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In freshwater streams, flooding is a typical source of natural disturbance that plays a key role in the dynamics of animal populations and communities. However, habitat degradation and fish stocking might increase the severity of its impact. We tested the effects of a flash flood on the abundance of three size classes of headwater dwelling Alpine bullhead, Cottus poecilopus, in the streams of the Carpathian Mountains in the Czech Republic, that are stocked with hatchery‐reared brown trout, Salmo trutta. We showed that the overall abundance of Alpine bullhead was highest at the sites with the least degraded habitat (i.e., natural habitat) and we caught almost no Alpine bullhead at the sites with the most degraded habitat. The flash flood had a strong negative effect on the abundance of the largest individuals of Alpine bullhead. Abundance of small and medium size Alpine bullhead was negatively affected by the abundance of adult stocked brown trout before as well as after the flash flood. However, negative effect of adult brown trout abundance on abundance of large Alpine bullhead was not significant before the flash flood, and it became significant after the flash flood. This could indicate an accumulation of negative impacts of trout stocking and flash flood on this size class. Overall, our results suggest that stocking of hatchery trout and habitat degradation can reinforce the impact of flash floods on the population of Alpine bullhead in the streams of the Carpathian Mountains.  相似文献   
We extend a recently proposed mixed quantum/classical method for computing the vibronic electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectrum of molecules with different conformers, to cases where more than one hindered rotation is present. The method generalizes the standard procedure, based on the simple Boltzmann average of the vibronic spectra of the stable conformers, and includes the contribution of structures that sample all the accessible conformational space. It is applied to the simulation of the ECD spectrum of (S)‐2,2,2‐trifluoroanthrylethanol, a molecule with easily interconvertible conformers, whose spectrum exhibits a pattern of alternating positive and negative vibronic peaks. Results are in very good agreement with experiment and show that spectra averaged over all the sampled conformational space can deviate significantly from the simple average of the contributions of the stable conformers. The present mixed quantum/classical method is able to capture the effect of the nonlinear dependence of the rotatory strength on the molecular structure and of the anharmonic couplings among the modes responsible for molecular flexibility. Despite its computational cost, the procedure is still affordable and promises to be useful in all cases where the ECD shape arises from a subtle balance between vibronic effects and conformational variety.  相似文献   
Naringin is a flavanone that widely presents on daily diet and traditional medicinal materials. The ratios of naringin C‐2 diastereomers are found different in reported samples, thus suspiciously leading to various functions. In this study, we measured the interconversion of C‐2 diastereomers intensively with ultimate high‐performance liquid chromatography and circular dichroism spectra. We examined the diastereomeric naringins in fresh citrus fruit, Huajuhong decoction pieces, and naringin tablet; evaluated the impact of tablet production procedures in factory; and monitored the rapid racemization in incubation. The results not only confirmed that enzyme, temperature, and pH condition could influence the interconversion but also demonstrated that diverse ratios of diastereomers showed limited influence on metabolic behaviors of naringin in the blood, which consequently cause comparable bioactivities. This study could provide comprehensive understanding of diastereomeric interconversion and provide useful reference for drug development.  相似文献   
《Feddes Repertorium》2017,128(3-4):105-128
The eastern coastal area of the Arabian Peninsula is subject to overgrazing, agricultural activities, oil pollution and urban encroachments. These activities cause habitat destruction and may have changed species composition. The current study aimed at assessing conservation and ethnobotanical importance of plants and how they are affected by environmental threats. The natural vegetation composition was studied and the ethnobotanical relative importance (RI ) index and the species conservation index (SCI ) were calculated. The results showed that native plants provide many ecological and socioeconomic services, including the provisioning of food, medicine, and energy. The native species (>77%) were reported to potentially be used for more than 170 therapeutic applications and for curing various human ailments. The medicinal plants (15%) attained RI value >50% reflecting high versatility and importance in local pharmacopeia. The number of threats to species showed significant positive association with SCI index and insignificant positive association with RI index. The study indicated that the current human activities may have negatively impacted provisioning of ecosystem services especially those offered by native plants. The ability of the natural ecosystems to sustainably provide services will be enhanced by adoption of land management practices that restore species and reduce pressure on native plants.  相似文献   
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