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Experiments compared intestinal HCO3- secretion in the intestine of marine teleost Gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta, to representatives of early chondrostean and chondrichthyan fishes, the Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baerii, and white-spotted bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium plagiosum, respectively. As seen in marine teleosts, luminal HCO3- concentrations were 10-fold plasma levels in all species when exposed to hyperosmotic conditions. While intestinal water absorption left Mg2+ and SO4(2-) concentrated in intestinal fluids up to four-fold ambient seawater concentrations, HCO3- was concentrated up to 50 times ambient levels as a result of intestinal HCO3- secretion. Reduced luminal Cl- concentrations in the intestine of all species suggest that HCO3- secretion also occurs via Cl-/HCO3- exchange in chondrostean and chondrichthyan fishes. Sturgeon began precipitating carbonates from the gut after only 3 days at 14 per thousand, a mechanism utilized by marine teleosts to reduce intestinal fluid osmolality and maintain calcium homeostasis. Analysis of published intestinal fluid composition in the cyclostome Lampetra fluviatilis reveals that this species likely also utilize intestinal HCO3- secretion for osmoregulation. Analysis of existing cyclostome data and our results indicate that intestinal Cl-/HCO3- exchange plays an integral role in maintaining hydromineral balance not only in teleosts, but in all fish (and perhaps other animals) with a need to drink seawater.  相似文献   
鲟分枝杆菌病及其病原研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20092010年间,我国人工养殖的中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)、史氏鲟(Acipenser schrencki)和杂交鲟(hybrid sturgeon:A. baeri-A. gueldenstaedtii)暴发了细菌性疾病。患病鲟通过组织切片观察,病原菌的分离、鉴定以及组织样品中病原菌的检测,结果显示从19条患病鲟中分离到49株分枝杆菌。病原菌经过多个保守基因的测序分析和部分生理生化特征的鉴定,共发现有7种分枝杆菌,分别为龟分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium chelonae)、海分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium marinum)、戈登氏分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium gordonae)、偶发分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium fortuitum)、苏尔加分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium szulgai)、猪分枝杆菌 (Mycobacterium porcinum)和Mycobacterium arpuense。在诊断过程中发现两种或三种分枝杆菌同时存在于同一样品中,分子生物学的诊断结果表明分枝杆菌复合感染十分常见,而海分枝杆菌是分枝杆菌复合感染中最为常见的分枝杆菌。分离的病原菌对斑马鱼的攻毒试验结果表明在以上7种分枝杆菌中海分枝杆菌的毒力最强。以上结果表明海分枝杆菌是鲟分枝杆菌病的主要致病菌,分枝杆菌复合感染是鲟分枝杆菌病的主要感染形式。研究中史氏鲟和中华鲟的分枝杆菌病,以及在病鱼体内分离的猪分枝杆菌和M. arupense在国内外均尚未见报道。    相似文献   
Sixty-eight primer sets for microsatellite loci were developed from microsatellite motif enriched genomic libraries of pooled DNA from the polyploid green and white sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris and A. transmontanus). Four individuals from each species were screened for polymorphism at these loci. Forty-eight loci amplified in both species, and some exhibited species-specific amplification for white or green sturgeon (8 and 12 loci, respectively). The number of alleles per locus ranged from one to 12. At least 68% of the green and 65% of the white sturgeon loci we developed are polysomic.  相似文献   
Two cognate hormones, growth hormone (GH) and somatolactin (SL), control several important physiological processes in vertebrates. Knowledge about GH and its receptor (GHR) has accumulated over the last decades. However, much less is known about SL and its receptor (SLR). SL is found only in fish (including lungfish), suggesting that it was present in the common ancestor of vertebrates, but was lost secondarily in the lineage leading to land vertebrates after the lungfish branched off. SLR was suggested to be a duplicated copy of GHR acquired only in teleosts via the fish-specific genome duplication (FSGD). This scenario (i.e., the existence of SL but not SLR in the vertebrate ancestors) is intriguing but contested. In this study, we first evaluated the plausibility of this scenario through synteny analyses and found that the loci for GHR and SLR are located in syntenic genomic positions, whereas the loci for GH and SL are not. Next, we cloned GHRs of lungfish and sturgeon, which possess SL but did not undergo the FSGD (i.e., they should not possess SLR). Their phylogenetic positions in the GHR/SLR gene tree further support the fish-specific scenario for the GHR–SLR duplication. Interestingly, their sequences share greater similarity with teleost SLRs and reptilian/amphibian GHRs than with the GHRs of mammals, birds, and teleosts. On the basis of these results, we discuss the validity of the nomenclature of the teleost-specific copy of GHR as SLR and an ancestral receptor(s) for SL before the evolution of SLR during the FSGD.  相似文献   
2007年11月至2009年11月通过对12批次(共计5 207尾个体)解剖观察,统计了5种性成熟鲟鱼[西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baeri)、俄罗斯鲟(A.gueldenstaedti)、施氏鲟(A.schrencki)、黑龙江杂交鲟(Huso dauricus ♀×A.schrencki ♂)和欧洲杂交鲟(H...  相似文献   
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