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The alarming rise of bacterial resistance is occurring worldwide and endangering the efficacy of antibiotics. Therefore, development of new and efficient antibacterial agents remains paramount. In the present work, we designed and synthesized a series of N′-(1,3-benzothiazol-2-yl)-substituted aryl/aralkyl hydrazides C1 – C27 and evaluated them in vitro for their antibacterial activity. Among all tested compounds, C10 , C15 , and C24 showed potent activity against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 43300 (MRSA). Minimum bactericidal concentration studies of synthesized compounds are performed against selected bacterial strains. Time kill kinetics showed that the compounds C10 and C15 possess bactericidal activity against MRSA ATCC 43300, while compound C24 possess bactericidal activity against S. aureus NCIM 5022. In the extra-precision docking, compounds C1 – C27 exhibited interactions mainly with the N-terminal and central domains of S. aureus GyrB catalytic pocket. Binding free energy (ΔGbind) of compounds C1 – C27 /3U2K complexes were computed by MM-GBSA approach. Free energy components indicated Coulomb energy term as favorable for binding, while van der Waals and electrostatic solvation energy terms strongly disfavored the binding. ADMET properties of synthesized compounds C1 – C27 are also computed.  相似文献   
Staphylococcus aureus, an opportunistic pathogen, causes diverse community and nosocomial-acquired human infections, including folliculitis, impetigo, sepsis, septic arthritis, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, implant-associated biofilm infections and contagious mastitis in cattle. In recent days, both methicillin-sensitive and methicillin-resistant S. aureus infections have increased. Highly effective anti-staphylococcal agents are urgently required. Lysostaphin is a 27 kDa zinc metallo antimicrobial lytic enzyme that is produced by Staphylococcus simulans biovar staphylolyticus and was first discovered in the 1960s. Lysostaphin is highly active against S. aureus strains irrespective of their drug-resistant patterns with a minimum inhibitory concentration of ranges between 0·001 and 0·064 μg ml−1. Lysostaphin has activity against both dividing and non-dividing S. aureus cells; and can seep through the extracellular matrix to kill the biofilm embedded S. aureus. In spite of having excellent anti-staphylococcal activity, its clinical application is hindered because of its immunogenicity and reduced bio-availability. Extensive research with lysostaphin lead to the development of several engineered lysostaphin derivatives with reduced immunogenicity and increased serum half-life. Therapeutic efficacy of both native and engineered lysostaphin derivatives was studied by several research groups. This review provides an overview of the therapeutic applications of native and engineered lysostaphin derivatives developed to eradicate S. aureus infections.  相似文献   
Patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) have superficial skin colonization with Staphylococcus aureus and an increased number of T helper (Th)2 cells in their peripheral blood. The purpose of this study was to clarify the involvement of interleukin (IL)‐10 secretion from Langerhans cells (LCs) in staphylococcal peptidoglycan (PEG)‐induced Th2 immune responses in mice. Mice were primed with LCs pulsed with PEG (or LPS) and ovalbumin (OVA) and then given a booster OVA injection 2 days later in the hind footpad. Five days after the OVA injection, cytokine responses in the draining popliteal lymph nodes were investigated by RT‐PCR and ELISA. Production of both IL‐10 and IL‐12 by cultured LCs was detected by ELISA. Administration of PEG‐ or LPS‐stimulated LCs into the hind footpads of the mice induced Th2‐prone and Th1‐prone immune responses, respectively, as represented by expression of IL‐4 and interferon ‐γ . In vitro experiments showed that PEG induced greater production of IL‐12 p40 from LCs than did LPS, whereas LPS induced greater production of IL‐12 p70 from LCs than did PEG. Furthermore, it was found that PEG‐stimulated LCs induced greater production of IL‐10 than did LPS‐stimulated LCs, and that neutralization of IL‐10 augmented IL‐12 p70 production and inhibited Th2 development by PEG‐stimulated LCs. These results suggest that PEG can induce Th2 development through down‐regulation of IL‐12 p70 production by LCs in an IL‐10 production‐dependent manner and would explain the role of S. aureus colonization in patients with AD.  相似文献   
The pathogen Staphylococcus aureus causes a wide range of serious infections, necessitating urgent development of a vaccine against this organism. However, currently developed vaccines are relatively ineffective because of the limited antigenic component that is contained in the vaccine formulations. To develop an effective S. aureus candidate vaccine, overlapping PCR was used to add the truncated immunodominant antigen iron‐regulated surface determinant B (IsdB)(N126–P361) (tIsdB) to the N‐terminal of intact antigen target of RNAIII activating protein (TRAP) and thus construct a tIsdB‐TRAP chimera. The humoral and cellular immune responses against tIsdB‐TRAP were compared with those against single or combined formulations. tIsdB‐TRAP elicited significantly stronger humoral responses in mice (P < 0.05). As to cellular immune responses in mice, the tIsdB‐TRAP group resulted in a greater IL‐4 response than did other groups (P < 0.05). Greater amounts of IL‐2 and IFN‐γ were found in the tIsdB‐TRAP group. Mouse challenge also showed that tIsdB‐TRAP provided better protection against S. aureus than did the control groups. These results suggest that this chimeric protein may be a promising pathogen target for further vaccine development.  相似文献   
Infection associated with implanted biomaterials is common and costly and such infections are extremely resistant to antibiotics and host defenses. Consequently, there is a need to develop surfaces which resist bacterial adhesion and colonization. The broad spectrum synthetic cationic peptide melimine has been covalently linked to a surface via two azide linkers, 4-azidobenzoic acid (ABA) or 4-fluoro-3-nitrophenyl azide (FNA), and the resulting surfaces characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and contact angle measurements. The quantity of bound peptide was estimated by a modified Bradford assay. The antimicrobial efficacy of the two melimine-modified surfaces against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus was compared by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and fluorescence microscopy. Attachment of melimine via ABA gave an approximately 4-fold greater quantity of melimine bound to the surface than attachment via FNA. Surfaces melimine-modified by either attachment strategy showed significantly reduced bacterial adhesion for both strains of bacteria. P. aeruginosa exposed to ABA–melimine and FNA–melimine surfaces showed marked changes in cell morphology when observed by SEM and a reduction of approximately 15-fold (p < 0.001) in the numbers of adherent bacteria compared to controls. For the ABA–melimine surface there was a 33% increase in cells showing damaged membranes (p = 0.0016) while for FNA–melimine there was no significant difference. For S. aureus there were reductions in bacterial adhesion of approximately 40-fold (p < 0.0001) and 5-fold (p = 0.008) for surfaces modified with melimine via ABA or FNA, respectively. There was an increase in cells showing damaged membranes on ABA–melimine surfaces of approximately 87% (p = 0.001) compared to controls, while for FNA–melimine there was no significant difference observed. The data presented in this study show that melimine has excellent potential for development as a broad spectrum antimicrobial coating for biomaterial surfaces. Further, it was observed that the efficacy of antimicrobial activity is related to the method of attachment.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to compare the immunogenicity and protective potential of biofilm vs planktonic Staphylococcus aureus vaccine for the prevention of mastitis using the mouse as a model system. Mice immunized with formalin-killed whole cell vaccine of S. aureus residing in a biofilm when delivered via an intramammary route produced a cell mediated immune response. Mice immunized with this biofilm vaccine showed significant reductions in colonization by S. aureus in mammary glands, severity of clinical symptoms and tissue damage in mammary glands in comparison with the mice immunized with formalin-killed whole cells of planktonic S. aureus. The planktonic vaccine administered by a subcutaneous route produced a significantly higher humoral immune response (IgG1 and IgG) than the biofilm vaccine. However, considering the host response, tissue damage, the clinical severity and colonization of S. aureus in mammary glands, the biofilm vaccine performed better in immunogenicity and protective potential when administered by the intramammary route.  相似文献   
The gene orfX is conserved among all staphylococci, and its complete sequence is maintained upon insertion of the staphylococcal chromosome cassette mec (SCCmec) genomic island, containing the gene encoding resistance to β-lactam antibiotics (mecA), into its C terminus. The function of OrfX has not been determined. We show that OrfX was constitutively produced during growth, that orfX could be inactivated without altering bacterial growth, and that insertion of SCCmec did not alter gene expression. We solved the crystal structure of OrfX at 1.7 Å and found that it belongs to the S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet)-dependent α/β-knot superfamily of SPOUT methyltransferases (MTases), with a high structural homology to YbeA, the gene product of the Escherichia coli 70 S ribosomal MTase RlmH. MTase activity was confirmed by demonstrating the OrfX-dependent methylation of the Staphylococcus aureus 70 S ribosome. When OrfX was crystallized in the presence of its AdoMet substrate, we found that each monomer of the homodimeric structure bound AdoMet in its active site. Solution studies using isothermal titration calorimetry confirmed that each monomer bound AdoMet but with different binding affinities (Kd = 52 ± 0.4 and 606 ± 2 μm). In addition, the structure shows that the AdoMet-binding pocket, formed by a deep trefoil knot, contains a bound phosphate molecule, which is the likely nucleotide methylation site. This study represents the first characterization of a staphylococcal ribosomal MTase and provides the first crystal structure of a member of the α/β-knot superfamily of SPOUT MTases in the RlmH or COG1576 family with bound AdoMet.  相似文献   
Small RNAs undergo maturation events that precisely determine the length and structure required for their function. CRISPRs (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) encode small RNAs (crRNAs) that together with CRISPR-associated (cas) genes constitute a sequence-specific prokaryotic immune system for anti-viral and anti-plasmid defense. crRNAs are subject to multiple processing events during their biogenesis, and little is known about the mechanism of the final maturation step. We show that in the Staphylococcus epidermidis type III CRISPR-Cas system, mature crRNAs are measured in a Cas10·Csm ribonucleoprotein complex to yield discrete lengths that differ by 6-nucleotide increments. We looked for mutants that impact this crRNA size pattern and found that an alanine substitution of a conserved aspartate residue of Csm3 eliminates the 6-nucleotide increments in the length of crRNAs. In vitro, recombinant Csm3 binds RNA molecules at multiple sites, producing gel-shift patterns that suggest that each protein binds 6 nucleotides of substrate. In vivo, changes in the levels of Csm3 modulate the crRNA size distribution without disrupting the 6-nucleotide periodicity. Our data support a model in which multiple Csm3 molecules within the Cas10·Csm complex bind the crRNA with a 6-nucleotide periodicity to function as a ruler that measures the extent of crRNA maturation.  相似文献   
Members of a family of collagen-binding microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules (MSCRAMMs) from Gram-positive bacteria are established virulence factors in several infectious diseases models. Here, we report that these adhesins also can bind C1q and act as inhibitors of the classical complement pathway. Molecular analyses of Cna from Staphylococcus aureus suggested that this prototype MSCRAMM bound to the collagenous domain of C1q and interfered with the interactions of C1r with C1q. As a result, C1r2C1s2 was displaced from C1q, and the C1 complex was deactivated. This novel function of the Cna-like MSCRAMMs represents a potential immune evasion strategy that could be used by numerous Gram-positive pathogens.  相似文献   
Staphylococcus epidermidis, a commensal of humans, secretes Esp protease to prevent Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation and colonization. Blocking S. aureus colonization may reduce the incidence of invasive infectious diseases; however, the mechanism whereby Esp disrupts biofilms is unknown. We show here that Esp cleaves autolysin (Atl)-derived murein hydrolases and prevents staphylococcal release of DNA, which serves as extracellular matrix in biofilms. The three-dimensional structure of Esp was revealed by x-ray crystallography and shown to be highly similar to that of S. aureus V8 (SspA). Both atl and sspA are necessary for biofilm formation, and purified SspA cleaves Atl-derived murein hydrolases. Thus, S. aureus biofilms are formed via the controlled secretion and proteolysis of autolysin, and this developmental program appears to be perturbed by the Esp protease of S. epidermidis.  相似文献   
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