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In Sweden application of granulated wood ash has been suggested as a method to supplement nutrient loss resulting from harvesting of forest residues for bioenergy production. Mycelia of two ectomycorrhizal fungi Piloderma sp. 1 and Ha-96-3, were commonly found to colonise ash granules in a wood ash fertilised spruce forest. Thirty-eight fungal isolates were selected from 10 taxa to investigate the possible role of different ectomycorrhizal fungi in nutrient mobilisation from ash. The taxa were Cenococcum geophilum Fr., Piloderma croceum Erikss. and Hjortst., Piloderma sp. 1, Thelephora terrestris (Ehrenb.) Fr., Tylospora fibrillosa Donk, and five unidentified species, all originating from a wood ash fertilised spruce forest. The isolates were tested for their ability to solubilise tricalcium phosphate (TCP) or hardened wood ash (HWA) in vitro. Ha-96-3, P. croceum and Piloderma sp. 1 were the only taxa which solubilised TCP. Abundant calcium oxalate crystals were formed in TCP and HWA plates with Piloderma sp. 1. Ha-96-3 and two isolates of P. croceum produced intermediate amounts of crystals. Ha-96-1 and T. fibrillosa produced low amounts of crystal but no crystal formation was observed by any of the other isolates. Piloderma sp. 1 from HWA plates had significantly higher concentrations of P, compared to P. croceum or Ha-96-3. Piloderma sp. 1 and P. croceum were further tested for their ability to colonise wood ash in microcosms containing intact mycorrhizal associations. After 7 months Piloderma sp. 1 colonised ash amended patches with a dense, mat like mycelium, whereas P. croceum mycelia avoided the ash patches. Possible differences between these fungi in patterns of carbon allocation were investigated by labelling seedlings with 14CO(2). Piloderma sp. 1 mycelia allocated significantly more 14C to ash patches than P. croceum. P. croceum allocated relatively more 14C to control patches than to the ash patches. The possible role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in mobilisation of nutrients from wood ash is discussed.  相似文献   
Species in northern Europe re‐colonized the region after the last glacial maximum via several routes, which could have lingering signatures in current intraspecific trait variation. The spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus, occurs across Europe, and biological differences have been found between southern and northern Scandinavian populations. However, the postglacial history of I. typographus in Scandinavia has not been previously studied at a fine geographical scale. Therefore, we collected specimens across northern Europe and analysed the genetic variation in a quite large mitochondrial fragment (698 bp). A high genetic diversity was found in some of the most northern populations, in the Baltic States, Gotland and central Europe. Detected genetic and phylogeographic structures suggest that I. typographus re‐colonized Scandinavia via two pathways, one from the northeast and one from the south. These findings are consistent with the re‐colonization history of its host plant, Picea abies. However, we observed low haplotype and nucleotide diversity in southern Scandinavian populations of I. typographus, indicating that (unlike Pabies) it did not disperse across the Baltic Sea in multiple events. Further, the divergence among Scandinavian populations was shallow, conflicting with a scenario where I. typographus expanded concurrently with its host plant from a ‘cryptic refugium’ in the northwest.  相似文献   
Picea is one of the most dominant conifer genera in the Northern Hemisphere and includes species which require coarse woody debris (CWD) as a seedbed for regeneration. To understand the future of forest distribution under global climate change, it is important to investigate regeneration mechanisms in Picea forests on the borders of its distribution. In the present study, we evaluated the biotic factors affecting the establishment of Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis seedlings on CWD in one of its southernmost populations in central Japan, where there is dieback of Picea forest. Amplicon sequencing of the fungal ITS1 region of rDNA obtained from wood samples showed that forest dieback increased the frequency of brown rot fungi in CWD. The frequency of brown-rotted wood, in which wood holocellulose is decayed, increased with dieback intensity. The domination of brown-rotted wood in dieback forests was negatively associated with bryophyte cover which was positively associated with Picea seedling density. Forest dieback itself also had other strong negative effects on bryophytes. Thus, linkages between dead wood and spruce seedlings via bryophytes had collapsed after the dieback event, which may partly be a reason that the spruce forest shifted to and is staying as open grassland.  相似文献   
《Fungal biology》2019,123(6):456-464
We compared the δ13C and δ15N of forest material with an extensive sporocarp collection to elucidate the role of litter, wood and soil as fungal carbon and nitrogen sources in Finnish boreal Picea abies-dominated forests. Ectomycorrhizal Hydnum and Cortinarius had higher δ15N than other ectomycorrhizal fungi, suggesting use of 15N-enriched, deeper nitrogen. Russula had lower δ15N than other ectomycorrhizal fungi and resembled some litter decay genera, suggesting use of litter-derived nitrogen. There was little variation in δ15N among other genera of ectomycorrhizal fungi, indicating limited functional diversity in nitrogen use. Saprotrophic Leotia, Gymnopus, Hypholoma, Pholiota, Rhodocollybia and Calocera had δ15N values similar to ectomycorrhizal fungi, indicating overlap in use of older nitrogen from soil or roots or use of newly fixed nitrogen. Genera of litter and wood decay fungi varied up to 6‰ in δ13C and 10‰ in δ15N, suggesting large differences in carbon and nitrogen sources and processing. Similar δ13C between white and brown rot wood decay fungi also suggest that white rot fungi do not use lignin-derived carbon. Together, these δ13C and δ15N patterns of fungi from Finnish boreal forests enhance our knowledge of fungal functional diversity and indicate broad use of litter, wood and soil resources.  相似文献   
American Three‐toed Woodpeckers Picoides dorsalis are considered a sensitive species by the United States Bureau of Land Management and are on the United States Fish and Wildlife Service's Watch List. In Idaho, Oregon and Washington, they are of conservation concern due to low abundance and an apparent reliance on disturbed, old‐growth forests. This species is strongly associated with Spruce Beetle Dendroctonous rufipennis epidemics, yet their occupancy relation with epidemic conditions have not been described. We studied Three‐toed Woodpecker occupancy patterns in spruce–fir forests experiencing varying degrees of beetle infestation between 2013 and 2016. Accounting for detection probability, we found a strong positive relationship between occupancy and the density of currently infested trees. Estimated occupancy was 0.57 (Bayesian credible interval 0.49, 0.64) for 75‐m‐radius survey points with zero infested spruce trees vs. 0.99 (Bayesian credible interval 0.99, 1) for points with 235 recently infested stems per ha. In contrast, we found no relationships with density of trees infested at least 3 years prior to sampling, density of older snags (i.e. > 10 years dead) or quadratic mean diameter of healthy or recently infested trees. These results provide evidence of the importance of active Spruce Beetle infestation for Three‐toed Woodpecker habitat. Conserving Spruce Beetle‐infested trees for at least 3 years following the onset of a beetle epidemic would benefit Three‐toed Woodpecker populations and other species that depend on woodpecker‐excavated cavities. We suggest managers consider these results when planning logging activities aimed at Spruce Beetle mitigation.  相似文献   
Pollen from modern tree bark samples collected in the Manendragarh Forest Range, Koriya District, Chhattisgarh, India, was investigated with the objective to understand the pollen rain in and around the study area, using modern tree bark samples as a new tool. The palyno-assemblages revealed the dominance of non-arboreals (herbs) over arboreals (trees and shrubs). Trees constitute an average of 17.23% pollen in the total pollen rain, whereas the average contribution of shrubs is only 0.33%. The non-arboreals have an average of 82.44% pollen in the total pollen rain. This bias in the form of representation of trees and shrubs, despite their ample presence in the forest, could be due to the differences in pollen production, dispersal and preservation of taxa, which depends on plant species and climatic conditions.  相似文献   
重金属易在大气细颗粒物中富集,经呼吸道进入人体肺泡沉积,危害人类健康。该研究以南京市香樟树皮为对象,选取文教区、交通区、工业区、风景区和商业区5个功能区,探究了不同季节香樟树皮中重金属Cr、Pb、Cu和Zn含量的分布特征,比较了树皮和叶面颗粒物中不同重金属含量的空间分布差异。结果表明:南京市商业区和工业区重金属污染较严重。不同功能区香樟树皮重金属含量具时空分布差异,树皮中重金属含量基本呈秋季冬季春季夏季的季节变化特征,各功能区重金属含量表现为商业区(CA)文教区(CEA)≈工业区(TA)交通区(IA)风景区(SA)。与树皮相比,叶面颗粒物重金属含量较高,商业区叶面颗粒物重金属含量最高,风景区含量最低。经Pearson相关性分析,工业区和文教区香樟树皮中Cr元素具显著相关性(P0.05),Cu与Zn相互对应呈显著相关,表明这两种元素可能具有相似来源;工业区和交通区树皮中Pb具极显著相关性(P0.01)。植物监测可以指示和预测大气重金属污染水平,能反映地区污染情况。  相似文献   
Summary Dew droplets collected with pipettes from coniferous needles were analysed for their ionic composition. Almost all samples of dew taken from Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris) showed significantly higher ion concentrations than those taken from Norway spruce trees (Picea abies). This can be explained by the micromorphology of the needle surface. The higher microscale roughness of the wax layer of a pine needle causes a more efficient flux of atmospheric aerosol particles compared to the spruce needle surface. Dew on coniferous needles is shown to be capable of maintaining pH values below 3 for several hours.  相似文献   
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