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Spiroplasma kunkelii distribution and infection mechanisms in the intestines and Malpighian tubules of Dalbulus maidis were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Spiroplasmas were found between microvilli and in endocytic vesicles of the midgut epithelium. At the basal part, cytoplasmic vesicles contained multiple spiroplasmas with tube-like extensions and spiroplasmas accumulated between the laminae rara and densa of the basal lamina. Tip structures of flask-shaped spiroplasmas pierced the lamina densa that was discontinuous in close proximity to spiroplasmas. Spiroplasmas were found in hemolymph, crossed the basal lamina of Malpighian tubule epithelium and accumulated at high numbers in muscle cells that had cytopathogenic changes. S. kunkelii had perithrochous approximately 8nm diameter structures determined to be fimbriae protruding from the cell surface, and similar structures were adhering to the basal lamina of midgut epithelium and to external lamina of muscle cells. Further, spiroplasmas had pili-like appendages at one or both cell poles and appeared to conjugate. This is the first time that fimbriae and pili have been observed in a mollicutes.  相似文献   
Citrus decline has become a devastating problem in citrus-growing regions of southern Iran. The affected trees show progressive yellowing of leaves, thinning of the canopy, dieback and total collapse. Despite a number of attempts, the aetiology of the decline has remained uncertain. In the present study, we evaluated the potential association of various biotic and abiotic factors with the decline in the Fars Province of Iran. Biotic agents surveyed included Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, Spiroplasma citri, phytoplasmas, Tylenchulus semipenetrans and root infecting fungi and oomycetes. Abiotic factors studied were soil and water salinity, changes in prevailing temperature and other environmental conditions. In our surveys, Ca. L. asiaticus, either alone or in combination with other factors, had the highest frequency of association (92%) with the decline, followed by S. citri (75%). Ca. L. asiaticus was not detected in any of the non-decline trees examined. Pythium or Phytophthora species and a fungus of theFusarium solani species complex were also isolated from roots of many declining trees. Phytoplasmas were found only in few cases, and populations of citrus nematode were often below the threshold of economic loss. Soil/water salinity were in the suitable range for citrus cultivation in most cases. It is suggested that the decline is initiated by Ca. L. asiaticus infection, which is known to weaken the root system and make it vulnerable to infection by opportunistic soil fungi and oomycetes. S. citri, summer temperatures, low air humidity and overbearing of the trees seem to be other potential factors contributing to the intensity of the disease.  相似文献   
摘要:螺原体(spiroplasma)是基本形态为螺旋形,无细胞壁,具有滤过性,能独立生活的一类原核微生物,是研究生物的运动、代谢及性比生物作用机理的重要模式生物。自从1973年建立了螺原体属(Spiroplasma)以来,已从许多昆虫等节肢动物、植物中分离到大量的螺原体,根据血清学特性目前发现的螺原体被分为34个血清组(包括15个血清亚组),并已确立了37个螺原体种。目前螺原体的分类采用的是多相分类法,主要根据形态学、生理生化、血清学以及系统发育学特性进行分析。螺原体具有丰富的生物多样性,它们与宿主的相互关系包括共生、互生和致病三种。在我国开展螺原体的资源调查和生物多样性研究将有助于充分认识和利用这类重要的生物资源。  相似文献   
Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) is an emerging imaging technology that combines the potential of three-dimensional (3-D) imaging at molecular resolution (<5 nm) with a close-to-life preservation of the specimen. In conjunction with pattern recognition techniques, it enables us to map the molecular landscape inside cells. The application of cryo-ET to intact cells provides novel insights into the structure and the spatial organization of the cytoskeleton in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   
Ultrastructural studies using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), negative-staining transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and thin-sectioning TEM on four species of Spiroplasma, in vitro and/or in vivo, indicated that their helices commonly possess one tapered end (tip structure) and one blunt or round end. These tip structures appeared morphologically different from the rest of the helix, exhibiting an electron-dense conical or rod-shaped core. In thin sections of the midgut of the leafhopper Dalbulus elimatus, the tip structures of Spiroplasma kunkelii in the midgut lumen were mostly aligned between microvilli, perpendicular to the apical plasma membrane of epithelial cells. These tip structures appeared frequently attached or closely apposed to the plasma membrane, in which cup-shaped invaginations close to the tips were observed. Pleomorphic forms of spiroplasma, enclosed in membranous vesicles, were found in the cytoplasm of the midgut epithelial cells. These findings suggest that the tip structure may be involved in the orientation and attachment of spiroplasma helices in relation to their host cells, and thus may be functionally comparable to the attachment organelle of mycoplasmas. Additionally, pili-like structures were observed by negative-staining TEM on the surface of Spiroplasma melliferum, and in thin sections of S. kunkelii infecting the leafhopper vector Dalbulus gelbus. Abbreviations CSS Corn stunt spiroplasma - SEM Scanning electron microscopy - TBS Tris-buffered saline - TEM Transmission electron microscopy  相似文献   
Classification of the cosmopolitan butterfly genus Danaus (Nymphalidae: Danainae) is revised at subgeneric, specific and subspecific levels, combining for the first time mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence information with morphological data. Tree topologies based on the nuclear genome (allozymes, pheromone components, the morphology of all life history stages and nuclear DNA sequences), on the one hand, and mitochondrial DNA, on the other, are incongruent and challenge the current taxonomy of the genus. Although earlier classifications, based on adult morphology alone, are, in general, well supported by an analysis of total evidence, the mitochondrial phylogeny shows that the species D. chrysippus and its subgenus Anosia are deeply paraphyletic. Subspecies dorippus of D. chrysippus is the basal clade of the genus and is reinstated as the species D. dorippus. The former species D. plexaure is demoted to a subspecies of D. eresimus. The specific status of D. erippus, as distinct from D. plexippus, is tentatively supported. On the strength of the new data, division of the monophyletic genus Danaus s.l. into three subgenera Danaus s.s., Salatura and Anosia is unsustainable and is abandoned. Of the 15 terminal clades (taxa) of Danaus s.l. included in the study, 11 are species that broadly conform to the biological species concept. (The West Indian species D. cleophile, missing from our analysis, is the twelfth species). The remaining terminal clades are subspecies of D. chrysippus comb. nov. and D. dorippus stat. rev. Two sympatric Neotropical species, D. eresimus and D. gilippus, are morphologically distinct and sexually isolated but have nearly identical mitochondrial genomes. In contrast, two partially sympatric Palaeotropical species, D. chrysippus and D. dorippus, are cryptic species that share structural morphology and hybridize but have highly differentiated mitochondrial genomes. D. dorippus is polymorphic for two anciently diverged haplotypes and its history has possibly involved recombinational speciation and/or hybridism. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 144 , 191?212.  相似文献   
Maternally transmitted symbionts persist over macroevolutionary timescales by undergoing occasional lateral transfer to new host species. To invade a new species, a symbiont must survive and reproduce in the new host, undergo maternal transmission, and confer a selective benefit sufficient to overcome losses due to imperfect maternal transmission. Drosophila neotestacea is naturally infected with a strain of Spiroplasma that restores fertility to nematode‐parasitized females, which are otherwise sterilized by parasitism. We experimentally transferred Spiroplasma from D. neotestacea to four other species of mycophagous Drosophila that vary in their ability to resist and/or tolerate nematode parasitism. In all four species, Spiroplasma achieved within‐host densities and experienced rates of maternal transmission similar to that in D. neotestacea. Spiroplasma restored fertility to nematode‐parasitized females in one of these novel host species. Based on estimates of maternal transmission fidelity and the expected benefit of Spiroplasma infection in the wild, we conclude that Spiroplasma has the potential to spread and become abundant within Drosophila putrida, which is broadly sympatric with D. neotestacea and in which females are rendered completely sterile by nematode parasitism. Thus, a major adaptation within D. putrida could arise via lateral transmission of a heritable symbiont from D. neotestacea.  相似文献   
S. citri wild-type strain GII3 carries six plasmids (pSci1 to -6) that are thought to encode determinants involved in the transmission of the spiroplasma by its leafhopper vector. In this study we report the use of meganuclease I-SceI for plasmid deletion in S. citri. Plasmids pSci1NT-I and pSci6PT-I, pSci1 and pSci6 derivatives that contain the tetM selection marker and a unique I-SceI recognition site were first introduced into S. citri strains 44 (having no plasmid) and GII3 (carrying pSci1-6), respectively. Due to incompatibility of homologous replication regions, propagation of the S. citri GII3 transformant in selective medium resulted in the replacement of the natural pSci6 by pSci6PT-I. The spiroplasmal transformants were further transformed by an oriC plasmid carrying the I-SceI gene under the control of the spiralin gene promoter. In the S. citri 44 transformant, expression of I-SceI resulted in rapid loss of pSciNT-I showing that expression of I-SceI can be used as a counter-selection tool in spiroplasmas. In the case of the S. citri GII3 transformant carrying pSci6PT-I, expression of I-SceI resulted in the deletion of plasmid fragments comprising the I-SceI site and the tetM marker. Delineating the I-SceI generated deletions proved they had occurred though recombination between homologous sequences. To our knowledge this is the first report of I-SceI mediated intra-molecular recombination in mollicutes.  相似文献   
Maternally transmitted endosymbionts are widespread among insects, but how they are maintained within host populations is largely unknown. Recent discoveries show that some endosymbionts protect their hosts from pathogens or parasites. Spiroplasma, an endosymbiont of Drosophila neotestacea, protects female hosts from the sterilizing effects of parasitism by the nematode Howardula aoronymphium. Here, we show that Spiroplasma spreads rapidly within experimental populations of D. neotestacea subject to Howardula parasitism, but is neither strongly favored nor selected against in the absence of Howardula. In a reciprocal experiment, Howardula declined steadily to extinction in populations of Spiroplasma-infected flies, whereas in populations of uninfected flies, the prevalence of Howardula parasitism increased to c. 100%. Thus, Spiroplasma and Howardula exhibit effectively consumer-resource trophic dynamics. The recent spread of Spiroplasma in natural populations of D. neotestacea coincides with a decline in the prevalence of Howardula parasitism in the wild.  相似文献   
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