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Summary The effects of coniferous monoculture on the distribution of C, Fe and Al in the upper horizons of brown ochreous earths of the Belgian Ardennes were investigated by comparing 5 soil profiles developed under an 80 year old spruce stand with another 5 profiles developed under a climactic broad-leaved forest (beechwood).Organic carbon, Fe and Al were extracted with 0.1N NaOH/Na-tetraborate solution buffered at pH 9.7: recent studies have shown that this extraction is particularly appropriate for the detection of incipient podzolisation in brown earths-brown podzolic soils intergrades.Even if most of the classic podzolisation indexes fail to illustrate differences, nevertheless our results show that fulvic acids and organo-ferric complexes are present in significantly greater amounts in the upper part of the cambic (B)1 horizon of the soils developed under conifers. Moreover, this podzolic tendancy is confirmed by the weathering patterns of the clay minerals in the A1(B) horizons developed under spruces, i.e. a more pronouced weathering of chloritic layers than those observed in the beechwood soil, with a correlative genesis of more abundant smectite-like minerals. One may therefore conclude that the change in the humus type (moder to mor) after the planting of spruce trees, has been sufficient, within the local climatic and edaphic context, to promote incipient podzolisation.  相似文献   
A detailed karyotype analysis was made on the somatic complement ofPicea rubens andP. glauca. B-chromosomes were observed in someP. glauca populations. The karyotypes are generally asymmetrical with most of the chromosomes having median to median-submedian centromeres.Picea glauca chromosomes 2, 3, 7, and 8 have secondary constriction on their short arm and chromosome 10 has a secondary constriction on the long arm. Chromosome 3 was the most easily identifiable, as it has two secondary constrictions located on the short arm. InP. rubens, all the chromosomes but chromosomes 8 and 9 have one to four distinctive secondary constrictions. In general, the diagrammatic comparisons show a high degree of similarity amongP. mariana, P. rubens, andP. glauca. GenomicP. mariana probe strongly hybridized to dots of genomic DNA fromP. rubens andP. glauca indicating that there is a high sequence homology among these three species. The synchronizing agent, hydroxyurea was used at different concentrations to enhance the mitotic index of cell suspensions derived from embryogenic cultures. Hydroxyurea at 1.25 mM increased significantly the mitotic index. An increase of hydroxyurea from 1.25 mM to 5 mM and 10 mM resulted in a steady decrease of mitotic index.  相似文献   
Proteoglycans were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), using two coupled Aquapore columns containing glycerylpropylsilane groups covalently linked to large-pore (50–100 nm) silica spheres. This two-column HPLC system was effective in separating cartilage proteoglycan aggregates and monomers, without altering their biochemical integrity. This system was also effective in resolving small amounts of isotopically labeled proteoglycans synthesized by cultured mammalian cells. The small sample size, short analysis time, and high reproducibility represent improvements in the study of proteoglycans over conventional soft-gel chromatography.  相似文献   
Symbiosis between fungi and plant roots forming a mycorrhiza involves extensive interactions at the molecular level between both partners. The role of plant hormones in the regulation of mycorrhizal infection is not known to involve jasmonates. Their endogenous levels increase during pathogen attack; however, little has been done on their involvement in mycorrhizae. In our recent work, root growth patterns of 2-month-old spruce seedlings after inoculation withPisolithus tinctorius and/or jasmonic acid (JA) treatment were studied using a paper-sandwich technique. Changes in root length, the degree of branching, presence and length of root hairs, and infection parameters were followed using a stereomicroscope. The first mycorrhizal contact of hyphae with roots was significantly accelerated upon treatment with 0.5 M JA. Interactions between root hairs and fungal hyphae were seen by scanning electron microscopy. The multiplication of root hairs of non-mycorrhized seedlings treated with 5.0 M JA and changes of the root surface were observed by the same technique.  相似文献   
A number of ophiostomatoid fungi were isolated from the spruce-infesting bark beetle, Ips perturbatus and its galleries collected from felled spruce trees and logs in northern BC and the Yukon Territory. Isolates were identified to species using morphological characteristics, nuclear ribosomal DNA and partial β-tubulin gene sequences. Thirteen morphological and phylogenetic species were identified among the isolates. Leptographium fruticetum, Leptographium abietinum, Ophiostoma bicolor, Ophiostoma manitobense, O. piceaperdum, and eight undescribed species of the genus Ophiostoma and the anamorph genera Leptographium, Hyalorhinocladiella, Ambrosiella and Graphium. A number of these species, i.e. L. fruticetum, Hyalorhinocladiella sp. 2, O. bicolor and O. manitobense, were isolated repeatedly from I. perturbatus, while others, i.e. Graphium sp. 1 and O. piceaperdum, seemed to be␣sporadic associates. Among all the isolates, L. fruticetum had the highest relative dominance in this survey. A high frequency of occurrence of this species with the beetle may indicate a specific relationship between the two partners.  相似文献   
We have measured the uptake capacity of nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) from different soil depths by injecting 15N and caesium (Cs; as an analogue to K) at 5 and 50 cm soil depth and analysing the recovery of these markers in foliage and buds. The study was performed in monocultures of 40-year-old pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) located at an experimental site in Palsgård, Denmark. The markers were injected as a solution through plastic tubes around 20 trees of each species at either 5 or 50 cm soil depth in June 2003. After 65 days foliage and buds were harvested and the concentrations of 15N and Cs analysed. The recovery of 15N in the foliage and buds tended to be higher from 5 than 50 cm soil depth in oak whereas they where similar in spruce and beech after compensation for differences in immobilization of 15N in the soil. In oak more Cs was recovered from 5 than from 50 cm soil depth whereas in beech and spruce no difference could be detected. Out of the three investigated tree species, oak was found to have the lowest capacity to take up Cs at 50 cm soil depth compared to 5 cm soil depth also after compensating for differences in discrimination against Cs by the roots. The uptake capacity from 50 cm soil depth compared with 5 cm was higher than expected from the root distribution except for K in oak, which can probably be explained by a considerable overlap of the uptake zones around the roots and mycorrhizal hyphae in the topsoil. The study also shows that fine roots at different soil depths with different physiological properties can influence the nutrient uptake of trees. Estimates of fine root distribution alone may thus not reflect the nutrient uptake capacity of trees with sufficient accuracy. Our study shows that deep-rooted trees such as oak may have lower nutrient uptake capacity at deeper soil layers than more shallow-rooted trees such as spruce, as we found no evidence that deep-rooted trees obtained proportionally more nutrients from deeper soil layers. This has implications for models of nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems that use the distribution of roots as the sole criterion for predicting uptake of nutrients from different soil depths.  相似文献   
The aim of the paper was to determine the infestation parameters and species composition of eriophyoid mites for different parts of Norway spruce and Scots pine as well as for different age groups of the trees. The observations on the occurrence of the mites were conducted in 2004 and 2005 in 4 locations distributed in various regions of Poland, accounting for 11 environments (location x year). Three plant age groups were studied: (1) adult trees: 40–60 years old, additionally divided into three levels: top, middle and bottom; (2) young trees: 6–10 years old; and (3) seedlings: 2–3 years old. The same number of species (five) occurred on each coniferous tree, but only one, the rarest, was common on both tree species. Out of 500 samples for each species, mites were found on 279 pine (55.8%) and 252 spruce samples (50.2%). No tendency for the mites to choose any particular level on Scots pine and Norway spruce was observed. In addition, no tendency for the mites to choose trees from any of the age groups was observed for both Scots pine and Norway spruce, in the latter case the result obtained also for mite species subdivided into vagrant and refuge-seeking ones. Final conclusions were that in case of adult trees samples can be taken from the bottom part of a tree; however, sampling from young trees growing among adult trees may be seen as the most efficient sampling method.  相似文献   
In a comparative study we investigated woodpecker abundance in forest landscapes with different proportion of native pine forest and spruce plantations in western Norway. In 100 circular study plots of 100ha each we recorded 38 white-backed –Dendrocopos leucotos, 22 grey-headed –Picus canus, 13 great spotted –Dendrocopos major, 6 green –Picus viridis, and 2 lesser spotted –Dendrocopos minor woodpeckers in the breeding season. The mean number of recorded woodpecker species peaked at 20–40% spruce plantations. The two most common species in the study, the white-backed and the grey-headed woodpeckers are both Red-listed species in Norway and among the rarest woodpeckers in Europe. The white-backed woodpecker preferred plots with higher than average proportions of standing dead trees and deciduous trees, and low proportions of spruce plantations in the plots. The grey-headed woodpecker preferred plots in the western (coastal) parts of the study area with presence of large aspen Populus tremula trees. Logistic regression models did not reveal any clear threshold values with respect to proportion of spruce plantations in plots, although both woodpecker species were extremely rare in plots with >60% spruce plantations. We recommend spruce plantations to be kept at moderate levels to ensure viable populations of woodpeckers in western Norway.  相似文献   
We studied the potential of the humus layer of the Norway spruce stands to supply beneficial rhizobacteria to birch (Betula pendula), alder (Alnus incana) and fescue grass (Festuca rubra), representatives of pioneer vegetation after clear-cutting of the coniferous forest. Axenically grown seedlings of these species were inoculated with the acid spruce humus, pH 3.7-5.3. Actinorhizal propagules, capable of nodulating alder, were present in high density (10(3) g(-1)) in humus of long-term limed plots, whereas plots with nitrogen fertilization contained almost none (相似文献   
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