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四个籼稻(Oryza sativa L.)品种幼苗经1℃黑暗或光照250 μm ol·m - 2·s- 1处理后,抗冷的“桂山矮选3”比不抗冷的“青华6 号”幼苗存活率高,其子代是以“桂山矮选3”为母本的比“青华6 号”为母本的存活率较高。抽穗期剑叶经光照低温处理12、24 和36 h 后,光合作用是“桂山矮选3”和以“桂山矮选3”为母本的子代比“青华6 号”和以“青华6 号”为母本的子代下降较少。呼吸作用是前者比后者在处理12 h 时有明显升高现象。荧光参数Fv/Fo和Fv/Fm比值在处理24 h 时前者比后者下降明显,但在常温下恢复则是前者比后者明显较快。自然低温(寒露风)对叶绿素荧光的影响亦有相似的规律。对水稻后代的抗冷性倾向于母本进行了讨论  相似文献   
In the sexual reproduction of the green alga Closterium ehrenbergii, two sexually competent cells that are morphologically indistinguishable from the vegetative cells first come close to each other to form a sexually interacting pair. Each then divides into two gametangial cells. Isogamous conjugation occurs between nonsister gametangial cells of the two resulting pairs. With unusual selfing clones derived from a certain cross of heterothallic strains, we dissected apart a pair of gametangial cells that had already been united together by a delicate transparent tube, into which each gametangial cell was going to develop its conjugation papilla. In spite of such a degree of differentiation, when each was cultured in fresh medium, individual gametangial cells could dedifferentiate into vegetative cells and form subclones. By crossing such subclones with standard stable heterothallic mating-type strains, we show that each selfing clone of this alga actually produces both stable mt + and stable mt - cells, in addition to unstable mt - cells with selfing potency, during its mitotic vegetative growth. Although the selfing in C. ehrenbergii studied here differs in certain points from true homothallism, the results of the present study provide insight into how homothallism might have evolved from heterothallism.  相似文献   
Mating type determination in Tetrahymena thermophila involves developmentally programmed, heritable alterations of the macronucleus, localized to the mtd locus. This determination can be predictably controlled by the environmental conditions during macronuclear development, eg, temperature and time of refeeding. In this article we have further characterized the effects of delayed refeeding on mating type determination, as revealed by the frequency of mating types among the progeny of a cross. Our results show that 1) the magnitude of this starvation effect decreases with temperature of conjugation and becomes undetectable at 18°C; 2) starvation during the interval 14 to 22 hr (after conjugation is induced at 30°C) is a necessary and sufficient condition for the induction of starvation effects; 3) relative mating type frequencies vary monotonically with nutrient concentration present during this critical period; and 4) sister macronuclei, developing under starvation conditions in the same cytoplasm, differentiate majority mating types characteristic of early or late refeeding; sister macronuclei show no apparent correlation with each other. On the basis of our observations on early and late refed cells, we propose that the composition of the newly developed macronucleus is the outcome of two key events: 1) mating type determination at the mtd locus and 2) differential molecular cloning of generally one or two autonomously replicating fragments (ARFs) of the macronuclear DNA bearing the mtd locus.  相似文献   
Cartilage type IX collagen is cross-linked by hydroxypyridinium residues   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Type IX collagen, a recently discovered, unusual protein of cartilage, has a segmented triple-helical structure containing interchain disulfides. Its polymeric form and function are unknown. When prepared by pepsin from bovine articular cartilage, type IX collagen was found to contain a high concentration of hydroxypyridinium cross-links, similar to that in type II collagen. Fluorescence spectroscopy located the hydroxylysyl pyridinoline and lysyl pyridinoline cross-linking residues exclusively in the high-molecular-weight collagen fraction, from which they were recovered predominantly in a single CNBr-derived peptide. The results point to a structural role for type IX collagen in cartilage matrix, possibly as an adhesion material to type II collagen fibrils.  相似文献   
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Properties of strand breakage in duplex and single-stranded DNA by the wheat germ type 1 DNA topoisomerase were investigated. Strand breakage in duplex DNA is dependent upon the use of denaturing conditions to inactivate the enzyme and terminate the reaction, whereas breakage of single-stranded DNA occurs under the normal reaction conditions and is not dependent upon denaturation. Breakage generates a free 5′ hydroxyl group and enzyme bound to the 3′ side of the break, presumably via the 3′ phosphate group. The location of sites of breakage with both duplex and single-stranded DNA is not random. In all these respects the wheat germ enzyme closely resembles the rat liver type 1 topoisomerase. A comparison of the locations of the sites of breakage in duplex DNA generated by the topoisomerases from wheat germ and rat liver indicates a number of common sites, although the patterns of breakage are not identical.  相似文献   
Effect of soil acidity and saturating cation on adsorption of urea in soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Elevating the pH of two extremely acid tropical soils from an initial pH of 4 to 5 with Ca(OH)2 and NaOH solutions resulted in a sharp decrease in urea adsorption. Further increases in pH to 9 caused only slight further decrease in urea adsorption. Ca treatment resulted in slightly higher adsorption than Na treatment over the full range of pH values studied for a clay soil with high smectite content, and for a loam with kaolinite mineralogy below pH 7. Above pH 7 a kaolinitic loamy soil gave slightly higher adsorption with Na treatment than with Ca.  相似文献   
Karyotype analyses were conducted onCunninghamia konishii, Cunninghamia lanceolata, andTaiwania cryptomerioides, all members ofTaxodiaceae. The somatic chromosome number was found to be 2n = 2x = 22 in all species which concurrs with previous reports. The karyotypes are generally asymmetrical with the smaller chromosomes being more submedian than the larger ones. Chromosomes with unusual or specific structures, thought to be associated with the nucleolar organizing region, were found in each species.Cunninghamia species have a marker chromosome pair with an unusually long secondary constriction.Taiwania has an unusually long kinetochore region present in a submedian chromosome pair.  相似文献   
Artemisia douglasiana afforded, in addition to known compounds, two new C14-acetylenes, five longipinene derivatives, three nerolidol derivatives, a lactone and a ketone with a new carbon skeleton and lavendulol-2-methylbutyrate. The structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods and some chemical transformations. The configurations of several oxo longipinene-7, 9-di- and 7, 8, 9-triesters isolated previously were corrected. The biogenesis of the new lactones is discussed briefly.  相似文献   
A hybrid virus containing the left half of the Ad5 genome and the right half of the Ad2 genome has been constructed by ligating together in vitro the BamHI.-A fragment of Ad5 (map co-ordinates 0–59.5) to the-SawHI-A fragment of Ad2 (map coordinates 59.5–100), and using this DNA to transfect susceptible cells. Viable progeny virus has been obtained which grows as well as the parental virus without any requirement for helper virus, and probably contains a hybrid hexon polypeptide consisting of the major part of the Ad5 hexon with an Ad2 carboxy terminus.  相似文献   
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