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Cell cycle investigations have focused on relentless exponential proliferation of cells, an unsustainable situation in nature. Proliferation of cells, whether microbial or metazoan, is interrupted by periods of quiescence. The vast majority of cells in an adult metazoan lie quiescent. As disruptions in this quiescence are at the foundation of cancer, it will be important for the field to turn its attention to the mechanisms regulating quiescence. While often presented as a single topic, there are multiple forms of quiescence each with complex inputs, some of which are tied to conceptually challenging aspects of metazoan regulation such as size control. In an effort to expose the enormity of the challenge, I describe the differing biological purposes of quiescence, and the coupling of quiescence in metazoans to growth and to the structuring of tissues during development. I emphasize studies in the organism rather than in tissue culture, because these expose the diversity of regulation. While quiescence is likely to be a primitive biological process, it appears that in adapting quiescence to its many distinct biological settings, evolution has diversified it. Consideration of quiescence in different models gives us an overview of this diversity.  相似文献   
Multicellular organisms that benefit from division of labour are presumably descended from colonial species that initially derived benefits from larger colony size, before the evolution of specialization. Life in a colony can have costs as well as benefits, but these can be hard to measure. We measured physiological costs to life in a colony using a novel method based on population dynamics, comparing growth rates of unicells and kairomone-induced colonies of a green alga Desmodesmus subspicatus against a reference co-occurring species. Coloniality negatively affected growth during the initial log growth phase, while no adverse effect was detected under nutrient-limited competitive conditions. The results point to costs associated with traits involved in rapid growth rather than those associated with efficient growth under resource scarcity. Some benefits of coloniality (e.g. defence from herbivory) may be different from when this trait evolved, but our approach shows how costs would have depended on conditions.  相似文献   
2010年8-9月对河套灌区九排域农田排水沟植物进行了综合调查.分别在干沟、支沟、斗沟/农沟的上、中、下游布设断面,断面上设置0.5m×0.5m和5m×5m样方对草本和灌木的植物种类和数量进行调查.结果表明:河套灌区九排域农田排水沟植物由17个科、38个属、39个种组成,禾本科(n=10)、菊科(n=7)和藜科(n=4)植物种类最多,芦苇、羊草和盐地碱蓬是分布面积最广的物种.干沟、支沟和斗/农沟的多样性指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数和优势度指数值分别为0.57、1.93、0.37和0.81,0.77、3.46、0.65和0.50,0.90、3.88、0.64和0.53.物种多样性表现为边坡的高于沟底,但排沟等级间的变化趋势不明显.水的存留时间及农业管理(清沟)是影响植物物种多样性最主要的因素.  相似文献   
Variation in morphological traits along latitudinal gradients often manifests as size clines. In insects, both positive and negative correlations are seen, and the mechanism behind the response is unclear. We studied variation in seven morphological traits of Roesel's bush cricket, Metrioptera roeselii, sampled from seven latitude-matched-pair populations that were either geographically isolated from or connected to the species continuous distribution range. The aim was to examine whether morphological traits differed between isolated and continuous populations, and whether latitudinal variation was apparent. The data were used to indicate whether variation in trait means originates from plastic responses to the environment or genetic adaptation to local conditions. To evaluate the influence of gene flow on trait means, we analysed the genetic variation in seven microsatellites. Data showed that individuals from isolated populations display a positive relationship between latitude and body size, whereas individuals from continuous populations show little or no such relationship. The combined morphological and genetic data suggest that the isolated populations have adapted to local optima, while gene flow between continuous populations appears to counteract this process.  相似文献   
Brain development shows high plasticity in response to environmental heterogeneity. However, it is unknown how environmental variation during development may affect brain architecture across life history switch points in species with complex life cycles. Previously, we showed that predation and competition affect brain development in common frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles. Here, we studied whether larval environment had carry-over effects in brains of metamorphs. Tadpoles grown at high density had large optic tecta at metamorphosis, whereas tadpoles grown under predation risk had small diencephala. We found that larval density had a carry-over effect on froglet optic tectum size, whereas the effect of larval predation risk had vanished by metamorphosis. We discuss the possibility that the observed changes may be adaptive, reflecting the needs of an organism in given environmental and developmental contexts.  相似文献   
Populations of migratory birds differ in their direction of migration with neighbouring populations often migrating in divergent directions separated by migratory divides. A total of 26% of 103 passerine bird species in Europe had migratory divides that were located disproportionately often along a longitudinal gradient in Central Europe, consistent with the assumption of a Quaternary glacial origin of such divides in the Iberian and Balkan peninsulas followed by recolonization. Given that studies have shown significant genetic differentiation and reduced gene flow across migratory divides, we hypothesized that an absence of migratory divides would result in elevated rates of gene flow and hence a reduced level of local adaptation. In a comparative study, species with migratory divides had larger population sizes and population densities and longer dispersal distances than species without migratory divides. Species with migratory divides tended to be habitat generalists. Bird species with migratory divides had higher richness of blood parasites and higher growth rates of Staphylococcus on their eggs during the incubation period. There was weaker cell-mediated immunity in adults and stronger cell lysis in species with migratory divides. These findings may suggest that migratory divides constitute barriers to dispersal with consequences for ecology and evolution of distributions, population sizes, habitats and parasite-host interactions. They also suggest that migratory divides may play a role in local adaptation in host-parasite interactions.  相似文献   
Substantial inter- and intraspecific variation is found in reproductive traits, but the evolutionary implications of this variation remain unclear. One hypothesis is that natural selection favours female reproductive morphology that allows females to control mating and fertilization and that diverse male reproductive traits arise as counter adaptations to subvert this control. Such co-evolution predicts the establishment of genetic correlations between male and female reproductive traits that closely interact during mating. Therefore, we measured phenotypic and genetic correlations between male and female reproductive tract characteristics in the yellow dung fly, Scathophaga stercoraria (Diptera: Scathophagidae), using a nested half-sib breeding experiment. We found significant heritabilities for the size of most reproductive tract traits investigated in both females (spermathecae and their ducts, accessory glands and their ducts) and males (testis size but not sperm length). Within the sexes, phenotypic and genetic correlations were mostly nil or positive, suggesting functional integration of or condition-dependent investment in internal reproductive traits. Negative intrasexual genetic correlations, potentially suggestive of resource allocation trade-offs, were not evident. Intersexual genetic correlations were mostly positive, reflecting expected allometries between male and female morphologies. Most interestingly, testis size correlated positively with female accessory gland size and duct length, potentially indicative of a co-evolutionary arms race. We discuss these and alternative explanations for these patterns of genetic covariance.  相似文献   
One of the central topics in evolutionary biology is understanding the processes responsible for phenotypic diversification related to ecological factors. New World monkeys are an excellent reference system to investigate processes of diversification at macroevolutionary scales. Here, we investigate the cranial shape diversification related to body size and ecology during the phylogenetic branching process of platyrrhines. To investigate this diversification, we used geometric morphometric techniques, a molecular phylogenetic tree, ecological data and phylogenetic comparative methods. Our statistical analyses demonstrated that the phylogenetic branching process is the most important dimension to understand cranial shape variation among extant platyrrhines and suggested that the main shape divergence among the four principal platyrrhine clades probably occurred during the initial branching process. The phylogenetic conservatism, which is the retention of ancestral traits over time within the four principal platyrrhine clades, could be the most important characteristic of platyrrhine cranial shape diversification. Different factors might have driven early shape divergence and posterior relative conservatism, including genetic drift, stabilizing selection, genetic constraints owing to pleiotropy, developmental or functional constraint, lack of genetic variation, among others. Understanding the processes driving the diversification among platyrrhines will probably require further palaeontological, phylogenetic and comparative studies.  相似文献   
Parents affect offspring fitness by propagule size and quality, selection of oviposition site, quality of incubation, feeding of dependent young, and their defence against predators and parasites. Despite many case studies on each of these topics, this knowledge has not been rigorously integrated into individual parental care traits for any taxon. Consequently, we lack a comprehensive, quantitative assessment of how parental care modifies offspring phenotypes. This meta‐analysis of 283 studies with 1805 correlations between egg size and offspring quality in birds is intended to fill this gap. The large sample size enabled testing of how the magnitude of the relationship between egg size and offspring quality depends on a number of variables. Egg size was positively related to nearly all studied offspring traits across all stages of the offspring life cycle. Not surprisingly, the relationship was strongest at hatching but persisted until the post‐fledging stage. Morphological traits were the most closely related to egg size but significant relationships were also found with hatching success, chick survival, and growth rate. Non‐significant effect sizes were found for egg fertility, chick immunity, behaviour, and life‐history or sexual traits. Effect size did not depend on whether chicks were raised by their natural parents or were cross‐fostered to other territories. Effect size did not depend on species‐specific traits such as developmental mode, clutch size, and relative size of the egg, but was larger if tested in captive compared to wild populations and between rather than within broods. In sum, published studies support the view that egg size affects juvenile survival. There are very few studies that tested the relationship between egg size and the fecundity component of offspring fitness, and no studies on offspring survival as adults or on global fitness. More data are also needed for the relationships between egg size and offspring behavioural and physiological traits. It remains to be established whether the relationship between egg size and offspring performance depends on the quality of the offspring environment. Positive effect sizes found in this study are likely to be driven by a causal effect of egg size on offspring quality. However, more studies that control for potential confounding effects of parental post‐hatching care, genes, and egg composition are needed to establish firmly this causal link.  相似文献   
  • 1 Rainfall and vegetation greenness are widely claimed to influence fat content and egg development in locusts. Body size, abdominal fat and egg length of spur‐throated Austracris guttulosa and Australian plague Chortoicetes terminifera locusts were related to the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI; a greenness indicator) to test these assumptions and quantify biological responses.
  • 2 Cumulative rainfall was highly correlated with NDVI values of an area (25 × 25 km) surrounding the trap to which locusts were attracted. Catches of locusts were greater in hotter periods preceding rain, associated with an increase in NDVI indicative of brown (0.298) versus green (0.465) vegetation.
  • 3 Pre‐overwintering descendent A. guttulosa were larger and fattier than post‐overwintering antecedents. Egg maturation of antecedents occurred coincident with increasing NDVI. Higher abdominal fat in pre‐overwintering locusts was positively associated with higher NDVI.
  • 4 Male C. terminifera of two descendent generations were larger than their antecedents but only pre‐overwintering locusts were significantly fattier than their predecessors. Only pre‐overwintering females were significantly larger than their predecessors and no generation was significantly fattier than any other. Fat content was negatively correlated with egg maturation and differed significantly with NDVI, although strong and consistent relationships were not obtained.
  • 5 The findings suggest that locust–environment interactions are species‐ and habitat‐specific. If A. guttulosa hoppers develop during periods when regional NDVI exceeds 0.4, fatter adults will arise. The elucidation of relationships between greenness, fat and egg development in C. terminifera is unlikely using NDVI values from areas comprising mixtures of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous vegetation.
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