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Abstract. 1. Ten Arctic species of Collembola and two species of cryptostigmatic mites survived anoxia at 5 °C over periods ranging from 1 to 36 days. 2. Highly active, surface‐dwelling collembolans such as Isotoma anglicana, Isotoma tschernovi, and Sminthurides malmgreni were the most susceptible to anoxia. Mites and Collembola living deeper in the soil or in wet habitats, such as Camisia anomia and Hypogastrura viatica, were most tolerant. Tolerance, however, appears more closely linked to taxonomic relatedness than to ecological groupings per se, although the two may coincide. 3. Implications for life‐history strategies, including metabolic cold adaptation in its broadest sense, are discussed.  相似文献   
Euchone analis, the type species of its genus, was collected in high densities and in different size classes from Kongsfjorden, west Spitsbergen. This material has provided the basis for an investigation of the size dependence of characters. Almost all characters used in diagnoses were highly variable, especially the number of abdominal chaetigers forming the anal depression and the shape of the depression. The only relatively constant features are the number of chaetigers anterior to the anal depression and the branchial crown‐to‐body length ratio. A branchial skeleton extension of the radiolar appendages of the dorsal lips was found for the first time within Euchone, and this character has been added to the diagnosis of Euchone. Oriopsis liefdefjordensis and small specimens of E. analis agree in all characters, and O. liefdefjordensis is proposed to be a junior synonym of E. analis. Characters found in O. ingelorae are in accordance with those described for Chone, and we propose assigning O. ingelorae to this genus. The significance of ontogenetic character variations in the Sabellidae is discussed.  相似文献   
Species of Prasiolales (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) are among the most common terrestrial and freshwater algae in polar regions. Comprehensive molecular studies of this group are available for Antarctica, but not yet for Arctic regions. We examined the diversity of the Prasiolales in the Svalbard Archipelago combining morphological observations of field-collected material, culture studies, molecular data (plastid rbcL and tufA sequences) and literature records. We confirmed the widespread occurrence of Prasiola crispa and P. fluviatilis, species recorded from Spitsbergen since the 19th century. Molecular phylogenetic analyses led to the discovery of two new genera of Prasiolales. Prasionema payeri is morphologically identical to filamentous stages of P. crispa, but represents an early-diverging lineage in the order. Prasionella wendyae is a colonial alga reproducing by aplanospores; its phylogenetic position is among the basal lineages of the order, but it could not be reliably reconstructed due to weak statistical support. The inclusion of P. wendyae in the prasiolalean phylogeny determined the paraphyly of Rosenvingiella, requiring the establishment of the new genus Rosenvingiellopsis for R. constricta. A poorly known species described from Spitsbergen, Ulothrix discifera, is transferred here to Rosenvingiella. Whereas some species of Prasiolales have bipolar distribution (P. crispa), others appear to be restricted to one or other of the poles. Our results suggest that polar regions are still a major repository of unknown algal diversity and highlight the importance of continued field surveys and the use of molecular data.  相似文献   
Kongsfjorden and Hornsund are two glacial fjords without sills on the West Spitsbergen coast. Both sites are under the influence of relatively warm Atlantic-derived water, although Hornsund is more influenced by cold water from the Barents Sea. In this study, we compared the impacts of cold Arctic and warmer Atlantic waters on the pelagic ecosystems of Kongsfjorden and Hornsund. Both fjords were strongly influenced by Atlantic-derived waters during summer (2002). Diatoms were the most substantial contributors to phytoplankton biomass, especially in outer basins of both fjords, whereas the second most important contributors were autotrophic dinoflagellates in Kongsfjorden and nanoflagellates in Hornsund. Total phytoplankton biomass was highest in Hornsund. Primary production rates were an order of magnitude lower in Kongsfjorden than in Hornsund, and increased from inner to outer fjord (from 2.47 to 4.48 mg C m−2 h−1 in Kongsfjorden and from 14.00 to 86.65 mg C m−2 h−1 in Hornsund). Chlorophyll-a concentration was also substantially lower in Kongsfjorden. Zooplankton was dominated by omnivorous species in Kongsfjorden and herbivorous in Hornsund. Observed differences between the fjords may originate from (1) advection of different waters into the fjords; (2) differences in freshwater runoff and turbidity, and (3) timing of the phytoplankton bloom. Climate warming will likely increase the Atlantic water influence, and result in reduced production of diatoms and increase in flagellates.  相似文献   
Plant growth in the Arctic is strictly dependant on thermal conditions. The purpose of our study is therefore to calculating temperature distributions on the Svalbard archipelago at a relatively high spatial resolution. The model is designed to reflect both the length of the growing season and the temperature sum for a given area (i.e. growing degree-days (GDD)). GDD on Svalbard is defined as the cumulative sum of positive mean daily temperatures in the months of June, July and August. The temperature distribution of GDD for the entire archipelago is calculated from both local and regional information. Local information is derived from data collected in a small area in northwestern Spitsbergen (Kongsfjorden) where a network of 45 thermal sensors recorded air temperatures for five years (2001–2005). A local GDD parameter is computed by a linear combination of elevation, valley depth and NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index). Then this local GDD is applied to the whole of Svalbard (GDD1) and refined stepwise by adding environmental variables such as cloud fraction, land surface temperature, sea surface temperature, distance to the ocean and number of snow-free days. Because the official network of climatological stations on Svalbard is not dense enough and sufficiently well-distributed across the archipelago to enable spatial interpolations for four years only (2011–2014), all outputs are statistically evaluated and adjusted using the values recorded at 9 (2011), 12 (2012) and 13 (2013–2014) meteorological stations (GDDref) and used as a set of evaluation data. The final model (GDDmean), which is the mean of the annual models estimated by regression (GDDest), performs well: the central parts of Spitsbergen, known for its comparatively high temperatures, contrast with the colder northern and eastern parts of the archipelago.  相似文献   
The Svalbard Islands are influenced by warm Atlantic water in the south and west, and cold Arctic water in the east. Ice cover, and hence the location of the highly productive marginal ice zone, varies both intra and interannually. Part of the primary production accumulates on the bottom and is utilized by the benthos. In this study, the annual growth of the cockle Clinocardium ciliatum (Fabricius, 1780) from three sites in Svalbard waters is reported. Moffen, the site in the north (80° 01 N, 13° 48 E) is located in the northernmost areas influenced by Atlantic water. The Storfjorden site (77° 10 N, 20° 09 E) is situated in cold Arctic water masses, and the Bear Island site (74° 50 N, 18° 54 E) is in the Polar front area where Atlantic and Arctic water masses meet. Annual growth of cockles was analysed retrospectively by measuring external growth increments, which gave annual growth records from the 1970s to 1996. Shell height for age for different year classes was highest at the Storfjorden site, and lowest at Bear Island. Periods of high growth occurred at Storfjorden and Bear Island during the 1980s while the beginning of 1990s was characterized by low growth. At Moffen, growth was more variable between single years. Several factors are influencing the growth of C. ciliatum in the Svalbard area and growth cannot be coupled to only one environmental factor like ice cover.  相似文献   
Sipuncula is a relatively species poor and generally rarely investigated phylum; nonetheless, it may play a considerable role in the ecosystem. During this study sipunculan species distribution patterns in four fjords of west Spitsbergen (Kongsfjorden, Hornsund, Isfjorden and van Mijenfjorden) were examined. Material was collected during ten cruises undertaken from 1997 to 2006. A total of 381 samples were taken at 132 stations located in the four fjords and, a total number of 920 sipunculans specimens were found in 114 of those samples. The highest sipunculan species richness was observed in Hornsund (six species), followed by Kongsfjorden and Isfjorden (five species in each fjord). Sipunculan fauna in all fjords was strongly dominated by Golfingia vulgaris (80% of all sipunculan individuals in Kongsfjorden), and Golfingia margaritacea (84% in van Mijenfjorden and 40% in Hornsund) or Nephasoma diaphanes (54% in Isfjorden). Locally, sipunculans were found in high densities (max. 62 ind. 0.1 m−2 and up to 11% of macrobenthic densities) and biomass (max. 110.87 g 0.1 m−2 and up to 80% of total fauna biomass). At such sites, sipunculans may play an important role in bioturbation of sediments and as a food source for higher trophic levels. Sipunculans did not occur within close proximity of the glacier where they might be eliminated due to high sedimentation rate and low amounts of organic matter. Because of their importance in benthic systems, a need to include sipunculans in routine macrobenthic surveys is emphasized.  相似文献   
The arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) is a medium-sized predator of the high Arctic experiencing extreme seasonal fluctuations in food availability, photoperiod and temperature. In this study, the plasma leptin, ghrelin and growth hormone (GH) concentrations of male arctic foxes were determined during a food deprivation period of 13 days and the subsequent recovery in November and May. Leptin, ghrelin and GH were present in arctic fox plasma in amounts comparable to other carnivores. The plasma leptin concentrations did not react to food deprivation unlike in humans and rodents. However, the leptin levels increased during re-feeding as an indicator of increasing energy reserves. The relatively high ghrelin–leptin ratio, decrease in the plasma ghrelin concentration, an increase in the circulating GH concentrations and the observed negative correlation between plasma ghrelin and free fatty acid levels during fasting suggest that these hormones take part in the weight-regulation and energy metabolism of this species by increasing fat utilisation during food deprivation. The results strengthen the hypothesis that the actions of these weight-regulatory hormones are species–specific and depend on seasonality and the life history of the animals.Abbreviations FFA free fatty acid - GH growth hormone - RMR resting metabolic rate Communicated by G. Heldmaier  相似文献   
This article examines the abundance, life history, host‐plant relationships, and overwintering biology of Acyrthosiphon calvulus Ossiannilsson (Homoptera: Aphididae) as a precursor to understanding its rarity and potential response to a changing climate. Acyrthosiphon calvulus is restricted to a few scattered localities on the west coast of Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway, where it reproduces on Salix polaris WG (Salicaceae) and its taxonomically unrelated root parasite Pedicularis hirsuta L. (Scrophulariaceae). Acyrthosiphon calvulus overwinters as eggs. Hatching fundatrices give rise directly to males and oviparae, which mate and lay overwintering eggs. The life cycle is closely synchronized with the phenology of S. polaris and appears genetically programmed, lacking summer generations of viviparae. Alate forms are similarly unknown. The progeny sequence of fundatrices resulted in a sex ratio for the sexuales that is strongly female biased (3:1). Eggs hatch coincided with budburst in early June and fundatrices developed on the expanding leaves. Egg production by oviparae corresponded with leaf senescence in July and August. Overwintering egg survival was high, with supercooling points ranging from ?29 to ?40 °C, lower than the extreme winter minimum temperature recorded (?28 °C). Egg development and hatching occurred at or below 5 °C and sub‐zero temperatures were not required to break diapause. The scarcity and fragmented distribution of A. calvulus is discussed in the context of the ubiquity of its host plants on Spitsbergen.  相似文献   
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