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Pang X Y  Wu N  Liu Q  Bao W K 《农业工程》2009,29(5):286-292
Soil microorganism and enzymes are important parts of forest ecosystem and sensitive to environmental changes. They have many critical functions in energy conversion and material cycle of forest soil. However, there are few studies about soil biological properties under subalpine coniferous forest, in particular, a serial of spruce plantation chronosequences following clear-cutting of natural coniferous forest in western Sichuan. We measured the quantity of soil microorganism (including bacteria, fungi and actinomyces), enzyme activity and soil nutrients under spruce plantation chronosequences in western Sichuan to investigate soil biological properties and their relationship with soil nutrients. The results showed that soil microorganism, enzyme activity and soil nutrients of the mature spruce plantation were significantly lower than those of the young spruce plantation and secondary broad-leaved forest. Soil fertility degraded greatly with the increasing of spruce plantation age and was mainly affected by forest micro-environment. There were significant correlation between the amounts of soil microorganisms, soil enzyme activities and nutrients (e.g. soil organic matter, total N, total P, alkali-hydrolyzable N and available K). Therefore soil biological indices can be used to evaluate soil fertility. In order to accelerate the course of restoration and rehabilitation of degraded pure plantation, the strategy and measures were put forward, including application of thinning rationally for existing dense plantations and establishment of mixture forest of coniferous and broad-leaved trees for new afforestations, which would create good forest micro-environment for plant growth.  相似文献   
Summary Since the early 1980s, the winter moth, Operophtera brumata L. (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) has emerged as a serious pest of Sitka Spruce, Picea sitchensis Bong. plantations in southern Scotland. Outbreaks are characterised by susceptible sites within plantations which can occur immediately adjacent to resistant sites. We investigated the level of some nutrients in the trees, the date of budburst of the trees, and the numbers of some potential predators of winter moth pupae. None could satisfactorily explain outbreak patterns. Although foliage analysis demonstrated that many trees were marginal or deficient in phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, these deficiencies were not related to the susceptibility of a site. Within sites, the numbers and weights of O. brumata were positively related to phosphorus content and negatively related to calcium content of foliage. Other evidence suggests, however, that these correlations may not represent direct effects of phosphorus and calcium on larval growth and survival. Date of budburst, which commonly determines susceptibility of deciduous hosts to O. brumata, was unrelated to density, and pupal predators were more, not less, abundant in susceptible sites. Although it is difficult to distinguish between factors that initiate outbreaks and those that maintain them, these data suggest that nutrient deficiencies of trees, budburst date, and the distribution of pupal predators of the winter moth cannot explain patterns of outbreak of the winter moth on spruce.  相似文献   
During the past century, the upland breeding areas of Hen Harriers in Ireland have been extensively afforested. There is no evidence that this species avoids breeding in heavily forested landscapes and, indeed, young commercial forests in their second rotation are often selected as nest‐sites. However, Hen Harriers have coexisted with these forested areas for only a few decades and it is possible that such landscapes are suboptimal. We examined the relationship between breeding success and habitat using a dataset spanning three years and four study areas in the south and west of Ireland. We assessed whether nest success and fledged brood size were related to habitat type, both at the nest‐site and in the surrounding landscape. Neither measure of breeding productivity was related to total forest cover or to percentage cover of closed canopy forest in the landscape. However, in a subset of areas, high cover of second‐rotation pre‐thicket (young forests planted on land from which a first rotation has already been harvested) in the surrounding landscape was associated with low levels of breeding success. This may be due to factors related to predation, disturbance or prey availability. The fact that second‐rotation pre‐thicket is a preferred habitat for nesting in Ireland suggests that Hen Harriers may be making suboptimal decisions in the landscapes available to them.  相似文献   
林分空间格局研究对认识和理解森林群落结构的生态学过程具有重要作用。适宜的样地尺度不仅可以有效降低工作和时间成本,也可以提高林分属性的精确估计。同时,抽样尺度的适宜程度对科学评价林分空间结构调整也具有重要的现实意义。以关帝山庞泉沟4 hm2云杉次生林固定监测样地为研究对象,运用样地划分法和空间点格局的K2函数,评估了林分主要树种空间格局随样地面积变化的规律。结果表明:通过重要值排序,选取云杉(青杄+白杄)、华北落叶松、桦树(白桦+红桦)+其它阔叶树(花楸+辽东栎+山杨+山楂)作为主要树种(组)。随着样地尺度的减小(从4 hm2到0.25 hm2),空间分布格局主要表现为较小尺度(≤4 m)的聚集分布过度为随机分布与均匀分布,以及聚集和随机分布交替出现。所有树种的次级样地与参考样地的一致性指数差异显著,云杉和华北落叶松组合1 hm2样地一致性指数最高,而桦树和其它阔叶树完整1 hm2样地一致性指数最高;此外,云杉、华北落叶松和桦树0.25 hm2样地与组合1 hm2样地空间格局一致性指数组间差异显著。研究认为1 hm2样地尺度可以作为该地区云杉次生林空间分布格局的最小尺度。研究为探索云杉次生林空间格局的变化规律及样地抽样尺度的选取方面,提供了一定的理论基础和技术依据。  相似文献   
Long‐term trends in ecosystem resource use efficiencies (RUEs) and their controlling factors are key pieces of information for understanding how an ecosystem responds to climate change. We used continuous eddy covariance and microclimate data over the period 1999–2017 from a 120‐year‐old black spruce stand in central Saskatchewan, Canada, to assess interannual variability, long‐term trends, and key controlling factors of gross ecosystem production (GEP) and the RUEs of carbon (CUE = net primary production [NPP]/GEP), light (LUE = GEP/absorbed photosynthetic radiation [APAR]), and water (WUE = GEP/evapotranspiration [E]). At this site, annual GEP has shown an increasing trend over the 19 years (p < 0.01), which may be attributed to rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. Interannual variability in GEP, aside from its increasing trend, was most strongly related to spring temperatures. Associated with the significant increase in annual GEP were relatively small changes in NPP, APAR, and E, so that annual CUE showed a decreasing trend and annual LUE and WUE showed increasing trends over the 19 years. The long‐term trends in the RUEs were related to the increasing CO2 concentration. Further analysis of detrended RUEs showed that their interannual variation was impacted most strongly by air temperature. Two‐factor linear models combining CO2 concentration and air temperature performed well (R2~0.60) in simulating annual RUEs. LUE and WUE were positively correlated both annually and seasonally, while LUE and CUE were mostly negatively correlated. Our results showed divergent long‐term trends among CUE, LUE, and WUE and highlighted the need to account for the combined effects of climatic controls and the ‘CO2 fertilization effect’ on long‐term variations in RUEs. Since most RUE‐based models rely primarily on one resource limitation, the observed patterns of relative change among the three RUEs may have important implications for RUE‐based modeling of C fluxes.  相似文献   
Summary Natural spruce seedlings sampled on acid brown soil of the Belgian Ardennes, either on mineral soil, or on the litter layer, show higher Al content in the latter case, where substrate Al content is lower. Absorbing power of the root for Al organic chelates is probably higher than for Al+3 ions.Most soluble Al is chelated, especially in the holorganic and hemiorganic layers, under spruce and beech. In the mineral layers pH is above 3.8, and total Al in soil solutions is always found to be less than 2 eq/ml.  相似文献   
Xiphophorus fishes and their hybrids are used as models for the study of melanoma and other diseases. The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor gene family in humans is comprised of four members, including CDKN2A (P16), and dysregulation of this gene is implicated in numerous neoplasms including melanomas. We have investigated the status of the gene family in the southern platyfish X. maculatus. Xiphophorus harbors at least two such loci, which we now term CDKN2A/B and CDKN2D. Both loci map to Xiphophorus linkage group 5, a genomic area that has long been known to harbor the DIFF tumor suppressor locus. Within this report, we report on the complete cloning, genomic exon/intron boundary delineation, linkage mapping and expressional characteristics of Xiphophorus CDKN2D. We also compare and contrast this expression to that of the previously isolated CDKN2AB locus in normal and neoplastic tissues derived from non-hybrid and hybrid fishes. The hypothetical evolutionary relationships of gene family members and their involvement in melanoma is evaluated. In comparison to CDKN2A/B, the RNA expression of Xiphophorus CDKN2D differs in normal tissues and is not associated with melanotic/pathologic tissues, confirming functional divergence between obvious homologues.  相似文献   
During the last decades, decision makers and policy have increasingly demanded for regional and national inventories of greenhouse gas emission, such as nitrous oxide (N2O), to develop appropriate strategies and mitigation options. A potential way to derive large-scale estimates of N2O emission is the use of process-based models, such as PnET-N-DNDC or Wetland-DNDC. While PnET-N-DNDC has been effectively applied for various upland forest ecosystems, the Wetland-DNDC model has not yet been validated with regard to N2O emission. We calibrated and validated the Wetland-DNDC model on the basis of a 4-year field data set of two water-logged soils (Humic Gleysol and Histic Gleysol) of a spruce forest ecosystem. Model calibration by means of the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm considerably improved the model performance for the period of calibration (2001–2002). The error variance was reduced by up to a factor of two and the modelling efficiency was increased from −1.24 to −0.15 (Humic Gleysol) and from −0.42 to 0.1 (Histic Gleysol). However, the model performance for the period of validation (2003–2004) and particularly for the extreme dry period in summer 2003 was not fully satisfying, notably with regard to the temporal pattern of the N2O emission.  相似文献   
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