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A meta-cleavage pathway for the aerobic degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons is catalyzed by extradiol dioxygenases via a two-step mechanism: catechol substrate binding and dioxygen incorporation. The binding of substrate triggers the release of water, thereby opening a coordination site for molecular oxygen. The crystal structures of AkbC, a type I extradiol dioxygenase, and the enzyme substrate (3-methylcatechol) complex revealed the substrate binding process of extradiol dioxygenase. AkbC is composed of an N-domain and an active C-domain, which contains iron coordinated by a 2-His-1-carboxylate facial triad motif. The C-domain includes a β-hairpin structure and a C-terminal tail. In substrate-bound AkbC, 3-methylcatechol interacts with the iron via a single hydroxyl group, which represents an intermediate stage in the substrate binding process. Structure-based mutagenesis revealed that the C-terminal tail and β-hairpin form part of the substrate binding pocket that is responsible for substrate specificity by blocking substrate entry. Once a substrate enters the active site, these structural elements also play a role in the correct positioning of the substrate. Based on the results presented here, a putative substrate binding mechanism is proposed.  相似文献   
7,9-Diaryl-1,6,8-trioxaspiro[4.5]dec-3-en-2-ones are a recently described group of spirocyclic butenolides that can be generated rapidly and as a single diastereomer through a cascade process between γ-hydroxybutenolides and aromatic aldehydes. The following outlines our findings that these spirocycles are potently cytotoxic and have a dramatic structure–function profile that provides excellent insight into the structural features required for this potency.  相似文献   
Microbial anaerobic and so-called hybrid pathways for degradation of aromatic compounds contain β-oxidation-like steps. These reactions convert the product of the opening of the aromatic ring to common metabolites. The hybrid phenylacetate degradation pathway is encoded in Escherichia coli by the paa operon containing genes for 10 enzymes. Previously, we have analyzed protein-protein interactions among the enzymes catalyzing the initial oxidation steps in the paa pathway (Grishin, A. M., Ajamian, E., Tao, L., Zhang, L., Menard, R., and Cygler, M. (2011) J. Biol. Chem. 286, 10735–10743). Here we report characterization of interactions between the remaining enzymes of this pathway and show another stable complex, PaaFG, an enoyl-CoA hydratase and enoyl-Coa isomerase, both belonging to the crotonase superfamily. These steps are biochemically similar to the well studied fatty acid β-oxidation, which can be catalyzed by individual monofunctional enzymes, multifunctional enzymes comprising several domains, or enzymatic complexes such as the bacterial fatty acid β-oxidation complex. We have determined the structure of the PaaFG complex and determined that although individually PaaF and PaaG are similar to enzymes from the fatty acid β-oxidation pathway, the structure of the complex is dissimilar from bacterial fatty acid β-oxidation complexes. The PaaFG complex has a four-layered structure composed of homotrimeric discs of PaaF and PaaG. The active sites of PaaF and PaaG are adapted to accept the intermediary components of the Paa pathway, different from those of the fatty acid β-oxidation. The association of PaaF and PaaG into a stable complex might serve to speed up the steps of the pathway following the conversion of phenylacetyl-CoA to a toxic and unstable epoxide-CoA by PaaABCE monooxygenase.  相似文献   
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  • •Brain membrane protein extraction.
  • •Protein prenylation.
  • •Prenyl peptide capture and characterization by LC-MS/MS.
  • •HCD and EThcD peptide fragmentation.
Clustering or overexpression of the transmembrane form of the extracellular matrix proteoglycan agrin in neurons results in the formation of numerous highly motile filopodia-like processes extending from axons and dendrites. Here we show that similar processes can be induced by overexpression of transmembrane-agrin in several non-neuronal cell lines. Mapping of the process-inducing activity in neurons and non-neuronal cells demonstrates that the cytoplasmic part of transmembrane agrin is dispensable and that the extracellular region is necessary for process formation. Site-directed mutagenesis reveals an essential role for the loop between β-sheets 3 and 4 within the Kazal subdomain of the seventh follistatin-like domain of TM-agrin. An aspartic acid residue within this loop is critical for process formation. The seventh follistatin-like domain could be functionally replaced by the first and sixth but not by the eighth follistatin-like domain, demonstrating a functional redundancy among some follistatin-like domains of agrin. Moreover, a critical distance of the seventh follistatin-like domain to the plasma membrane appears to be required for process formation. These results demonstrate that different regions within the agrin protein are responsible for synapse formation at the neuromuscular junction and for process formation in central nervous system neurons and suggest a role for agrin''s follistatin-like domains in the developing central nervous system.  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨经会阴实时三维盆底超声评估不同分娩方式对产后女性前腔室结构和盆膈裂孔的影响。方法:回顾性分析2015年1月至2019年10月在我院接受检查的100例产妇的诊治资料。根据分娩方式的不同,将患者分为经阴道分娩组(n=55)和剖宫产分娩组(n=45)。比较两组产妇在静息状态和Valsalva状态下的前腔室和盆膈裂孔超声参数。结果:在静息状态下,两组的膀胱颈位置、逼尿肌厚度、膀胱后角和尿道倾斜角相比无差异(P>0.05)。经阴道分娩组在Valsalva状态下的膀胱颈移动度和尿道旋转角均大于剖宫产分娩组,尿道内口漏斗形成率和膀胱膨出率均高于剖宫产分娩组(P<0.05)。在Valsalva状态下,经阴道分娩组的盆膈裂孔前后径、左右径、面积和周长均大于剖宫产分娩组(P<0.05);在静息状态下,两组的上述指标相比,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:应用经会阴实时三维盆底超声技术观察产妇前腔室结构和盆膈裂孔的参数变化,可评估产妇盆底功能受损的程度,经阴道分娩对其影响较大。  相似文献   
Voltage-gated sodium (NaV) channels initiate and propagate action potentials in excitable tissues to mediate key physiological processes including heart contraction and nervous system function. Accordingly, NaV channels are major targets for drugs, toxins and disease-causing mutations. Recent breakthroughs in cryo-electron microscopy have led to the visualization of human NaV1.1, NaV1.2, NaV1.4, NaV1.5 and NaV1.7 channel subtypes at high-resolution. These landmark studies have greatly advanced our structural understanding of channel architecture, ion selectivity, voltage-sensing, electromechanical coupling, fast inactivation, and the molecular basis underlying NaV channelopathies. NaV channel structures have also been increasingly determined in complex with toxin and small molecule modulators that target either the pore module or voltage sensor domains. These structural studies have provided new insights into the mechanisms of pharmacological action and opportunities for subtype-selective NaV channel drug design. This review will highlight the structural pharmacology of human NaV channels as well as the potential use of engineered and chimeric channels in future drug discovery efforts.  相似文献   
黄病毒科黄病毒属是由一组含单股正链RNA基因组的囊膜病毒组成,包括登革病毒、流行性乙型脑炎病毒、寨卡病毒、西尼罗病毒、黄热病病毒等,经由虫媒传播,可引起人类和动物的严重虫媒病毒病。黄病毒基因组由1个开放阅读框、5′非编码区和3′非编码区三部分组成。5′和3′非编码区含有病毒基因组复制所必需的启动元件;高度结构化的3′非编码区负责黄病毒亚基因组RNA的产生,从而有助于病毒逃避宿主免疫反应;此外3′非编码区还可作为疫苗研究的靶标。鉴于非编码区在黄病毒的蛋白翻译、基因组复制和免疫调节中发挥的重要作用,本文就黄病毒基因组非编码区的结构与功能最新研究进展作一简要综述。  相似文献   
We report the purification and characterization of a nitrilase (E.C. (Nit11764) essential for the assimilation of cyanide as the sole nitrogen source by the cyanotroph, Pseudomonas fluorescens NCIMB 11764. Nit11764, is a member of a family of homologous proteins (nitrile_sll0784) for which the genes typically reside in a conserved seven-gene cluster known as Nit1C. The physical properties and substrate specificity of Nit11764 resemble those of Nit6803, the current reference protein for the family, and the only true nitrilase that has been crystallized. The substrate binding pocket of the two enzymes places the substrate in direct proximity to the active site nucleophile (C160) and conserved catalytic triad (Glu44, Lys126). The two enzymes exhibit a similar substrate profile, however, for Nit11764, cinnamonitrile, was found to be an even better substrate than fumaronitrile the best substrate previously identified for Nit6803. A higher affinity for cinnamonitrile (Km 1.27 mM) compared to fumaronitrile (Km 8.57 mM) is consistent with docking studies predicting a more favorable interaction with hydrophobic residues lining the binding pocket. By comparison, 3,4-dimethoxycinnamonitrile was a poorer substrate the substituted methoxyl groups apparently hindering entry into the binding pocket. in situ 1H NMR studies revealed that only one of the two nitrile substituents in the dinitrile, fumaronitrile, was attacked yielding trans-3-cyanoacrylate (plus ammonia) as a product. The essentiality of Nit11764 for cyanotrophy remains uncertain given that cyanide itself is a poor substrate and the catalytic efficiencies for even the best of nitrile substrates (~5 × 103 M?1 s?1) is less than stellar.  相似文献   

Two complementary methods are described that associate in vitro and in vivo steps to generate sequence diversity by segment directed saturated mutagenesis and family shuffling. A high-throughput DNA chip-based procedure for the characterization and potentially the equalization of combinatorial libraries is also presented. Using these approaches, two combinatorial libraries of cytochrome P450 variants derived from the CYP1A subfamily were constructed and their sequence diversity characterized. The results of functional screening using high-throughput tools for the characterization of membrane P450-catalyzed activities, suggest that the 204–214 sequence segment of human CYP1A1 is not critical for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon recognition, as was hypothesized from previous data. Moreover, mutations in this segment do not alter the discrimination between alkoxyresorufins, which, for all tested mutants, remained similar to that of wild-type CYP1A1. In contrast, the constructed CYP1A1–CYP1A2 mosaic structures, containing multiple crossovers, exhibit a wide range of substrate preference and regioselectivity. These mosaic structures also discriminate between closely related alkoxyresorufin substrates. These results open the way to global high-throughput analysis of structure–function relationships using combinatorial libraries of enzymes together with libraries of structurally related substrates.  相似文献   
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