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The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is a well-known measure of kidney function and is commonly used for the diagnosis and management of patients with chronic kidney disease. The inter-individual variation in eGFR has significant genetic component. However, the identification of underlying genetic susceptibility variants has been challenging. In an attempt to identify and characterize susceptibility genetic variant(s) we previously identified the strongest evidence for linkage of eGFR occurring on chromosome 9q21 in the Mexican American participants of San Antonio Family Heart Study (SAFHS). The objective of the present study was to examine whether the common genetic variants in Neurotrophic Tyrosine Receptor Kinase 2 (NTRK2), a positional candidate gene on 9q21, contribute to variation in eGFR.


Twelve tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the NTRK2 gene region were selected (r2 ≥ 0.80, minor allele frequency of ≥ 0.05) from the Hapmap database. SNPs were genotyped by TaqMan assay in the 848 Mexican American subjects participated in the SAFHS. Association analysis between the genotypes and eGFR (estimated by the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation) were performed by measured genotype approach as implemented in the program SOLAR. Of the 12 common genetic variants examined, the rs1036915 (located in 3′UTR) and rs1187274 (located in intron-14), present in perfect linkage disequilibrium, exhibited an association (P = 0.017) with eGFR after accounting for the effects of age, sex, diabetes, diabetes duration, systolic blood pressure and blood pressure medication. The carriers of minor allele of rs1036915 (G; 38%) had increased eGFR (104 ± 25 ml/min/1.73 m2) in comparison to the carriers of major allele A (98 ± 25 ml/min/1.73 m2).


Together, our results suggest for the first time that the genetic variants in NTRK2 may regulate eGFR.  相似文献   


New strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus that cause diarrhea in humans by seafood ingestion periodically emerge through continuous evolution in the ocean. Influx and expansion in the Southern Chilean ocean of a highly clonal V. parahaemolyticus (serotype O3:K6) population from South East Asia caused one of the largest seafood-related diarrhea outbreaks in the world. Here, genomics analyses of isolates from this rapidly expanding clonal population offered an opportunity to observe the molecular evolutionary changes often obscured in more diverse populations.


Whole genome sequence comparison of eight independent isolates of this population from mussels or clinical cases (from different years) was performed. Differences of 1366 to 217,729 bp genome length and 13 to 164 bp single nucleotide variants (SNVs) were found. Most genomic differences corresponded to the presence of regions unique to only one or two isolates, and were probably acquired by horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Some DNA gain was chromosomal but most was in plasmids. One isolate had a large region (8,644 bp) missing, which was probably caused by excision of a prophage. Genome innovation by the presence of unique DNA, attributable to HGT from related bacteria, varied greatly among the isolates, with values of 1,366 (ten times the number of highest number of SNVs) to 217,729 (a thousand times more than the number of highest number of SNVs).


The evolutionary forces (SNVs, HGT) acting on each isolate of the same population were found to differ to an extent that probably depended on the ecological scenario and life circumstances of each bacterium.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1385-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Although apolipoprotein E (APOE) variants are associated with age-related diseases, the underlying mechanism is unknown and DNA methylation may be a potential one. With methylation data, measured by the Infinium Human Methylation 450 array, from 993 participants (age ranging from 18 to 87 years) in the Genetics of Lipid Lowering Drugs and Diet Network (GOLDN) study, and from Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) consortium, combined with published methylation datasets, we described the methylation pattern of 13 CpG sites within APOE locus, their correlations with gene expression across cell types, and their relationships with age, plasma lipids, and sequence variants. Based on methylation levels and the genetic regions, we categorized the 13 APOE CpG sites into three groups: Group 1 showed hypermethylation (> 50%) and were located in the promoter region, Group 2 exhibited hypomethylation (< 50%) and were located in the first two exons and introns, and Group 3 showed hypermethylation (> 50%) and were located in the exon 4. APOE methylation was negatively correlated with gene expression (minimum = −0.66, = 0.004). APOE methylation was significantly associated with age (minimum = 2.06E-08) and plasma total cholesterol (minimum = 3.53E-03). Finally, APOE methylation patterns differed across APOE ε variants (minimum = 3.51E-05) and the promoter variant rs405509 (minimum = 0.01), which further showed a significant interaction with age (= 0.03). These findings suggest that methylation may be a potential mechanistic explanation for APOE functions related to aging and call for further molecular mechanistic studies.  相似文献   
The role of the G1-phase Cyclin D-CDK 4/6 regulatory module in linking germline stem cell (GSC) proliferation to nutrition is evolutionarily variable. In invertebrate Drosophila and C. elegans GSC models, G1 is nearly absent and Cyclin E is expressed throughout the cell cycle, whereas vertebrate spermatogonial stem cells have a distinct G1 and Cyclin D1 plays an important role in GSC renewal. In the invertebrate, chordate, Oikopleura, where germline nuclei proliferate asynchronously in a syncytium, we show a distinct G1-phase in which 2 Cyclin D variants are co-expressed. Cyclin Dd, present in both somatic endocycling cells and the germline, localized to germline nuclei during G1 before declining at G1/S. Cyclin Db, restricted to the germline, remained cytoplasmic, co-localizing in foci with the Cyclin-dependent Kinase Inhibitor, CKIa. These foci showed a preferential spatial distribution adjacent to syncytial germline nuclei at G1/S. During nutrient-restricted growth arrest, upregulated CKIa accumulated in arrested somatic endoreduplicative nuclei but did not do so in germline nuclei. In the latter context, Cyclin Dd levels gradually decreased. In contrast, the Cyclin Dbβ splice variant, lacking the Rb-interaction domain and phosphodegron, was specifically upregulated and the number of cytoplasmic foci containing this variant increased. This upregulation was dependent on stress response MAPK p38 signaling. We conclude that under favorable conditions, Cyclin Dbβ-CDK6 sequesters CKIa in the cytoplasm to cooperate with Cyclin Dd-CDK6 in promoting germline nuclear proliferation. Under nutrient-restriction, this sequestration function is enhanced to permit continued, though reduced, cycling of the germline during somatic growth arrest.  相似文献   
High-throughput genotyping and sequencing techniques are rapidly and inexpensively providing large amounts of human genetic variation data. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) are an important source of human genome variability and have been implicated in several human diseases, including cancer. Amino acid mutations resulting from non-synonymous SNPs in coding regions may generate protein functional changes that affect cell proliferation. In this study, we developed a machine learning approach to predict cancer-causing missense variants. We present a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier trained on a set of 3163 cancer-causing variants and an equal number of neutral polymorphisms. The method achieve 93% overall accuracy, a correlation coefficient of 0.86, and area under ROC curve of 0.98. When compared with other previously developed algorithms such as SIFT and CHASM our method results in higher prediction accuracy and correlation coefficient in identifying cancer-causing variants.  相似文献   
金鹰 《激光生物学报》2008,17(2):283-286
可变剪接作为真核生物转录后加工机制普遍存在于不同组织、不同发育时期或不同病理状态下的基因表达调控过程中。对同一基因不同剪接变体的研究可使我们更深入的了解发育、进化、疾病发生机理等基本的生物学问题。讨论了一些基于序列比对而建立的可变剪接的理论预测方法,尚存不足之处,有待于进一步完善。  相似文献   
【背景】小菌落变异株(smallcolonyvariant,SCV)是一种具有独特的表型及致病特征且生长缓慢的细菌亚群,而国内鲜有关于食源性沙门菌SCV的研究报道。【目的】为食源性沙门菌的防治及动物性食品安全提供实验数据。【方法】使用氨基糖苷类抗生素对羊源胆汁中分离的沙门菌进行实验室诱导得到SCV,然后分别对野生株和诱导株的菌落形态、生长、生化特性、营养缺陷型检测、运动性、耐药性检测及耐药基因、毒力基因、生物被膜形成能力进行比较和分析。【结果】经卡那霉素诱导获得一株血红素依赖型沙门菌SCV,与野生株相比,诱导株生长缓慢,低于野生株84%,不利用柠檬酸盐,溶血能力增强40%,对磺胺类和氨基糖苷类药物的耐受性增强,生物被膜形成能力减弱45%,运动能力减弱78%。【结论】沙门菌SCV的生长和生理生化特性与野生株相比有显著差异,使得沙门菌SCV的分离鉴定尤为困难;并且SCV的致病性与耐药性等方面的变化可能给沙门菌病的防治带来更大挑战,其机制还有待深入研究。  相似文献   
The native conformation of host-encoded cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) is metastable. As a result of a post-translational event, PrP(C) can convert to the scrapie form (PrP(Sc)), which emerges as the essential constituent of infectious prions. Despite thorough research, the mechanism underlying this conformational transition remains unknown. However, several studies have highlighted the importance of the N-terminal region spanning residues 90-154 in PrP folding. In order to understand why PrP folds into two different conformational states exhibiting distinct secondary and tertiary structure, and to gain insight into the involvement of this particular region in PrP transconformation, we studied the pressure-induced unfolding/ refolding of recombinant Syrian hamster PrP expanding from residues 90-231, and compared it with heat unfolding. By using two intrinsic fluorescent variants of this protein (Y150W and F141W), conformational changes confined to the 132-160 segment were monitored. Multiple conformational states of the Trp variants, characterized by their spectroscopic properties (fluorescence and UV absorbance in the fourth derivative mode), were achieved by tuning the experimental conditions of pressure and temperature. Further insight into unexplored conformational states of the prion protein, likely to mimic the in vivo structural change, was obtained from pressure-assisted cold unfolding. Furthermore, salt-induced conformational changes suggested a structural stabilizing role of Tyr150 and Phe141 residues, slowing down the conversion to a beta-sheet form.  相似文献   
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