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Summary Foliar 13C-abundance (13C) was analyzed in the dominant trees of a temperate deciduous forest in east Tennessee (Walker Branch Watershed) to investigate the variation in foliar 13C as a function of time (within-year and between years), space (canopy height, watershed topography and habitat) and species (deciduous and coniferous taxa). Various hypotheses were tested by analyzing (i) samples collected from the field during the growing season and (ii) foliar tissues maintained in an archived collection. The 13C-value for leaves from the tops of trees was 2 to 3%. more positive than for leaves sampled at lower heights in the canopy. Quercus prinus leaves sampled just prior to autumn leaf fall had significantly more negative 13C-values than those sampled during midsummer. On the more xeric ridges, needles of Pinus spp. had more positive 13C-values than leaves from deciduous species. Foliar 13C-values differed significantly as a function of topography. Deciduous leaves from xeric sites (ridges and slopes) had more positive 13C-values than those from mesic (riparian and cove) environments. On the more xeric sites, foliar 13C was significantly more positive in 1988 (a dry year) relative to that in 1989 (a year with above-normal precipitation). In contrast, leaf 13C in trees from mesic valley bottoms did not differ significantly among years with disparate precipitation. Patterns in foliar 13C indicated a higher ratio of net CO2 assimilation to transpiration (A/E) for trees in more xeric versus mesic habitats, and for trees in xeric habitats during years of drought versus years of normal precipitation. However, A/E (units of mmol CO2 fixed/mol H2O transpired) calculated on the basis of 13C-values for leaves from the more xeric sites was higher in a wet year (6.6±1.2) versus a dry year (3.4±0.4). This difference was attributed to higher transpiration (and therefore lower A/E) in the year with lower relative humidity and higher average daily temperature. The calculated A/E values for the forest in 1988–89, based on 13C, were within ±55% of estimates made over a 17 day period at this site in 1984 using micrometeorological methods. 相似文献
C.-T. Lai J. R. Ehleringer A. J. Schauer P. P. Tans† D. Y. Hollinger‡ K. T. Paw U§ J. W. Munger¶ S. C. Wofsy¶ 《Global Change Biology》2005,11(4):633-643
The δ13C values of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) can be used to partition global patterns of CO2 source/sink relationships among terrestrial and oceanic ecosystems using the inversion technique. This approach is very sensitive to estimates of photosynthetic 13C discrimination by terrestrial vegetation (ΔA), and depends on δ13C values of respired CO2 fluxes (δ13CR). Here we show that by combining two independent data streams – the stable isotope ratios of atmospheric CO2 and eddy‐covariance CO2 flux measurements – canopy scale estimates of ΔA can be successfully derived in terrestrial ecosystems. We also present the first weekly dataset of seasonal variations in δ13CR from dominant forest ecosystems in the United States between 2001 and 2003. Our observations indicate considerable summer‐time variation in the weekly value of δ13CR within coniferous forests (4.0‰ and 5.4‰ at Wind River Canopy Crane Research Facility and Howland Forest, respectively, between May and September). The monthly mean values of δ13CR showed a smaller range (2–3‰), which appeared to significantly correlate with soil water availability. Values of δ13CR were less variable during the growing season at the deciduous forest (Harvard Forest). We suggest that the negative correlation between δ13CR and soil moisture content observed in the two coniferous forests should represent a general ecosystem response to the changes in the distribution of water resources because of climate change. Shifts in δ13CR and ΔA could be of sufficient magnitude globally to impact partitioning calculations of CO2 sinks between oceanic and terrestrial compartments. 相似文献
Browsing and grazing in elephants: the isotope record of modern and fossil proboscideans 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
The diet of extant elephants (Loxodonta in Africa, Elephas in Asia) is dominated by C3 browse although some elephants have a significant C4 grass component in their diet. This is particularly noteworthy because high-crowned elephantid cheek teeth represent adaptation
to an abrasive grazing diet and because isotopic analysis demonstrates that C4 vegetation was the dominant diet for Elephas in Asia from 5 to 1 Ma and for both Loxodonta and Elephas in Africa between 5–1 Ma. Other proboscideans in Africa and southern Asia, except deinotheres, also had a C4-dominated diet from about 7 Ma (when the C4 biomass radiated in tropical and subtropical regions) until their subsequent extinction.
Received: 1 July 1998 / Accepted: 16 February 1999 相似文献
Dinitrogen fixation in white clover (Trifolium repens L.) grown in pure stand and mixture with perennial ryegrass (Lolium
perenne L.) was determined in the field using 15N isotope dilution and harvest of the shoots. The apparent transfer of clover N to perennial ryegrass was simultaneously assessed.
The soil was labelled either by immobilizing 15N in organic matter prior to establishment of the sward or by using the conventional labelling procedure in which 15N fertilizer is added after sward establishment. Immobilization of 15N in the soil organic matter has not previously been used in studies of N2 fixation in grass/clover pastures. However, this approach was a successful means of labelling, since the 15N enrichment only declined at a very slow rate during the experiment. After the second production year only 10–16% of the
applied 15N was recovered in the harvested herbage. The two labelling methods gave, nonetheless, a similar estimate of the percentage
of clover N derived from N2 fixation. In pure stand clover, 75–94% of the N was derived from N2 fixation and in the mixture 85–97%. The dry matter yield of the clover in mixture as percentage of total dry matter yield
was relatively high and increased from 59% in the first to 65% in the second production year. The average daily N2 fixation rate in the mixture-grown clover varied from less than 0.5 kg N ha−1 day−1 in autumn to more than 2.6 kg N ha−1 day−1 in June. For clover in pure stand the average N2 fixation rate was greater and varied between 0.5 and 3.3 kg N ha−1 day−1, but with the same seasonal pattern as for clover in mixture. The amount of N fixed in the mixture was 23, 187 and 177 kg
N ha−1 in the seeding, first and second production year, respectively, whereas pure stand clover fixed 28, 262 and 211 kg N ha−1 in the three years. The apparent transfer of clover N to grass was negligible in the seeding year, but clover N deposited
in the rhizosphere or released by turnover of stolons, roots and nodules, contributed 19 and 28 kg N ha−1 to the grass in the first and second production year, respectively.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
C. Kirda A. R. A. G. Mohamed K. S. Kumarasinghe A. Montenegro F. Zapata 《Plant and Soil》1992,147(2):217-223
A field experiment was conducted to investigate if carbon isotope (13C) discrimination () measured at the vegetative stage of spring wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) is related with the yield and water use efficiency (WUE) at ripening. A line source sprinkler irrigation system exposed the wheat genotypes to different watering regimes, from rainfed to full irrigation and thereby increased the range in yield and WUE attainable in the four genotypes studied. The results indicated that values measured at the late stem elongation stage 60 days after planting (DAP), showed strong positive correlation with total dry matter yield (r=0.732***), and a highly significant negative correlation with WUE (r=–0.755***) measured at ripening 105 DAP. The data suggest that the imprints of measured at vegetative growth stage persists throughout the entire growth period, until maturity. Subject to confirmation from additional studies in other crops and locations, early measurements of may prove a useful tool for rapid and early screening of cultivars, for high yield and high WUE. 相似文献
Hans Schnyder 《Planta》1992,187(1):128-135
A photosynthate labelling method is presented which takes advantage of the natural difference in carbon-isotope composition () which exists between atmospheric CO2 (-8) and commercially available compressed CO2. Carbon dioxide with -4.0 and –27.9%., respectively, has been used for labelling. A plant growth cabinet served as the labelling compartment. CO2-free air was continuously injected at a rate of up to 54m3·h–1. Dilution of cabinet CO2 by CO2-free air was counterbalanced by addition of CO2 with known constant . Since the labelling-cabinet atmosphere was continuously exchanged at a high rate, photosynthetic carbon-isotope discrimination was fully expressed. In order to study the distribution of carbon acquired by the plant during a defined growth period, the of CO2 was modified by replacing, for example, atmospheric CO2 by CO2 with –27.9%. and the weight and 5 of plant carbon pools was monitored over time. In such an experiment the change of CO2 was followed by a rapid change of the of sucrose in mature flag-leaf blades of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The 5 of sucrose stabilized near –51%., indicating complete exchange by current photosynthate. In contrast 83% of the total carbon in mature flag-leaf blades was not exchanged after 14 d continuous labelling. Differential labelling of pre- and post-anthesis photosynthate indicated that 13% of grain carbon originated from pre-anthesis photosynthesis. Carbon-isotope discrimination and its consideration in experimentation and labelling data evaluation are discussed in detail. Since the air supplied to the labelling cabinet is dry and free of CO2, carbon-isotope discrimination and carbon turnover and partitioning can be studied over a wide range of CO2 concentrations (0–2600 cm3 · m–3) and vapor-pressure deficits.Abbreviation and Symbol PPFD
photosynthetic photon flux density
carbon-isotope composition
Dr. G. Schleser (Forschungszentrum Jülich, FRG) and Professor S. Hoernes (Mineralogisch-Petrologisches Institut, Universität Bonn) for valuable help and advice during the initial stages of the project and Professor W. Kühbauch (Institut für Pflanzenbau, Universität Bonn) for continuing support. Technical assistance of Ute Labusch, Petra Biermann, Ludwig Schmitz and Thomas Gebbing is gratefully acknowleged.
J. S. Bailey 《Plant and Soil》1992,143(1):19-31
Solution culture studies have shown that plant uptake of NH4
+ and NO3
- can be improved by increasing the concentration of Ca2+ in the root environment: the same may be true for grass grown in soil culture. An experiment was set up to see whether gypsum (CaSO4 2H2O) increased the rate at which perennial ryegrass absorbed 15NH4
+ and 15NO3
- from soil.The results demonstrated that gypsum increases the rates of uptake of both NH4
+ and NO3
- by perennial ryegrass. However because there was little potential for mineral-N loss from the experimental system, either by gaseous emission or by N immobilization, long term improvements in fertilizer efficiency were not observed. Nitrogen cycling from shoots to roots commenced once net uptake of N into plants had ceased. Labelled N transferred thus to roots underwent isotopic exchange with unlabelled soil N. It was suggested that this exchange of N might constitute an energy drain from the plant, if plant organic N was exchanged for soil inorganic N. The fact that the exchange occurred at all cast doubt on the suitability of the 15N-isotope dilution technique for assessing fertilizer efficiency in medium to long term experiments. There was evidence that the extra NO3
--N taken up by plants on the all-nitrate treatments as a result of gypsum application, was reduced in root tissue rather than in shoots, but to the detriment of subsequent root growth and N uptake. 相似文献
Zabet-Moghaddam M Shaikh AL Jones LB Niwayama S 《Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters》2011,21(15):4629-4632
Benzoyloxysuccinimide and its d5-labeled version, which react with amino groups in the N-termini and lysine side chains in proteins, were synthesized and applied to quantitative analysis of peptides and a commercially available protein in combination with a MALDI mass spectrometer. 相似文献