membranes during illumination was very small. (4) Judging from the spectra of these absorbance and from the low permeabilities of the dyes to membrane, the absorbance change are attributed to change in distribution of the dyes between the medium and the outer surface region in chromatophore membranes. The extent of the light-induced absorbance changes of merocyanine dyes depended on the salt concentration of the medium. The types of dependence were different among three merocyanine analogs. This is explained by the mechanism mentioned above assuming appropriate parameters. It is suggested that, under continuous illumination, an equilibrium of the electrochemical potential of H+ is reached between the bulk aqueous phase and the outer surface region in the membrane where the merocyanine dyes are distributed.  相似文献   
Summary Dimethyl sulphoxide at relatively low comentrations, 0.01 to 1 mM, enhanced the conjugation and cell-to-cell adhesion of complementary strains of matingTetrahymena thermophila. The time required to form stable conjugates was reduced by dimethyl sulphoxide. This chemical stimulated the uptake of glycine and glucosamine from the suspending media. Incorporation of 2-14C-glycine and 6-3H-D-glucosamine into protein and glycoprotein was enhanced in whole cells, surface membrane and cilia. Incorporation of glucosamine into the microsomal fraction was increased in the dimethyl sulphoxidetreated cells while there was little change in glycine incorporation. There were no detectable changes in glycine and glucosamine incorporation into the nuclear fractions isolated from conjugatingTetrahymena exposed to dimethyl sulphoxide.  相似文献   
ObjectiveInfluenza A virus belongs to the most studied virus and its mutant initiates epidemic and pandemics outbreaks. Inoculation is the significant foundation to diminish the risk of infection. To prevent an incidence of influenza from the transmission, various practical approaches require more advancement and progress. More efforts and research must take in front to enhance vaccine efficacy.MethodsThe present research emphasizes the development and expansion of a universal vaccine for the influenza virus. Research focuses on vaccine design with high efficacy. In this study, numerous computational approaches were used, covering a wide range of elements and ideas in bioinformatics methodology. Various B and T-cell epitopic peptides derived from the Neuraminidase protein N1 are recognized by these approaches. With the implementation of numerous obtained databases and bioinformatics tools, the different immune framework methods of the conserved sequences of N1 neuraminidase were analyzed. NCBI databases were employed to retrieve amino acid sequences. The antigenic nature of the neuraminidase sequence was achieved by the VaxiJen server and Kolaskar and Tongaonkar method. After screening of various B and T cell epitopes, one efficient peptide each from B cell epitope and T cell epitopes was assessed for their antigenic determinant vaccine efficacy. Identical two B cell epitopes were recognized from the N1 protein when analyzed using B-cell epitope prediction servers. The detailed examination of amino acid sequences for interpretation of B and T cell epitopes was achieved with the help of the ABCPred and Immune Epitope Database.ResultsComputational immunology via immunoinformatic study exhibited RPNDKTG as having its high conservancy efficiency and demonstrated as a good antigenic, accessible surface hydrophilic B-cell epitope. Among T cell epitope analysis, YVNISNTNF was selected for being a conserved epitope. T cell epitope was also analyzed for its allergenicity and cytotoxicity evaluation. YVNISNTNF epitope was found to be a non-allergen and not toxic for cells as well. This T-cell epitope with maximum world populace coverages was scrutinized for its association with the HLA-DRB1*0401 molecule. Results from docking simulation analyses showed YVNISNTNF having lower binding energy, the radius of gyration (Rg), RMSD values, and RMSE values which make the protein structure more stable and increase its ability to become an epitopic peptide for influenza virus vaccination.ConclusionsWe propose that this epitope analysis may be successfully used as a measurement tool for the robustness of an antigen–antibody reaction between mutant strains in the annual design of the influenza vaccine.  相似文献   
目的:探讨隐匿性乙肝病毒表面抗原Y100C位点突变与乙肝病毒隐匿性感染的相关性.方法:分别构建含有隐匿性乙肝病毒表面抗原Y100C位点替换基因和野生型表面抗原基因的表达载体,转染HeLa细胞,培养一定时间后用ELISA方法检测细胞中HBsAg的表达情况,并进行统计学分析.结果:含有点突变基因的重组载体转染的细胞培养上清和提取物中HBsAg的表达量均低于含有野生型基因表达载体转染的细胞,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:HBsAg蛋白Y100C位点替换降低了HBsAg的合成及分泌,可能参与隐匿性异性肝炎的发生和发展,下一步的研究可结合HBV全基因的研究,以期更好的阐明隐匿性乙型肝炎的机制.  相似文献   
The surface potential of the purple membrane was measured by a novel method by using an artificial bacteriorhodopsin whose chromophore was 13-CF3 retinal instead of retinal. When attached to the apoprotein by a Schiff base, the intrinsic pK of the 13-CF3 chromophore is around 7.3. The apparent pK of this pigment depends on the surface potential and thus on the electrolyte concentration. This allowed us to determine the surface charge density using the Gouy-Chapman equation. The surface charge density was found to be −1.65 ± 0.15 × 10−3 electronic charges per Å2 or about 2 negative charges/bacteriorhodopsin. This large value for the surface potential probably explains both part of the strong apparent association of divalent cations with the membrane and the effect of low salt concentrations on light-induced proton release from the purple membrane.  相似文献   
Receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B (RANK) and its ligand, RANKL play critical roles in bone re-modeling, immune function, vascular disease and mammary gland development. To study the interaction of RANK and RANKL, we have expressed both extracellular domain of RANK and ectodomain of RANKL using Escherichia coli expression system. RANK was expressed as an inclusion body first which properly refolded later, while RANKL was initially produced as a GST fusion protein, after which the GST was removed by enzyme digestion. Soluble RANK existed as a monomer while RANKL was seen as a trimer in solution, demonstrated by gel filtration chromatography and cross-linking experiment. The recombinant RANK and RANKL could bind to each other and the binding affinity of RANKL for RANK was measured with surface plasmon resonance technology and KD value is about 1.09 × 10−10 M.  相似文献   
为了提高生物表面活性剂的表面活性,通过单因素及正交试验对已筛选的产生物表面活性剂芽孢杆菌的培养基及培养条件进行了优化,优化后的培养基成分为可溶性淀粉20 g/L,氯化铵2 g/L,KH2PO46 g/L,K2HPO42 g/L,MgSO4.7H2O 0.3 g/L,NaCl 2 g/L,CaCl20.08 g/L,EDTA 0.4 g/L。培养条件为4%接种量,种龄16 h,初始pH7,培养温度37℃,摇床转速160 r/min,发酵48 h。优化发酵条件后,发酵液表面张力由初始67.5 mN/m降低至24.8 mN/m,生物表面活性剂产量达到1.08 g/L。  相似文献   
海湾扇贝血细胞的表面结构及超微结构   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张维翥  吴信忠  汪明 《动物学报》2005,51(3):486-494
通过光镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜的观察对海湾扇贝血细胞的形态、表面结构及超微结构进行了研究。根据细胞的大小、形态结构可将血细胞分成四种类型:Ⅰ型小透明细胞,大小约(2·38±0·08)μm,约占比例30%-35%;Ⅰ型大透明细胞,大小约(4·41±0·33)μm,约占比例15%-25%;Ⅱ型小颗粒细胞,大小约(4·15±0·26)μm,约占比例20%-25%;Ⅱ型大颗粒细胞,大小约(8·26±0·52)μm,约占比例25%-30%。血细胞在血淋巴中的平均密度为(3·75±0·65)×107cell/ml。其中Ⅰ型透明细胞占55·3%,Ⅱ型颗粒细胞占44·7%。表面结构观察结果显示有5种形态:圆形血细胞,梨形或梭形血细胞,松果形血细胞,阿米巴样细胞,大型细胞,表面结构与功能密切相关。透射电镜观察结果表明血细胞主要归属于两大类型:Ⅰ型透明细胞和Ⅱ型颗粒细胞。超微结构显示颗粒细胞的细胞质颗粒可区分成三种类型:Ⅰ型高电子密度颗粒,Ⅱ型低电子密度颗粒和Ⅲ型中等电子密度颗粒,并推测Ⅰ型高电子密度颗粒是细胞吞噬的异物(微生物等)或细胞内的废物(沉积颗粒,衰老的胞器或碎片);Ⅱ型低电子密度颗粒是溶酶体类的胞内分泌颗粒,来源于高尔基复合体或内质网;Ⅲ型中等电子密度颗粒可能是次级溶酶体,由Ⅰ型颗粒向Ⅱ型颗粒融合并注入裂解酶类而形成[动物学报51(3):486-494,2005]。  相似文献   
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