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基于matK基因对松属(Pinus L.)白皮松组(sect.Parrya Myre)进行了分子系统发育分析.白皮松组为一个并系类群,因为白松组的成员与该组(包括越南的扁叶松(P.krempfii Lecomte))的亚洲成员形成一个强烈支持的分支(靴带值92%).在这个分支中,白松组的3个代表种形成一个稳定的单系,而白皮松组的亚洲成员之间系统发育关系不明确.扁叶松和西藏白皮松(P. gerardiana Wall.ex D.Don)聚在一起,但只有61%的支持率.虽然在以前4个cpDNA基因序列分析时五针白皮松(P.squamata X.W.Li)与白皮松(P.bungeana Zucc.ex Loud.)和西藏白皮松形成一个单系,但在本文的分析中三者的关系不明确.在邻接树和多数一致简约树上,北美的白皮松组成员形成一个支持率低的分支.北美的subsect.Balfourianae Engelm.亚组(包括P.aristata Engelm.)是一个单系,但支持率较低.美洲另外两个亚组subsect.Cembroides Englem.和subsect.Rzedowskianae Carv.的组间和组内关系不确定,它们在严格一致简约树上形成一个多歧分支.  相似文献   
铁线莲属单性铁线莲组修订   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对毛茛科铁线莲属Clematis L.的单性铁线莲组sect. Aspidanthera Spach s.l.进行了全面修订,确定此组共含72种和15变种,这些被归类于6个亚组中,其中包括首次描述的1系、5种和2变种,以及做出的2新等级。对单性铁线莲组的分类学简史和地理分布做了介绍。写出了组、亚组、系的形态特征和地理分布,分亚组检索表及各亚组的分种检索表;以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等,并附有多幅插图。在研究了此组全部种类的标本之后,观察到此组几个重要形态特征的演化趋势:(1)萼片在数目上由  相似文献   
牡丹组植物的药用民族植物学研究与考证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牡丹干燥根皮自古以来就有入药的传统,尤其在中药和民族药中被广泛使用.为阐明牡丹组植物在古籍中的记载情况和民族药中的利用现状,该文对中国八部经典医学古籍、37部地方志和民族药传统知识进行整理,采用民族植物学编目方法,对牡丹组植物在古籍和民族药中的入药种类、地理分布、入药部位、炮制方法和功效等相关传统知识进行考证和分析研究...  相似文献   
Parsimony analyses of 54 nrDNA ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) sequences ofSaxifraga sect.Saxifraga were performed. In addition to some unresolved clades, there is strong disagreement between the ITS phylogeny and previous classifications based primarily on morphology. The extensive cytological instability of sect.Saxifraga prevents previous cytotaxonomical results from resolving the incongruence between molecular and morphological data. Dissimilar topologies between chloroplast (matK) and nuclear (ITS) trees for eight species of sect.Saxifraga suggest that gene trees and the true species tree are not coincident. Recent and mid-term reticulation is proposed as an explanation for the incongruence between morphological, cytological, organellar, and nuclear data. Homogenization in multigene families, such as the ITS region, via concerted evolution may be the key to the interpretation of results based on ITS sequences within sect.Saxifraga. The use of organellar genes in a larger sample should help to determine whether extensive reticulation occurs in sect.Saxifraga, as has been documented in various genera of Saxifragaceae.  相似文献   
应用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术对来自云南西北部高黎贡山和丽江玉龙雪山的6个冬虫夏草Cordycepssinensis(Berk.)Sacc.,来自德钦地区三个地方的8个阔孢虫草C.crassisporaZang,YangetLi以及来自云南昆明的一个蛹虫草C.militaris(Vuill)Fr.进行分析。18个随机引物获得的RAPD谱带清晰并呈现多态。遗传距离分析表明,冬虫夏草/阔孢虫草与蛹虫草之间存在显著的遗传差异。冬虫夏草与阔孢虫草之间的遗传差异较为明显。在同种虫草个体中,来自同一地方的样本间遗传差异较小,不同地方的样本间遗传差异较大。说明云南虫草的不同地理群体间存在遗传分化。应用UPGMA和NJ法构建的分子系统树将来自不同地方的冬虫夏草及阔孢虫草分别聚在一起,提示RAPD标记在虫草群体中有显著的地区特异性。RAPD作为有效的遗传标记,可在分子水平上研究虫草属的遗传分化、起源和系统演化等。  相似文献   
越南铁线莲属一新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文描述的产于越南的毛茛科Ranunculaceae铁线莲属Clematis一新种C. hagiangensis N. T. Do是欧亚大陆第一个具单性花的种, 在花构造方面与单性铁线莲组单性铁线莲亚组sect. Aspidanthera Spach subsect. Dioicae (Prantl) W. T. Wang的种类近缘, 但叶均为单叶, 萼片呈卵形或宽卵形而不同。在单性铁线莲亚组的种, 叶通常为复叶, 只在C. dimorphophylla W. T. Wang和C. variifolia W. T. Wang同时为单叶和复叶, 此外萼片呈长圆形、倒披针形或狭卵形。  相似文献   
Even though presently indigenous to eastern Himalaya in India, no Engelhardioideae have been reported from the Cenozoic sediments of India till date. Here, we report the first Indian occurrence of a characteristic engelhardioid winged samaroid fruit having a tri-lobed wing (oblong-ovate median lobe and two lateral lobes) and a globose nut from the latest Neogene (Pliocene: Rajdanda Formation) sediments of Chotanagpur Plateau, eastern India. This is the first fossil evidence of relict family Juglandaceae from the Indian Cenozoic. We determine its taxonomic position on the basis of detailed macromorphological comparison with similar extant and fossil specimens and discuss its palaeoclimatic significance in terms of the present-day distribution of modern analogous species. We assign this Pliocene winged fruit specimen to the morphogenus Palaeocarya sect. Monocosta Manchester and describe it as a new species, namely Palaeocarya indica Hazra, Hazra M & Khan sp. nov. Palaeocarya sect. Monocosta has rich fossil records from the Cenozoic sediments of Europe, North America, and eastern Asia (China, Korea), but the modern analog, Engelhardia, is presently native only to India and neighboring Southeast Asia. We discuss the possible causes of disappearance of Engelhardia from the present-day vegetation of Chotanagpur Plateau. Its disappearance may be related to the gradual intensification of monsoonal rainfall seasonality since the Pliocene. Here, we also review in detail the biogeographic history of Palaeocarya sect. Monocosta and suggest its possible migration routes.  相似文献   
对新种丽花兰Cymbidium concinnum Z. J. Liu &; S. C. Chen和新变种龙州兰C. eburneum var. longzhouense Z. J. Liu &; S. C. Chen进行了描述和绘图; 丽花兰与大雪兰C. mastersii Griff. ex Lindl.有亲缘关系, 区别点在于新种叶片先端不分裂, 花序具18-22朵花, 唇瓣中裂片上有一个V型的紫红色斑块; 龙州兰(变种)与独占春(原变种)的主要区别在于唇瓣中裂片上和侧裂片顶部有较密的紫红色斑。对象牙白C. maguanense的分类问题进行了讨论, 并为其指定了新模式; 还为腋花组sect. Eburnea国产种类提供一个检索表。  相似文献   
金线草的系统位置一直存在争议,该试验以Triplaris weigeltiana为外类群,采用最大简约法对金线草及其近缘类群的ITS序列进行了系统发育分析.结果表明:(1)金线草和蓼属的春蓼组、刺蓼组形成三个并列的分支,因此,金线草没有必要独立成属,分子证据支持金线草成立为组;(2)金线草和春蓼组、刺蓼组植物聚在一起,...  相似文献   
对分布于浙江西北部的毛茛叶报春组(sect. Ranunculoides)一存疑种5个居群共50个植株的花粉形态进行了研究观察。结果表明该存疑种的花粉形态特征在种下具高度多样化,根据萌发孔类型、数量及组成的不同,其花粉可划分为多沟型、沟多孔少型、孔多沟少型、散孔型和环沟型5种类型;而且居群间花粉的大小及花粉类型的组成也存在较大的差异;此外,同一个植株或同一个花粉囊的花粉也可能具有多种类型的花粉。本文进一步证明了花粉形态特征在种内可能存在多样化的现象。花粉形态特征支持该存疑种为一个独立的新物种,它很可能是由具多沟型和散孔型花粉的亲本杂交进化而来。  相似文献   
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