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We developed a straightforward antibody-based assay for rapid homogeneous detection of bacteria. Our sensors utilize antibody recognizing cell-surface epitopes of the target cell. Two samples of the antibody are prepared, each labeled via nanometer size flexible linkers with short complementary oligonucleotides that are modified with fluorochromes that could participate in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). The length of the complementary oligonucleotide sequences was designed such that very little annealing occurred in the absence of the target cells. In the presence of the target cells the two labeled antibodies bind to the surface of the cell resulting in a large local concentration of the complementary oligonucleotides that are attached to the antibody. This in turn drives the annealing of the complementary oligonucleotides which brings the fluorescence probes to close proximity producing large FRET signals proportional to the amount of target cells. Long flexible linkers used to attach the oligonucleotides to the antibody enable target-induced oligonucleotide annealing even if the density of surface antigens is only modest. We used Escherichia coli 0157:H7 and Salmonella typhimurium to demonstrate that this design produced sensors exhibiting rapid response time, high specificity, and sensitivity in detecting the target bacteria.  相似文献   
This article recapitulates the scientific advancement towards the greener synthesis of silver nanoparticles. Applications of noble metals have increased throughout human civilization, and the uses for nano-sized particles are even more remarkable. “Green” nanoparticle synthesis has been achieved using environmentally acceptable solvent systems and eco-friendly reducing and capping agents. Numerous microorganisms and plant extracts have been applied to synthesize inorganic nanostructures either intracellularly or extracellularly. The use of nanoparticles derived from noble metals has spread to many areas including jewelery, medical fields, electronics, water treatment and sport utilities, thus improving the longevity and comfort in human life. The application of nanoparticles as delivery vehicles for bactericidal agents represents a new paradigm in the design of antibacterial therapeutics. Orientation, size and physical properties of nanoparticles influences the performance and reproducibility of a potential device, thus making the synthesis and assembly of shape- and size-controlled nanocrystals an essential component for any practical application. This need has motivated researchers to explore different synthesis protocols.  相似文献   
杨正慧  彭亮  黄慕芳  曹虹 《微生物学通报》2015,42(11):2223-2228
多聚磷酸盐(Poly P)广泛分布于真核生物和原核生物中,是由几十个到几百个无机磷酸盐单体通过高能磷酸键聚合而成的线性多聚体。Poly P能影响细菌的毒力,有助于细菌抵抗环境中的压力刺激。在真核细胞中,Poly P与核仁的转录相关,可促进凝血和细胞分化、调节促炎反应,并和骨的重构、矿化及去矿化相关。同时,Poly P也是线粒体通透性转换孔的激活物。本文综合阐述Poly P在微生物及哺乳动物中的作用及相关机制,同时结合我们的研究工作,分析Poly P对大肠杆菌致病性的影响,以期引起研究者对Poly P的关注。  相似文献   
Barbershops provide areas for the growth and transfer of bacterial pathogens and thereby have an impact on public health. Barbershops are ideal places for the interactive spread of infections, including community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA). Here, the work determines the degree of bacterial contamination of hair dryers used in barbershops. The samples were collected in the city of Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on March 2019. Significant bacterial contamination was seen, with total bacterial count increasing when the hair dryers were run for 20 instead of 10 s. The study shows a high level of bacterial contamination barbershops using hair dryers, with MRSA being isolated in some. The results suggest that high quality filters should be used inside hair dryers and filters, and theses should be cleaned frequently.  相似文献   
Tn5转座突变技术在革兰氏阴性细菌分子遗传研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着广宿主载体系统的发展,Tn5及其衍生载体已经广泛应用于革兰氏阴性细菌的分子遗传学研究。主要综述了Tn5转座突变技术在生防细菌生防机理研究、细菌必需基因的鉴定、病原细菌毒力相关基因研究、代谢调控基因研究和菌株的遗传改良方面的应用研究进展。  相似文献   
Ribosomal subunits of Caldariella acidophila (max.growth temp., 90°C) have been compared to subunits of Bacillus acidocaldarius (max. growth temp., 70°C) and Escherichia coli (max. growth temp., 47°C) with respect to (a) bihelical content of rRNA; (b) G·C content of bihelical domains and (c) tightness of rRNA-protein interactions. The principal results are as follows. 1. Subunits of C. acidophila ribosomes (Tm = 90–93°C) exhibit considerable thermal tolerance over their B. acidocaldarius (Tm = 77°C) and E. coli counterparts (Tm = 72°C). 2. Based on the ‘melting’ hyperchromicities of the intact ribosomal subunits a 51–55% fraction of the nucleotides appears to participate in hydrogen-bonded base pairing regardless of ribosome source, whereas a larger fraction, 67–70%, appears to be involved in hydrogen bonding in the naked rRNA species. 3. The G·C content of bihelical domains of both free and ribosome-bound rRNA increases with increasing thermophily; based on hyperchromicity dispersion spectra of intact subunits and free rRNA, the bihelical parts of C. acidophila rRNA are estimated to contain 63–64% G·C, compared to 58.5% G·C for B. acidocaldarius and 55% G·C for E. coli. 4. The increment in ribosome Tm values with increasing thermophily is greater than the increase in Tm for the free rRNA, indicating that within ribosomes bihelical domains of the thermophile rRNA species are stabilized more efficiently than their mesophile counterparts by proteins or/ and other component(s). 5. The efficiency of the rRNA-protein interactions in the mesophile and thermophile ribosomes has been probed by comparing the releases, with LiCl-urea, of the rRNA species from the corresponding ribosomal subunits stuck to a Celite column through their protein moiety; it has been established that the release of C. acidophila rRNA from the Celite-bound ribosomes occurs at salt-urea concentrations about 4-fold higher than those required to release rRNA from Celite-bound E. coli ribosomes. 6. Compared to E. coli, the C. acidophila 50 and 30 S ribosomal subunits are considerably less susceptible to treatment designed to promote ribosome unfolding through depletion of magnesium ions.  相似文献   
从12株细菌菌株中筛选到一株产3-脱氧葡糖松还原酶的高产菌Bacillussp.2,并研究了该菌株的产酶条件。在所试验的细菌中,3-脱氧葡糖松氧化酶活性较低甚至检测不出,而还原酶活性普遍较高。该菌株最佳产酶条件为:培养基组成(%):牛肉膏0.3,牛肉蛋白陈1.0,氯化钠0.5,0.5mmol/L3-脱氧葡糖松。培养基起始pH6.6,30℃振荡培养48h,产酶量最高,酶活力可达36.4u/g。3-脱氧葡糖松对产酶有诱导作用,而甲基乙二醛对产酶有抑制作用。  相似文献   
邱大俊  焦念志   《微生物学通报》2004,31(4):111-115
细菌的生物量是海洋微生物研究的关键参数之一。目前,细菌生物量估算方法主要根据其体积的大小进行换算,但换算的方式也不尽一致。对细菌体积和细菌碳含量主要的测定方法、体积与生物量之间换算系数、换算模式进行介绍,评述。认为流式细胞术是测定细菌体积较为合适的方法,X-射线微量分析法是测定单个细菌生物量(碳含量)最合适的方法,异速生长模式是目前生物量换算过程较为常用的模式。  相似文献   
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