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ABSTRACT Stephanonympha nelumbium is a large trichomonad measuring 45–60 μm in length and 20–40 μm in width. It is a member of the multinucleate and multiflagellate family Calonymphidae. While the numerous flagella arise in groups of four at the anterior cell pole, the posterior body portion is covered with attached spirochetes and rod-like bacteria. Generally, in the apical body portion of S. nelumbium , 50–100 nuclei are arranged in five to seven circular rows. Each nucleus is associated with a typical mastigont system, comprised of three anterior flagella, one recurrent flagellum being attached to the cell surface for a certain distance, and several typical root structures. Akaryomastigonts and costas do not occur. The fine structure of S. nelumbium corresponds with that of other calonymphids. The main difference to Calonympha is that the axostyle does not embrace the nucleus but passes it in form of a flattened rod.  相似文献   
两近缘种烟草上棉铃虫种群适合度的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别在室内和自然条件下,比较研究了普通烟草和黄花烟草两种不同寄主植物上棉铃虫生长发育、食物转化和利用及种群增长情况。结果表明: (1) 室内26±1℃、75%±5% RH和16L∶8D光周期条件下,与普通烟草相比,黄花烟草上幼虫的发育历期显著延长,1龄和2龄幼虫的存活率及雌蛾产卵量显著下降,种群净增殖率(R0=30.5374)和内禀增长率(rm=0.0951)减小;(2) 6龄幼虫对两种烟草的近似消化率及其相对生长率无显著差异,但对黄花烟草的利用率和转化率显著下降,相对取食量显著提高;(3) 第2代棉铃虫在普通烟田的种群增长(I=1.9922>1)比黄花烟田(I=1.1581>1)快,“烟草和其他”对种群起主要控制作用,特别是对低龄幼虫;第3代棉铃虫在普通烟田的种群增长有所减慢但仍呈上升趋势(I=1.5994>1),而在黄花烟田则呈下降趋势(I=0.6434<1),低龄幼虫受烟草抗性和雨水等的影响较大,高龄幼虫被病菌感染的数量增多。这些结果表明,与普通烟草相比,黄花烟草不适合棉铃虫种群的增长和繁殖。  相似文献   
Effect of lithium injections through chronically implanted cannulae into the bilateral suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) on the circadian rhythm of food intake was investigated in the rat. It was observed that the circadian rhythm was disrupted by injections of lithium at the beginning of the light as well as the dark phase of the LD cycle. In either case the percentage of the food consumed during the 12-hr light period increased while that during the dark period decreased without any significant change in the total daily intake. Disruptions in the circadian rhythm of food intake failed to show any dose-response relation. Injections of saline into the SCN or lithium into the nearby SCN area did not produce a disruption of the circadian rhythm of food intake.  相似文献   
Global climate change scenarios predict lake water temperatures to increase up to 4°C and extreme weather events, including heat waves and large temperature fluctuations, to occur more frequently. Such changes may result in a reorganization of the plankton community structure, causing shifts in diversity and structure toward a community dominated by fewer species that are more adapted to endure warmer and irregular temperature conditions. We designed a long‐term (8 months) mesocosm experiment to explore how ambient water temperature (C: control), induced increased temperature (T: +4°C), and temperature fluctuations (F: ±4°C relative to T) change phytoplankton phenology, taxonomical diversity, and community structure, and how such changes affected zooplankton abundance and composition. Synthesis. Our results show that T and F relative to C significantly decreased phytoplankton diversity. Moreover, there was a clear effect of the temperature treatments (T and F) on phytoplankton size structure that resulted in a significantly lower growth of large species (i.e., large Chlorophyta) compared to C. Decreased diversity and evenness in the T and F treatments pushed the community toward the dominance of only a few phytoplankton taxa (mainly Cyanobacteria and Chlorophyta) that are better adapted to endure warmer and more irregular temperature conditions. The observed shift toward Cyanobacteria dominance may affect trophic energy transfer along the aquatic food web.  相似文献   
芙新姬小蜂和潜蝇姬小蜂均为强卵育型(synovigenic)寄生蜂,成虫具有产卵寄生致死、寄主取食致死和寄主叮蛰直接致死3种寄主致死行为。为了明确成虫补充非寄主食物营养对2种姬小蜂控害潜力/控害行为的影响,本文比较研究了分别提供寄主食物和寄主食物+非寄主食物(10%葡萄糖)条件下的2种姬小蜂在初羽化前期(前6 d)内对美洲斑潜蝇幼虫的致死行为的影响。结果显示:在仅提供寄主食物时,芙新姬小蜂的寄生、取食和总体致死量均显著的高于潜蝇姬小蜂,但是直接致死能力却弱于后者;补充非寄主食物和仅提供寄主食物处理相比,两种寄生蜂的寄生量,取食量和总致死量均呈下降趋势。该研究显示:在初羽化前期,取食寄主食物的雌蜂比取食寄主食物+葡萄糖的雌蜂具有更强的致死能力。  相似文献   
寄生性和捕食性天敌昆虫成虫普遍存在通过取食蜜粉源植物补充营养的行为,这可不同程度地促进天敌昆虫性成熟、延长其寿命、提高其生殖力或寄生率,以及搜寻寄主效率和子代雌性比率,从而显著提高天敌昆虫在生物防治中的控害能力和效果。蜜粉源植物花的结构及植物对天敌昆虫产生的嗅觉、视觉信号和花蜜花粉对天敌昆虫产生的味觉信号又显著影响天敌昆虫选择蜜粉源植物的行为和结果。但是,蜜粉源植物也可成为害虫的补充营养植物,从而提高害虫的为害能力。因此,需深入研究不同蜜粉源植物对天敌昆虫及害虫的作用,趋利避害,才可能应用蜜粉源植物成功调控天敌与害虫的益害比,实现害虫的可持续控制。  相似文献   
对自然生态系统的观察给人们以复杂的群落更稳定的直观印象, 但数学模型却得出了截然相反的结论。这一“悖论”使得复杂性-稳定性研究自20世纪70年代以来成为长期的热点。本文对这一领域的数学模型研究进行简要综述。首先对这一论题进行概念剖析, 然后将各类模型分为线性和非线性两大类, 前者即群落矩阵法, 后者包括相互作用矩阵法、复杂网络数值模拟法和食物网构件动力学法。它们分别基于不同的群落构建方法和稳定性判断标准, 探求各物种是如何相互作用并实现共存的。总体而言, 在随机构建的群落模型中, 多样性和连接度的增长不利于系统稳定; 而在更接近真实自然群落的模型中, 相互作用方式、网络拓扑结构、相互作用强度分布等方面的机制提供了稳定效应, 按此组织的生态网络可达到很高的复杂度。然而, 复杂性-稳定性的研究还远未结束, 当前的模型仍不足以反映自然群落中的复杂相互作用, 稳定性的概念也有待拓展。对这一议题的深入研究在生态学理论和生态系统管理实践方面都具有重大价值。  相似文献   
神农架川金丝猴栖息地植物区系特征及食物资源研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年春季我国南方特大冰雪灾害,给受灾林区的森林生态系统及野生动物造成了巨大影响。神农架是川金丝猴分布的最东端,也是重灾区之一。该文基于灾前两年的实地调查资料,对神农架川金丝猴栖息地植物区系进行分析,以期为灾后生物多样性的检测评估及川金丝猴栖息地恢复建设提供依据。实地调查发现,川金丝猴栖息地内木本植物共有255种,隶属44科105属,其中乔木23科51属129种,灌木22科49属113种,木质藤本7科9属13种;据统计在栖息地内共有31科58属85种川金丝猴的食源植物。该区植物区系中温带分布性质的属占优势,有58个,占属数的56.30%;热带分布性质的属有22个,东亚和中国特有分布成分共有23个属,分别占属数的21.36%和22.33%;显示了该区地处亚热带与温带的过度性质。还统计了栖息地食源植物区系谱,分析了该区域食源植物特点。  相似文献   
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