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A system has been developed for rapid selection of streptomycin resistant mutants, as adventitious shoots arising from explants of several Solanaceous species. Efficient mutagenesis was achieved by incubating shoot culture-derived leaf strips with 1 or 5 mM nitroso-methylurea, for 90 or 120 min. In Nicotiana tabacum and Lycopersicon peruvianum these treatments resulted in white or variegated adventitious shoots from up to 3.5% of explants placed on medium promoting shoot regeneration. Chlorophyll deficiencies were only observed very rarely in Solanum nigrum. Streptomycin resistant shoots were obtained from leaf explants placed on medium containing 500 mg l-1 streptomycin sulphate, under which conditions explants are bleached and adventitious shoot development suppressed. Green adventitious s shoots appeared at a frequency dependent both on the mutagenic treatment and on the species. The best response was with S. nigrum where >70% of the explants produced streptomycin resistant shoots, most of which retained their resistance on subsequent testing. Maternal inheritance of streptomycin resistance has been confirmed for several N. tabacum and S. nigrum mutants, and there is also evidence for paternal transmission in the latter species. The procedure has been successfully extended to other species, including N. sylvestris and N. plumbaginifolia, and also to obtain spectinomycin resistant mutants.Communicated by R. Hagemann  相似文献   
Since competition with indigenous strains limits nodule occupancy by bacteria applied to seeds, the ecology of Bradyrhizobium inoculum strains used for soybean is of concern. A genetically marked strain,B. japonicum I-110 ARS, was directly enumerated from soil on selective medium. A clear long-term positive influence of even limitedGlycine max nodulation was shown by comparisons of population densities obtained with or without plant removal prior to nodule senescence in the first year and with an incompatible as well as a compatible soybean variety after 5 years.  相似文献   
Summary Cell lines derived from the murine macrophage-like cell J 774.2 are resistant to the cytotoxic effects of colchicine, vinblastine, and taxol. These multidrug-resistant (MDR) cells overproduce a family of 130–150 kDa P-glycoproteins (P-gp) associated with the plasma membrane region and display other typical features of the MDR phenotype. Ultrastructural analysis of drug-treated cells indicated that although hallmark structural effects engendered by each drug at efficacious doses were profound in the drug-sensitive J 774.2 cells, they were not evident in the similarly treated MDR cell lines. Thus, MDR phenotypic expression involved maintaining drug levels at subthreshold values so as to preclude the advent of these morphologic changes, and allowed vital tubulin-associated cellular processes, including replication, to occur. Using a polyclonal antibody specific for the P-gp, electron microscopic immunocytochemical evidence is presented for substantial association of P-gp with the plasma membrane/cell surface in the resistant cells which was not demonstrable in the drug-sensitive J 774.2 cells. This key cell surface localization of P-gp is germane to the postulated transport and related mechanisms whereby P-gp may play a pivotal role in endowing cells with multidrug resistance.  相似文献   
Summary Fusion of leaf protoplasts from an inbred line of Brassica oleracea ssp. botrytis (cauliflower, n=9) carrying the Ogura (R1) male sterile cytoplasm with hypocotyl protoplasts of B. campestris ssp. oleifera (cv Candle, n=10) carrying an atrazine-resistant (ATR) cytoplasm resulted in the production of synthetic B. napus (n=19). Thirty-four somatic hybrids were produced; they were characterized for morphology, phosphoglucose isomerase isoenzymes, ribosomal DNA hybridization patterns, chromosome numbers, and organelle composition. All somatic hybrids carried atrazine-resistant chloroplasts derived from B. campestris. The mitochondrial genomes in 19 hybrids were examined by restriction endonuclease and Southern blot analyses. Twelve of the 19 hybrids contained mitochondria showing novel DNA restriction patterns; of these 12 hybrids, 5 were male sterile and 7 were male fertile. The remaining hybrids contained mitochondrial DNA that was identical to that of the ATR parent and all were male fertile.  相似文献   
Summary Inheritance of resistance to common bacterial blight in the trifoliate leaf, plant canopy, and pods was controlled by a single major gene. Additive followed by dominance effects were more important than epistatic interactions. Narrow-sense heritability values ranged from 0.18 to 0.87 for trifoliate leaf, from 0.26 to 0.76 for canopy, and from 0.11 to 0.36 for pods. Observed gains from selection for resistance were higher than expected gains. Implications of these results in breeding for resistance are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract Water storage and nocturnal increases in osmotic pressure affect the water relations of the desert succulent Ferocactus acanthodes, which was studied using an electrical circuit analog based on the anatomy and morphology of a representative individual. Transpiration rates and osmotic pressures over a 24-h period were used as input variables. The model predicted water potential, turgor pressure and water flow for various tissues. Plant capacitances, storage resistances and nocturnal increases in osmotic pressure were varied to determine their role in the water relations of this dicotyledonous succulent. Water coming from storage tissues contributed about one-third of the water transpired at night: the majority of this water came from the nonphotosynthetic, water storage parenchyma of the stem. Time lags of 4 h were predicted between maximum transpiration and maximum water uptake from the soil. Varying the capacitance of the plant caused proportional changes in osmotically driven water movement but changes in storage resistance had only minor effects. Turgor pressure in the chlorenchyma depended on osmotic pressure, but was fairly insensitive to doubling or halving of the capacitance or storage resistance of the plant. Water uptake from the soil was only slightly affected by osmotic pressure changes in the chlorenchyma. For this stem succulent, the movement of water from the chlorenchyma to the xylem and the internal redistribution of water among stem tissues were dominated by nocturnal changes in chlorenchyma osmotic pressure, not by transpiration.  相似文献   
Resistance to the foxglove-aphid (Acyrthosiphon solani Kaltenbach) has been demonstrated in some inbred geranium lines (Pelargonium Xhortorum Bailey). To establish more definitively the cause/effect relationship between tall glandular trichome exudate and resistance, an intact plant bioassay was performed comparing a resistant plant line, a resistant plant line from which the tall glandular trichome exudate had been removed using a basic buffer solution, a susceptible line and a susceptible line treated with the buffer wash. After 5 days of isolation on the respective surfaces, the number of surviving adult aphids as well as the number of nymphs produced and remaining alive were determined. Aphids on the buffer washed, resistant line exhibited mortality and fecundity which was not significantly different from that produced by the susceptible line. In contrast, the untreated resistance line was clearly resistant with lower adult survival and fewer living nymphs. The tall glandular trichome exudate must therefore be a critical factor in geranium resistance to the foxglove aphid.
Zusammenfassung Widerstandsfähigkeit dem Fingerhut-Blattlaus (Acyrthosiphon solani Kaltenbach) gegenüber wurde in einigen durch Inzucht erzeugten Pelargonie-Linien (Pelargonium Xhortorum Bailey) gezeigt. Um das Verhältnis von Ursache und Wirkung zwischen dem hochgewachsenen glandulären Trichom-Exudat und Widerstandsfähigkeit genauer zu bestimmen, wurde eine Bio-Untersuchung an intakten Pflanzen unternommen. Dabei wurden eine widerstandsfähige Pflanzenlinie, eine widerstandsfähige Pflanzenlinie, von der das hochgewachsene glanduläre Trichom-Exudat durch eine basische Pufferlösung entfernt worden war, eine anfällige Linie und eine mit Pufferlösung behandelte Linie verglichen. Zwei erwachsene weibliche Blattläuse wurden fünf Tage durch ein engmaschiges Netz auf den zu untersuchenden dritten und vierten Knotenblättern eingesperrt. Bei jeder Pflanze wurde die Untersuchung an einem nichtbehandelten Blatt und an einem Blat, von dem das Exudat durch Waschen mit der Pufferlösung entfernt worden war, durchgeführt. Für jede Linie wurden fünf Pflanzen gebraucht, und der ganze Versuch wurde sechsmal wiederholt. Nach einer fünftägigen Isolierung auf den jeweiligen Oberflächen wurden die Blätter von der Pflanze entfernt, und sowohl die Zahl der überlebenden erwachsenen Blattläuse wie auch die der produzierten und noch am Leben gebliebenen Nymphen festgestellt. Mit einer niedrigeren Überlebensrate der Erwachsenen und weniger noch lebenden Nymphen war die nichtbehandelte widerstandsfähige Linie deutlich widerstandsfähig. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigten die Blattläuse auf der mit Puffer gewaschenen widerstandsfähigen Linie eine Sterblichkeit und Fruchtbarkeit, die nicht erheblich höher waren, als die auf der anfälligen Linie, was beweist, daß das Waschen mit der Pufferlösung den Widerstandsfaktor entfernt hatte. Das hochgewachsene glanduläre Trichom-Exudat muß deshalb ein kritischer Faktor in der Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Pelargonie-Schädlinge sein.
The probing behavior of two aphid species, Myzus persicae (Sulz.) and Nasonovia ribisnigri (Mosley), was electronically monitored on susceptible and resistant lettuce lines using a DC amplifier. A waveform pattern associated with extracellular stylet pathway activities, pattern C, occurred for longer periods when either aphid species probed resistant plants. This pattern is usually regularly interrupted by drops in electrical potential lasting a few seconds, reflecting cell membrane punctures followed by rapid withdrawal of the stylet tips. For M. persicae on resistant lettuce a large increase in pattern C without these potential drops accounted for the increased duration of this pattern. For N. ribisnigri the increase in pathway activity on resistant plants was due to an increase in the more typical pattern C with potential drops, as well as to an increased duration of pattern F, associated with a curious type of stylet penetration within cell walls. Both aphids made more but shorter probes on resistant than on susceptible plants, and these probes led less frequently to periods of sieve element contact and ingestion. The effects of resistance appear to involve both mesophyll and phloem factors. The underlying mechanisms, however, remain unclear. The results indicate which stylet penetration activities or waveform patterns are of interest for further investigation of resistance mechanisms.
Résumé Le comportement de sondage de variétés sensibles et résistantes de laitues par deux espèces de pucerons, Myzus persicae (Sulz.) et Nasonovia ribisnigri (Mosley), a été enregistré électroniquement en utilisant un amplificateur DC. Les deux espèces de pucerons ont présenté une amplification de l'onde de type C associée au cheminement extracellulaire des stylets lors du sondage des variétés résistantes. Cette onde est normalement interrompue par des chutes de quelques secondes du potentiel électrique, traduisant des ponctions de la membrane cellulaire suivies par un rapide retrait de l'extrémité des stylets. La forte augmentation de l'onde C mais sans chutes de potentiel rend compte de la plus longue durée de cette onde chez M. persicae sur laitue résistante. L'accroissement du cheminement des stylets chez N. ribisnigri sur plantes résistantes est dû à une augmentation de l'onde C typique avec chutes de potentiel, ainsi qu'à une prolongation de l'onde F liée à la pénétration des stylets dans les parois cellulaires. Les deux espèces font des sondages plus brefs et plus nombreux sur variétés résistantes, et ces sondages entraînent des contacts moins fréquents avec les éléments criblés et débouchent moins souvent sur de l'ingestion. Les effects de la résistance semblent impliquer des facteurs liés à la fois au mésophylle et au phloème. Les mécanismes sous-jacents, cependant, ne sont pas encore clairs. Ces résultats Montrent que l'examen des ondes liées à la pénétration des stylets est important pour des études ultérieures sur les mécanismes de résistance.
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