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Anaerobic bacteria degrading 2-methoxyethanol were enriched from freshwater sediments, and three strains were isolated in pure culture. Two of them were Grampositive non-spore-forming rods and grew strictly anaerobically by acetogenic fermentation. Optimal growth occurred at 30°C, initial pH 7.5–8.0. 2-Methoxyethanol and 2-ethoxyethanol were fermented to acetate and corresponding alcohols. Hydrogen plus carbon dioxide, formate, acetoin, l-malate, lactate, pyruvate, fructose, and methoxyl groups of 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate and 3,4,5-trimethoxycinnamate were fermented to acetate. 1,2-Propanediol was fermented to acetate, propionate, and propanol. Strain MuME1 was described as a new species, Actetobacterium malicum. It had a DNA base composition of 44.1 mol% guanine plus cytosine. The third strain, which was identified as Pelobacter venetianus, fermented 2-methoxyethanol to methanol, ethanol, and acetate.  相似文献   
Summary It has long been disputed whether mammalian enterochromaffin (EC-) cells contain a peptide in addition to serotonin. Previous immunohistochemical studies have provided evidence for the presence of enkephalins in EC-cells. These findings, however, are equivocal. Therefore, the problem of opioid peptides in EC-cells has been re-examined in the gastro-intestinal mucosa of dog, guinea-pig and man. A battery of antisera against derivatives of pro-opiomelanocortin, pro-enkephalin and pro-dynorphin have been applied to semithin serial sections of the tissues, in combination with fluorescence histochemistry and serotonin immunocytochemistry. Our findings indicate that EC-cells of the investigated species contain pro-dynorphin-related peptides, i.e. dynorphin A and -neo-endorphin, but no derivatives from pro-opiomelanocortin or pro-enkephalin. Since remarkable interspecies variations occur with respect to the number and staining characteristics of opioid immunoreactive EC-cells, it is concluded that pro-dynorphin shows specific routes of post-translational processing depending upon the species and the gastro-intestinal segment investigated. Future studies should focus on the mutual relationships between serotonin and dynorphins and on the physiological significance of these peptides in the gastrointestinal tract.Part of the results were presented at the Bayliss and Starling Society National Scientific Meeting 1985, London (Cetin et al. 1985)  相似文献   
The nature and significance of so-called dark keratinocytes in the epidermis during chemical carcinogenesis is still a matter of concern and debate. Based on ultrastructural observations it has been suggested that dark cells most often are shrunken cells. Reports on skin carcinogenesis, however, claim that dark cells are a sign of ongoing tumor promotion and represent those stem cells in the epidermis from which the tumors originate. It is therefore important to find out whether these cells are simply injured and shrunken cells, or vital cells of great importance for carcinogenesis. Dark cells are assumed to be rich in ribosomes. There is evidence, however, that the observed number of dark cells is highly dependent on tissue fixation. In the present ultrastructural study, morphometric methods were used to compare the effects of two different fixation procedures on the amount of cytoplasmic ribosomes in dark cells from both untreated and carcinogen-treated hairless mouse epidermis. The results show that the ultrastructural features of both dark and clear cells vary considerably with different fixation procedures. In acetone-treated controls typical dark cells are only observed when the fixative has a lower osmotic activity than the plasma. With iso-osmolal fixation typical dark cells are not observed. After an abortive two-stage carcinogenesis treatment, in which a single application of 9,10-dimethyl-l,2-benzanthracene (DMBA) in acetone was followed by a single application of 12-O-tetradecanoyl-13-acetate (TPA) in acetone, signs of cell injury could be found after both fixation procedures. With DMBA/TPA and hypo-osmolal fixation the number of dark cells seemed to increase, whereas only signs of cell injury with occurrence of some heavily altered “clear cells” dominated the picture with iso-osmolal fixation. Morphometry showed that both the numerical and the volumetric densities of cytoplasmic ribosomes in basal keratinocytes varied most significantly with the fixation procedure used. The cytoplasmic volumes did not vary in a way that could explain these differences. One might therefore assume that the number of ribosomes depends on the fixative. Large swelling artifacts occurred when a fixative with low osmotic activity was used, leading to compression of neighboring cells. Hence, an increased ribosomal density reported previously in dark cells is probably related to such cell volume artifacts and does not reflect an actually increased quantity of ribosomes. With both fixation procedures, a single application of DMBA followed by one of TPA appeared to produce an increased number of ribosomes in basal keratinocytes. When hypo-osmolal fixation was used, however, treatment with DMBA/TPA did not influence the cytoplasmic volume or the numerical density of ribosomes, in dark cells. This might indicate that so-called dark keratinocytes following DMBA/TPA treatment are functionally inactive cells that appear more vulnerable than active cells to compression during hypo-osmolal fixation.  相似文献   
Abstract Nif mutants of Rhodobacter capsulatus carrying mutations either in the nifR4 regulatory gene or in the nifH structural gene both outgrew the wild-type strain B10 in mixed chemostat cultures under conditions favouring nitrogenase-mediated H2 production by the wild-type (ammonia as limiting nutrient, inert argon atmosphere, light as energy source), whereas under aerobic conditions in the dark, or in batch culture, the growth of Nif mutants was not favoured. Nitrogenase-mediated H2 production therefore appears to be detrimental to the growth of R. capsulatus in nitrogen-limited continuous culture, as may also be the case for other nitrogen fixers.  相似文献   
A synchronization treatment was initiated when each of 1227 heifers (four trials) was tailpainted. The tailpaint was sprayed with an aerosol raddle at the end of the treatment period. The heifers were in herds of 20 to 279 animals. Each herd was observed for estrus at selected post treatment intervals. A heifer was considered to be (or to have been) in estrus when the raddle was rubbed off. In three of the trials, animals which had the raddle removed were inseminated at 48h following the end of the synchronization treatment. The tailpaint of an inseminated animal was scored from 0 (less than 10% of the paint remained) to 5 (more than 90% of the paint remained) and was then reraddled with a second color. The detection-insemination sequence was always repeated at 72 and 96h, and sometimes at 120h. Animals which had been previously inseminated, but then had paint scores reduced by at least 2 units were reinseminated 24h later. Over the four trials, 94.5% of the heifers were detected in estrus through the use of the tailpaint and raddle system. The remaining 67 animals included only 10 (0.8%) which had ovulated without being detected in estrus. The reinsemination rate on consecutive days was 11.3% and was highest among animals that had a tailpaint score of 4 or 5 at 48h. The proportion of animals detected in estrus at selected posttreatment intervals varied with the different synchronization treatments used within one herd, or with the same treatment used in different herds. The combination of tailpaint, raddling, tailpaint scoring and reraddling is a simple sequence which can be effectively used to detect estrus among heifers synchronized in research or commercial herds.  相似文献   
Abstract. Seedlings of Pinus radiata D. Don were grown in growth chambers for 22 weeks with two levels of phosphorus, under either well-watered or water-stressed conditions at CO2 concentrations of either 330 or 660mm3 dm?3. Plant growth, water use efficiency and conductance were measured and the relationship between these and needle photosynthetic capacity, water use efficiency and conductance was determined by gas exchange at week 22. Phosphorus deficiency decreased growth and foliar surface area at both CO2concentrations; however, it only reduced the maximum photosynthetic rates of the needles at 660 mm3 CO2 dm?3 (plants grown and measured at the same CO2 concentration). Water stress reduced growth and foliar surface area at both CO2 concentrations. Increases in needle photosynthetic rates appeared to be partly responsible for the increased growth at high CO2 where phosphorus was adequate. This effect was amplified by accompanying increases in needle production. Phosphorus deficiency inhibited these responses because it severely impaired needle photosynthetic function. The relative increase in growth in response to high CO2 was higher in the periodically water-stressed plants. This was not due to the maintenance of cell volume during drought. Plant water use efficiency was increased by CO2 enrichment due to an increase in dry weight rather than a decrease in shoot conductance and, therefore, transpirational water loss. Changes in needle conductance and water use efficiency in response to high CO2 were generally in the same direction as those at the whole plant level. If the atmospheric CO2 level reaches the predicted concentration of 660 mm3 dm?3 by the end of next Century, then the growth of P. radiata will only be increased in areas where phosphorus nutrition is adequate. Growth will be increased in drought-affected regions but total water use is unlikely to be reduced.  相似文献   
Abstract The regulation of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) under controlled environmental conditions has been investigated for two tropical epiphytes, relating plant water and carbon balance to growth form and habitat preference under natural conditions. Aechmea fendleri is restricted to wet, upper montane regions of Trinidad, while A. nudicaulis has a wider distribution extending into more arid regions of the island. Morphological characteristics of these plants are related to habitat preference in terms of leaf succulence (0.44 and 0.94 kg m?2 for the two species respectively) and a distinct layer of water storage parenchyma in A. nudicaulis In contrast, the thinner leaves of A. fendleri contain little water-storage parenchyma and less chlorenchyma per unit area, but the plants have a more open leaf rosette. The two species differ in expression of CAM, since the proportion of respiratory CO2 recycled as part of CAM had been found to be much lower in A. fendleri This study compared the efficiency of water use and role of respiratory CO2 recycling under two PAR regimes (300 and 120 μnol m?2 s?1) and three night temperatures (12, 18 and 25 °C). Dark CO2 uptake rates for both species were comparable to plants in the field (maximum of 2.3 ± 0.2 μmol m?2s?1± SD, n= 3). Total net CO2 uptake at night increased on leaf area basis with temperature for both species under higher PAR, although under the low PAR regime CO2 uptake was maximal at 18 °C. Water-use efficiency (WUE) increased at 18 °C and 25 °C during dark CO2 uptake (Phase I) and also during late afternoon photosynthesis (Phase IV) in both species. For A. fendleri, dawn to dusk changes in titrable acidity (ΔH +) were similar under high and low PAR, although ΔH+ was correlated to night temperature and PAR in A. nudicaulis. The proportion of ΔH+ derived from respiratory CO2 also varied with experimental conditions. Thus percentage recycling was lower in A. fendleri under high PAR (0–10%), but was only reduced at 18 °C under low PAR. Recycling by A. nudicaulis ranged from 32–42% under high PAR, but was also reduced to 6% under low PAR at 18 °C; at 12 °C and 25 °C, recycling was 37% and 52% respectively. Previous studies have suggested a relationship between the proportion of recycling and degree of water stress. This study indicated that CAM as a CO2 concentrating mechanism regulates both water-use efficiency and plant carbon balance in these epiphytes, in response to PAR and night temperature. However, the precise relationship between respiratory processes and the balance between external and internal sources of CO2 is as yet unresolved.  相似文献   
In hepatocytes obtained from hypothyroid rats, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and vasopressin diminished the accumulation of cyclic AMP and the stimulation of ureagenesis induced by isoprenaline or glucagon without altering significantly the accumulation of cyclic AMP induced by forskolin. Pretreatment with PMA markedly reduced the stimulation of ureagenesis and the accumulation of cyclic AMP induced by isoprenaline or glucagon. In membranes from cells pretreated with PMA, the stimulation of adenylate cyclase induced by isoprenaline + GTP, glucagon + GTP or by Gpp[NH]p were clearly diminished as compared to the control, whereas forskolin-stimulated activity was not affected. The data indicate heterologous desensitization of adenylate cyclase. It was also observed that the homologous (García-Sáinz J.A. and Michel, B. (1987) Biochem. J. 246, 331–336) and this heterologous β-adrenergic desensitizations were additive. Pertussis toxin treatment markedly reduced the heterologous desensitization of adenylate cyclase but not the homologous β-adrenergic desensitization. It is concluded that the homologous and heterologous desensitizations involve different mechanisms. The homologous desensitization seems to occur at the receptor level, whereas the heterologous probably involves the guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein, Ns.  相似文献   
A model is proposed for the effect of gramicidin A on the order and structure of phospholipid dispersions. According to this model, the addition of gramicidin A influences the surrounding lipids via two independent mechanisms. The first arises from a drop in surface pressure for those lipids substantially bounded by gramicidin A. The second mechanism arises from the increase in the phospholipid headgroup spacing due to the small polar region of the polypeptide. The model provides an explanation for the currently available NMR, X-ray diffraction and Langmuir monolayer results. The model also suggests mechanisms for the ability of gramicidin A to trigger a transition of the lipid from the lamellar to hexagonal II phase, the dependence of this transition on the lipid chain length and the formation of a lamellar phase with lysophosphatidylcholine.Abbreviations NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - DMPC dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine - S molecular order parameter - CSA chemical shift anisotropy - DPPC dipalmitoylphosphati-dylcholine - LPC lysophosphatidylcholine  相似文献   
InRhizobium meliloti, the promoter P1 of thenif HDK operon, and also the promoter P2, have earlier been shown to be active in the bacteria present in alfalfa root nodules, but not in the bacteria grown aerobically in culture. Here we have looked at the expression from P1 and P2 in two non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria,Azotobacter vinelandii andAzospirillum brasilense, using constructions in which the promoters are fused upstream of theβ-galactosidase gene. The promoter P1, but not P2, is active inA. vinelandii, while neither P1 nor P2 is active inAzospirillum brasilense.  相似文献   
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