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1. Entomopathogenic nematodes penetrate and kill Galleria mellonella within 48 h at optimal temperatures.

2. Low temperature induces infection latency, preventing host death until optimal conditions resume.

3. Infected Galleria survived 25 days at 5°C. On transfer to 25°C, 100% and 12.5% of Steinernema carpocapsae and Steinernema riobravis infected larvae died within 72 h.

4. Infective juvenile penetration decreased with decreasing temperature; declining from 49.7 and 49.3 nematodes/host at 25°C to 6.3 and 0.25 nematodes/host at 5°C for S. carpocapsae and S. riobravis, respectively.

5. Latent infection occurs, albeit infrequently, due to low host penetration at low temperature.

Author Keywords: Nematode; Steinernema carpocapsae; Steinernema riobravis; Low temperature  相似文献   

The entomopathogenic nematode species Steinernema feltiae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora were compared for survival and infectivity of infective juveniles (IJ) collected with a standard White trap (i.e., emerging from hosts and accumulating in water) and later applied to sand (treatment A) to IJ allowed to emerge from hosts into sand (treatment C). Percentage IJ survival and infectivity was compared between treatments for S. feltiae IJ that emerged between days 1 to 3 and days 4 to 6. For H. bacteriophora, percentage IJ survival and infectivity was compared between treatments only for infective juveniles that emerged between days 4 to 6. For S. feltiae IJ percentage survival and infectivity decreased with time (P ≤ 0.05) and was greater (P ≤ 0.05) for IJ from treatment C than for IJ from treatment A. For H. bacteriophora IJ percentage survival decreased (P ≤ 0.05) and percentage infectivity increased (P ≤ 0.05) with time. While percent survival was higher (P ≤ 0.05) for treatment C than for A, percent infectivity was not different between treatments.  相似文献   
The diversity and distribution of entomopathogenic nematodes in thefamilies Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae were assessed throughout anextensive soil survey in Turkey during 1999 and 2000. Entomopathogenic nematodeswere recovered from six out of seven regions sampled, with 22 positive sites(2%) out of 1080 sites sampled. A single nematode isolate was recovered at eachof the positive sites, of which 15 were steinernematid isolates and seven wereheterorhabditid isolates representing a total of four species. Based onmorphometric and molecular data, the nematode species were identified asHeterorhabditis bacteriophora, Steinernemafeltiae, S. affine, andSteinernema n. sp. The most common species was S.feltiae, which was isolated from 10 sites in six regions, followed byH. bacteriophora from seven sites in five regions,S. affine from four sites in two regions, andSteinernema n. sp. from one site. Heterorhabditisbacteriophora and S. feltiae have been found inmany parts of the world, whereas S. affine, so far, hasonly been recovered in Europe until our survey. Steinernemaaffine was isolated from the European (Marmara) as well as theAsiatic region (Middle Anatolia) of Turkey. A new undescribedSteinernema sp. was isolated from the most eastern region(East Anatolia) of Turkey. Soils of the positive sites were classified as sandy,sandy loam, or loam (68.2%) and sandy–clay–loam or clay loam (31.8%) and the pHranged from 5.6 to 7.9. The habitats from which the entomopathogenic nematodeswere isolated were broadly classified as disturbed (59.1%), which includedagricultural fields and poplar planted for lumber and wind breaks, andundisturbed (40.9%), which included pine forest, grassland, marsh and reed sites.Steinernema feltiae, S. affine, andH. bacteriophora were recovered from both disturbed andundisturbed habitats. The new Steinernema sp. was recoveredfrom grassland. Our survey showed that these nematodes occur widely throughoutTurkey, but at a frequency below that reported for other parts of the world.  相似文献   
Several factors that influence the activity of steinernematid and heterorhabditid nematodes against adult Japanese beetles were examined in the laboratory. The effect of nematode concentration on mortality of adult beetles was evaluated using a Petri plate bioassay. The adults were exposed to 1,000 to 10,000 infective stage juveniles (J3) ofSteinernema glaseri per 10 beetles with or without food for 24 hr after which they were held with food for an additional 6 days. The LC50s for males with and without food during exposure were 3,435 and 2,854 J3s/10 adults, respectively. The LC50s for mixtures of males and females with and without food were 5,228 and 1,762 J3s/10 adults respectively. Although mortality occurred during and shortly after exposure, significant additional mortality was observed 1–4 days following exposure. Exposure of males and females with food to 10,000 J3s/10 adults for 6, 12, 18 or 24 hr resulted in 47, 58, 72 and 77% mortality, respectively. Comparative activity ofS. glaseri, S. carpocapsae (All strain),S. feltiae (Biosys experimental cold adapted strain=bibionis),S. feltiae (Biosys experimental strain 27),Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, andHeterorhabditis sp. (Terceiran isolate) was evaluated against adult Japanese beetles using a 24 hr exposure to 8,000 J3s/10 adults. The most virulent species wereS. glaseri, S. feltiae (=bibionis), the Terceiran isolate ofHeterorhabditis andS. carpocapsae producing 55, 44, 36 and 34% mortality respectively. Our results indicate that adult Japanese beetles infected with entomopathogenic nematodes could serve as a mechanism for nematode dispersal.  相似文献   
昆虫病原斯氏和导小杆线虫作为生物防治因子已受到世界各国的广泛重视,并得到了商品化的发展.自50年代,特别是7O年代末,我国从原捷克斯洛伐克、澳大利亚、美国等地引进了大批昆虫病原斯氏和异小杆线虫.同时也从土壤或自然寄主中分离出许多本国线虫种或品系,并对此类线虫进行了全面的研究,在昆虫病原线虫的种类调查和鉴定、田间大面积应用、安全性、共生细菌、大量繁殖等方面取得了可喜的进展.本文将综述这些方面的研究概况.  相似文献   
Stacked wooden fruit bins are frequent overwintering sites for overwintering diapausing codling moth larvae. Control strategies against the codling moth (Cydia pomonella) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in South Africa have been hampered by the reinfestation of orchards from nearby stacked infested fruit bins and by the movement of infested bins between orchards. Worldwide, wooden fruit bins are systematically being replaced with plastic bins, however in South Africa this will not be accomplished in the near future. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of two recycled commercially available entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) species, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema feltiae, as well as of a local species, Steinernema yirgalemense, to disinfest miniature wooden fruit bins under controlled conditions in the laboratory. After dipping miniature bins loaded with codling moth larvae in a suspension of 25?IJs/mL of each of the three EPN species, under optimum conditions of temperature and humidity, the highest percentage of control was obtained using S. feltiae (75%). The addition of adjuvants significantly increased S. feltiae infectivity to >95%, whereas it did not result in a significant increase in H. bacteriophora or S. yirgalemense infectivity.  相似文献   
甜玉米地亚洲玉米螟为害的生态控制系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡学难  梁广文  庞雄飞 《生态学报》2004,24(11):2573-2578
利用自然种群生命表方法 ,研究了甜玉米品种抗虫性差异 ,斯氏线虫、玉米螟赤眼蜂对亚洲玉米螟种群系统的生态控制 ,根据不同卵量水平初步组建了第 5代亚洲玉米螟生态控制系统。结果得出 :亚洲玉米螟为害的生态控制系统由人工生态控制系统和自然控制系统两大部分组成 ,主要通过调控人工生态控制系统中的生态控制措施来达到生态控制目标。当甜玉米品种为穗甜 2号 ,卵密度为 18(块 / 10 0株 )时 ,不采取人为生态控制措施即可控制亚洲玉米螟的为害 ,即在人工生态控制系统内 ,利用穗甜 2号对亚洲玉米螟的抗性即可达到生态控制目标 ;当甜玉米品种为粤甜 1号 ,卵密度为 18或 35 (块 / 10 0株 )时 ,在人工生态控制系统内释放玉米螟赤眼蜂或撒施线虫颗粒剂均可达到生态控制目标 ;当甜玉米品种为粤甜 1号 ,卵密度为 6 2 (块 / 10 0株 )时 ,则要在人工生态控制系统内同时释放玉米螟赤眼蜂和撒施线虫颗粒剂 ,才能达到生态控制目标。通过生态控制系统的建立 ,为甜玉米的无公害化生产提供了一条切实可行的害虫控制途径  相似文献   
In laboratory and greenhouse studies, the invading ability, virulence, and mortality caused by Stinernema feltiae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora were compared. After one and two days of exposure to either nematode species, the mortality of Colordo potato beetle (CPB) Leptinotarsa decemlineata larvae at different instars, third and fourth, was recorded and the number of nematodes invading cadavers was more than the number of nematodes inside the larvae at the late last instar (one day before pre-pupa). Two concentrations, 250 and 500 IJs/dish, infective juvenile nematodes/0.5 ml were tested on different CPB larval instar. S. feltiae was more effective, with fourth instar rather than third and late last instar. On the other hand, H. bacteriophora showed a very weak effect with L. decemlineata. Also it was clear that S. feltiae was more effective and faster than H. bacteriophora: more than 70% of larvae were killed within 24 hours compared with H. bacteriophora which killed 40% of larvae within 48–72 hours. A significant difference in invading efficiency was observed with concentration 2500 IJs/pot in the greenhouse test. The number of adult females found in the cadavers of L. decemlineata larvae was always higher than the number of males. Foliage application of S. feltiae and H. bacteriophora resulted in a significant reduction of the number of damaged leaves and a lower index of damage compared with that in the control. We conclude that S. feltiae has significant potential and can help in the management of the Colorado potato beetle.  相似文献   
【目的】为生产中应用昆虫病原线虫防治草地贪夜蛾提供参考。【方法】采用室内实验和田间试验相结合的方法,室内培养皿中测定4种不同品系线虫对3和6龄草地贪夜蛾幼虫的毒力、致死时间和剂量,田间玉米6~8叶期、日落后叶面喷施线虫至喇叭口内,测试防治草地贪夜蛾的施用剂量和持效天数。【结果】Steinernema feltiae SN、Heterorhabditis bacteriophora H06、Heterorhabditis beicherriana Cherry和Oscheius chongmingensis Tumian侵染草地贪夜蛾3龄幼虫72 h后的致死中浓度LC50分别为22.13、36.54、60.01和1369.4 IJs·larva-1;侵染6龄幼虫72 h后的致死中浓度LC50分别为18.67、31.25、45.52和897.28 IJs·larva-1。SN、H06、Cherry和Tumian品系的最佳致死时间72 h;最佳致死剂量100 IJs·larva-1(...  相似文献   
A systematic program of genetic improvement was initiated by assessing the phenotypic variation of Steinernema feltiae strains for two traits assumed to limit efficacy: ultraviolet tolerance and host-finding ability. All of the strains assayed showed both low ultraviolet tolerance and poor host-finding ability, indicating that the likelihood of improving these traits through more extensive population sampling is remote. Limited genetic variation was detected among the strains for tolerance to ultraviolet, suggesting that selective breeding for increased tolerance would be inefficient. By contrast, highly significant phenotypic differences were found with regard to host-finding ability, suggesting that this trait would be responsive to selection. A genetically heterogeneous population was constructed by round-robin mating of 10 strains; it will serve as the foundation population for selective breeding.  相似文献   
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